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Summary Leaves from many misletoe species in Australia strongly resemble those of their hosts. This cryptic mimicry has been hypothesized to be a means of reducing the likelihood of mistletoe herbivory by vertebrates. Leaf Kjeldahl nitrogen contents (a measure of reduced nitrogen and thus amines, amino acids and protein levels) of mistletoes and their hosts were measured on 48 mimetic and nonmimetic host-parasite pairs to evaluate hypotheses concerning the significance of crysis versus noncrypsis. The hypothesis that mistletoes mimicking host leaves should have higher leaf nitrogen levels than their hosts is supported; they may be gaining a selective advantage through crypsis (reduced herbivory). The second hypothesis that mistletoes which do not mimic their hosts should have lower leaf nitrogen levels than their hosts is also supported; they may be gaining a selective advantage through noncrypsis (reduced herbivory resulting from visual advertisement of their reduced nutritional status).  相似文献   
Various factors affect the CO2 compensation point of detached leaves of Lolium perenne L. These include oxygen concentration, temperature, leaf age, and season (spring and summer). Analysis of the results using the model of G.D. Farquhar, S. von Caemmerer and J.A. Berry (1980) Planta 149, 78–90, indicates that some of the CO2 evolved by leaves in the light is derived from sources other than photorespiration. It is suggested that the operation of the tricarboxylic acid in the light can account for most of this CO2.Azcón-Bieto—experimental work was done in Barcelona, the further analyses white at the A.N.U.  相似文献   
Secretory granules have been seen within components of the Golgi bodies of rat pituitary acidophils and mouse pancreatic acinar cells. The fact that secretory granules are much more frequently encountered within Golgi components under conditions of increased secretory activity suggests that granule formation may occur within the Golgi apparatus in these two types of cells.  相似文献   
Temperature-dependent feedback inhibition of photosynthesis in peanut   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Arachis hypogaea L. is a tropical crop that is slow-growing at temperatures below 25°C. Unadapted CO2-assimilation rate (A) showed insufficient variation between 15 and 30°C in the short term (hours) to explain this marked reduction in growth. However, at longer periods (12 d), A was depressed as were growth rate and leafproduction rate. To examine the possible relationship between growth, A and sink demand plants were transferred from 30°C, which is near the optimum for growth, to a suboptimal temperature (19°C). In the first 2 d of cooling, A decreased by 50–70%, the stomata stayed open, and the intercellular CO2 concentration (ci) rose, i.e. the decrease in A of the cooled plants was the result of non-stomatal factors. Changes in dark respiration did not account for the decline in A.Clear evidence was obtained of sink control of A by independently manipulating the temperature of different leaves on the plant. Cooling (to 19°C) most of the plant (the sink) led to a 70% decline in A of the remaining leaves at 30°C after 3 d, whereas the converse treatments (30°C sink, 19°C source) resulted in small changes (17%). In plants at 19°C which were exposed to low CO2 concentration to prevent photosynthesis, A was not reduced when measured at normal CO2 concentrations, indicating that carbohydrate accumulation was responsible for the decline in A. Dry-matter build-up at suboptimal temperature was also consistent with end-product inhibition of photosynthesis.Abbreviations and symbols A (mol·m-2·s-1) rate of net CO2 assimilation - Ci (l·l-1) substomatal CO2 concentration - DW (g) dry weight - g (mol·m-2·s-1) stomatal conductance to diffusion of water vapour - PFD (mol·m-2·s-1) photon flux density  相似文献   
The glomerular epithelial polyanion is a specialized cell surface component found on renal glomerular epithelial cells (podocytes) that is rich in sialoprotein(s), as detected by staining with cationic dyes (colloidal iron, alcian blue) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). We have isolated rat glomeruli and analyzed their protein composition by SDS PAGE in 5-10% gradient gels. When the gels were stained with alcian blue or "Stains All," a single band with an apparent Mr of 140,000 was detected that also stained very prominently with silver, but not with Coomassie Blue. This band predominated in fluorograms of gels of isolated glomeruli that had been labeled in their sialic acid residues by periodate-[3H]borohydride. In lectin overlays, the 140-kilodalton (kd) band was virtually the only one that bound [125I]wheat germ agglutinin, and this binding could be prevented by predigestion with neuraminidase. [125I]Peanut lectin bound exclusively to the 140-kd band after neuraminidase treatment. An antibody was prepared that specifically recognizes only the 140-kd band by immunoprecipitation and immuneoverlay. By immunoperoxidase and immunogold techniques, it was localized to the surface coat of the glomerular epithelium and, less extensively, to that of endothelial cells. When analyzed (after electroelution from preparative SDS gels), the 140-kd band was found to contain approximately 20% hexose and approximately 4.5% sialic acid. These findings indicate that the 140-kd protein is the major sialoprotein of the glomerulus, and it is the only component of glomerular lysates with an affinity for cationic dyes and lectins identical to that defined histochemically for the epithelial polyanion in situ. Since this molecule is a major component of the cell coat or glycocalyx of the podocytes, we have called it "podocalyxin."  相似文献   
We present a combined three‐dimensional (3‐D) model of light propagation, CO2 diffusion and photosynthesis in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) leaves. The model incorporates a geometrical representation of the actual leaf microstructure that we obtained with synchrotron radiation X‐ray laminography, and was evaluated using measurements of gas exchange and leaf optical properties. The combination of the 3‐D microstructure of leaf tissue and chloroplast movement induced by changes in light intensity affects the simulated CO2 transport within the leaf. The model predicts extensive reassimilation of CO2 produced by respiration and photorespiration. Simulations also suggest that carbonic anhydrase could enhance photosynthesis at low CO2 levels but had little impact on photosynthesis at high CO2 levels. The model confirms that scaling of photosynthetic capacity with absorbed light would improve efficiency of CO2 fixation in the leaf, especially at low light intensity.  相似文献   
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