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The biliary excretion of the four isomers of bilirubin-IX was studied in Wistar rats (JJ) and homozygous Gunn rats (jj). Synthetic preparations of 14C-labelled pigments were used. 1. After intravenous administration, the alpha-isomer was rapidly excreted in conjugated form in bile of Wistar rats. In Gunn rats excretion was insignificant. In contrast, both rat species promptly excreted the non-alpha-isomers at rates that were comparable with that found for bilirubin-IXalpha in Wistar rats. 2. In normal rats about 16% of the beta- and delta-isomers and at least 50% of the gamma-isomer were excreted as ester conjugates of the injected parent bile pigments. Conjugation of the beta- and delta-isomers had occurred exclusively at the carboxyl groups of pyrrole ring D and C respectively. For bilirubin-IXgamma no preference for any carboxyl group could be established. 3. In homozygous Gunn rats the non-alpha-isomers were apparently excreted chemically unaltered. This suggests that, as for bilirubin-IXalpha, conjugation of the non-alpha-isomers is also deficient in Gunn rats.  相似文献   
Here we report on the related TBC/RabGAPs EPI64A and EPI64B and show that they function to organize the apical aspect of epithelial cells. EPI64A binds the scaffolding protein EBP50/NHERF1, which itself binds active ezrin in epithelial cell microvilli. Epithelial cells additionally express EPI64B that also localizes to microvilli. However, EPI64B does not bind EBP50 and both proteins are shown to have a microvillar localization domain that spans the RabGAP domains. CRISPR/Cas9 was used to inactivate expression of each protein individually or both in Jeg-3 and Caco2 cells. In Jeg-3 cells, loss of EPI64B resulted in a reduction of apical microvilli, and a further reduction was seen in the double knockout, mostly likely due to misregulation of Rab8 and Rab35. In addition, apical junctions were partially disrupted in cells lacking EPI64A and accentuated in the double knockout. In Caco2 loss of EPI64B resulted in wavy junctions, whereas loss of both EPI64A and EPI64B had a severe phenotype often resulting in cells with a stellate apical morphology. In the knockout cells, the basal region of the cell remained unchanged, so EPI64A and EPI64B specifically localize to and regulate the morphology of the apical domain of polarized epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Upregulation of the multidrug resistance protein 1 (LeMDR1) in the protozoan parasite, Leishmania enriettii, confers resistance to hydrophobic drugs such as vinblastine, but increases the sensitivity of these parasites to the mitochondrial drug, rhodamine 123. In order to investigate the mechanism of action of LeMDR1, the subcellular localization of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged versions of LeMDR1 and the fate of the traceable-fluorescent LeMDR1 substrate calcein AM were examined in both Leishmania mexicana and L. enriettii LeMDR1 -/- and overexpressing cell lines. The LeMDR1-GFP chimera was localized by fluorescence microscopy to a number of secretory and endocytic compartments, including the Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and a multivesicular tubule (MVT)-lysosome. Pulse-chase labelling experiments with calcein AM suggested that the Golgi and ER pools, but not the MVT-lysosome pool, of LeMDR1 were active in pumping calcein AM out of the cell. Cells labelled with calcein AM under conditions that slow vesicular transport (low temperature and stationary growth) inhibited export and resulted in the accumulation of fluorescent calcein in both the Golgi and the mitochondria. We propose that LeMDR1 substrates are pumped into secretory compartments and exported from the parasite by exocytosis. Accumulation of MDR substrates in the ER can result in alternative transport to the mitochondrion, explaining the reciprocal sensitivity of drug-resistant Leishmania to vinblastine and rhodamine 123.  相似文献   
The populations and transitions between Ramachandran basins are studied for combinations of the standard 20 amino acids in monomers, dimers and trimers using an implicit solvent Langevin dynamics algorithm and employing seven commonly used force-fields. Both the basin populations and inter-conversion rates are influenced by the nearest neighbor's conformation and identity, contrary to the Flory isolated-pair hypothesis. This conclusion is robust to the choice of force-field, even though the use of different force-fields produces large variations in the populations and inter-conversion rates between the dominant helical, extended beta, and polyproline II basins. The computed variation of conformational and dynamical properties with different force-fields exceeds the difference between explicit and implicit solvent calculations using the same force-field. For all force-fields, the inter-basin transitions exhibit a directional dependence, with most transitions going through extended beta conformation, even when it is the least populated basin. The implications of these results are discussed in the context of estimates for the backbone entropy of single residues, and for the ability of all-atom simulations to reproduce experimental protein folding data.  相似文献   
Surfactant protein B (SP-B) is a developmentally and hormonally regulated lung protein that is required for normal surfactant function. We generated transgenic mice carrying the human SP-B promoter (-1,039/+431 bp) linked to chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT). CAT activity was high in lung and immunoreactive protein localized to alveolar type II and bronchiolar epithelial cells. In addition, thyroid, trachea, and intestine demonstrated CAT activity, and each of these tissues also expressed low levels of SP-B mRNA. Developmental expression of CAT activity and SP-B mRNA in fetal lung were similar and both increased during explant culture. SP-B mRNA but not CAT activity decreased during culture of adult lung, and both were reduced by transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta(1). Treatment of adult mice with intratracheal bleomycin caused similar time-dependent decreases in lung SP-B mRNA and CAT activity. These findings indicate that the human SP-B promoter fragment directs tissue- and lung cell-specific transgene expression and contains cis-acting elements involved in regulated expression during development, fetal lung explant culture, and responsiveness to TGF-beta and bleomycin-induced lung injury.  相似文献   


Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) is a major pest of stored grain-based products, and cause severe damage to cereal grains throughout the world. The present investigation was aimed to determine the pesticidal and pest repellent activities of 2α,3β,21β,23,28-penta hydroxyl 12-oleanene against T. castaneum. The compound 2α,3β,21β,23,28-penta hydroxyl 12-oleanene is a triterpenoid which was isolated from the roots of Laportea crenulata Gaud. Surface film technique was used for pesticidal screening, whereas, pest repellency property of the triterpenoid was determined by filter paper disc method.


At 24 hours of exposure duration, significant mortality records (80% and 86%) were observed at doses 0.88 and 1.77 mg/cm2. No significant change in mortality records was observed when duration of exposure was increased up to 48 hours. The triterpenoid showed significant repellency activity at doses 0.47 and 0.94 mg/cm2.


These data suggest that the triterpenoid 2α,3β,21β,23,28-penta hydroxyl 12-oleanene possess both pesticidal and pest repellency activities against T. castaneum and can be used in controlling the pest of grain-based products.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/0717-6287-47-68) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Metastatic cancers aggressively reorganize collagen in their microenvironment. For example, radially orientated collagen fibers have been observed surrounding tumor cell clusters in vivo. The degree of fiber alignment, as a consequence of this remodeling, has often been difficult to quantify. In this paper, we present an easy to implement algorithm for accurate detection of collagen fiber orientation in a rapid pixel-wise manner. This algorithm quantifies the alignment of both computer generated and actual collagen fiber networks of varying degrees of alignment within 5°°. We also present an alternative easy method to calculate the alignment index directly from the standard deviation of fiber orientation. Using this quantitative method for determining collagen alignment, we demonstrate that the number of collagen fiber intersections has a negative correlation with the degree of fiber alignment. This decrease in intersections of aligned fibers could explain why cells move more rapidly along aligned fibers than unaligned fibers, as previously reported. Overall, our paper provides an easier, more quantitative and quicker way to quantify fiber orientation and alignment, and presents a platform in studying effects of matrix and cellular properties on fiber alignment in complex 3D environments.  相似文献   
Reagent storage has been a long-standing challenge for diagnostics, especially those designed for low-resource settings and point-of-care applications. In general, the stability of a reagent relies on careful temperature control, often by refrigeration, which is costly and often unavailable in these remote settings. Poor reagent integrity can negatively affect the reproducibility and reliability of an assay. Given the recent interest in paper-based devices designed for quantitative analysis in point-of-care settings, a better understanding of reagent stability on filter paper is critical for proper device use and its longevity. In this article, we present an independent method to examine the stability of reconstituted antibodies that were stored on filter paper using flow cytometry. We validated the method by measuring the activity as measured by the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of antibodies stored with known stabilizers. Furthermore, we demonstrated the potential of our method to screen the influence of other paper treatments and storage processes on antibody stability, which may be applicable to the storage of reagents on paper in general.  相似文献   
S-nitrosothiols (SNOs) are endogenous signaling molecules with a broad spectrum of beneficial airway effects. SNOs are normally present in the airway, but levels tend to be low in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. We and others have demonstrated that S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) increases the expression, maturation, and function of wild-type and mutant F508del cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in human bronchial airway epithelial (HBAE) cells. We hypothesized that membrane permeable SNOs, such as S-nitrosoglutathione diethyl ester (GNODE) and S-nitroso-N-acetyl cysteine (SNOAC) may be more efficient in increasing the maturation of CFTR. HBAE cells expressing F508del CFTR were exposed to GNODE and SNOAC. The effects of these SNOs on the expression and maturation of F508del CFTR were determined by cell surface biotinylation and Western blot analysis. We also found for the first time that GNODE and SNOAC were effective at increasing CFTR maturation at the cell surface. Furthermore, we found that cells maintained at low temperature increased cell surface stability of F508del CFTR whereas the combination of low temperature and SNO treatment significantly extended the half-life of CFTR. Finally, we showed that SNO decreased the internalization rate of F508del CFTR in HBAE cells. We anticipate identifying the novel mechanisms, optimal SNOs, and lowest effective doses which could benefit cystic fibrosis patients.  相似文献   
Papain, a cysteine protease isolated from the latex of Carica papaya, is known to undergo irreversible thermal unfolding. In this study, we found that thermal unfolding of papain is accompanied by a simultaneous self-assembly process where this protein is observed to aggregate above 50°C. The extent of aggregation increased with increasing protein concentration from 3–40 μM. The aggregation was confirmed by enhanced turbidity, light scattering intensity, 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) fluorescence intensity and by transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore, we noted that post-micellar concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) remarkably suppresses the thermal aggregation of papain. Far-UV circular dichroism studies revealed that SDS significantly enhances α-helical content of the protein and also tends to prevent its unfolding, and thus inhibits aggregation. Additionally, papain showed maximal activity at 65°C in neutral buffer. However, in the presence of 6 mM SDS (above its critical micellar concentration), the enzyme lost activity by about 10-fold. Thus, promoting the helical propensity of the protein does not appear to be a suitable strategy to overcome the aggregation related problems of industrially important proteins such as papain, which are not only required to be protected against aggregation but also need to remain functionally active in the presence of aggregation inhibitors.  相似文献   
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