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Knowledge of spawning behaviour and fecundity of fish is important for estimating the reproductive potential of a stock and for constructing appropriate statistical models for assessing sustainable catch levels. Estimates of length-based reproductive parameters are particularly important for determining potential annual fecundity as a function of fish size, but they are often difficult to estimate reliably. Here we provide new information on the reproductive dynamics of southern bluefin tuna (SBT) Thunnus maccoyii through the analysis of fish size and ovary histology collected on the spawning ground in 1993–1995 and 1999–2002. These are used to refine previous parameter estimates of spawning dynamics and investigate size related trends in these parameters. Our results suggest that the small SBT tend to arrive on the spawning ground slightly later and depart earlier in the spawning season relative to large fish. All females were mature and the majority were classed as spawning capable (actively spawning or non-spawning) with a very small proportion classed as regressing. The fraction of females spawning per day decreased with fish size, but once females start a spawning episode, they spawned daily irrespective of size. Mean batch fecundity was estimated directly at 6.5 million oocytes. Analysis of ovary histology and ovary weight data indicated that relative batch fecundity, and the duration of spawning and non-spawning episodes, increased with fish size. These reproductive parameter estimates could be used with estimates of residency time on the spawning ground as a function of fish size (if known) and demographic data for the spawning population to provide a time series of relative annual fecundity for SBT.  相似文献   
Human runners adjust the stiffness of their stance leg to accommodate surface stiffness during steady state running. This adjustment allows runners to maintain similar center of mass movement (e.g., ground contact time and stride frequency) regardless of surface stiffness. When runners encounter abrupt transitions in the running surface, they must either make a rapid adjustment or allow the change in the surface stiffness to disrupt their running mechanics. Our goal was to determine how quickly runners adjust leg stiffness when they encounter an abrupt but expected change in surface stiffness that they have encountered previously. Six human subjects ran at 3 m s(-1) on a rubber track with two types of rubber surfaces: a compliant "soft" surface (ksurf = 21.3 kN m(-1) and a non-compliant "hard" surface (ksurf = 533 kN m(-1). We found that runners completely adjusted leg stiffness for their first step on the new surface after the transition. For example, runners decreased leg stiffness by 29% between the last step on the soft surface and the first step on the hard surface (from 10.7 kN m(-1) to 7.6 kN m(-1), respectively). As a result, the vertical displacement of the center of mass during stance ( approximately 7 cm) did not change at the transition despite a reduction in surface compression from 6 cm to less than 0.25 cm. By rapidly adjusting leg stiffness, each runner made a smooth transition between surfaces so that the path of the center of mass was unaffected by the change in surface stiffness.  相似文献   
Fus3p and Kss1p act at the end of a conserved signaling cascade that mediates numerous cellular responses for mating. To determine the role of Fus3p in different outputs, we isolated and characterized a series of partial-function fus3 point mutants for their ability to phosphorylate a substrate (Ste7p), activate Ste12p, undergo G1 arrest, form shmoos, select partners, mate, and recover. All the mutations lie in residues that are conserved among MAP kinases and are predicted to affect either enzyme activity or binding to Ste7p or substrates. The data argue that Fus3p regulates the various outputs assayed through the phosphorylation of multiple substrates. Different levels of Fus3p function are required for individual outputs, with the most function required for shmoo formation, the terminal output. The ability of Fus3p to promote shmoo formation strongly correlates with its ability to promote G1 arrest, suggesting that the two events are coupled. Fus3p promotes recovery through a mechanism that is distinct from its ability to promote G1 arrest and may involve a mechanism that does not require kinase activity. Moreover, catalytically inactive Fus3p inhibits the ability of active Fus3p to activate Ste12p and hastens recovery without blocking G1 arrest or shmoo formation. These results raise the possibility that in the absence of sustained activation of Fus3p, catalytically inactive Fus3p blocks further differentiation by restoring mitotic growth. Finally, suppression analysis argues that Kss1p contributes to the overall pheromone response in a wild-type strain, but that Fus3p is the critical kinase for all of the outputs tested.  相似文献   
Only the metopic suture normally fuses during early childhood; all other cranial sutures normally fuse much later in life. Despite this, metopic synostosis is one of the least common forms of craniosynostosis. The temporal sequence of normal physiologic metopic suture fusion remains undefined and controversial. Therefore, diagnosis of metopic synostosis on the basis of computed tomography images alone can prove misleading. The present study sought to determine the normal sequence of metopic suture fusion and characterize both endocranial and ectocranial suture morphology. An analysis of computed tomography scans of 76 trauma patients, ranging in age from 10 days to 18 months, provided normative craniofacial data that could be compared to similar data obtained from the preoperative computed tomography scans of 30 patients who had undergone surgical treatment for metopic synostosis. Metopic suture fusion was complete by 6 to 8 months in all nonsynostotic patients, with initiation of suture fusion evident as early as 3 months of age. Fusion was found to commence at the nasion, proceed superiorly in progressive fashion, and conclude at the anterior fontanelle. Although an endocranial ridge was not commonly seen in synostotic patients, an endocranial metopic notch was virtually diagnostic of premature suture fusion and was seen in 93 percent of synostotic patients. A metopic notch was not seen in any nonsynostotic patient. The morphologic and normative craniofacial data presented permit diagnosis of metopic synostosis based on computed tomography images obtained beyond the normal fusion period.  相似文献   
Pharmacokinetics and tissue residues of Telazol in free-ranging polar bears   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A pharmacokinetic and tissue residue study was conducted to assess the risks associated with human consumption of polar bears in arctic Canada that have been exposed to the immobilizing drug Telazol, a mixture of tiletamine hydrochloride and zolazepam hydrochloride. Twenty-two bears were remotely injected with about 10 mg/kg of Telazol. Following immobilization, serum samples were collected serially at regular intervals until the bears awakened. Sixteen of the bears were relocated and killed under permit by local hunters at various times from 0.5 to 11 days after dosing. Serum, kidney, muscle and adipose tissue samples were collected immediately after death. All samples were stored at -70 C until analysis by HPLC. The concentration-time data of tiletamine and zolazepam in serum during the immobilization period were fitted to curves by computer and the pharmacokinetic parameters assessed. In addition, the serum and tissue samples collected at the time of death were analyzed for both parent drugs, for one metabolite of tiletamine (CI-398), and for three metabolites of zolazepam (metabolites 1, 2 and 4). A one-compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination best fit the time-series data for the drugs in serum during the immobilization period. This model gave half-lives (mean +/- SE) for tiletamine and zolazepam of 1.8+/-0.2 h and 1.2+/-0.08 h, respectively, clearance values of 2.1+/-0.3 l x h(-1) x kg(-1) and 1.1+/-0.1 l x h(-1) x kg(-1), and volumes of distribution of 5.2+/-0.6 l/kg and 1.8+/-0.2 l/kg. The concentrations of both drugs and their metabolites declined rapidly to trace levels by 24 h post-dosing, although extremely low concentrations of some metabolites were encountered sporadically over the entire sampling period. In particular, zolazepam metabolite 2, remained detectable in fat and muscle tissue at the end of the study, 11 days after dosing. It was concluded that during immobilization, both tiletamine and zolazepam levels decline rapidly in a monoexponential fashion, and their pharmacokinetic parameters in polar bears are similar to those observed in other species. Tissue levels of the drugs and their metabolites declined sufficiently rapidly that individuals eating meat from exposed bears would be unlikely to experience pharmacological effects from the drugs. Nevertheless, slight exposure to the drugs and/or their metabolites might be possible for an indeterminate time after dosing.  相似文献   
Efficient gene transfer to airway epithelium using recombinant Sendai virus   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Clinical studies of gene therapy for cystic fibrosis (CF) suggest that the key problem is the efficiency of gene transfer to the airway epithelium. The availability of relevant vector receptors, the transient contact time between vector and epithelium, and the barrier function of airway mucus contribute significantly to this problem. We have recently developed recombinant Sendai virus (SeV) as a new gene transfer agent. Here we show that SeV produces efficient transfection throughout the respiratory tract of both mice and ferrets in vivo, as well as in freshly obtained human nasal epithelial cells in vitro. Gene transfer efficiency was several log orders greater than with cationic liposomes or adenovirus. Even very brief contact time was sufficient to produce this effect, and levels of expression were not significantly reduced by airway mucus. Our investigations suggest that SeV may provide a useful new vector for airway gene transfer.  相似文献   
The SEM was used to study the development of respiratory structures in successive stages in relation to the overall changes occurring in the scorpions. Book lung development is a slow process, starting with spiracles and a sac‐like atrium in the early embryo and continuing lamellar formation to 150 or more in the adult. In the embryo, the primordial epithelial cells become aligned in a planar pattern as they secrete granules of material that aggregate spontaneously to form the cuticular walls of the lamellae. A blade‐like structure is formed consisting of cells sandwiched within the two cuticle walls they secreted. These cells are in the primordial air channel. The adjacent hemolymph channel is nearly devoid of cells, but cross‐bridges develop and help stabilize the cuticle walls and maintain the width of the channel. The cells in the primordial air channel undergo cytolysis, leaving it open for air except for cuticular cross‐bridges. Development continues in the newborn (first instars); the air channels of some lamellae still contain cells and are not yet functional for gas exchange. The first instars are weak and relatively inactive. They climb up on the mother's dorsum until the first molt (about 8 days). With the cuticular walls of the lamellae in place, cells adhering to the wall in the hemolymph channel produce a thin, new tissue layer (epithelium) on the lamellar wall facing the hemolymph channel. This layer has many discontinuities as though it is slowly developing. Formation of the tissue layer and cytolysis of the cells in the air channels continue through the first molt in which little book lung cuticle is shed as exuvium. The air channels of the second instars (foraging nymphs) are now cell free and open for air passage except for the cross‐bridges. The tissue layer is still incomplete and continues to be formed. It may provide the hypodermal primordium for cuticle replacement in later molts, but development was not studied beyond the second instar except for comparison with book lungs in the adult. The blade‐like lamellae in the adult are larger and more numerous than in the second instar, but in the anterior book lung the shape of the cuticle wall and cross‐bridges and the widths of the air and hemolymph channels are about the same as in the second instar. The air channels in the posterior part of the lamellae have distinctive, vein‐like space‐holders. The similarity of the adult anterior lamellae with those in the second instar suggests retention of this part through the 4–5 molts to maturation, and/or cell processes like those in the embryo are repeated, but this needs to be examined in further studies of cell and cuticle changes before and during the molts. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Cashew apple is a tropical pseudofruit consumed as juice due to its excellent nutritional and sensory properties. In spite of being well known for its important antioxidant properties, the cashew apple has not been thoroughly investigated for its therapeutic potential. Thereby, this study evaluated the antioxidant capacity, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing activities of cashew apple juice. Juices from ripe and immature cashew apples were analyzed for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties. Those were evaluated in murine models of xylene-induced ear edema and wound excision. Swiss mice were treated with cashew juice by gavage. Edema thickness was measured and skin lesions were analyzed by planimetry and histology. Both antioxidant content and total antioxidant activity were higher in ripe cashew apple juice (RCAJ) than in unripe cashew apple juice (UNCAJ). The UNCAJ presented the main anti-inflammatory activity by a significant inhibition of ear edema (66.5%) when compared to RCAJ (10%). Moreover, UNCAJ also showed the best result for wound contraction (86.31%) compared to RCAJ (67.54%). Despite of higher antioxidant capacity, RCAJ did not promote better anti-inflammatory, and healing responses, which may be explained by the fact that treatment increased antioxidants level leading to a redox “imbalance” turning down the inflammatory response modulation exerted by reactive oxygen species (ROS). The results suggest that UNCAJ presents a greater therapeutic activity due to a synergistic effect of its phytochemical components, which improve the immunological mechanisms as well as an optimal balance between ROS and antioxidants leading to a better wound healing process.  相似文献   
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