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Dry mouth is characterized by lower saliva production and changes in saliva composition. In patients with some salivary gland function remaining, pharmaceutical treatments are not recommended; therefore, new, more effective methods of promoting saliva production are needed. Hence, this study aimed to provide an overview of the histological changes in the salivary gland in the model of isoproterenol (ISO)-induced degenerative changes in male Wistar rats and to evaluate the protective effect of piceatannol. Thirty-two male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups: the control group, the ISO group, and the piceatannol (PIC)-1, and -2 groups. After the third day of the experiment, Iso (0.8 mg/100 g) was injected intraperitoneally (IP) twice daily into the animals. PIC was given IP in different daily doses (20 and 40 mg/kg) for three days before ISO and seven days with ISO injection. The salivary glands were rapidly dissected and processed for histological, histochemical, immunohistochemical (Ki-67), and morphometric analysis. Upon seven days of treatment with ISO, marked hypertrophy was observed, along with an increased number of positive Ki-67 cells. Proliferation was increased in some endothelial cells as well as in ducts themselves. Despite the significant decrease in proliferation activity, the control group did not return to the usual activity level after treatment with low-dose PIC. Treatment with a high dose of PIC reduced proliferative activity to the point where it was substantially identical to the results seen in the control group. An ISO-driven xerostomia model showed a novel protective effect of piceatannol. A new era of regenerative medicine is dawning around PIC’s promising role.  相似文献   


Intestinal barrier dysfunction and translocation of endotoxins are involved in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease. Exposure to ethanol and its metabolite, acetaldehyde at relatively high concentrations have been shown to disrupt intestinal epithelial tight junctions in the conventional two dimensional cell culture models. The present study investigated quantitatively and qualitatively the effects of ethanol at concentrations detected in the blood after moderate ethanol consumption, of its metabolite acetaldehyde and of the combination of both compounds on intestinal barrier function in a three-dimensional cell culture model.

Methods and Findings

Caco-2 cells were grown in a basement membrane matrix (Matrigel™) to induce spheroid formation and were then exposed to the compounds at the basolateral side. Morphological differentiation of the spheroids was assessed by immunocytochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. The barrier function was assessed by the flux of FITC-labeled dextran from the basal side into the spheroids'' luminal compartment using confocal microscopy. Caco-2 cells grown on Matrigel assembled into fully differentiated and polarized spheroids with a central lumen, closely resembling enterocytes in vivo and provide an excellent model to study epithelial barrier functionality. Exposure to ethanol (10–40 mM) or acetaldehyde (25–200 µM) for 3 h, dose-dependently and additively increased the paracellular permeability and induced redistribution of ZO-1 and occludin without affecting cell viability or tight junction-encoding gene expression. Furthermore, ethanol and acetaldehyde induced lysine residue and microtubules hyperacetylation.


These results indicate that ethanol at concentrations found in the blood after moderate drinking and acetaldehyde, alone and in combination, can increase the intestinal epithelial permeability. The data also point to the involvement of protein hyperacetylation in ethanol- and acetaldehyde-induced loss of tight junctions integrity.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium tuberculosis accumulates large amounts of triacylglycerol (TAG) which acts as storage compounds for energy and carbon. The mycobacterial triacylglycerols stored in the form of intracellular lipid droplets are essential for long-term survival of M. tuberculosis during a dormant state. We report here that when the M. tuberculosis mycolytransferase Ag85A is overexpressed in Mycobacterium smegmatis mc(2)155, cell morphology was changed and the cells became grossly enlarged. A massive formation of lipid bodies and a change in lipid pattern was observed simultaneously. We suspected a possible role of Ag85A in the acyl lipid metabolism and discovered that the enzyme possesses acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) activity in addition to its well-known function as mycolyltransferase. Ag85A mediates the transesterification of diacylglycerol using long-chain acyl-CoA as acyl donors. The K(m) and K(cat) values for palmitoleoyl-coenzyme A were 390 μM and 55.54 min(-1) respectively. A docking model suggests that palmitoleoyl-coenzyme A and 1,2-dipalmitin occupy the same active site as trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate and trehalose 6'-monomycolate. The site-directed Ser126Ala mutation of the active site proved that this residue is involved in the catalytic activity of this enzyme. Although not proven conclusively for dormant stage of M. tuberculosis, our novel finding about the synthesis of TAGs by Ag85A strongly suggests that Ag85A may play a significant role in the formation of lipid storage bodies and thus also in the establishment and maintenance of a persistent tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   
Neisseria meningitidis is a human nasopharyngeal commensal capable of causing life-threatening septicemia and meningitis. Many meningococcal surface structures, including the autotransporter proteins NalP and MspA, are subject to phase variation (PV) due to the presence of homopolymeric tracts within their coding sequences. The functions of MspA are unknown. NalP proteolytically cleaves several surface-located virulence factors including the 4CMenB antigen NhbA. Therefore, NalP is a phase-variable regulator of the meningococcal outer membrane and secretome whose expression may reduce isolate susceptibility to 4CMenB-induced immune responses. To improve our understanding of the contributions of MspA and NalP to meningococcal-host interactions, their distribution and phase-variable expression status was studied in epidemiologically relevant samples, including 127 carriage and 514 invasive isolates representative of multiple clonal complexes and serogroups. Prevalence estimates of >98% and >88% were obtained for mspA and nalP, respectively, with no significant differences in their frequencies in disease versus carriage isolates. 16% of serogroup B (MenB) invasive isolates, predominately from clonal complexes ST-269 and ST-461, lacked nalP. Deletion of nalP often resulted from recombination events between flanking repetitive elements. PolyC tract lengths ranged from 6–15 bp in nalP and 6–14 bp in mspA. In an examination of PV status, 58.8% of carriage, and 40.1% of invasive nalP-positive MenB isolates were nalP phase ON. The frequency of this phenotype was not significantly different in serogroup Y (MenY) carriage strains, but was significantly higher in invasive MenY strains (86.3%; p<0.0001). Approximately 90% of MenB carriage and invasive isolates were mspA phase ON; significantly more than MenY carriage (32.7%) or invasive (13.7%) isolates. This differential expression resulted from different mode mspA tract lengths between the serogroups. Our data indicates a differential requirement for NalP and MspA expression in MenB and MenY strains and is a step towards understanding the contributions of phase-variable loci to meningococcal biology.  相似文献   


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is heterogeneous and overlaps with frontotemporal dementia. Spectral EEG can predict damage in structural and functional networks in frontotemporal dementia but has never been applied to ALS.


18 incident ALS patients with normal cognition and 17 age matched controls underwent 128 channel EEG and neuropsychology assessment. The EEG data was analyzed using FieldTrip software in MATLAB to calculate simple connectivity measures and scalp network measures. sLORETA was used in nodal analysis for source localization and same methods were applied as above to calculate nodal network measures. Graph theory measures were used to assess network integrity.


Cross spectral density in alpha band was higher in patients. In ALS patients, increased degree values of the network nodes was noted in the central and frontal regions in the theta band across seven of the different connectivity maps (p<0.0005). Among patients, clustering coefficient in alpha and gamma bands was increased in all regions of the scalp and connectivity were significantly increased (p=0.02). Nodal network showed increased assortativity in alpha band in the patients group. The Clustering Coefficient in Partial Directed Connectivity (PDC) showed significantly higher values for patients in alpha, beta, gamma, theta and delta frequencies (p=0.05).


There is increased connectivity in the fronto-central regions of the scalp and areas corresponding to Salience and Default Mode network in ALS, suggesting a pathologic disruption of neuronal networking in early disease states. Spectral EEG has potential utility as a biomarker in ALS.  相似文献   
The dibucaine number (DN) was determined for serum cholinesterase (EC, SChE) in plasma samples. The ones with a DN of 79-82 were used, because they had the "usual" SChE variant. The enzyme was assayed colorimetrically by the reaction of 5,5'-dithiobis-[2-nitrobenzoic acid] (DTNB) with the free sulfhydryl groups of thiocholine that were produced by the enzyme reaction with butrylthiocholine (BuTch) or acetylthiocholine (AcTch) substrates, and measured at 412 nm. Dibucaine, a quaternary ammonium compound, inhibited SChE to a minimum within 2 min in a reversible manner. The inhibition was very potent. It had an IC(50) of 5.3 microM with BuTch or 3.8 microM with AcTch. The inhibition was competitive with respect to BuTch with a K(i) of 1.3 microM and a linear-mixed type (competitive/noncompetitive) with respect to AcTch with inhibition constants, K(i) and K(I) of 0.66 and 2.5 microM, respectively. Dibucaine possesses a butoxy side chain that is similar to the butryl group of BuTch and longer by an ethylene group from AcTch. This may account for the difference in inhibition behavior. It may also suggest the existence of an additional binding site, other than the anionic binding site, and of a hydrophobic nature.  相似文献   
The C-terminal heptapeptide-amide (C7-sorbin) is the minimal biologically active fragment of sorbin inducing an increase in intestinal hydroelectrolytic absorption. An analogue (D7-sorbin), characterized by the replacement of the ultimate C-terminal amino acid l-alanine-amide by d-alanine-amide, was synthetized. For pharmacokinetic studies, D7-sorbin and C7-sorbin were tritium labeled. After IV injection, clearances were 10.6 and 30.2 ml−1 for D7-sorbin and C7-sorbin, respectively, and MRT were 34 and 18 min. After SC administration, Cmax attained 0.41% and 0.12% of the dose/ml, respectively. The IP route showed a 45-min delay before Cmax and a 100% bioavailability for both peptides. D7-sorbin was principally excreted in urine, as shown by balance study, and in part in intact form, as controlled by mass spectrometry. D7-sorbin induced a significant decrease of the VIP-induced ileal secretion, previously observed with C7-sorbin. The change of l-Ala to d-Ala increased the stability of the synthetic C-terminal peptide of sorbin whereas its biological activity, bioavailability, and route of elimination were unchanged.  相似文献   


A major part of horizontal gene transfer that contributes to the diversification and adaptation of bacteria is facilitated by genomic islands. The evolution of these islands is poorly understood. Some progress was made with the identification of a set of phylogenetically related genomic islands among the Proteobacteria, recognized from the investigation of the evolutionary origins of a Haemophilus influenzae antibiotic resistance island, namely ICEHin1056. More clarity comes from this comparative analysis of seven complete sequences of the ICEHin1056 genomic island subfamily.


These genomic islands have core and accessory genes in approximately equal proportion, with none demonstrating recent acquisition from other islands. The number of variable sites within core genes is similar to that found in the host bacteria. Furthermore, the GC content of the core genes is similar to that of the host bacteria (38% to 40%). Most of the core gene content is formed by the syntenic type IV secretion system dependent conjugative module and replicative module. GC content and lack of variable sites indicate that the antibiotic resistance genes were acquired relatively recently. An analysis of conjugation efficiency and antibiotic susceptibility demonstrates that phenotypic expression of genomic island-borne genes differs between different hosts.


Genomic islands of the ICEHin1056 subfamily have a longstanding relationship with H. influenzae and H. parainfluenzae and are co-evolving as semi-autonomous genomes within the 'supragenomes' of their host species. They have promoted bacterial diversity and adaptation through becoming efficient vectors of antibiotic resistance by the recent acquisition of antibiotic resistance transposons.  相似文献   
This paper presents a number of deterministic models for theoretically assessing the potential impact of an imperfect prophylactic HIV-1 vaccine that has five biological modes of action, namely “take,” “degree,” “duration,” “infectiousness,” and “progression,” and can lead to increased risky behavior. The models, which are of the form of systems of nonlinear differential equations, are constructed via a progressive refinement of a basic model to incorporate more realistic features of HIV pathogenesis and epidemiology such as staged progression, differential infectivity, and HIV transmission by AIDS patients. The models are analyzed to gain insights into the qualitative features of the associated equilibria. This allows the determination of important epidemiological thresholds such as the basic reproduction numbers and a measure for vaccine impact or efficacy. The key findings of the study include the following (i) if the vaccinated reproduction number is greater than unity, each of the models considered has a locally unstable disease-free equilibrium and a unique endemic equilibrium; (ii) owing to the vaccine-induced backward bifurcation in these models, the classical epidemiological requirement of vaccinated reproduction number being less than unity does not guarantee disease elimination in these models; (iii) an imperfect vaccine will reduce HIV prevalence and mortality if the reproduction number for a wholly vaccinated population is less than the corresponding reproduction number in the absence of vaccination; (iv) the expressions for the vaccine characteristics of the refined models take the same general structure as those of the basic model.  相似文献   
Résumé Une méthode de dosage de l'histamine dans le poisson a été développée et testée. Elle consiste en une extraction par l'acide trichloroacétique (TCA) à 10% suivie d'une purification sur résine Amberlite CG50 (100–200 mesh), et détermination colorimétrique par spectrophotométrie à 475 mm, après réaction avec la para-nitroaniline diazotée. La limite de détection est de 0.4 mg d'histamine/100g de poisson (0.4mg%). Le domaine de linéarité est compris entre 0.4 et 35mg%, mais la plus grande reproductibilité est observée entre 10 et 20mg%. Le taux de récupération de la colonne d'Amberlite est de 100% lorsque le pH de l'extrait vaut 4.62 et de 89% lorsque celui-ci vaut 7.0. L'efficacité de la purification de l'histamine sur résine a été confirmée par Chromatographie sur couche mince. Cette méthode a été utilisée pour évaluer le niveau d'histamine dans 100 boîtes de sardines marocaines. Des taux d'histamine compris entre 0.4 et 102mg% ont été trouvées, avec une moyenne de 11mg% et un écart type de 4mg%. 74% des boîtes renfermaient de faibles doses en histamine (<10mg%) tandis que 21% des boîtes contenaient des doses comprises entre 10 et 50mg%. 5% des boîtes contenaient des charges élevées (>50mg%), susceptibles d'induire des intoxications scombroïdiques. L'accumulation de l'histamine dans la sardine fraîche a été retardée par utilisation de glace. L'efficacité du stockage sous glace a été améliorée par salage à 8% (poids/poids). La dose de 50mg% est atteinte après 75 h dans la sardine sous glace sans sel et après 110 h dans la sardine sous glace et salée à 8% tandis qu'elle est déjà atteinte après 8 à 10 h à température ambiante avec ou sans sel.
Histamine in the Moroccan sardine, fresh and preserved. Evolution in the storage under ice and with salt
Summary A method for the determination of histamine in fish was developed and tested. It consists in an extraction by a 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) solution followed by purification on Amberlite CG50 (100–200 mesh) and colorimetric determination by spectrophotometry at 475 nm after reaction with diazo-p-nitroaniline. The limit of detection was 0.4 mg histamine in 100 g fish (0.4mg%). The linearity ranged between 0.4 and 35mg%, but the best reproducibility was observed between 10 and 20mg%. The recovery yield from the Amberlite column was 100% when the pH of the extract was 4.62, and 89% when it was 7.0. The efficiency of the histamine purification on resin was confirmed by thin-layer chromatography. This method was utilized to evaluate the level of histamine in 100 cans of Moroccan sardines. Levels of histamine between 0.4 and 102 mg% were found, with a mean of 11mg% and a standard error of 4 mg%. 74% of the cans contained low amounts of histamine (<10mg), whereas 21% of the cans contained between 10 and 50 mg%. 5% of the cans contained large amounts of histamine (>50mg), susceptible to induce scombronic intoxications. Accumulation of histamine in fresh sardines was retarded when utilizing ice. The efficiency of storage under ice was improved by adding 8% salt (w/w). Levels of 50 mg% histamine were reached after 75 h in fresh sardines under ice without salt, and after 110h under ice and salted at 8%, whereas they already reached this value after 8–10h at ambient temperature with or without salt.
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