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Overexpression of zinc-dependent metalloproteinase, aminopeptidase N (APN/CD13), is considered to be involved in the process of tumor invasion and metastasis. Herein we describe the synthesis and in vitro enzymatic inhibition assay of antineoplaston AS2–5 scaffold peptidomimetic compounds. The results demonstrated that most of these l-iso-glutamine derivatives displayed selective inhibitory activity against APN as compared with MMP-2, with IC50 values in the micromole range. The structure–activity relationships were also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Sugar transporters are central machineries to mediate cross-membrane transport of sugars into the cells, and sugar availability may serve as a signal to regulate the sugar transporters. However, the mechanisms of sugar transport regulation by signal sugar availability remain unclear in plant and animal cells. Here, we report that a sucrose transporter, MdSUT1, and a sorbitol transporter, MdSOT6, both localized to plasma membrane, were identified from apple (Malus domestica) fruit. Using a combination of the split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid, immunocoprecipitation, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays, the two distinct sugar transporters were shown to interact physically with an apple endoplasmic reticulum-anchored cytochrome b5 MdCYB5 in vitro and in vivo. In the yeast systems, the two different interaction complexes function to up-regulate the affinity of the sugar transporters, allowing cells to adapt to sugar starvation. An Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) homolog of MdCYB5, AtCYB5-A, also interacts with the two sugar transporters and functions similarly. The point mutations leucine-73 → proline in MdSUT1 and leucine-117 → proline in MdSOT6, disrupting the bimolecular interactions but without significantly affecting the transporter activities, abolish the stimulating effects of the sugar transporter-cytochrome b5 complex on the affinity of the sugar transporters. However, the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cytochrome b5 ScCYB5, an additional interacting partner of the two plant sugar transporters, has no function in the regulation of the sugar transporters, indicating that the observed biological functions in the yeast systems are specific to plant cytochrome b5s. These findings suggest a novel mechanism by which the plant cells tailor sugar uptake to the surrounding sugar availability.  相似文献   
Postnatal cerebellum development involves the generation of granule cells and Bergmann glias (BGs). The granule cell precursors are located in the external germinal layer (EGL) and the BG precursors are located in the Purkinje layer (PL). BGs extend their glial fibers into the EGL and facilitate granule cells' inward migration to their final location. Growth arrest specific gene 1 (Gas1) has been implicated in inhibiting cell-cycle progression in cell culture studies (G. Del Sal et al., 1992, Cell 70, 595--607). However, its growth regulatory function in the CNS has not been described. To investigate its role in cerebellar growth, we analyzed the Gas1 mutant mice. At birth, wild-type and mutant mice have cerebella of similar size; however, mature mutant cerebella are less than half the size of wild-type cerebella. Molecular and cellular examinations indicate that Gas1 mutant cerebella have a reduced number of granule cells and BG fibers. We provide direct evidence that Gas1 is required for normal levels of proliferation in the EGL and the PL, but not for their differentiation. Furthermore, we show that Gas1 is specifically and coordinately expressed in both the EGL and the BGs postnatally. These results support Gas1 as a common genetic component in coordinating EGL cell and BG cell proliferation, a link which has not been previously appreciated.  相似文献   
为研究植物病毒在RNA水平上对寄主植物的基因表达产生的影响,采用离子对高效液相色谱法,对黄瓜花叶病毒侵染烟草造成的总RNA的组成成分变化进行研究。离子对液相色谱法,是近几年才应用于对RNA进行分离、纯化和分析的一种试验技术,具有操作简单、重复性好、所需时间短等优点。选择适宜的离子对试剂,并对选定的离子对试剂正己胺/1,1,1,3,3,3-六氟-2-丙醇进行了优化,达到了较好的总RNA分离效果,并观察到健康植株和染病植株分离峰之间的差异,有差异的RNA种类还需进一步试验来验证。为研究植物病毒的致病机制提供一种新的试验方法和途径。  相似文献   
Resuscitated hemorrhagic shock is believed to promote the development of acute lung injury (ALI) by priming the immune system for an exaggerated inflammatory response to a second trivial stimulus. This work explored effects of TLR4 on hemorrhage-induced ALI and “second-hit” responses, and further explore the mechanisms involved in “second-hit” responses. Expression of HO-1, IL-10, lung W/D and MPO markedly increased at nearly all time-points examined in HSR/LPS group as compared with sham/LPS group in WT mice. In HSR/LPS mice, the induced amount of IL-10 and the expressions of HO-1 of WT mice were significantly higher compared with TLR-4d/d. This study provides in vivo evidence that pulmonary infections after LPS instillation contribute to local tissue release of pro-inflammatory mediators after HSR systemic. Activation of TLR4 might induce HO-1 expression and HO-1 modulates proinflammatory responses that are triggered via TLR4 signaling.  相似文献   
用免疫细胞化学和原位杂交技术探讨G、D细胞及胃泌素mRNA与肠化生的关系。标本来自胃镜活检的胃粘膜。结果显示,在与大肠化生区相邻的胃粘膜,G细胞突变消失,假幽门腺化生也缺乏G细胞,而淖肠化生仍保留少数G细胞;D细胞不仅见于小肠化生,而且也出现在假幽门腺化生以及某些大肠化生区。胃泌素mRNA仅限于G细胞分布区,未出现在大肠化生区和假幽门腺化生区,G细胞及胃泌素mRNA在大肠化生区的消失,可能由于局部杯状细胞分泌的硫酸粘蛋白改变了局部的微环境,从而影响了G细胞的分化与发育,至于假幽门腺化生区G细胞及胃泌素mRNA消失的原因还不清楚,应继续研究。  相似文献   
离子型谷氨酸受体(iGLuR)是哺乳动物中一类由L-氨基酸(如谷氨酸、甘氨酸)等配体门控的阳离子通道, 具有调节兴奋性神经信号传递和引导神经元发育等分子功能。1998年研究者在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中发现了20个与iGLuRs同源的序列(即AtGLRs), 它们的功能涉及植物光信号传递、根尖分生细胞活性、花粉管生长、胞质Ca2+流以及应答多种生物和非生物环境胁迫等。该文从谷氨酸受体(GLR)的结构特征、离子通道激活与配体的关系、表达模式及可能的生物学功能等方面, 综述了近十几年来关于植物GLR和氨基酸信号的研究成果, 旨在为相关领域的同行提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
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