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The genetic code, once thought to be rigid, hag been found to be quite fiexible, permitting several different reading alternatives. One of these is translatlonal frameshifting, a process programmed in the mRNA sequence and which enables a +1 or -1 shift from the reading frame of the initiation codon. So far, the Involvement of translatlonal frameahifting in gene expression has been described mainly in viruses (particularly retroviruses), retrotransposons, and bacterial insertion elements, in this MicroReview., we present a survey of the cellular genes, mostly in Escherichia coil, which have been found to be expressed through a transiational frameshifting process, as well as a discussion of the regulatory implications of this process.  相似文献   
The determination of enantiomeric purity of (R)- and (S)-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyric acid by chiral HPLC is described. Good resolution has been obtained on covalently bonded L-hydroxyproline saturated with Cu(II) ions. The method makes possible the determination of enantiomeric purity in media containing growing cells. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In an attempt to identify relationships among genomes of the allotetraploid Pennisetum purpureum Schumach and closely related Pennisetum species with which it can be successfully hybridized, repetitive DNA sequences were examined. Digestion with KpnI revealed two highly repetitive fragments of 140 by and 160 bp. The possibility that these sequences could be used as genome markers was investigated. Average sequences were determined for the 140 by and 160 by KpnI families from P. purpureum and P. squamulatum Fresen. Average sequences (based upon four or five repeats) were determined for the P. glaucum (L.) R. Br. 140 by KpnI family and the diploid P. hohenackeri Hochst. ex Steud. 160 bp KpnI family. The average sequences of the 160 by KpnI families in P. purpureum and P. squamulatum differ by only nine bases. The 140 by KpnI families of the three related species, P. purpureum, P. squamulantum, and P. glaucum are nearly identical, and thus likely represent a recent divergence from a common progenitor or a common genome. Each repetitive sequence may contain internal duplications, which probably diverged following amplification of the original sequence. The 140 by KpnI repeat probably evolved from the 160 by KpnI repeat since the missing 18 by segment is part of the internal duplication that is otherwise conserved in the subrepeats. Tandemly arrayed repetitive sequences in plants are likely to be composed of subrepeats which have been duplicated and amplified.Florida Aqricultural Experiment Station series #R-02758  相似文献   
The angiosperm root parasiteCynomorium coccineum and the halophytic hostsLimonium delicatulum andArthrocnemum glaucum were invesrigated under natural conditions in a Mediterranean salt marsh in March 1992. The diurnal transpiration rate of the parasite was low and parallel to the climatic factors. The non-infected plants showed higher transpiration rates than the parasite and its hosts. Compared to the non-infected plants, it is apparent that the perennial herbL. delicatulum is more sensitive to infection since its reduction in the fresh and dry mass was higher than that found inA. glaucum.  相似文献   
Environmentally cued hatching has been well-documented in amphibians in response to a wide range of abiotic and biotic factors. The hatching of terrestrial amphibian eggs in response to flooding may be basal within the group, but amphibian lineages in tropical Asia and sub-Saharan Africa have not received as much attention as their Neotropical counterparts. We investigated submergence-induced hatching in Feihyla hansenae, a Rhacophorid tree frog with terrestrial eggs. We quantified natural rates of clutch submergence at our study site in Thailand. Using submergence experiments, we found that embryos are capable of hatching early to escape flooding, and that failure to hatch results in mortality. Among the embryos that were able to hatch early, only the earliest, youngest hatchlings experienced a trade-off in body size that persisted for 6 days, while later, older hatchlings were not significantly smaller than spontaneous hatchlings under control conditions. By incorporating our natural and experimental data into Monte Carlo methods to simulate and compare survival probabilities with and without hatching plasticity, we found an overall 3.1% increase in submergence survival due to hatching plasticity. Our findings support the idea that flooding-induced hatching is widespread across amphibians with terrestrial eggs and highlight the importance of researching understudied tropical regions. As climate change is projected to affect rainfall patterns, the ability of embryos to escape abiotic egg-stage threats may be an indicator of species' ability to flexibly navigate a changing environment.  相似文献   
We evaluated dominance-submissiveness between co-twins and its relationship to mental health in a cohort study of 419 twins followed from pregnancy to 22-30 years of age. Dominance-submissiveness between co-twins was assessed from three separate perspectives: physical dominance, psychological dominance, and verbal dominance. Depressive, nervous, and psychosomatic symptoms were analyzed in different twin groups. In the physical domain, males were more commonly dominant than females at school age and in adulthood. Before and at school age, girls were more dominant than boys in the psychological and verbal domains, as well as in total dominance. These differences disappeared in adulthood, and 81% of adult twins felt themselves equal to their co-twin in total dominance. Submissiveness in the psychological domain seemed to be associated with increased depressiveness, nervous complaints and psychosomatic symptoms in males of male-female twin pairs. Verbally submissive males in same-sex twin pairs had more depression and psychosomatic symptoms. Among females of same-sex twin pairs, submissiveness in the psychological domain was most clearly associated with depressive symptoms, whereas psychological or verbal dominance-submissiveness among females from male-female twin pairs was not associated with symptoms. Psychologically dominant males and females of same-sex twin pairs expressed greater nervousness than did their co-twins. We conclude that being submissive, especially in the psychological domain, to a female twin partner seems to be stressful, whereas it is easier, especially for females, to be submissive to a male twin partner.  相似文献   
Macrofossils of weeds retrieved from archaeological sediments in Egypt are discussed in terms of their presence, preservation and representation significance. The study reveals 112 field weeds from 61 archaeological sites dating from Predynastic times (4500 B.C.) up to the Graeco-Roman period (A.D. 395). Most of the remains were preserved by desiccation. The 112 listed species include 24 taxa from Predynastic Hierakonpolis (3800–3500 B.C.) identified for the first time. This study is based on a selection of 97 species from the entire list. Interpretation of field weed finds from the archaeological contexts is discussed. The highest number of species, 63, is recorded from the Pharaonic period. The Predynastic era is represented by 46 species and the Graeco-Roman period by 34. The intensive archaeological excavation of Pharaonic settlements may explain the rich flora of that period compared with the two others. Floristic analysis shows that 57 species were introduced in association with crops from the Middle East and 40 may belong to the native vegetation of the Nile valley.  相似文献   
Abstract: Paired helical filaments (PHFs), a characteristic neuropathologic finding in Alzheimer's disease brain, are abnormal fibrillary forms of hyperphosphorylated tau (PHF-tau), which have been shown to be highly resistant to calpain digestion. Either excessive phosphorylation or fibrillary arrangement of tau proteins in PHFs may play a role in proteolytic resistance by limiting access to calpain recognition/digestion sites. To determine the contribution of the fibrillary conformation, isolated PHFs were subjected to treatment with either formic acid or guanidine. Both procedures effectively abolished the fibrillary structure of PHF but preserved PHF-tau immunoreactivity using a panel of antibodies that recognize nonphosphorylated and phosphorylated epitopes. These treatments also significantly increased the sensitivity of PHF-tau polypeptides to calpain proteolysis as shown by significant decreases in the half-life ( t 1/2) from the infinite with native PHF to 44 min and 4.4 min in formic acid- or guanidine-treated samples, respectively. In contrast, the sensitivity of normal fetal tau (3.4 min) was either decreased (5.9 min) or unaffected (3.6 min) by similar treatment. Our results indicate that after guanidine treatment, the sensitivity of PHF to calpain resembles that of fetal tau. These results strongly suggest that the fibrillary structure of PHF-tau, rather than hyperphosphorylation, is the major factor responsible for the resistance of abnormal filaments to calpain-mediated proteolysis.  相似文献   
Changes with time after injury in behavioral deficits, as determined by the Morris swim test, and the in vivo specific binding of HEAT, a selective 1-adrenoreceptor ligand, were compared with the time-course of development of cortical hypometabolism in rats with focal freezing lesions. In our trauma model, cortical hypometabolism was detectable in the lesioned hemisphere at 4 hr, became maximal (50% of normal) at 3 days and diminished towards normal on days 5 and 10 post-injury. Progressive impairment of acquisition of the Morris water maze task was demonstrated up to day 3 post-lesion with improvement thereafter. On day 3 the latency to reach criterion was 60% longer in lesioned animals than in corresponding sham-operated ones. An increase in the volume of distribution of HEAT, limited to cortical areas of the lesioned hemisphere, was demonstrable at 4 hr post-lesion and reached its maximum on day 3 (200% of normal) with subsequent return toward normal on days 5 and 10. Several types of drugs were shown previously to modify the cortical hypometabolism associated with cerebral injury. The present data indicate that the same drugs also modify the in vivo binding of HEAT and the behavioral deficits induced by brain lesions. Ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, p-chlorophenylalanine, an inhibitor of serotonin synthesis, ketanserin, a specific 5HT2-receptor antagonist, and prazosin, an 1-adrenergic receptor blocker all normalized the in vivo binding of HEAT in the cortical areas of the lesioned hemisphere. All groups of animals treated with these drugs also showed subtle, but statistically highly significant improvements in latency to locate the platform in the Morris water maze. Taken together these results show good correlation between behavioral deficits, changes in 1-noradrenergic receptor binding and cortical hypometabolism in injured brain. This supports the hypothesis that post-injury cortical hypometabolism is a reflection of cortical functional depression in which both the serotonergic and noradrenergic neurotransmitter systems play a role, compatible with their inhibitory effects in the cortex and their postulated involvement in cortical information processing.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Leon S. Wolfe.  相似文献   
Fifteen Frankia strains from five different plant species were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis to determine their relatedness by comparing the polypeptide patterns obtained. Three major subgroups (A, C, and D) were found in the Alnus-Comptonia-Myrica cross-inoculation group. An isolate from Purshia tridentata had a unique protein pattern and represents a distinct group of frankiae. Members of group A were isolated from root nodules of Alnus incana subsp. rugosa and Alnus viridis subsp. crispa. Group C organisms were from A. incana subsp. rugosa and Comptonia peregrina nodules, and group D organisms were from A. incana subsp. rugosa, A. viridis subsp. cripsa, and Myrica pensylvanica root nodules. Isolates from each gel group were obtained at several widely separated geographical locations. The results indicate that two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is useful for identifying Frankia isolates.  相似文献   
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