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Several hypotheses predict that the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) drives mating preference in females. Olfactory, colour or morphological traits are often found as reliable signals of the MHC profile, but the role of avian song mediating MHC‐based female choice remains largely unexplored. We investigated the relationship between several MHC and acoustic features in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis), a European passerine with complex songs. We screened a fragment of the class IIB second exon of the MHC molecule, of which individuals harbour 4–15 alleles, while considerable sequence diversity is maintained at the population level. To make statistical inferences from a large number of comparisons, we adopted both null‐hypothesis testing and effect size framework in combination with randomization procedures. After controlling for potential confounding factors, neither MHC allelic diversity nor the presence of particular alleles was associated remarkably with the investigated qualitative and quantitative song traits. Furthermore, genetic similarity among males based on MHC sequences was not reflected by the similarity in their song based on syllable content. Overall, these results suggest that the relationship between features of song and the allelic composition and diversity of MHC is not strong in the studied species. However, a biologically motivated analysis revealed that individuals that harbour an MHC allele that impairs survival perform songs with broader frequency range. This finding suggests that certain aspects of the song may bear reliable information concerning the MHC profile of the individuals, which can be used by females to optimize mate choice.  相似文献   
Conservation status of hay meadows highly depends on their management. The main goal of this study was to assess the efficiency of different mowing regimes in maintenance of plant species richness and diversity of mesic hay meadows. The field experiment was carried out on a species rich, mesic hay meadow in Western Hungary. We evaluated the effects of four alternative types of management on the plant community after 7 years of continuous treatment: (1) mowing twice a year, typical traditional management, (2) mowing once a year in May, most practised currently by local farmers, (3) mowing once a year in September, often proposed for conservation management and (4) abandonment of mowing. Traditional mowing resulted in significantly higher number and higher diversity of vascular plant species than other mowing regimes. Mowing twice a year was the only efficient way to control the spread of the invasive Solidago gigantea, and mowing in September was more successful in it than mowing in May. We conclude that the traditional mowing regime is the most suitable to maintain botanical diversity of mesic hay meadows; however, other regimes should also be considered if certain priority species are targeted by conservation.  相似文献   
Wound healing is a complex sequence of cellular and molecular processes such as inflammation, cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. ROCK is a widely investigated Ser/Thr kinase with important roles in rearranging the actomyosin cytoskeleton. ROCK inhibitors have already been approved to improve corneal endothelial wound healing. The purpose of this study was to investigate the functions of myosin phosphatase (MP or PPP1CB), a type-1 phospho-Ser/Thr-specific protein phosphatase (PP1), one of the counter enzymes of ROCK, in skin homeostasis and wound healing. To confirm our hypotheses, we applied tautomycin (TM), a selective PP1 inhibitor, on murine skin that caused the arrest of wound closure. TM suppressed scratch closure of HaCaT human keratinocytes without having influence on the survival of the cells. Silencing of, the regulatory subunit of MP (MYPT1 or PPP1R12A), had a negative impact on the migration of keratinocytes and it influenced the cell-cell adhesion properties by decreasing the impedance of HaCaT cells. We assume that MP differentially activates migration and differentiation of keratinocytes and plays a key role in the downregulation of transglutaminase-1 in lower layers of skin where no differentiation is required. MAPK Proteome Profiler analysis on human ex vivo biopsies with MYPT1-silencing indicated that MP contributes to the mediation of wound healing by regulating the Akt signaling pathway. Our findings suggest that MP plays a role in the maintenance of normal homeostasis of skin and the process of wound healing.  相似文献   
The Albian sediments of the Transdanubian Range in Hungary were deposited in non-marine to fully-marine environments. The studied sections revealed diverse benthic ostracod faunas with moderately-preserved specimens. Forty-six taxa are identified and Cypridea zalanyii n. sp. is newly described. The detailed palaeoecological study of these ostracod faunas provided an opportunity to distinguish eight assemblages. The assemblages include limnic, brackish lagoon, shallow marine, reef and low oxygenated semi-enclosed basin environments in the Northern Tethys region we investigated. This work contributes to the knowledge about Albian non-marine faunas from Europe and explores ecological requirements of brackish faunas.  相似文献   
Specific inhibitory reactions of herbicides with photosynthetic reaction centers bound to working electrodes were monitored in a conventional electrochemical cell and a newly designed microfluidic electrochemical flow cell. In both cases, the bacterial reaction centers were bound to a transparent conductive metal oxide, indium-tin-oxide, electrode through carbon nanotubes. In the conventional cell, photocurrent densities of up to a few μA/cm2 could be measured routinely. The photocurrent could be blocked by the photosynthetic inhibitor terbutryn (I 50 = 0.38 ± 0.14 μM) and o-phenanthroline (I 50 = 63.9 ± 12.2 μM). The microfluidic flow cell device enabled us to reduce the sample volume and to simplify the electrode arrangement. The useful area of the electrodes remained the same (ca. 2 cm2), similar to the classical electrochemical cell; however, the size of the cell was reduced considerably. The microfluidic flow control enabled us monitoring in real time the binding/unbinding of the inhibitor and cofactor molecules at the secondary quinone site.  相似文献   
The submontane belt of the eastern Alps is dominated by beech forests. However, on rocky and steep south-facing slopes, small vegetation mosaics have developed, which, to a certain degree, are similar to the Pannonian forest-steppes. In spite of their unique conservation importance and threatened status, they have received relatively little scientific attention. In this study we analyzed the spatial pattern of such mosaics. More specifically, our objective was to find out how canopy cover value influences the species composition of the herb layer. According to our results, canopy cover of Pinus sylvestris has a rather limited effect on the herb layer composition and species richness. Thus, in the studied canopy cover range (ca. 5–75% canopy cover), most species occurred under all canopy cover grades. This is presumably a result of the canopy characteristics and branching pattern of P. sylvestris: it can be assumed that the physical conditions of the canopy and intercanopy patches are somewhat similar. This is in sharp contrast with the Pannonian forest-steppes dominated by Quercus pubescens. We conclude that, even though the cessation of traditional land-use may not result in a rapid change of the composition in eastern Austrian forest-steppes, every effort must be made to conserve these valuable habitats.  相似文献   
Investigation of a small peatbog in northern Hungary provides a late Quaternary record of vegetation development effected by climatic changes and anthropogenic disturbances. The aim of this study was to separate climatic signals from the development of a continental eutrophic peatland with the use of plant macrofossil analysis. The development of water catchment is reconstructed using pollen and geochemical analyses. The formation of the lakebed can be traced back to the Late Glacial. A higher water level with oligotrophic conditions can be existed from the Late Glacial to middle Holocene, when the reed beds covered a small area only. This was followed by a hiatus spanning ca. 4400 years, caused by peat cutting during the Imperial Age. The water level decreased and the water quality was more eutrophic. A reed bed evolved around the lake. Terrestrialization started with a bulrush floating mat phase at the close of the árpádian Age, ca. cal yr AD 1400. The initiation of the Sphagnum-bog underwent similar phases as in the other Hungarian peatbogs. Although remarkable anthropogenic disturbances can be reconstructed in the development of the peatbog, some climatic effects and authogenic processes might be separated by palaeoecological analyses. Guest editors: K. Buczkó, J. Korponai, J. Padisák & S. W. Starratt Palaeolimnological Proxies as Tools of Environmental Reconstruction in Fresh Water  相似文献   
Entomo-pathogen parasites typically induce alternative ”parasitogenic” phenotypes in ants and other insects. However, the basis of generated developmental changes is poorly understood. Parasitic mermithid nematodes also cause the formation of three discrete and aberrant morphologies within Myrmica ants. These have been called ”worker-like” (”mermithergate”), ”intermorphic” (”gynaecoid mermithergate”) and ”gyne-like” (”mermithogyne”) and their formation has been attributed to infection of worker- and queen-presumptive larvae, respectively. In order to better understand the developmental mechanisms that lead to the formation of these alternative parasitogenic phenotypes we observed allometric patterns of parasitogenic Myrmica gallienii phenotypes in comparison with uninfected workers and gynes from the same nests. It was revealed that the three discrete morphologies of parasitogenic female phenotypes did not differ significantly from each other in their scaling indicating that these were trapped in the same developmental pathway. Infected individuals scaled according to basically gyne-like allometry, however significantly differed from workers in their scaling. Based on the observed scaling patterns we herein raise an alternative explanation according to which both ”mermithergate”, ”gynaecoid mermithergate” and ”mermithogyne” Myrmica phenotypes develop from the same type of larvae, namely from the queen-presumptive larvae and their formation, therefore, is rendered as a diverging process. According to the mechanism we propose effect of nematodes may turn out to be the determining factor in the formation of alternative parasitogenic morphologies. Received 16 June 2008; revised 15 September and 7 November 2008; accepted 18 November 2008.  相似文献   
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