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A simple, sensitive, accurate and more informative assay for determining the number of modified groups during the course of carboxyl group modification is described. Monomeric carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) from Aspergillus niger was modified by 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC) in the presence of glycinamide. The different time-course aliquots were subjected to non-denaturing PAGE and the gel stained for CMCase activity. The number of carboxyl groups modified are directly read from the ladder of the enzyme bands developed at given time. This method showed that after 75 min of modification reaction there were five major species of modified CMCases in which 6 to 10 carboxyls were modified.  相似文献   
A noncoding nuclear DNA marker sequence (Cpnl-1) was used to investigate subdivision in the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus and deduce postglacial expansion patterns across its species range in Europe. Investigation of the spatial distribution of 71 Cpnl-1 haplotypes and estimation of levels of genetic differentiation (KST values) between populations and geographic regions provided evidence for subdivision of C. parallelus into at least five major geographic regions and indicated that the French form of C. parallelus originated after range expansion from a Balkan refugium, Further evidence for subdivision of C. parallelus between Italy and northern Europe suggests that the Alps may have formed a significant barrier to gene flow in this grasshopper.  相似文献   
Schistosoma incognitum is reported for the first time from West Java, Indonesia where 84% of ricefield rats, Rattus argentiventer, were infected. Radix auricularia rubiginosa snails were intermediate hosts. The adult stage of the Javanese strain of S. incognitum and lesions in naturally-infected rodents are described. Rattus exulans, Rattus norvegicus and Mus musculus were experimentally infected. Epizootiology is similar to that described in other countries.  相似文献   
Initial adjuvant immunotherapy trials have demonstrated a greater disease-free interval in patients treated with bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) compared with historical controls. In this study 149 patients at high risk of recurrence after surgical treatment of local or regional malignant melanoma were given BCG for 2 years and were followed up for a median of 28 months from the start of immunotherapy. The 36 patients in the comparison group had a higher rate of recurrence than the patients treated with BCG, and the rate in the treatment group was close to that reported from a similar study at the University of California at Los Angeles. The relatively long disease-free interval for the high-risk comparison patients in this study suggests that the control groups at other centres may have included patients with unrecognized additional risk. The rates of survival in the Canadian treatment group were also comparable to those reported by other centres. However, reports of a favourable BCG-mediated pattern of recurrence could not be confirmed. Therefore, the routine use of adjuvant BCG immunotherapy is not recommended.  相似文献   
Exposure of Biomphalaria alexandrina to sublethal concentrations (0.125, 0.25 and 0.05 ppm) of the organophosphorous insecticide, chlorpyrifos (Dursban), induced a reduction in egg production and egg hatchability. Exposure of Schistosoma mansoni miracidia to the insecticide (60 min, 0.50 ppm) prior to infection of B. alexandrina did not affect the subsequent production of cercariae. However, exposure of S. mansoni-infected snails to the insecticide until day 55, from day 20 to day 62 and from day 35 to 62 following infection resulted in blockage of cercarial shedding. Cercarial shedding commenced in some snails when the treatment stopped. Exposure to the insecticide in concentrations of 0.125 and 0.25 ppm during the first 20 days following infection did not affect the subsequent production of cercariae, but exposure to 0.5 ppm during the first 20 days affected markedly the production of cercariae due to a high snail mortality. The findings indicate that the cercaria is the target stage for the activity of chlorpyrifos on the intramolluscan larval development. It is suggested that S. mansoni cercarial production in B. alexandrina may be a useful system for monitoring the effect of low concentrations of pesticides on the aquatic environment, and that the ability by chemical means to interrupt the cercarial production might be a useful tool in further analyses of important aspects of the snail/parasite relationship.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of endothelin mRNA and immunoreactivity in the human brain was investigated using the technique of in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry. Cryostat sections from 22 cases of neurologically normal adult human brain, collected 3–7 h post-mortem were hybridized with35S-labelled complementary (c)RNA probes prepared from the 3 non-coding region of endothelin-1 cDNA, and the chromosomal genes encoding endothelin-2 and -3. In situ hybridization with all three cRNA probes revealed labelled neuronal cell bodies in laminae III–VI of the parietal, temporal and frontal cortices. Labelled cells were also seen, scattered throughout the para- and periventricular; supraoptic and lateral hypothalamic nuclei, the caudate nucleus, amygdala, hippocampus, basal nucleus of Meynert, substantia nigra, raphe nuclei, Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellum and in the dorsal motor nuclei of the vagus of the medulla oblongata. The distribution of neurones immunoreactive to endothelin was similar to that of endothelin mRNA, although fewer immunoreactive cells throughout the brain, were noted. Immunoreactive fibres were present mainly in the cortex and hypothalamus, and to a lesser extent in the brain stem. Combined in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry on the same section revealed the presence of endothelin-1 mRNA and immunoreactivity in the same cortical neuronal cell. Colocalisation studies in the cortex revealed endothelin-1 mRNA and immunoreactivity in a number of cells which also expressed neuropeptide Y mRNA and immunoreactivity. In the hypothalamus and basal nucleus of Meynert endothelin immunoreactivity was colocalised to a subset of neurophysin- and galanin-immunoreactive cell bodies respectively. Endothelin mRNA and immunoreactivity was also seen in some blood vessel endothelial cells. The findings of endothelin mRNAs and immunoreactivity in heterogenous neuronal populations further emphasises the potential role of endothelin as a neuropeptide, probably having diverse actions in the nervous system of man.  相似文献   
Rat bone marrow microsomal heme oxygenase activity has been studied and optimal condition for the measurement of this activity are described. The activity of bone marrow heme oxygenase was linear with time and protein concentration as measured under these assay conditions. Bilirubin formation by the heme oxygenase complex system was observed with either a NADPH generating system or with NADH as electron donor. The enzyme activity for heme degradation supported by NADH proceeds at a comparable rate to that observed with NADPH as reducing equivalent. It thus appears that this oxidation reaction must be more complex than simply involving NADPH as the sole election donor as has been previously proposed.  相似文献   
The supply of heterotrophically growing suspensions of Alcaligenes eutrophus PHB?4 with oxygen formed by the continuous addition of H2O2 in the presence of bovine liver catalase was found to be restricted to well-defined conditions. The catalase-H2O2 system proved to be suitable during the growth at low cell densities equivalent to 2 g dry weight/liter. When under these conditions the oxygen concentration was held constant at 1.8 mg O2/liter, the cells grew for 6–8 hr at a rate almost identical to that observed with conventional aeration. However, aeration with H2O2 for longer durations (10–20 hr) and at higher cell densities (5?20 g dry weight/liter) led invariably to cell damage and retardation of growth. The impairment of growth observed during the oxygen supply by the catalase?H2O2 system was traced back to the formation of gradually increasing steady-state concentrations of H2O2 in the medium. Possible sites of cell damage by H2O2 such as membrane function, excretion and function of siderophores, and synthesis of cell polymers have been studied, and the cytotoxic mechanism of low concentrations of H2O2 was discussed.  相似文献   
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