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The PHASE software package allows phylogenetic tree construction with a number of evolutionary models designed specifically for use with RNA sequences that have conserved secondary structure. Evolution in the paired regions of RNAs occurs via compensatory substitutions, hence changes on either side of a pair are correlated. Accounting for this correlation is important for phylogenetic inference because it affects the likelihood calculation. In the present study we use the complete set of tRNA and rRNA sequences from 69 complete mammalian mitochondrial genomes. The likelihood calculation uses two evolutionary models simultaneously for different parts of the sequence: a paired-site model for the paired sites and a single-site model for the unpaired sites. We use Bayesian phylogenetic methods and a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is used to obtain the most probable trees and posterior probabilities of clades. The results are well resolved for almost all the important branches on the mammalian tree. They support the arrangement of mammalian orders within the four supra-ordinal clades that have been identified by studies of much larger data sets mainly comprising nuclear genes. Groups such as the hedgehogs and the murid rodents, which have been problematic in previous studies with mitochondrial proteins, appear in their expected position with the other members of their order. Our choice of genes and evolutionary model appears to be more reliable and less subject to biases caused by variation in base composition than previous studies with mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   
In the present work, we induced obesity in rats with high-energy-starch diet and studied exocrine pancreas response. The zymogen granule (ZG) or purified plasma membrane (PM) from the exocrine pancreas was used for the isolation of the detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs). Based on high content of cholesterol, GM1, the bile salt dependent lipase (BSDL), and GP2 enrichment, the low-density fractions were defined as lipid rafts. Additionally, the rafts vesicles were determined by immunogold labeling with anti BSDL. By combining MALDI-TOF/MS and nano-LC ESI Q-TOF MS/MS proteomic identification we have selected 33 proteins from the lipid rafts which were classified into at least four functional families. Our data suggest that the acinar PM from the diet-induced obesity rats may be organized into lipid rafts, and characterization of rafts proteome can contribute to improve our understanding of food digestion under obesity.  相似文献   
Telomeres can fold into t-loops that may result from the invasion of the 3' overhang into duplex DNA. Their formation is facilitated in vitro by the telomeric protein TRF2, but very little is known regarding the mechanisms involved. Here we reveal that TRF2 generates positive supercoiling and condenses DNA. Using a variety of TRF2 mutants, we demonstrate a strong correlation between this topological activity and the ability to stimulate strand invasion. We also report that these properties require the combination of the TRF-homology (TRFH) domain of TRF2 with either its N- or C-terminal DNA-binding domains. We propose that TRF2 complexes, by constraining DNA around themselves in a right-handed conformation, can induce untwisting of the neighboring DNA, thereby favoring strand invasion. Implications of this topological model in t-loop formation and telomere homeostasis are discussed.  相似文献   
Histone variants within the H2A family show high divergences in their C-terminal regions. In this work, we have studied how these divergences and in particular, how a part of the H2A COOH-terminus, the docking domain, is implicated in both structural and functional properties of the nucleosome. Using biochemical methods in combination with Atomic Force Microscopy and Electron Cryo-Microscopy, we show that the H2A-docking domain is a key structural feature within the nucleosome. Deletion of this domain or replacement with the incomplete docking domain from the variant H2A.Bbd results in significant structural alterations in the nucleosome, including an increase in overall accessibility to nucleases, un-wrapping of ~10 bp of DNA from each end of the nucleosome and associated changes in the entry/exit angle of DNA ends. These structural alterations are associated with a reduced ability of the chromatin remodeler RSC to both remodel and mobilize the nucleosomes. Linker histone H1 binding is also abrogated in nucleosomes containing the incomplete docking domain of H2A.Bbd. Our data illustrate the unique role of the H2A-docking domain in coordinating the structural-functional aspects of the nucleosome properties. Moreover, our data suggest that incorporation of a 'defective' docking domain may be a primary structural role of H2A.Bbd in chromatin.  相似文献   
? Premise of the study: Plant communities in temperate zones are dominated by clonal plants that can plastically modify their growth characteristics in response to competition. Given that plants compete with one another, and the implications this has for species coexistence, we conducted a study to assess how clonal species morphologically respond to competition for light depending on its intensity and heterogeneity, which are determined by the competitor species. ? Methods: We assessed the morphological response to competition for light of the clonal species Trifolium repens L. by measuring its growth performance, and vertical and horizontal growth traits. We used five competitive environments, i.e., one without competitor and four differing by their competitor species creating different conditions of competition intensity and heterogeneity. ? Key results: The morphological response of Trifolium repens to competition for light depended on the competitor identity. Competition intensity and heterogeneity, determined by competitor identity, had an interactive effect on most traits. The increase in petiole elongation and specific leaf area due to increased competition intensity was observed only at low to intermediate competition heterogeneity. Competition heterogeneity promoted the elongation of clone connections allowing space exploration. ? Conclusions: Our results demonstrated that the intensity and heterogeneity of competition, which depended on competitor identity, are of primary importance in determining the plastic response of Trifolium repens. This emphasizes that it is important to consider the fine-scale spatial distribution of individuals when studying their interactions within plant communities.  相似文献   
In this work we have studied the properties of the novel mouse histone variant H2AL2. H2AL2 was used to reconstitute nucleosomes and the structural and functional properties of these particles were studied by a combination of biochemical approaches, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electron cryo-microscopy. DNase I and hydroxyl radical footprinting as well as micrococcal and exonuclease III digestion demonstrated an altered structure of the H2AL2 nucleosomes all over the nucleosomal DNA length. Restriction nuclease accessibility experiments revealed that the interactions of the H2AL2 histone octamer with the ends of the nucleosomal DNA are highly perturbed. AFM imaging showed that the H2AL2 histone octamer was complexed with only ~130 bp of DNA. H2AL2 reconstituted trinucleosomes exhibited a type of a ‘beads on a string’ structure, which was quite different from the equilateral triangle 3D organization of conventional H2A trinucleosomes. The presence of H2AL2 affected both the RSC and SWI/SNF remodeling and mobilization of the variant particles. These unusual properties of the H2AL2 nucleosomes suggest a specific role of H2AL2 during mouse spermiogenesis.  相似文献   
Using a bioinformatic approach, we identified a TP53INP1-related gene encoding a protein with 30% identity with tumor protein 53-induced nuclear protein 1 (TP53INP1), which was named TP53INP2. TP53INP1 and TP53INP2 sequences were found in several species ranging from Homo sapiens to Drosophila melanogaster, but orthologues were found neither in earlier eukaryotes nor in prokaryotes. To gain insight into the function of the TP53INP2 protein, we carried out a yeast two-hybrid screening that showed that TP53INP2 binds to the LC3-related proteins GABARAP and GABARAP-like2, and then we demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation that TP53INP2 interacts with these proteins, as well as with LC3 and with the autophagosome transmembrane protein VMP1. TP53INP2 translocates from the nucleus to the autophagosome structures after activation of autophagy by rapamycin or starvation. Also, we showed that TP53INP2 expression is necessary for autophagosome development because its small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown strongly decreases sensitivity of mammalian cells to autophagy. Finally, we found that interactions between TP53INP2 and LC3 or the LC3-related proteins GABARAP and GABARAP-like2 require autophagy and are modulated by wortmannin as judged by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer assays. We suggest that TP53INP2 is a scaffold protein that recruits LC3 and/or LC3-related proteins to the autophagosome membrane by interacting with the transmembrane protein VMP1. It is concluded that TP53INP2 is a novel gene involved in the autophagy of mammalian cells.  相似文献   
In growing Arabidopsis root hairs, the nucleus locates at a fixed distance from the apex, migrates to a random position during growth arrest, and moves from branch to branch in a mutant with branched hairs. Consistently, an artificial increase of the distance between the nucleus and the apex, achieved by entrapment of the nucleus in a laser beam, stops cell growth. Drug studies show that microtubules are not involved in the positioning of the nucleus but that subapical fine F-actin between the nucleus and the hair apex is required to maintain the nuclear position with respect to the growing apex. Injection of an antibody against plant villin, an actin filament-bundling protein, leads to actin filament unbundling and movement of the nucleus closer to the apex. Thus, the bundled actin at the tip side of the nucleus prevents the nucleus from approaching the apex. In addition, we show that the basipetal movement of the nucleus at root hair growth arrest requires protein synthesis and a functional actin cytoskeleton in the root hair tube.  相似文献   
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