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Corpora lutea were removed from regularly cycling dairy cows, dissociated with collagenase and cultured for 8 or 10 days in Ham's F-12 medium. In Exp. 1 treatment with insulin, or an insulin-transferrin-selenium combination (ITS), increased progesterone production from basal levels on Day 4 of culture to 234% (P less than 0.01) above controls on Day 10. LH alone increased progesterone production 45% above controls on Day 10 (P greater than 0.05). When LH was combined with insulin or ITS, progesterone production was stimulated to an average of 1802% (P less than 0.01) above controls on Day 10 of culture. Transferrin or selenium without insulin did not allow LH to stimulate progesterone synthesis. In Exp. II, LH alone or LH plus gentamicin or penicillin-streptomycin increased progesterone production from basal levels on Day 2 steadily to an average of 468% (P less than 0.01) above controls (no antibiotics) by Day 8 of culture. The addition of amphotericin-B, alone or in combination with the other antibiotics, inhibited all LH-stimulated progesterone synthesis, but did not affect basal progesterone levels. We conclude that insulin is essential for maximal steroidogenesis in a bovine luteal cell culture system, and that LH-stimulated progesterone production is inhibited in the presence of amphotericin-B, but is not inhibited by gentamicin or penicillin-streptomycin. The elimination of amphotericin-B, coupled with the addition of insulin to the cell culture system increased the responsiveness of the cells to LH. These culture conditions represent the first report in which LH increased total progesterone production for 10 days, maintaining luteal function in a chemically-defined culture system.  相似文献   
Genes encoding superantigens which delete Tcrb-V3+ T cells co-segregate with mouse mammary tumor proviruses (Mtv), Mtv-1, Mtv-3, Mtv-6, Mtv-13, and Mtv-44. We have examined percentages of Tcrb-V3+ T cells and Mtv integrations in [(B10 × NZB)F1 × B10.BR] mice, and show that Mtv-27 as well as Mtv-3 from NZB mice co-segregate with genes encoding deletion ligands for Tcrb-V3+ T cells without recombination. Adress correspondence and offprint requests to: K. Tomari.  相似文献   
The energy deposition in the nucleus of cells exposed to the 10B(n, alpha)7Li neutron capture reaction has been calculated and compared to the measured biological effect of this reaction. It was found that a considerable distribution of hit sizes to the nucleus occurs. The comparison of hit size frequency with the observed survival indicates that not every hit, independent of its size, can lead to cell death. This implies the existence of a hit size effectiveness function. The analysis shows that the location of boron relative to the radiation-sensitive volume of the cell is of great importance and that average dose values alone are of limited use for predicting the biological effect of this reaction. Boron accumulating in the cell nucleus is much more efficient in cell killing than the same amount of boron uniformly distributed; its presence in one cell, however, has little effect on its neighboring cells in a tissue. When boron is present on the cell surface of a tissue (as presumably delivered by antibodies), its cell-killing effect is greatly reduced compared to that in uniform distribution. However, in this case much of the dose to one cell comes from neutron capture reactions occurring on the surface of its neighbor cells. These data have implications for the choice of boron carries in neutron capture therapy. The mathematical analysis carried out here is similar to that proposed recently for low-level exposure effects of radiation, taking mutation and/or carcinogenesis as biological effects. The results here show that high-level exposure to high-LET particles (resulting in cell killing) should be treated in an analogous manner.  相似文献   
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte migration through human amnion membrane   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A new in vitro model has been developed for studying migration of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) through living native cellular and matrix barriers. Human amnion membrane consists of a single layer of epithelium bound to a continuous basement membrane interfacing an avascular collagenous stroma. Living amnion was placed in plastic chambers with separate compartments on each side of the membrane. PMN were introduced on the epithelial side of the amnion, and a Millipore filter (Millipore Corp., Bedford, Mass.) was placed against the stromal side. In response to N-formylmethionyl-leucyl- phenylanlanine (FMLP) chemoattractant, PMN penetrated the full thickness of the amnion and were collected and counted on the filter. The rate of PMN traversal of the amnion was dependent on the concentration of FMLP (optimal at 10(-8)M) as well as the slope of the FMLP gradient across the amnion. The route of PMN migration was studied by transmission electron microscopy. PMN first attached to the epithelial surface, then infiltrated between intercellular junctions. PMN migrated around or through tight junction and hemidesmosome attachments. The PMN then penetrated the basement membrane and migrated through the dense collagenous stroma. The present amnion migration system has characteristics of the in vivo inflammatory state not described in any previous method for monitoring PMN migration in vitro. Prior methods have not used native epithelium, whole basement membrane, or collagenous stroma. PMN penetration of these barriers occurs in the normal inflammatory response and probably involves biochemical mechanisms not required for simple migration through the pores of an artificial filter. The amnion system can be useful for future biochemical and morphological studies of PMN penetration of these barriers and possible repair processes that may follow.  相似文献   
  • 1 Tilapia tholloni (Substratbrüter), T. nilotica (weiblicher Maulbrüter) und T. heudeloti macrocephala (männlicher Maulbrüter) wurden künstlich erbrütet und ihre angeborenen Kontaktreaktionen in standardisierten Attrappenversuchen untersucht.
  • 2 Das Kontaktverhalten muß während einer kritischen Phase (bei T. nilotica unter den angegebenen Versuchsbedingungen bis ungefähr zum 21. Tag nach dem Ablaichen) aktiviert werden, wenn es längere Zeit andauern soll (= Reaktionsphase). Die Reaktionsphase kann bei T. nilotica mehrere Wochen dauern. In ihr nimmt die Reaktionsstärke (Anzahl und Dauer der Kontakte) zunächst rasch zu, erreicht ein Maximum und nimmt dann allmählich wieder ab. Anstieg, Maximum und Abnahme sind an bestimmte Entwicklungsabschnitte gebunden, weitgehend unabhängig davon, ob die Tiere zuvor schon Kontaktverhalten geäußert haben oder nicht. Die Kontaktreaktionen unterscheiden sich u. a. durch die Dauer der Kontakte: tholloni = 0,7 Sek., nilotica = 86,5 Sek., heudeloti m. = 1,5 Sek. je Tag und Tier (Maximalwerte bei bestimmten, für alle Arten gleichen Versuchsbedingungen).
  • 3 Von der Aufzuchttemperatur hängt es ab, in welchem Entwicklungsabschnitt die Reaktionsphase liegt. Das Reaktionsmaximum junger T. nilotica lag bei 24° C am 9., bei 29° C am Tag nach der Eiablage.
  • 4 Geblendete nilotica-Jungfische zeigten nur zu Beginn der Reaktionsphase schwaches Kontaktverhalten, normale Tiere äußerten gegenüber einer durchsichtigen Glasattrappe abgeschwächtes, nur kurze Zeit dauerndes Kontaktverhalten. Das Kontaktverhalten wird durch mechanische (Strömung) und optische Reize ausgelöter und gesteuert.
  • 5 Junge Maulbrüter aus kleinen Eiern erreichten eine längere Kontaktdauer als solche aus größeren. Nach künstlicher Reduktion der Dottermenge um 10–20%) erhöhte sich die Kontaktdauer bei jungen nilotica um 23,1%, die Zahl der Kontakte nahm gleichzeitig um 7,6% ab. Die ♀♀ der substratbrütenden T. mariae legen große Eier, die Jungen zeigten gegenüber Attrappen intensive Kontaktreaktionen. Es wird die Frage diskutiert, ob das Erreichen einer bestimmten Eigröße eine Voraussetzung für das Entstehen des Kontaktverhaltens gewesen sein könnte.
  • 6 Die Kurzkontakte junger T. tholloni werden aus ihrer Orientierungsreaktion abgeleitet und als Vorstufe des Kontaktverhaltens gedeutet.
  • 7 7. Mehrere Tilapia-Arten wurden künstlich gekreuzt. Bei Verwendung von tholloni-Sperma wiesen die Bastarde eine erhöhte Sterblichkeit auf. Aus der Kreuzung T. tholloni ♀ ~ T. nilotica ♂ (Substratbrüter ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) gingen nur ♀♀ hervor. Die Kreuzung T. heudeloti macrocephala ~ T. nilotica (männlicher ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) erbrachte fertile F1- und F2-Generationen sowie alle vier möglichen Rückkreuzungen. Bei der Vererbung des Kontaktverhaltens (gemessen an der Dauer der Kontakte) scheinen relativ wenig Erbfaktoren mitzuwirken, T. heudeloti m. erwies sich gegenüber nilotica als praevalent. Ein Teil der Bastarde aus der Kreuzung T. tholloni ♀ ~ T. nilotica ♂ (F1) (Substratbrüter ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) lag auf der Merkmalsskala zwischen den Ausgangsarten, der Rest verteilte sich sowohl auf den Bereich von tholloni als auch auf den Bereich von nilotica.
Many types of smear slides can be made permanent rapidly and effectively by substituting for the usual dehydration series a single-step process of freezing the slide on a block of dry ice, placing it immediately in 95% or absolute alcohol, and then mounting it. Advantages of the technic are its speed, the ease of separation of cover slip from slide with a minimum loss of cells, and the superiority of the resulting permanent slides.  相似文献   
A new x-ray fiber diffraction pattern from deoxygenated sickle cell erythrocytes has been observed. It displays 14 layer lines with a 109 A periodicity compared with the 64 A periodicity of the "classic" sickle cell hemoglobin (HbS) fiber. These data and association energy calculations serve as a basis for computer model building. Systematic searches over four-dimensional parameter space yielded twelve protofilament models that satisfy the following constraints: (a) two HbS molecules be related by twofold screw symmetry with a translational repeat of 109 A; (b) at least one of the substituted residues in HbS, val beta 6, should participate in intermolecular contacts; and (c) the energy of intermolecular interaction be less than -24 kcal/mol. Each of the protofilament models is a zigzag mono-strand that stands in contrast to the double-stranded protofilament of the "classic" fiber. Fiber models were constructed with each of the 12 protofilament models, pseudo-hexagonally packed. Searches of variable packing parameters showed four fiber models with minimal protofilament association energies and minimal differences between calculated transforms and observed data. The R-factor was less than 0.24 for each of these four models. In three of the fiber models the protofilament association energy is between -(93 and 130) kcal, and in a fourth, the energy is -64 kcal. One protofilament model constituted three distinct fiber models of the lower energy class, and a second protofilament model packed with a higher association energy into a fourth fiber model. The selection of a unique fiber model from among these four cannot be made because of the limited available data.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary If a tumor can be preferentially loaded with a suitable boron-10 compound and irradiated with thermal neutrons, malignant cells can be selectively destroyed via the-particle + Li 7-nucleus from the reaction10B(n,)7Li.Neutron capture therapy with two boron-10 amino acid analogs of low toxicity has been tested in recent years: (a) trimethylamine-carboxyborane, (A3) and (b) amine-carboxyborane, (A7). Now the boron-10 glycineamide analog (A8), amineboryl-carboxamide has been synthesized; it contains 13.81% boron (90% Boron 10+10% Boron 11) and shows a very low toxicity in mice. The effects of this compound were tested on the syngeneic solid adenocarcinoma EO 771 on the right hind leg of male C57 BL/6J mice under standard conditions, by measuring tumor volume growth delay and cell cycle changes using flow cytometry. Boron distribution between tumor and muscle was analyzed by emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma (ICP) following injection of a suspension of peanut oil emulsion. In addition, boron-10 concentration in the tumor were analyzed with prompt-activation analysis and neutron capture radiography (Kodak-Pathé LR 115) at the MRR reactor in Brookhaven after i.p. injection of 0.4 mg/g A8.Application of A8 alone (0.4 mg/g i.p.) or thermal neutron irradiation of the tumor EO. 771 produced a tumor growth delay of 1–2 days for tumor volume doubling. Application of the boron 10 glycine-amide analog A8 i.p. plus 51012 n/cm2 resulted in a growth delay of 3–6 days.In contrastintratumoral application of A8 plus 41012 n/cm2 neutrons gave a growth delay of 7–14 days; the fraction of (G2 + M) cells rose from 35% (neutrons alone) to 52%, as evaluated from flow cytometry.Dedicated to Prof. L.E. Feinendegen on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
Functional groups (FG) are an useful generalization to investigate environmental change effects on biotic communities. Assigning species to FGs is a contextual task and carries an arbitrary element, regardless of whether the grouping is obtained a priori or by sophisticated numerical methods. Using two grassland community case studies, we show that even simple FG allocation based on growth form, architecture and longevity (plants and mosses), or foraging characteristics (above-ground invertebrates) can be useful to increase our understanding of community processes. For example, the sensitivity of organisms to climate change increases with trophic rank and is higher in disturbed than in undisturbed communities. Complexity of interaction webs (in terms of web connectance), however, is larger in undisturbed than in disturbed communities. A significant and important relationship is likely to exist between anthropogenic disturbances, community complexity and the ecosystem effects of climate change. Trophic interactions may be disrupted much easier by climate changes in disturbed than in undisturbed communities where complexity may be buffering these effects.  相似文献   
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