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This paper introduces novel vacuum/compression valves (VCVs) utilizing paraffin wax. A VCV is implemented by sealing the venting channel/hole with wax plugs (for normally-closed valve), or to be sealed by wax (for normally-open valve), and is activated by localized heating on the CD surface. We demonstrate that the VCV provides the advantages of avoiding unnecessary heating of the sample/reagents in the diagnostic process, allowing for vacuum sealing of the CD, and clear separation of the paraffin wax from the sample/reagents in the microfluidic process. As a proof of concept, the microfluidic processes of liquid flow switching and liquid metering is demonstrated with the VCV. Results show that the VCV lowers the required spinning frequency to perform the microfluidic processes with high accuracy and ease of control.  相似文献   
Background aimsThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of air-liquid interface on the differentiation potential of human amnion epithelial cells (HAECs) to skin-like substitute in organotypic culture.MethodsHAECs at passage 1–2 were seeded onto a fibrin layer populated with human amnion mesenchymal cells to form the organotypic cultures. The organotypic HAECs were then cultured for 7, 14 and 21 d in two types of culture system: the submerged culture and the air-liquid interface culture. Cell morphogenesis was examined under the light and electron microscopes (transmission and scanning) and analyzed by immunohistochemistry.ResultsOrganotypic HAECs formed a single layer epithelium after 3 wk in submerged as well as air-liquid interface cultures. Ultrastructurally, desmosomes were observed in organotypic HAECs cultured in the air-liquid interface but not in the submerged culture. The presence of desmosomes marked the onset of early epidermal differentiation. Organotypic HAECs were positive against anti-CK18 and anti-CK14 in both the submerged and the air-liquid interface cultures. The co-expression of CK14 and CK18 suggested that differentiation of HAECs into skin may follow the process of embryonic skin development. However, weak expression of CK14 was observed after 2 and 3 wk of culture in air-liquid interface. CK10, involucrin, type IV collagen and laminin-5 expression was absent in organotypic HAECs. This observation reflects the initial process of embryonic epidermal differentiation and stratification.ConclusionsResults from the present study suggest that the air-liquid interface could stimulate early differentiation of organotypic HAECs to epidermal cells, with a potential use for skin regeneration.  相似文献   
Parkinson''s disease (PD) is characterized by degeneration of neurons, particularly dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. PD brains show accumulation of α‐synuclein in Lewy bodies and accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria. However, the mechanisms leading to mitochondrial pathology in sporadic PD are poorly understood. PINK1 is a key for mitophagy activation and recycling of unfit mitochondria. The activation of mitophagy depends on the accumulation of uncleaved PINK1 at the outer mitochondrial membrane and activation of a cascade of protein ubiquitination at the surface of the organelle. We have now found that SIAH3, a member of the SIAH proteins but lacking ubiquitin‐ligase activity, is increased in PD brains and cerebrospinal fluid and in neurons treated with α‐synuclein preformed fibrils (α‐SynPFF). We also observed that SIAH3 is aggregated together with PINK1 in the mitochondria of PD brains. SIAH3 directly interacts with PINK1, leading to their intra‐mitochondrial aggregation in cells and neurons and triggering a cascade of toxicity with PINK1 inactivation along with mitochondrial depolarization and neuronal death. We also found that SIAH1 interacts with PINK1 and promotes ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of PINK1. Similar to the dimerization of SIAH1/SIAH2, SIAH3 interacts with SIAH1, promoting its translocation to mitochondria and preventing its ubiquitin‐ligase activity toward PINK1. Our results support the notion that the increase in SIAH3 and intra‐mitochondrial aggregation of SIAH3‐PINK1 may mediate α‐synuclein pathology by promoting proteotoxicity and preventing the elimination of dysfunctional mitochondria. We consider it possible that PINK1 activity is decreased in sporadic PD, which impedes proper mitochondrial renewal in the disease.  相似文献   
The outbreak of SARS in 2003, MERS in 2012, and now COVID-19 in 2019 has demonstrated that Coronaviruses are capable of causing primary lethal infections in humans, and the pandemic is now a global concern. The COVID-19 belongs to the beta coronavirus family encoding 29 proteins, of which four are structural, the Spike, Membrane, Envelope, and Nucleocapsid proteins. Here we have analyzed and compared the Membrane (M) and Envelope (E) proteins of COVID-19 and MERS with SARS and Bat viruses. The sequence analysis of conserved regions of both E and M proteins revealed that many regions of COVID-19 are similar to Bat and SARS viruses while the MERS virus showed variations. The essential binding motifs found in SARS appeared in COVID-19. Besides, the M protein of COVID-19 showed a distinct serine phosphorylation site in the C-terminal domain, which looked like a catalytic triad seen in serine proteases. A Dileucine motif occurred many times in the sequence of the M protein of all the four viruses compared. Concerning the structural part, the COVID-19 E protein showed more similarity to Bat while MERS shared similarity with the SARS virus. The M protein of both COVID-19 and MERS displayed variations in the structure. The interaction between M and E proteins was also studied to know the additional binding regions. Our study highlights the critical motifs and structural regions to be considered for further research to design better inhibitors for the infection caused by these viruses.  相似文献   
Recent research has proposed a pathway in which sensory neurons expressing the capsaicin activated ion channel TRPV1 are required for histamine-induced itch and subsequent scratching behavior. We examined histamine-induced itch in the African naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) and found that although naked mole-rats display innate scratching behavior, histamine was unable to evoke increased scratching as is observed in most mouse strains. Using calcium imaging, we examined the histamine sensitivity of naked mole-rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons and identified a population of small diameter neurons activated by histamine, the majority of which are also capsaicin-sensitive. This suggested that naked mole-rat sensory neurons are activated by histamine, but that spinal dorsal horn processing of sensory information is not the same as in other rodents. We have previously shown that naked mole-rats naturally lack substance P (SP) in cutaneous C-fibers, but that the neurokinin-1 receptor is expressed in the superficial spinal cord. This led us to investigate if SP deficiency plays a role in the lack of histamine-induced scratching in this species. After intrathecal administration of SP into the spinal cord we observed robust scratching behavior in response to histamine injection. Our data therefore support a model in which TRPV1-expressing sensory neurons are important for histamine-induced itch. In addition, we demonstrate a requirement for active, SP-induced post-synaptic drive to enable histamine sensitive afferents to drive itch-related behavior in the naked mole-rat. These results illustrate that it is altered dorsal horn connectivity of nociceptors that underlies the lack of itch and pain-related behavior in the naked mole-rat.  相似文献   
One of the targets in oil palm genetic engineering programme is the production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and polyhydroxybutyrate-co-valerate (PHBV) in the oil palm leaf tissues. Production of PHB requires the use of phbA (β-ketothiolase type A), phbB (acetoacetyl-CoA reductase) and phbC (PHB synthase) genes of Ralstonia eutropha, whereas bktB (β-ketothiolase type B), phbB, phbC genes of R. eutropha and tdcB (threonine dehydratase) gene of Escherichia coli were used for PHBV production. Each of these genes was fused with a transit peptide (Tp) of oil palm acyl-carrier-protein (ACP) gene, driven by an oil palm leaf-specific promoter (LSP1) to genetically engineer the PHB/PHBV pathway to the plastids of the leaf tissues. In total, four transformation vectors, designated pLSP15 (PHB) and pLSP20 (PHBV), and pLSP13 (PHB) and pLSP23 (PHBV), were constructed for transformation in Arabidopsis thaliana and oil palm, respectively. The phosphinothricin acetyltransferase gene (bar) driven by CaMV35S promoter in pLSP15 and pLSP20, and ubiquitin promoter in pLSP13 and pLSP23 were used as the plant selectable markers. Matrix attachment region of tobacco (RB7MAR) was also included in the vectors to stabilize the transgene expression and to minimize silencing due to positional effect. Restriction digestion, PCR amplification and/or sequencing were carried out to ensure sequence integrity and orientation.  相似文献   
Highly virulent, slow-growing grey (SGG); moderately virulent, fast-growing salmon (FGS); and avirulent/weakly virulent, fast-growing grey (FGG) forms of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides have been described from yam (Dioscorea spp.), but little is known about their chemodiversity or the role of toxins in their pathogenesis. Secondary metabolite profiles in high performance tlc (hptlc) showed that the pathogenic SGG and FGS forms have a chemotype (A or B) that is distinct from the non-pathogenic FGG form (chemotype C). Crude extracts of 35-d-old Czapek-Dox yeast broth cultures of FGS and SGG isolates caused tissue necrosis on treated yam leaves but not those of FGG isolates. Extracts from uninoculated broth cultures showed no phytotoxic activity. Toxicity of the culture filtrate was not host specific and toxic substances were thermostable. Dioscorea genotypes with varying levels of resistance to anthracnose differed in their sensitivity to crude toxin extract of FGS (Cg33) and SGG (Cg25) isolates, indicating that these extracts may be useful in evaluating host resistance to anthracnose in vitro. Analysis of two toxin fractions unique to the pathogenic FGS and SGG forms using hlpc, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance suggested the presence of a low molecular weight amide peptide. However, possibly due to low yield and the presence of impurities, the chemical structure of the compound(s) could not be fully elucidated.  相似文献   


On May 26, 2009, the first confirmed case of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus (pH1N1) infection in Hunter New England (HNE), New South Wales (NSW), Australia (population 866,000) was identified. We used local surveillance data to estimate pH1N1-associated disease burden during the first wave of pH1N1 circulation in HNE.


Surveillance was established during June 1-August 30, 2009, for: 1) laboratory detection of pH1N1 at HNE and NSW laboratories, 2) pH1N1 community influenza-like illness (ILI) using an internet survey of HNE residents, and 3) pH1N1-associated hospitalizations and deaths using respiratory illness International Classification of Diseases 10 codes at 35 HNE hospitals and mandatory reporting of confirmed pH1N1-associated hospitalizations and deaths to the public health service. The proportion of pH1N1 positive specimens was applied to estimates of ILI, hospitalizations, and deaths to estimate disease burden.


Of 34,177 specimens tested at NSW laboratories, 4,094 (12%) were pH1N1 positive. Of 1,881 specimens from patients evaluated in emergency departments and/or hospitalized, 524 (26%) were pH1N1 positive. The estimated number of persons with pH1N1-associated ILI in the HNE region was 53,383 (range 37,828–70,597) suggesting a 6.2% attack rate (range 4.4–8.2%). An estimated 509 pH1N1-associated hospitalizations (range 388–630) occurred (reported: 184), and up to 10 pH1N1-associated deaths (range 8–13) occurred (reported: 5). The estimated case hospitalization ratio was 1% and case fatality ratio was 0.02%.


The first wave of pH1N1 activity in HNE resulted in symptomatic infection in a small proportion of the population, and the number of HNE pH1N1-associated hospitalizations and deaths is likely higher than officially reported.  相似文献   


The objective of this trial was to determine the effectiveness of 1.0% C31G (SAVVY) in preventing male-to-female vaginal transmission of HIV infection among women at high risk.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This was a Phase 3, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Participants made up to 12 monthly follow-up visits for HIV testing, adverse event reporting, and study product supply. The study was conducted between September 2004 and December 2006 in Lagos and Ibadan, Nigeria, where we enrolled 2153 HIV-negative women at high risk of HIV infection. Participants were randomized 1∶1 to SAVVY or placebo. The effectiveness endpoint was incidence of HIV infection as indicated by detection of HIV antibodies in oral mucosal transudate (rapid test) or blood (ELISA), and confirmed by Western blot or PCR testing. We observed 33 seroconversions (21 in the SAVVY group, 12 in the placebo group). The Kaplan-Meier estimates of the cumulative probability of HIV infection at 12 months were 0.028 in the SAVVY group and 0.015 in the placebo group (2-sided p-value for the log-rank test of treatment effect 0.121). The point estimate of the hazard ratio was 1.7 for SAVVY versus placebo (95% confidence interval 0.9, 3.5). Because of lower-than-expected HIV incidence, we did not observe the required number of HIV infections (66) for adequate power to detect an effect of SAVVY. Follow-up frequencies of adverse events, reproductive tract adverse events, abnormal pelvic examination findings, chlamydial infections and vaginal infections were similar in the study arms. No serious adverse event was attributable to SAVVY use.


SAVVY did not reduce the incidence of HIV infection. Although the hazard ratio was higher in the SAVVY than the placebo group, we cannot conclude that there was a harmful treatment effect of SAVVY.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00130078  相似文献   
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