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In a simulation study different designs for a pure line pig population were compared for efficiency of mapping QTL using the variance component method. Phenotypes affected by a Mendelian QTL, a paternally expressed QTL, a maternally expressed QTL or by a QTL without an effect were simulated. In all alternative designs 960 progeny were phenotyped. Given the limited number of animals there is an optimum between the number of families and the family size. Estimation of Mendelian and parentally expressed QTL is more efficient in a design with large family sizes. Too small a number of sires should be avoided to minimize chances of sires to be non-segregating. When a large number of families is used, the number of haplotypes increases which reduces the accuracy of estimating the QTL effect and thereby reduces the power to show a significant QTL and to correctly position the QTL. Dense maps allow for smaller family size due to exploitation of LD-information. Given the different possible modes of inheritance of the QTL using 8 to16 boars, two litters per dam was optimal with respect to determining significance and correct location of the QTL for a data set consisting of 960 progeny. The variance component method combining linkage disequilibrium and linkage analysis seems to be an appropriate choice to analyze data sets which vary in marker density and which contain complex family structures.  相似文献   
1. The aphid Aphis fabae (Scopoli) is facultatively tended by Lasius niger (Linnaeus) ants. Previously, we found that A. fabae colonies can be made up of several clones, and that clones display significant differences in the composition of their honeydew sugars, especially in the amount of the ant attractant sugar melezitose that they produce. 2. These clonal differences could greatly impact the strength of the mutualistic interaction with ants as well as the aphids' fitness. 3. Hence, the aim of this study was to compare the fitness of different A. fabae clones that differed in their melezitose secretion, and whether or not they were tended by ants. 4. Individual fitness indices, colony growth, and alate production of single‐clone aphid colonies were analysed. 5. The results demonstrate that the fitness consequences of ant attendance critically depend on an interaction between levels of melezitose production. In particular, we show that high‐melezitose secreting clones produce fewer alates and hence might have a lower dispersal ability in the presence of ants. 6. Furthermore, these data confirm previous evidence that ant attendance is costly and results in the production of fewer apterae.  相似文献   
Microsatellite diversity in European and Chinese pigs was assessed using a pooled sampling method on 52 European and 46 Chinese pig populations. A Neighbor Joining analysis on genetic distances revealed that European breeds were grouped together and showed little evidence for geographic structure, although a southern European and English group could tentatively be assigned. Populations from international breeds formed breed specific clusters. The Chinese breeds formed a second major group, with the Sino-European synthetic Tia Meslan in-between the two large clusters. Within Chinese breeds, in contrast to the European pigs, a large degree of geographic structure was noted, in line with previous classification schemes for Chinese pigs that were based on morphology and geography. The Northern Chinese breeds were most similar to the European breeds. Although some overlap exists, Chinese breeds showed a higher average degree of heterozygosity and genetic distance compared to European ones. Between breed diversity was even more pronounced and was the highest in the Central Chinese pigs, reflecting the geographically central position in China. Comparing correlations between genetic distance and heterozygosity revealed that China and Europe represent different domestication or breed formation processes. A likely cause is a more diverse wild boar population in Asia, but various other possible contributing factors are discussed.  相似文献   


It is widely accepted that genetic regulatory systems are 'modular', in that the whole system is made up of smaller 'subsystems' corresponding to specific biological functions. Most attempts to identify modules in genetic regulatory systems have relied on the topology of the underlying network. However, it is the temporal activity (dynamics) of genes and proteins that corresponds to biological functions, and hence it is dynamics that we focus on here for identifying subsystems.  相似文献   
The photochemical reactions of 5-methylcytosine (m(5)C), a minor component of mammalian DNA, have been studied at a concentration of 2 mM in frozen 10 mM aqueous NaCl solution at dry ice temperature (194.5 K). For these studies, low-pressure lamps emitting mainly UVB radiation were used. We have isolated and characterized three cyclobutane dimers, namely the cis-anti(c,a) the cis-syn(c,s) and the trans-syn(t,s) forms. While the c,a and the t,s cyclobutane dimers are relatively stable towards deamination upon standing in solution at 277 K, the c,s isomer is gradually converted into the corresponding c,s m(5)C-thymine (Thy) mixed dimer; this latter reaction occurs considerably faster at 310 K. The t,s cyclobutane dimer is converted into the corresponding m(5)C-Thy mixed dimer upon incubation at 373 K, while the c,a dimer is converted into a mixture of m(5)C and c,a mixed dimer when incubated at 310 K. Irradiation of equimolar mixtures of Thy (1 mM) and m(5)C (1 mM) under similar conditions yields each of the three m(5)C cyclobutane dimers, as well as significant amounts of c,a, c,s and t,s m(5)C-Thy mixed cyclobutane dimers. These m(5)C-Thy dimers undergo decompositions similar in nature to the processes undergone by m(5)C cyclobutane dimers. Pseudo-first order rate constants for deamination of the c,s m(5)C homodimer and c,s m(5)C-Thy heterodimer at various temperatures and at pH 7.7 have been measured and the enthalpies and entropies of activation have been evaluated for the deamination processes for these two compounds. The two dimers have half-lives of about 14 and 22 h, respectively, at 310 K; however, at 273 K, the corresponding half-lives can be evaluated as being around 30 and 36 days, respectively.  相似文献   
Nucleotide sequence of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus trpGDC gene cluster   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A plasmid library of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus HindIII fragments was constructed, and clones that complemented an Escherichia coli pabA mutant were selected. Plasmids containing a 3.9-kb fragment of A. calcoaceticus DNA that also complemented E. coli trpD and trpC-(trpF+) mutants were obtained. We infer that complementation of E. coli pabA mutants was the result of the expression of the amphibolic anthranilate- synthase/p-aminobenzoate-synthase glutamine-amidotransferase gene and that the plasmid insert carried the entire trpGDC gene cluster. In E. coli minicells, the plasmid insert directed the synthesis of polypeptides of 44,000, 33,000, and 20,000 daltons, molecular masses that are consistent with the reported molecular masses of phosphoribosylanthranilate transferase, indoleglycerol-phosphate synthase, and anthranilate-synthase component II, respectively. A 3,105- bp nucleotide sequence was determined. Comparison of the A. calcoaceticus trpGDC sequences with other known trp gene sequences has allowed insight into (1) the evolution of the amphibolic trpG gene, (2) varied strategies for coordinate expression of trp genes, and (3) mechanisms of gene fusions in the trp operon.   相似文献   
The presence of the L1 sequences, L1Md4 next to the pseudogene beta h3 and I12 found in the twelfth intron of the albumin gene, in certain strains of laboratory mice but not of others has led to the suggestion that these sequences were recent insertions into the Mus mus domesticus genome. To be sure that they are really recent insertions and not relics of an ancestral chromosome, we investigated the presence or absence of these sequences in populations of wild mice belonging to the semispecies M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus as well as in other species of the genus Mus and in related murids. The sequence I12 in the albumin gene was found in 34% of the chromosomes of the wild mice belonging to M. m. domesticus and to a lesser extent (6%) in M. m. musculus. Of 114 M. m. domesticus chromosomes, L1Md4 was found in only nine, seven of which came from the same locality. Its presence was associated with the haplotype Hbbp, which is relatively rare in European populations of M. musculus. Since there was no evidence for the presence of these two L1 sequences in more distantly related species, we conclude that they are recent insertions in the M. musculus genome.   相似文献   


In fish, the most studied production traits in terms of heritability are body weight or growth, stress or disease resistance, while heritability of cortisol levels, widely used as a measure of response to stress, is less studied. In this study, we have estimated heritabilities of two growth traits (body weight and length) and of cortisol response to confinement stress in the European sea bass.


The F1 progeny analysed (n = 922) belonged to a small effective breeding population with contributions from an unbalanced family structure of just 10 males and 2 females. Heritability values ranged from 0.54 (±0.21) for body weight to 0.65 (±0.22) for standard body length and were low for cortisol response i.e. 0.08 (±0.06). Genetic correlations were positive (0.94) between standard body length and body weight and negative between cortisol and body weight and between cortisol and standard body length (−0.60 and −0.55, respectively).


This study confirms that in European sea bass, heritability of growth-related traits is high and that selection on such traits has potential. However, heritability of cortisol response to stress is low in European sea bass and since it is known to vary greatly among species, further studies are necessary to understand the reasons for these differences.  相似文献   
van Rhijn P  RB Goldberg    AM Hirsch 《The Plant cell》1998,10(8):1233-1250
Plant lectins have been implicated as playing an important role in mediating recognition and specificity in the Rhizobium-legume nitrogen-fixing symbiosis. To test this hypothesis, we introduced the soybean lectin gene Le1 either behind its own promoter or behind the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter into Lotus corniculatus, which is nodulated by R. loti. We found that nodulelike outgrowths developed on transgenic L. corniculatus plant roots in response to Bradyrhizobium japonicum, which nodulates soybean and not Lotus spp. Soybean lectin was properly targeted to L. corniculatus root hairs, and although infection threads formed, they aborted in epidermal or hypodermal cells. Mutation of the lectin sugar binding site abolished infection thread formation and nodulation. Incubation of bradyrhizobia in the nodulation (nod) gene-inducing flavonoid genistein increased the number of nodulelike outgrowths on transgenic L. corniculatus roots. Studies of bacterial mutants, however, suggest that a component of the exopolysaccharide surface of B. japonicum, rather than Nod factor, is required for extension of host range to the transgenic L. corniculatus plants.  相似文献   
The Abl and Src tyrosine kinases are key signaling proteins that are of considerable interest as drug targets in cancer and many other diseases. The regulatory mechanisms that control the activity of these proteins are complex, and involve large-scale conformational changes in response to phosphorylation and other modulatory signals. The success of the Abl inhibitor imatinib in the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia has shown the potential of kinase inhibitors, but the rise of drug resistance in patients has also shown that drugs with alternative modes of binding to the kinase are needed. The detailed understanding of mechanisms of protein-drug interaction and drug resistance through biophysical methods demands a method for the production of active protein on the milligram scale. We have developed a bacterial expression system for the kinase domains of c-Abl and c-Src, which allows for the quick expression and purification of active wild-type and mutant kinase domains by coexpression with the YopH tyrosine phosphatase. This method makes practical the use of isotopic labeling of c-Abl and c-Src for NMR studies, and is also applicable for constructs containing the SH2 and SH3 domains of the kinases.  相似文献   
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