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We have determined the protein-turnover rates and nucleic-acid concentrations in the liver of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed on two different isocaloric diets: low-protein/high-fat and non-carbohydrate/high-fat. Compared to controls, the partial replacement of protein with fat significantly decreased the protein accumulation rate and protein-retention efficiency in the liver whilst increasing the fractional protein-synthesis and protein-degradation rates as well as protein-synthesis efficiency. The complete replacement of carbohydrates with fat significantly lowered the protein-accumulation rate and protein-retention efficiency, but enhanced both the protein-synthesis and protein-degradation rates as well as protein-synthesis capacity. The protein:DNA and RNA:DNA ratios decreased considerably on both diets. Total DNA decreased in fish on a low-protein/high-fat diet but did not change in those on a non-carbohydrate/high-fat diet. The absolute protein-synthesis rate registered no significant change under any of the nutritional conditions. Both the experimental diets did however raise the fractional protein-synthesis rate significantly, due to enhanced protein-synthesis efficiency when protein was partially replaced with fat and to enhanced protein-synthesis capacity when carbohydrates were completely replaced with fat. Our results show the capacity of the liver to adapt its turnover rates and conform to different nutritional conditions. They also point to the possibility of controlling fish growth by dietary means.  相似文献   
Embryonic axes of Juglans regia werecultured in vitro on Murashige and Skoog mediumsupplemented with different auxin/cytokinin ratios.2,4D, NAA or IBA at 1, 2, 4, 8 mgl-1, alone orcombined with Kn 0.3 mgl-1 induced callus whichshowed browning. NAA and IBA allowed organ developmentwhich was inhibited by 2,4-D. Cell suspensions fromNAA-or IBA induced callus had embryogenic capacitywhen cultured with NAA or IBA, showing a heterogeneouscell population composed of giant, elongated, andmeristematic cells. Those cultured with IBA dividedfollowing embryogenic patterns and cell aggregateswhich were associated with the earliest steps ofembryoid formation. Cell suspension from 2,4-D inducedcallus, revealed homogeneous cell populations whichwere very vacuolated with no apparent differentiation.Axillary bud proliferation induced by BA at 0.1, 1 or5 mgl-1 was affected by both the physical stateof the culture medium and the time period in contactwith the growth regulator. The culture of embryonicaxes for one week in MS liquid medium with BA5 mgl-1 favoured proliferation as well as buddevelopment.  相似文献   
The obese (fa/fa) Zucker rat shows an impaired sympathetic tone which is accompanied by an altered thermogenesis and changes in both lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. In this work, we have investigated the regulatory effects of epinephrine on the rate of gluconeogenesis from a mixture of [(14)C]lactate/pyruvate, in hepatocytes isolated from obese (fa/fa) rats and their lean (Fa/-) littermates. Epinephrine caused a dose-dependent stimulation of the rate of [(14)C]glucose formation in both obese and lean rat hepatocytes, the maximal rates being five- and twofold higher than the corresponding basal values (0.50 +/- 0.06 and 1.96 +/- 0.15 micromol of lactate converted to glucose/g of cell x 20 min, respectively). No significant differences were found between the calculated half-maximal effective concentrations (EC(50)) for epinephrine in obese and lean rat liver cells. The stimulation of gluconeogenesis by epinephrine was accompanied by a decrease in the cellular concentration of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, and an inactivation of both pyruvate kinase and 6-phosphofructo 2-kinase, to similar extents in both types of hepatocytes. Epinephrine also significantly raised the hepatocyte content of cyclic AMP, with about a twofold increase at a saturating concentration of the catecholamine (1 microM), in both lean and obese rat liver cells. However, at suboptimal concentrations of epinephrine, the rise in cyclic AMP levels was significantly less marked in obese than in lean rat hepatocytes. Nevertheless, no significant differences were found in either the affinity or the number of beta-adrenergic receptors, in radioligand binding studies carried out in liver plasma membranes obtained from obese and lean Zucker rats. In conclusion, compared to the corresponding basal values, the response of gluconeogenesis from lactate to the stimulatory effect of epinephrine is higher in obese (fa/fa) than in lean (Fa/-) Zucker rat hepatocytes, with no significant differences in the calculated EC(50) values for this hormone. This occurs in spite of an apparent decreased sensitivity of the adenylate cyclase system to the stimulatory effect of epinephrine in obese rat liver cells.  相似文献   
Inter-individual differences in fitness in female vertebrates have often been related to phenotypic discrepancies, suggesting that bigger individuals exhibit greater fitness. However, the use of the temporally variable indices of quality, such as body mass/condition, may not represent the most reliable index over longer time intervals. Few studies have assessed the direct influence of body size (BS) on individual fitness. We addressed this knowledge gap using data from long-term monitoring of individually marked female subantarctic fur seals. The females of higher quality (i.e. higher lifetime reproductive success) were larger in BS than their counterparts, which correlated with their ability to provision their pup with greater and more regular energy supply, possibly through the maximization of foraging performance and body fat storage. We accordingly found that our study population could be divided into three contrasted categories of maternal quality, with 33% of the females producing over 71% of the viable offspring constituting the next generation. We suggest that a larger BS represents a crucial selective advantage for a central place forager, especially when exploiting remotely available resources.  相似文献   
The mechanism of length control of the flagellar hook is under debate between two theories. One claims that the FliK directly measures the hook length as a molecular ruler, while the other claims that the cytoplasmic substructure measures the amount of hook subunits to determine the hook length. Both agree that the FliK C-terminal domain catalyses the substrate-specificity switch to terminate hook elongation. In this study, we systematically created fliK mutants with deletions and insertions at various sites within the FliK N-terminal domain and analysed their effects on the final hook length. Insertions of peptide fragments from the Yersinia YscP into FliK gave rise to hooks with defined lengths, which was proportional to the molecular size of the FliK-YscP chimeras. Among fliK deletion mutants, only those with small truncations in three specific sites of FliK produced hooks of a defined, shortened length. For the majority of deletion mutants, FliK was secreted, but hook length was not controlled. On the other hand, for some deletion mutants FliK was not secreted, but the hook length was controlled, indicating that FliK secretion is not necessary for hook-length control. We conclude that FliK regulates hook length as an internal molecular ruler.  相似文献   
Arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) can enter cells non-endocytotically, despite that transport of charge across a membrane should be formally associated with an extremely high Born energy barrier. We studied partitioning of several derivatives of the CPP penetratin in a water-octanol two-phase system in presence of natural phospholipids to explore if solvation by ion-pairing to hydrophobic counter-ions may serve as a mechanism for cell internalisation. We demonstrate that anionic lipids can aid peptide partitioning into octanol. Particularly efficient partitioning into octanol is observed with an arginine-rich penetratin compared to a lysine-rich derivative. Substituting tryptophans for phenylalanines results in poor partitioning into octanol, due to decreased overall peptide hydrophobicity. Partitioning into octanol is dependent of phospholipid type and the peptides induced structural changes in the lipid assemblies found in octanol. Attachment of carboxyfluorescein as a model cargo was found to enhance peptide partitioning into octanol. We discuss our results with respect to theoretical electrostatic energies, empirical hydrophobicity scales and in terms of implications for CPP uptake mechanisms. An important improvement of the theoretical transfer energies is obtained when, instead of singular ions, the insertion of ion-paired dipolar species is considered.  相似文献   
Overactivation of glutamate receptors results in neurodegeneration in a variety of brain pathologies, including ischemia, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury and slow-progressing neurodegenerative disorders. In all these pathologies, it is well accepted that the calcium-dependent cysteine proteases calpains are key players in the mechanisms of neuronal cell death. Many research groups have been actively pursuing to establish a link between the deregulation of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis associated with excitotoxicity and calpain activity. It is well established that these two events are connected and interact synergistically to promote neurodegeneration, but whether calpain activity depends on or contributes to Ca2+ deregulation is still under debate.  相似文献   
Increased prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria has become a major threat to the health sector worldwide due to their virulence, limited therapeutic options and distribution in both hospital and community settings. Discovery and development of new agents to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria is thus needed. This study therefore aimed to evaluate the ability of bovine lactoferrin (LF), peptides from two antimicrobial domains lactoferricin B (LFcin17-30) and lactoferrampin (LFampin265-284) and a chimeric construct (LFchimera) containing both peptides, as potential bactericidal agents against clinical isolates of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Results in kinetics of growth show that LF chimera and peptides inhibited the growth of both bacterial species. By confocal microscopy and flow cytometry it was observed that LF and FITC-labeled peptides are able to interact with these bacteria and cause membrane permeabilization, as monitored by propidium iodide staining, these effects were decreased by preincubation with lipopolysaccharide in E. coli. By electron microscopy, a clear cellular damage was observed in bacteria after treatments with LFchimera and peptides, suggesting that interaction and membrane disruption are probably involved as a mechanism of action. In conclusion, results show that LFchimera, LF and peptides have potential as bactericidal agents in the antibiotic-resistant strains of S. aureus and E. coli and also the work strongly suggest that LFcin17-30 and LFampin265-284 acts synergistically with antibiotics against multidrug resistant EPEC and MRSA in vitro.  相似文献   


It has been suggested that cervical insufficiency (CI) is characterized by a "muscular cervix" with low collagen and high smooth muscle concentrations also in the non-pregnant state. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the biomechanical properties, collagen concentration, smooth muscle cell density, and collagen fiber orientation in cervical biopsies from non-pregnant women with a history of CI.  相似文献   
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