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Two strains of reovirus (serotype 1 Lang/TIL and serotype 3 Dearing/T3D) were propagated in Vero cells grown in stationary or agitated cultures in a serum-free medium, M-VSFM. Solid microcarriers (Cytodex-1) were used to support cell growth in agitated cultures with a normal doubling time of 25 h. Cell yields of 1 x 10(6) cells/mL were obtained from an inoculum of 2 x 10(5) cells/mL in 4 days in microcarrier cultures. The growth profile and cell yield was not significantly different from serum-supplemented cultures. The virus titer increased by 3-4 orders of magnitude over a culture period of 150 h. The maximum virus titer in stationary cultures reached >1 x 10(9) pfu/mL for both strains of reovirus in M-VSFM. M-VSFM also supported high viral yields in microcarrier cultures. Both the specific productivity and final viral yield was higher in M-VSFM than serum-supplemented cultures. The high viral productivity suggests that this is a suitable system for the production of reovirus as an oncolytic agent for human therapeutic use.  相似文献   
The ability to cope with environmental change is fundamental to a species' evolution. Organisms can respond to seasonal environmental variation through phenotypic plasticity. The substantial plasticity in body mass of temperate species has often been considered a simple consequence of change in environmental quality, but could also have evolved as an adaptation to seasonality. We investigated the genetic basis of, and selection acting on, seasonal plasticity in body mass for wild bighorn sheep ewes (Ovis canadensis) at Ram Mountain, Alberta, under two contrasting environmental conditions. Heritability of plasticity, estimated as mass-specific summer and winter mass changes, was low but significant. The additive genetic variance component of relative summer mass change was greater under good environmental conditions (characterized by a population increase and high juvenile survival) than under poor conditions (population decrease and low juvenile survival). Additive genetic variance of relative winter mass change appeared independent of environmental conditions. We found evidence of selection on summer (relative) and winter (relative and absolute) mass change. For a given mass, more plastic individuals (with greater seasonal mass changes) achieve greater fitness through reproduction in the following year. However, genetic correlations between mass parameters were positive. Our study supports the hypothesis that seasonal plasticity in body mass in vertebrates is an adaptation that evolved under natural selection to cope with environmental variation but genetic correlations with other traits might limit its evolutionary potential.  相似文献   
The effects of media concentrations of glucose andglutamine on the intracellular nucleotide pools andoxygen uptake rates of a murine antibody-secretinghybridoma cell line were investigated. Cells takenfrom mid-exponential phase of growth were incubated inmedium containing varying concentrations of glucose(0–25 mM) and glutamine (0–9 mM). The intracellularconcentrations of ATP, GTP, UTP and CTP, and theadenylate energy charge increased concomitantly withthe medium glucose concentration. The total adenylatenucleotide concentration did not change over a glucose concentration range of 1–25 mM but therelative levels of AMP, ADP and ATP changed as theenergy charge increased from 0.36 to 0.96. Themaximum oxygen uptake rate (OUR) was obtained in thepresence of 0.1–1 mM glucose. However at glucoseconcentrations >1 mM the OUR decreased suggestinga lower level of aerobic metabolism as a result of theCrabtree effect.A low concentration of glutamine (0.5 mM) caused asignificant increase (45–128%) in the ATP, GTP,CTP, UTP, UDP-GNac, and NAD pools and a doubling ofthe OUR compared to glutamine-free cultures. Theminimal concentration of glutamine also caused anincrease in the total adenylate pool indicating thatthe amino acid may stimulate thede novosynthesis of nucleotides. However, all nucleotidepools and the OUR remained unchanged within the rangeof 0.5–9 mM glutamine.Glucose was shown to be the major substrate forenergy metabolism. It was estimated that in thepresence of high concentrations of glucose (10–25 mM),glutamine provided the energy for the maintenance ofup to 28% of the intracellular ATP pool, whereas theremainder was provided by glucose metabolism.(Author for correspondence; E-mail:  相似文献   
Abelmoschus esculentus (Okra) is used in the traditional treatment of cancer, hyperlipidaemia and hyperglycaemia. We, therefore, investigated its composition and potential cytotoxic or antioxidant properties that might underlie its phytotherapeutic applications. Its methanolic fruit extract yielded compounds 1 , 2 and 3 , identified through NMR, UV and MS analyses as olean-12-en-3-O-β-d -glucopyranoside, isoquercitrin (quercetin glucoside) and 5,7,3′,4′-tetrahydroxy-flavonol-3-O-[β-d -glucopyranosyl-(1→6)]-β-d -glucopyranoside (quercetin diglucoside), respectively. Following 48 h exposure, oleanene glucoside was mildly toxic to the HeLa and the MRC5-SV2 cancer cells, isoquercitrin was not toxic except at 100 μg/ml in HeLa, and quercetin diglucoside elicited no toxicity. In a 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFDA) assay of intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), hydrogen peroxide increased ROS levels, an effect not affected by oleanene glucoside but protected against by isoquercitrin and quercetin diglucoside, with IC50 values, respectively, of 2.7±0.5 μg/ml and 1.9±0.2 μg/ml (3 h post-treatment) and 2.0±0.8 μg/ml and 1.5±0.4 μg/ml (24 h post-treatment.) This is the first report of this oleanene skeleton triterpenoid in the plant. The work provides some insight into why the plant is included in remedies for cancers, cardiovascular complications and diabetes, and reveals it as a potential source of novel therapeutics.  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence of indirect effects of hunting on populations. In species with sexually selected infanticide (SSI), hunting may decrease juvenile survival by increasing male turnover. We aimed to evaluate the relative importance of direct and indirect effects of hunting via SSI on the population dynamics of the Scandinavian brown bear (Ursus arctos). We performed prospective and retrospective demographic perturbation analyses for periods with low and high hunting pressures. All demographic rates, except yearling survival, were lower under high hunting pressure, which led to a decline in population growth under high hunting pressure (λ = 0.975; 95% CI = 0.914–1.011). Hunting had negative indirect effects on the population through an increase in SSI, which lowered cub survival and possibly also fecundity rates. Our study suggests that SSI could explain 13.6% of the variation in population growth. Hunting also affected the relative importance of survival and fecundity of adult females for population growth, with fecundity being more important under low hunting pressure and survival more important under high hunting pressure. Our study sheds light on the importance of direct and indirect effects of hunting on population dynamics, and supports the contention that hunting can have indirect negative effects on populations through SSI.  相似文献   
Many studies have reported temporal changes in the relative importance of density-dependence and environmental stochasticity in affecting population growth rates, but they typically assume that the predominant factor limiting growth remains constant over long periods of time. Stochastic switches in limiting factors that persist for multiple time-steps have received little attention, but most wild populations may periodically experience such switches. Here, we consider the dynamics of three populations of individually marked bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) monitored for 24-28 years. Each population experienced one or two distinct cougar (Puma concolor) predation events leading to population declines. The onset and duration of predation events were stochastic and consistent with predation by specialist individuals. A realistic Markov chain model confirms that predation by specialist cougars can cause extinction of isolated populations. We suggest that such processes may be common. In such cases, predator-prey equilibria may only occur at large geographical and temporal scales, and are unlikely with increasing habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   


The triterpene oleanolic acid (OA) is known to possess antihypertensive actions. In the present study we to compared the effects of the triterpene on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and kidney function following acute administration in normotensive animals with those of its related oleanane synthetic derivatives (brominated oleanolic acid, Br-OA and oleanolic acid methyl ester, Me-OA). We also used experimental models of hypertension to further explore the effects of sub-chronic oral OA treatment and evaluated influences on oxidative status.


OA was extracted from dried flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum using a previously validated protocol in our laboratory. Me-OA and Br-OA were synthesized according to a method described. Rats were supplemented with lithium chloride (12 mmol L-1) prior to experimentation in order to raise plasma lithium to allow measurements of lithium clearance and fractional excretion (FELi) as indices of proximal tubular Na+ handling. Anaesthetized animals were continuously infused via the right jugular with 0.077M NaCl. MAP was measured via a cannula inserted in the carotid artery, and urine was collected through a cannula inserted in the bladder. After a 3.5 h equilibration, MAP, urine flow, electrolyte excretion rates were determined for 4 h of 1 h control, 1.5 h treatment and 1.5 h recovery periods. OA, Me-OA and Br-OA were added to the infusate during the treatment period. We evaluated sub-chronic effects on MAP and kidney function in normotensive Wistar rats and in two animal models of hypertension, spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Dahl salt-sensitive (DSS) rats, during 9-week administration of OA (p.o.). Tissue oxidative status was examined in these animals at the end of the study. Increasing evidence suggests that and renal function disturbances and oxidative stress play major roles in the pathogenesis of hypertension.


Acute infusion OA and oleanane derivatives displayed qualitatively similar effects in decreasing MAP and increasing urinary Na+ outputs. The drugs increased the FENa and FELi without influencing GFR indicating that at least part of the overall natriuretic effect involved proximal tubular Na+ reabsorption. Sub-chronic OA administration (p.o.) also elicited hypotensive responses in Wistar, DSS and SHR rats. The MAP lowering effect was more marked in hypertensive animals and were positively correlated with increased urinary Na+ excretion. Compared with respective control rats, OA treatment reduced malondialdehyde (MDA, a marker of lipid peroxidation) and increased activities of antioxidant enzymes; superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in hepatic, cardiac and renal tissues.


OA and oleanane derivatives have similar effects on MAP, kidney function and oxidative stress. The amelioration of oxidative stress and blood pressure lowering effects by OA are more marked in hypertensive animals and correlated with an increased urinary Na+ output.

Novelty of the Work

The results of this study are novel in that they show 1) a correlation between blood pressure reduction and increased urinary Na+ excretion by OA, 2) a more marked MAP reduction in hypertensive animals and 3) a drug-induced decrease in proximal tubule Na+ reabsorption. The results may also be clinically relevant because OA is effective via oral administration.  相似文献   
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