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ANNA: A new prediction method for bioassessment programs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1. Cluster analysis of reference sites with similar biota is the initial step in creating River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS) and similar river bioassessment models such as Australian River Assessment System (AUSRIVAS). This paper describes and tests an alternative prediction method, Assessment by Nearest Neighbour Analysis (ANNA), based on the same philosophy as RIVPACS and AUSRIVAS but without the grouping step that some people view as artificial. 2. The steps in creating ANNA models are: (i) weighting the predictor variables using a multivariate approach analogous to principal axis correlations, (ii) calculating the weighted Euclidian distance from a test site to the reference sites based on the environmental predictors, (iii) predicting the faunal composition based on the nearest reference sites and (iv) calculating an observed/expected (O/E) analogous to RIVPACS/AUSRIVAS. 3. The paper compares AUSRIVAS and ANNA models on 17 datasets representing a variety of habitats and seasons. First, it examines each model's regressions for Observed versus Expected number of taxa, including the r2, intercept and slope. Second, the two models’ assessments of 79 test sites in New Zealand are compared. Third, the models are compared on test and presumed reference sites along a known trace metal gradient. Fourth, ANNA models are evaluated for western Australia, a geographically distinct region of Australia. The comparisons demonstrate that ANNA and AUSRIVAS are generally equivalent in performance, although ANNA turns out to be potentially more robust for the O versus E regressions and is potentially more accurate on the trace metal gradient sites. 4. The ANNA method is recommended for use in bioassessment of rivers, at least for corroborating the results of the well established AUSRIVAS‐ and RIVPACS‐type models, if not to replace them.  相似文献   
Generalizations about sociobiology require investigations of species with diverse ecological roles and phylogenetic affiliations. The southern hairy-nosed wombat ( Lasiorhinus latifrons ) is valuable here, in that it is a marsupial of semi-arid habitat, and one of the largest burrowing herbivores (commonly attaining 26 kg). Its sociobiology is poorly understood because the species is nocturnal, shy, and difficult to observe or capture nondisruptively. To investigate aspects of the species' sociobiology in continuous habitat, we applied high-intensity, temporally replicated, noninvasive sampling and genotyping of hairs to identify individuals and their sex. Spatial relatedness (kinship) structure was estimated, and related to patterns of burrow-use. To understand the association of kinship with burrow/warren-sharing and preferential colocation between wombats, > 100 genetically 'tagged' individuals at Brookfield Conservation Park (Murraylands, South Australia) were 'tracked' through multiple seasons between 1999 and 2001. Dispersal was female-biased, and may be performed by females after breeding. Conversely, males were philopatric. Male kin relationships were characterized by preferential burrow- and warren-sharing among closely related males, often in associations lasting for years. In contrast, females under-associated with their close female relatives and did not form matrilineal groupings with potential for favourable kin interactions. This fundamental departure from the predominant mammalian pattern raises questions about the origins and maintenance of the system, which is now known from all three species of wombat. The present study provides starting points to address those questions by adding to our knowledge of longitudinal spatiotemporal associations and habitat use of a marsupial with the unusual system of female-biased dispersal, and by outlining robust methodologies.  相似文献   
The Bacillus subtilis Zur protein regulates zinc homeostasis by repressing at least 10 genes in response to zinc sufficiency. One of these genes, yciC, encodes an abundant protein postulated to function as a metallochaperone. Here, we used a genetic approach to identify the cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors contributing to the tight repression of yciC. Initial studies led to the identification of only trans-acting mutations, and, when the selection was repeated using a transposon library, all recovered mutants contained insertionally inactivated zur. Using a zur merodiploid strain, we obtained two cis-acting mutations that contained large deletions in the yciC regulatory region. We demonstrate that the yciC regulatory region contains two functional Zur boxes: a primary site (C2) overlapping a sigma(A) promoter approximately 200 bp upstream of yciC and a second site near the translational start point (C1). Zur binds to both of these sites to mediate strong, zinc-dependent repression of yciC. Deletion studies indicate that either Zur box is sufficient for repression, although repression by Zur bound to C2 is more efficient. Binding studies demonstrate that both sites bind Zur with high affinity. Sequence alignment of these and previously described Zur boxes suggest that Zur recognizes a more extended operator than other Fur family members. We used synthetic oligonucleotides to identify bases critical for DNA binding by Zur. Unlike Fur and PerR, which bind efficiently to sequences containing a core 7-1-7 repeat element, Zur requires a 9-1-9 inverted repeat for high-affinity binding.  相似文献   
A new class of benzimidazolone p38 MAP kinase inhibitors was discovered through high-throughput screening. X-ray crystallographic data of the lead molecule with p38 were used to design analogues with improved binding affinity and potency in a cell assay of LPS-induced TNF production. Herein, we report the SAR of this new class of p38 inhibitors.  相似文献   


Accurate clinical laboratory reference values derived from a local or regional population base are required to correctly interpret laboratory results. In Botswana, most reference intervals used to date are not standardized across clinical laboratories and are based on values derived from populations in the United States or Western Europe.


We measured 14 hematologic and biochemical parameters of healthy young adults screened for participation in the Botswana HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Study using tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) (TDF2 Study). Reference intervals were calculated using standard methods, stratified by gender, and compared with the site-derived reference values used for the TDF2 study (BOTUSA ranges), the Division of AIDS (DAIDS) Grading Table for Adverse Events, the Botswana public health laboratories, and other regional references.


Out of 2533 screened participants, 1786 met eligibility criteria for participation in study and were included in the analysis. Our reference values were comparable to those of the Botswana public health system except for amylase, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), phosphate, total and direct bilirubin. Compared to our reference values, BOTUSA reference ranges would have classified participants as out of range for some analytes, with amylase (50.8%) and creatinine (32.0%) producing the highest out of range values. Applying the DAIDS toxicity grading system to the values would have resulted in 45 and 18 participants as having severe or life threatening values for amylase and hemoglobin, respectively.


Our reference values illustrate the differences in hematological and biochemical analyte ranges between African and Western populations. Thus, the use of western-derived reference laboratory values to screen a group of Batswana adults resulted in many healthy people being classified as having out-of-range blood analytes. The need to establish accurate local or regional reference values is apparent and we hope our results can be used to that end in Botswana.  相似文献   
Self-monitoring of blood glucose is a critical component of diabetes management. However, patients often do not maintain the testing schedule recommended by their healthcare provider. Many barriers to testing have been cited, including cost and pain. We present a small pilot study to explore whether the use of financial incentives and pain-free lancets could improve adherence to glucose testing in a community health center patient population consisting largely of non-English speaking ethnic minorities with low health literacy. The proportion of patients lost to follow-up was 17%, suggesting that a larger scale study is feasible in this type of setting, but we found no preliminary evidence suggesting a positive effect on adherence by either financial incentives or pain-free lancets. Results from this pilot study will guide the design of larger-scale studies to evaluate approaches to overcome the variety of barriers to glucose testing that are present in disadvantaged patient populations.  相似文献   
Forests and woodlands are under continuing pressure from urban and agricultural development. Tree-dependent mammals that rarely venture to the ground are likely to be highly sensitive to forest fragmentation. The Australian squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) provides an excellent case study to examine genetic (functional) connectivity among populations. It has an extensive range that occurs in a wide band along the east coast. However, its forest and woodland habitat has become greatly reduced in area and is severely fragmented within the southern inland part of the species' range, where it is recognised as threatened. Within central and northern coastal regions, habitat is much more intact and we thus hypothesise that genetic connectivity will be greater in this region than in the south. To test this we employed microsatellite analysis in a molecular population biology approach. Most sampling locations in the highly modified south showed signatures of genetic isolation. In contrast, a high level of genetic connectivity was inferred among most sampled populations in the more intact habitat of the coastal region, with samples collected 1400 km apart having similar genetic cluster membership. Nonetheless, some coastal populations associated with urbanisation and agriculture are genetically isolated, suggesting the historic pattern observed in the south is emerging on the coast. Our study demonstrates that massive landscape changes following European settlement have had substantial impacts on levels of connectivity among squirrel glider populations, as predicted on the basis of the species' ecology. This suggests that landscape planning and management in the south should be focused on restoring habitat connectivity where feasible, while along the coast, existing habitat connectivity must be maintained and recent losses restored. Molecular population biology approaches provide a ready means for identifying fragmentation effects on a species at multiple scales. Such studies are required to examine the generality of our findings for other tree-dependent species.  相似文献   
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