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Although the ecological importance of rhodolith (maerl, free-living coralline algae) beds is well-known, rhodolith-forming species have been neglected in molecular phylogenetic studies. This is the first molecular systematic study aimed at understanding whether the rhodolith habit is a fixed feature in lineages and determining the relationship (phylogenetic vs. environmental) between rhodolith and crustose habits. Phylogenetic relationships of rhodolith-forming species and encrusting coralline algae at generic and species levels were analysed using SSU rDNA and psbA sequences. Extensive sampling in the European North Atlantic, Pacific and Caribbean Mexico of Phymatolithon, Lithothamnion, Lithophyllum and Neogoniolithon taxa forming rhodoliths and crusts was accompanied by examination of type or topotype material. Phylogenetic reconstruction showed that Neogoniolithon contained a monophyletic group of rhodolith-forming species whereas other rhodolith-formers were closely related to encrusting forms in the genera Phymatolithon, Lithothamnion, Mesophyllum, Hydrolithon, Spongites and Sporolithon. DNA analysis showed that the crust-forming Lithophyllum cf. incrustans/dentatum also forms rhodoliths with a stone nucleus that occur on rocky shores. In contrast, species that form beds of non-nucleate rhodoliths (e.g. Neogoniolithon spectabile, N. strictum, Lithophyllum cf. incrustans/dentatum or sp. 1 and Phymatolithon calcareum) rarely form crusts. The rhodolith habit cannot be used to delimit species for taxonomic or identification purposes. Extensive taxonomic revision will be required to deal with problems such as the position of specimens identified as Lithophyllum margaritae in two unrelated lineages.  相似文献   
Separation of distinct body, organ and tissue compartments, and maintenance of epithelial cell polarity require tight junctions (TJ)--cell-cell junctions located in the apicolateral regions of epithelial and endothelial cells. Studies on the protein components of vertebrate TJ have revealed an intricate network of membrane, sub-membrane, cytoskeletal, and signalling molecules. How these molecules functionally interact to provide TJ with their functions, and what roles these molecules play in control of cell growth and differentiation is a fundamental problem in cell biology.  相似文献   
A characteristic feature of aged humans and other mammals is the debilitating, progressive loss of skeletal muscle function and mass that is known as sarcopenia. Age-related muscle dysfunction occurs to an even greater extent during the relatively short lifespan of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Studies in model organisms indicate that sarcopenia is driven by a combination of muscle tissue extrinsic and intrinsic factors, and that it fundamentally differs from the rapid atrophy of muscles observed following disuse and fasting. Extrinsic changes in innervation, stem cell function and endocrine regulation of muscle homeostasis contribute to muscle aging. In addition, organelle dysfunction and compromised protein homeostasis are among the primary intrinsic causes. Some of these age-related changes can in turn contribute to the induction of compensatory stress responses that have a protective role during muscle aging. In this Review, we outline how studies in Drosophila and mammalian model organisms can each provide distinct advantages to facilitate the understanding of this complex multifactorial condition and how they can be used to identify suitable therapies.  相似文献   
DNA Polymerases generate pyrophosphate every time they catalyze a step of DNA elongation. This elongation reaction is generally believed as thermodynamically favoured by the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate, catalyzed by inorganic pyrophosphatases. However, the specific action of inorganic pyrophosphatases coupled to DNA replication in vivo was never demonstrated. Here we show that the Polymerase-Histidinol-Phosphatase (PHP) domain of Escherichia coli DNA Polymerase III α subunit features pyrophosphatase activity. We also show that this activity is inhibited by fluoride, as commonly observed for inorganic pyrophosphatases, and we identified 3 amino acids of the PHP active site. Remarkably, E. coli cells expressing variants of these catalytic residues of α subunit feature aberrant phenotypes, poor viability, and are subject to high mutation frequencies. Our findings indicate that DNA Polymerases can couple DNA elongation and pyrophosphate hydrolysis, providing a mechanism for the control of DNA extension rate, and suggest a promising target for novel antibiotics.  相似文献   
Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase (PAL) gene which plays a key role in bio-synthesis of medicinally important compounds, Rutin/quercetin was sequence characterized for its efficient genomics application. These compounds possessing anti-diabetic and anti-cancer properties and are predominantly produced by Fagopyrum spp. In the present study, PAL gene was sequenced from three Fagopyrum spp. (F. tataricum, F. esculentum and F. dibotrys) and showed the presence of three SNPs and four insertion/deletions at intra and inter specific level. Among them, the potential SNP (position 949th bp G>C) with Parsimony Informative Site was selected and successfully utilised to individuate the zygosity/allelic variation of 16 F. tataricum varieties. Insertion mutations were identified in coding region, which resulted the change of a stretch of 39 amino acids on the putative protein. Our Study revealed that autogamous species (F. tataricum) has lower frequency of observed SNPs as compared to allogamous species (F. dibotrys and F. esculentum). The identified SNPs in F. tataricum didn’t result to amino acid change, while in other two species it caused both conservative and non-conservative variations. Consistent pattern of SNPs across the species revealed their phylogenetic importance. We found two groups of F. tataricum and one of them was closely related with F. dibotrys. Sequence characterization information of PAL gene reported in present investigation can be utilized in genetic improvement of buckwheat in reference to its medicinal value.  相似文献   
The fungal infection caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) in amphibians is known to be lethal when infection intensity values exceed loads of 10,000 zoospores per individual. We investigated Bd infection intensity in 100 anurans of southern Brazil. Almost half of the individuals were infected and the intensity ranged from four to about 156,000 zoospore genomic equivalents. We found no clinical signs of chytridiomycosis and no evidence of mortality. However, we observed a reduction in the number of infected individuals with loads above 10,000 zoospores. This fact could be considered indirect evidence that individuals with high loads are removed from the population.  相似文献   
Comprehensive analysis of the complex nature of the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) class II ligandome is of utmost importance to understand the basis for CD4+ T cell mediated immunity and tolerance. Here, we implemented important improvements in the analysis of the repertoire of HLA-DR-presented peptides, using hybrid mass spectrometry-based peptide fragmentation techniques on a ligandome sample isolated from matured human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC). The reported data set constitutes nearly 14 thousand unique high-confident peptides, i.e. the largest single inventory of human DC derived HLA-DR ligands to date. From a technical viewpoint the most prominent finding is that no single peptide fragmentation technique could elucidate the majority of HLA-DR ligands, because of the wide range of physical chemical properties displayed by the HLA-DR ligandome. Our in-depth profiling allowed us to reveal a strikingly poor correlation between the source proteins identified in the HLA class II ligandome and the DC cellular proteome. Important selective sieving from the sampled proteome to the ligandome was evidenced by specificity in the sequences of the core regions both at their N- and C- termini, hence not only reflecting binding motifs but also dominant protease activity associated to the endolysosomal compartments. Moreover, we demonstrate that the HLA-DR ligandome reflects a surface representation of cell-compartments specific for biological events linked to the maturation of monocytes into antigen presenting cells. Our results present new perspectives into the complex nature of the HLA class II system and will aid future immunological studies in characterizing the full breadth of potential CD4+ T cell epitopes relevant in health and disease.Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)1 class II molecules on professional antigen presenting cells such as dendritic cells (DC) expose peptide fragments derived from exogenous and endogenous proteins to be screened by CD4+ T cells (1, 2). The activation and recruitment of CD4+ T cells recognizing disease-related peptide antigens is critical for the development of efficient antipathogen or antitumor immunity. Furthermore, the presentation of self-peptides and their interaction with CD4+ T cells is essential to maintain immunological tolerance and homeostasis (3). Knowledge of the nature of HLA class II-presented peptides on DC is of great importance to understand the rules of antigen processing and peptide binding motifs (4), whereas the identity of disease-related antigens may provide new knowledge on immunogenicity and leads for the development of vaccines and immunotherapy (5, 6).Mass spectrometry (MS) has proven effective for the analysis HLA class II-presented peptides (4, 7, 8). MS-based ligandome studies have demonstrated that HLA class II molecules predominantly present peptides derived from exogenous proteins that entered the cells by endocytosis and endogenous proteins that are associated with the endo-lysosomal compartments (4). Yet proteins residing in the cytosol, nucleus or mitochondria can also be presented by HLA class II molecules, primarily through autophagy (911). Multiple studies have mapped the HLA class II ligandome of antigen presenting cells in the context of infectious pathogens (12), autoimmune diseases (1317) or cancer (14, 18, 19), or those that are essential for self-tolerance in the human thymus (3, 20). Notwithstanding these efforts, and certainly not in line with the extensive knowledge on the HLA class I ligandome (21), the nature of the HLA class II-presented peptide repertoire and particular its relationship to the cellular source proteome remains poorly understood.To advance our knowledge on the HLA-DR ligandome on activated DC without having to deal with limitations in cell yield from peripheral human blood (12, 21, 22) or tissue isolates (3), we explored the use of MUTZ-3 cells. This cell line has been used as a model of human monocyte-derived DCs. MUTZ-3 cells can be matured to act as antigen presenting cells and express then high levels of HLA class II molecules, and can be propagated in vitro to large cell densities (2325). We also evaluated the performance of complementary and hybrid MS fragmentation techniques electron-transfer dissociation (ETD), electron-transfer/higher-energy collision dissociation (EThcD) (26), and higher-energy collision dissociation (HCD) to sequence and identify the HLA class II ligandome. Together this workflow allowed for the identification of an unprecedented large set of about 14 thousand unique peptide sequences presented by DC derived HLA-DR molecules, providing an in-depth view of the complexity of the HLA class II ligandome, revealing underlying features of antigen processing and surface-presentation to CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   
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