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Nitrogen Translocation to Fresh Litter in Northern Hardwood Forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrogen immobilization in fresh litter represents a significant N flux in forest ecosystems, and changes in this process resulting from atmospheric N deposition could have important implications for ecosystem responses. We conducted two leaf decay experiments, using 15N-labeled sugar maple leaf litter, to quantify N transport from old litter and soil to fresh litter during early stages of decomposition, and we examined the influence of litter N concentration and soil N availability on upward N transfer in a northern hardwood forest. After one year of decay, the average N transfer from soil to fresh litter (2.63 mg N g?1 litter) was much higher than the N transfer from older litter (1- to 2-years-old) to fresh litter (0.37 mg N g?1 litter). We calculated the ratio of annual N transfer per unit of excess 15N pool for these two N sources. The ratio was not significantly different between old litter and soil, suggesting that fungi utilize N in the old litter and mineral soil pools for transport to decaying fresh litter with similar efficiency. Initial litter N concentration had a significant effect on upward N flux into decaying leaf litter, whereas no effect of soil N fertilization was observed. Reduction in the flux from soil to fresh litter owing to anthropogenic N inputs probably contributes significantly to changing soil N dynamics. Future work is needed on fungal N acquisition and transport as well as the fungal taxa involved in this process and their responses to changing environments.  相似文献   
Granule-bound starch synthase: structure, function, and phylogenetic utility   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
Interest in the use of low-copy nuclear genes for phylogenetic analyses of plants has grown rapidly, because highly repetitive genes such as those commonly used are limited in number. Furthermore, because low- copy genes are subject to different evolutionary processes than are plastid genes or highly repetitive nuclear markers, they provide a valuable source of independent phylogenetic evidence. The gene for granule-bound starch synthase (GBSSI or waxy) exists in a single copy in nearly all plants examined so far. Our study of GBSSI had three parts: (1) Amino acid sequences were compared across a broad taxonomic range, including grasses, four dicotyledons, and the microbial homologs of GBSSI. Inferred structural information was used to aid in the alignment of these very divergent sequences. The informed alignments highlight amino acids that are conserved across all sequences, and demonstrate that structural motifs can be highly conserved in spite of marked divergence in amino acid sequence. (2) Maximum-likelihood (ML) analyses were used to examine exon sequence evolution throughout grasses. Differences in probabilities among substitution types and marked among-site rate variation contributed to the observed pattern of variation. Of the parameters examined in our set of likelihood models, the inclusion of among-site rate variation following a gamma distribution caused the greatest improvement in likelihood score. (3) We performed cladistic parsimony analyses of GBSSI sequences throughout grasses, within tribes, and within genera to examine the phylogenetic utility of the gene. Introns provide useful information among very closely related species, but quickly become difficult to align among more divergent taxa. Exons are variable enough to provide extensive resolution within the family, but with low bootstrap support. The combined results of amino acid sequence comparisons, maximum-likelihood analyses, and phylogenetic studies underscore factors that might affect phylogenetic reconstruction. In this case, accommodation of the variable rate of evolution among sites might be the first step in maximizing the phylogenetic utility of GBSSI.   相似文献   
Comparative sperm ultrastructure within the molluscan nudibranch genus Halgerda (Discodorididae) was examined for the first time using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), based on 17 of the 35 known species. In addition, observations on two other discodorids are made to facilitate outgroup comparison with Halgerda, including one species of Discodoris (D. boholiensis) and Asteronotus cespitosus (currently accepted as the closest sister taxon to Halgerda). Comparison was also made with some genera of the Chromodorididae in view of sperm similarities. Spermatozoa of all species examined were of the complex, helical, elongate ( approximately 300-400 micro m) type characteristic of most heterobranch gastropods. These cells exhibit the following discrete regions (in anteroposterior sequence) : an acrosomal complex (composed of a rounded, membrane-bound vesicle and a column-like pedestal); a solid, helical nucleus; an elongate, helical midpiece (composed of an axoneme and associated nine coarse fibers, an enveloping mitochondrial derivative of matrix, and paracrystalline materials and glycogen helix); an annular complex; and a short glycogen piece. Of these regions, the midpiece is by far the longest, occupying over 90% of the total sperm length. Comparison with other members of the radula-bearing cryptobranch dorids reveals several sperm similarities to other genera in the clade, particularly those of other Discodorididae and also with the Chromodorididae. Comparison with previously studied genera reveals noteworthy sperm differences within the Discodorididae. The most notable differences are the internal structure of the acrosomal pedestal (long and homogeneous in Halgerda, Discodoris; short and homogeneous in Asteronotus; long and finely striated in Rostanga; oblong with angular electron-lucent striations in Jorunna) and the internal structure of the glycogen piece. The pronounced helical keels of most Halgerda and Discodoris nuclei contrast with the weakly helical nucleus of Asteronotus. Sperm features alone do not provide a means of defining the genus Halgerda or the family Discodorididae nor do they support the monophyletic status of the caryophyllidia-bearing dorids. Important sperm characters such as the acrosome, nucleus, and midpiece can often still be determined from specimens that have been initially fixed in formalin, then stored in ethanol for extended periods of time (i.e., museum material). Of all sperm features, the mitochondrial derivative of the midpiece is the most resistant to long-term fixation : the survival of acrosomal, nuclear, and axonemal components is variable, presumably a factor of prefixation autolysis, varied primary fixation times and temperatures, formalin quality, and duration of alcohol storage.  相似文献   
The nitrogen cycle in lodgepole pine forests,southeastern Wyoming   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
Storage and flux of nitrogen were studied in several contrasting lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta spp.latifolia) forests in southeastern Wyoming. The mineral soil contained most of the N in these ecosystems (range of 315–860 g · m–2), with aboveground detritus (37.5–48.8g · m–2) and living biomass (19.5–24.0 g · m–2) storing much smaller amounts. About 60–70% of the total N in vegetation was aboveground, and N concentrations in plant tissues were unusually low (foliage = 0.7% N), as were N input via wet precipitation (0.25 g · m–2 · yr–1), and biological fixation of atmospheric N (<0.03 g · m–2 · yr–1, except locally in some stands at low elevations where symbiotic fixation by the leguminous herbLupinus argenteus probably exceeded 0.1 g · m–2 · yr–1).Because of low concentrations in litterfall and limited opportunity for leaching, N accumulated in decaying leaves for 6–7 yr following leaf fall. This process represented an annual flux of about 0.5g · m–2 to the 01 horizon. Only 20% of this flux was provided by throughfall, with the remaining 0.4g · m–2 · yr–1 apparently added from layers below. Low mineralization and small amounts of N uptake from the 02 are likely because of minimal rooting in the forest floor (as defined herein) and negligible mineral N (< 0.05 mg · L–1) in 02 leachate. A critical transport process was solubilization of organic N, mostly fulvic acids. Most of the organic N from the forest floor was retained within the major tree rooting zone (0–40 cm), and mineralization of soil organic N provided NH4 for tree uptake. Nitrate was at trace levels in soil solutions, and a long lag in nitrification was always observed under disturbed conditions. Total root nitrogen uptake was calculated to be 1.25 gN · m–2 · yr–1 with estimated root turnover of 0.37-gN · m–2 · yr–1, and the soil horizons appeared to be nearly in balance with respect to N. The high demand for mineralized N and the precipitation of fulvic acid in the mineral soil resulted in minimal deep leaching in most stands (< 0.02 g · m–2 · yr–1). These forests provide an extreme example of nitrogen behavior in dry, infertile forests.  相似文献   


PCR-based surveys have shown that guppies (Poecilia reticulata) have an unusually large visual-opsin gene repertoire. This has led to speculation that opsin duplication and divergence has enhanced the evolution of elaborate male coloration because it improves spectral sensitivity and/or discrimination in females. However, this conjecture on evolutionary connections between opsin repertoire, vision, mate choice, and male coloration was generated with little data on gene expression. Here, we used RT-qPCR to survey visual-opsin gene expression in the eyes of males, females, and juveniles in order to further understand color-based sexual selection from the perspective of the visual system.  相似文献   


Changes in beliefs about self‐weighing were examined across time in a behavioral weight loss intervention.


Active duty military personnel (= 248) enrolled in a 12‐month counselor‐initiated or self‐paced intervention based on the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Intensive Lifestyle Intervention. Using an electronic scale, participants were asked to self‐weigh daily. Self‐weighing perceptions were compared from baseline to 4 months (weight loss phase), from 4 months to 12 months (weight maintenance phase), and from baseline to 12 months (full intervention), as well as across time by behavioral and demographic characteristics.


Overall, participants perceived self‐weighing as more helpful and positive, less frustrating, and making them less self‐conscious after the weight loss phase. After weight maintenance, individuals believed self‐weighing was less helpful and positive, more frustrating and anxiety provoking, and making them more self‐conscious. However, after the intervention, participants still viewed self‐weighing as more helpful and positive and less frustrating than at baseline. Weight change, self‐weighing behavior prior to the intervention, and intervention condition were associated with perception change. Controlling for these influencing factors, differences in gender, BMI, age, ethnicity, and race were observed in how beliefs changed across time.


Results suggest engaging in a weight loss intervention promoting daily self‐weighing increases positive and decreases negative beliefs about self‐weighing.  相似文献   
Understanding the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to global change remains a major challenge of ecological research. We exploited a natural elevation gradient in a northern hardwood forest to determine how reductions in snow accumulation, expected with climate change, directly affect dynamics of soil winter frost, and indirectly soil microbial biomass and activity during the growing season. Soils from lower elevation plots, which accumulated less snow and experienced more soil temperature variability during the winter (and likely more freeze/thaw events), had less extractable inorganic nitrogen (N), lower rates of microbial N production via potential net N mineralization and nitrification, and higher potential microbial respiration during the growing season. Potential nitrate production rates during the growing season were particularly sensitive to changes in winter snow pack accumulation and winter soil temperature variability, especially in spring. Effects of elevation and winter conditions on N transformation rates differed from those on potential microbial respiration, suggesting that N‐related processes might respond differently to winter climate change in northern hardwood forests than C‐related processes.  相似文献   
One-carbon metabolism in lectin-activated human lymphocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serine is an essential amino acid for the lectin-mediated transformation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes due to the inability of this cell to synthesize sufficient quantities via either the phosphorylated pathway or by reversal of the serine hydroxymethyltransferase reaction to meet the metabolic demands. The level of intracellular serine is tightly regulated, and the culture medium concentration for optimum cellular transformation falls within a relatively narrow range. The three-carbon atom of serine is the major source of one-carbon units required for purine and pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis, but the key effect of both serine deprivation and of high medium serine levels would appear to be on protein synthesis. Although an alternative source of one-carbon units, as provided by high levels of formate in the culture medium, can partially reverse the effects of serine deprivation, the only other demonstrable source of one-carbon units, tryptophan, requires serine for its incorporation and subsequent metabolism. Methionine is also essential for lymphocyte transformation and is involved in the synthesis of a small amount of phosphatidylcholine, although most of this phospholipid is provided by choline and lysophosphatidylcholine from the serum-supplemented culture medium.  相似文献   
一、前言哈巴德布鲁克实验林(Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest)位于美国东北部新罕布什尔州中部的白山国家森林中。该地区位于典型温带湿润气候区内,年平均降水量为129.5cm,全年月平均降水量变化不大,冬雪夏雨。蒸发蒸腾量以每年6—9月为最大(Likens等,1977;Bormann等,1979)。该实验林为北美温带落叶阔叶林,属红果云杉(Picea rubens)-阔叶林。Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study(HBES)是开始最  相似文献   
Human synovial fibroblasts in culture respond to bradykinin with a 20-fold increment in intracellular cyclic AMP concentrations, however bradykinin does not directly activate adenylate cyclase activity in a particulate fraction derived from these cells. Bradykinin evokes a release of labeled arachidonic acid and prostaglandins E and F from synovial fibroblasts pre-labeled with 3H-arachidonic acid. Hydrocortisone inhibits the bradykinin induced increment in cyclic AMP and the release of arachidonic acid and prostaglandins E and F from synovial fibroblasts. Indomethacin, which also inhibits the cyclic AMP response to bradykinin, has no effect on the release of arachidonic acid from synovial fibroblasts. Indomethacin does, however, inhibit the quantity of prostaglandins released into the medium. These studies support the hypothesis that bradykinin does not activate human synovial fibroblast adenylate cyclase, but presumably activates a phospholipase whose products in turn result in the synthesis of prostaglandins. These and other investigations also suggest that a product(s) of the prostaglandin pathway causes the increment in cyclic AMP.  相似文献   
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