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The notion that the immune system regulates cancer development is now well established. An overwhelming amount of data from animal models, together with compelling data from human patients, indicate that the immune system is instrumental in scanning and irradicating tumors. Analysis of individuals with congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies or patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy has documented a highly elevated incidence of virally induced malignancies and cancers compared with immunocompetent individuals [1-3]. During the last decade, thanks to the breakthoughts in understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for immune activation, the tumor antigen identification, the dendritic cell biology, the immunogenecity of tumors, the immune escape mechanisms, the host-tumor relationship, we are facing a new area of tumor immunotherapy. The basic advances were translated in therapeutical applications and have changed the view of immunotherapy from "a dream scenario" to a clinical fourth modality to cancer treatments. Multiple cancer trials using active immunization with vaccines or adoptive immunotherapy have been conducted with only very limited success. There are still a number of issues that still need to be resolved including a better understanding of immune escape mechanisms. Cancer vaccines continue to be evaluated and may lead to the emergence of clinically useful new treatments. A comprehensive approach to define the intricate molecular program initiated by tumor cells to resist to escape and the immune system of the host may help in breaking down the barriers to a more adapted cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   
Cannibalism and the effects of host plant, sex, time and food resources on its expression were studied for the zoophagous mirid Macrolophus pygmaeus Wagner (Hemiptera: Miridae). Cannibalistic behaviour was studied by offering 5 conspecific larvae (first instar) to newly emerging adults. Four treatments were studied: without water, with water only, with a host plant (tobacco) and with both a host plant and prey (eggs of Ephestia kuehniella). Cannibalism was observed in all treatments. In the “host plant + eggs of E. kuehniella” treatment, very few individuals displayed cannibalistic behaviour. The proportion of cannibalism was only reduced when eggs of E. kuehniella were offered. Water (free or via a host plant) was very important for both survival and feeding. The cannibalistic behaviour of M. pygmaeus should be taken into account when planning a release strategy in the context of biological control.  相似文献   
The effect of the combined use of Encarsia formosa or Macrolophus caliginosus and one of three marketed mycoinsecticides, Mycotal® (Leucanicillium muscarium-based), Naturalis-L™ (Beauveria bassiana-based) and PreFeRal® (Isaria fumosorosea-based), on the control of the whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, was studied under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The results of both types of tests, the bioassays and the greenhouse trials, for all combinations of E. Formosa with each of the three mycoinsecticides showed that the total mortality of larval populations of T. vaporariorum was not affected. The mortality of T. vaporariorum larvae treated in the second instar revealed the capacity for both B. bassiana- and L. muscarium-based formulations and E. formosa to kill the host either separately or in association. Because of its higher pathogenic activity (under our test conditions), L. muscarium provoked a large proportion of mycoses in larvae exposed to parasitization. In contrast, the efficacy of parasitization was higher in larvae treated with B. bassiana and exposed to E. formosa because of a lower pathogenic activity of the fungus. Bioassays carried out with third-instar larvae of T. vaporariorum showed a low susceptibility to both tested fungi. Consequently, mortalities recorded in larvae subjected to the combined treatments by consecutive exposures or at 2-4 days post-parasitization were mainly caused by the development of the parasitoid. Greenhouse trials showed that fungus-induced mortality of T. vaporariorum in plants treated with L. muscarium, I. fumosorosea, and B. Bassiana was significant compare to control. L. muscarium, B. bassiana and I. fumosorosea killed young whitefly larvae and limited parasitization to 10% or less. Second-instar larvae of M. caliginosus were not susceptible to L. muscarium and B. bassiana formulations with any mode of contamination: direct spraying of larvae, spraying on the foliar substrate or by contaminated T. vaporariorum prey. In greenhouse trials, M. caliginosus populations treated with fungi were not significantly affected compared to controls.  相似文献   
In the present study, the abattoir digestate was used as a culture medium for Spongiochloris sp. growth with added mineral components under optimized conditions in batch culture. Firstly, an Hadamard matrix was used to investigate the impact of certain influencing factors on the Spongiochloris sp. growth. Then, a fractional factorial design 27-4 was successfully employed to optimize the concentration of different added components to abattoir digestate for increased Spongiochloris sp. biomass production. The major influencing factors were NaHCO3 and FeSO4 at a level of 2000 mg/L and 5 mg/L, respectively. A high biomass production of 5.29 × 106 cell/mL and an important content of chlorophyll a of 65.32 mg/L were obtained after 42 days of culture of Spongiochloris sp. on the defined abattoir medium at static conditions.  相似文献   
The intraspecific variability of Artemisia herba‐alba and A. campestris essential oils and the evaluation of their antioxidant and antiacetylcholinesterase activities were determined. Artemisia herba‐alba essential oil was found rich in camphor (19.61%), α‐thujone (19.40%), β‐thujone (9.44%), chrysanthenone (9.26%), and trans‐sabinyl acetate (8.43%). The major compounds of A. campestris essential oil were germacrene D (16.38%), β‐pinene (16.33%), and limonene (9.17%). Significant variation in the essential oil composition was observed among populations of each species. The divergence between populations was attributed to the variation of some climatic factors such as altitude, annual rainfall, winter cold stress, summer precipitation, summer drought stress, evapotranspiration, and humidity. Artemisia herba‐alba and A. campestris essential oils exhibited promising antioxidant and antiacetylcholinesterase activities. The level of activity varied significantly according to the species and the essential oil. The highest scavenging activity (IC50 = 0.14 mg/ml) and the uppermost capacity to prevent β‐carotene bleaching (IC50 = 0.10 mg/ml) characterized A. campestris from population 6. A. campestris population 3 possessed the uppermost ability to reduce ferric ions (450.7 μmol Fe2+/g EO). The population 2 of A. campestris showed the strongest antiacetylcholinesterase activity (IC50 = 0.02 mg/ml). The variation of these activities between the essential oils was explained by their composition differences.  相似文献   
A major barrier to successful pancreatic cancer (PC) treatment is the surrounding stroma, which secretes growth factors/cytokines that promote PC progression. Wnt and tenascin C (TnC) are key ligands secreted by stromal pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) that then act on PC cells in a paracrine manner to activate the oncogenic β-catenin and YAP/TAZ signaling pathways. Therefore, therapies targeting oncogenic Wnt/TnC cross talk between PC cells and PSCs constitute a promising new therapeutic approach for PC treatment. The metastasis suppressor N-myc downstream-regulated gene-1 (NDRG1) inhibits tumor progression and metastasis in numerous cancers, including PC. We demonstrate herein that targeting NDRG1 using the clinically trialed anticancer agent di-2-pyridylketone-4-cyclohexyl-4-methyl-3-thiosemicarbazone (DpC) inhibited Wnt/TnC-mediated interactions between PC cells and the surrounding PSCs. Mechanistically, NDRG1 and DpC markedly inhibit secretion of Wnt3a and TnC by PSCs, while also attenuating Wnt/β-catenin and YAP/TAZ activation and downstream signaling in PC cells. This antioncogenic activity was mediated by direct inhibition of β-catenin and YAP/TAZ nuclear localization and by increasing the Wnt inhibitor, DKK1. Expression of NDRG1 also inhibited transforming growth factor (TGF)-β secretion by PC cells, a key mechanism by which PC cells activate PSCs. Using an in vivo orthotopic PC mouse model, we show DpC downregulated β-catenin, TnC, and YAP/TAZ, while potently increasing NDRG1 expression in PC tumors. We conclude that NDRG1 and DpC inhibit Wnt/TnC-mediated interactions between PC cells and PSCs. These results further illuminate the antioncogenic mechanism of NDRG1 and the potential of targeting this metastasis suppressor to overcome the oncogenic effects of the PC-PSC interaction.  相似文献   
To identify reliable reference genes for toxicological studies, 16 commonly-used reference genes were selected as candidates to evaluate their expression stabilities under experimental conditions in Caenorhabditis elegans. Sixteen candidates were composed of 12 protein-coding genes and 4 non-coding RNAs, they were act-2, ama-1, arp-6, cdc-42, csq-1, eif-3.C, idhg-1, mdh, pmp-3, rbd-1, tba-1, Y45F10D.4, 18S rRNA, Ce234, U18, and U6. Larval stage 1 synchronized hermaphrodites were exposed to benzo-α-pyrene (BαP), chlorpyrifos, diazinon, gossypol, zinc oxide nanoparticles, and the vehicle control DMSO for 30 h, respectively. Expression stabilities of candidate genes were analyzed using 4 independent evaluating approaches (BestKeeper, the delta Ct approach, geNorm, and NormFinder) followed by a comprehensive method. Results showed that there were slight differences in ranking order between evaluation methods due to their different assumptions and computations. The results also showed that responses of candidate genes to different chemicals were distinct, 18S rRNA was the best for BαP and chlorpyrifos, tba-1 was the most stable gene for diazinon and gossypol treatments, while pmp-3 was more stable for zinc oxide exposure. Additionally, results demonstrated that combinations of multiple genes were more reliable than individual gene, suggesting selecting two or more candidates as reference genes may generate more reliable results for toxicological studies.  相似文献   


This study takes an in depth look at embryonic development, implantation, pregnancy and live birth rates with frozen epididymal and testicular sperm from obstructed (OA) and non-obstructed (NOA) patients.  相似文献   
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