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Fc-modified anti-human CD3ε monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are in clinical development for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. These next generation mAbs have completed clinical trials in patients with type-1 diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease demonstrating a narrow therapeutic window. Lowered doses are ineffective, yet higher pharmacologically-active doses cause an undesirable level of adverse events. Thus, there is a critical need for a return to bench research to explore ways of improving clinical outcomes. Indeed, we recently reported that a short course of treatment affords synergy, providing long-term disease amelioration when combining anti-mouse CD3 and anti-mouse tumor necrosis factor mAbs in experimental arthritis. Such strategies may widen the window between risk and benefit; however, to more accurately assess experimentally the biology and pharmacology, reagents that mimic the current development candidates were required. Consequently, we engineered an Fc-modified anti-mouse CD3ε mAb, 2C11-Novi. Here, we report the functional characterization of 2C11-Novi demonstrating that it does not bind FcγR in vitro and elicits little cytokine release in vivo, while maintaining classical pharmacodynamic effects (CD3-TCR downregulation and T cell killing). Furthermore, we observed that oral administration of 2C11-Novi ameliorated progression of remitting-relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalitis in mice, significantly reducing the primary acute and subsequent relapse phase of the disease. With innovative approaches validated in two experimental models of human disease, 2C11-Novi represents a meaningful tool to conduct further mechanistic studies aiming at exploiting the immunoregulatory properties of Fc-modified anti-CD3 therapies via combination therapy using parenteral or oral routes of administration.  相似文献   
The parabasalian symbionts of lower termite hindgut communities are well-known for their large size and structural complexity. The most complex forms evolved multiple times independently from smaller and simpler flagellates, but we know little of the diversity of these small flagellates or their phylogenetic relationships to more complex lineages. To understand the true diversity of Parabasalia and how their unique cellular complexity arose, more data from smaller and simpler flagellates are needed. Here, we describe two new genera of small-to-intermediate size and complexity, represented by the type species Cthulhu macrofasciculumque and Cthylla microfasciculumque from Prorhinotermes simplex and Reticulitermes virginicus, respectively (both hosts confirmed by DNA barcoding). Both genera have a single anterior nucleus embeded in a robust protruding axostyle, and an anterior bundle flagella (and likely a single posterior flagellum) that emerge slightly subanteriorly and have a distinctive beat pattern. Cthulhu is relatively large and has a distinctive bundle of over 20 flagella whereas Cthylla is smaller, has only 5 anterior flagella and closely resembles several other parababsalian genera. Molecular phylogenies based on small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) show both genera are related to previously unidentified environmental sequences from other termites (possibly from members of the Tricercomitidae), which all branch as sisters to the Hexamastigitae. Altogether, Cthulhu likely represents another independent origin of relatively high cellular complexity within parabasalia, and points to the need for molecular characterization of other key taxa, such as Tricercomitus.  相似文献   
Recent evidence of the occurrence of atypical Chlamydiaceae strains in pigeons, different from the established Chlamydiaceae, requires the development of a specific and rapid detection tool to investigate their prevalence and significance. Here is described a new real-time PCR assay that allows specific detection of atypical Chlamydiaceae from pigeons. The assay has been used to assess the dissemination of these strains in field samples collected from Parisian pigeon populations in 2009. The results suggest a limited dissemination compared to the usually higher prevalence of Chlamydia psittaci that is the main species associated with avian chlamydiosis.  相似文献   


To evaluate immediate perineal and neonatal morbidity associated with instrumental rotations performed with Thierry’s spatulas for the management of persistent posterior occiput (OP) positions.


Retrospective study including all persistent occiput posterior positions with vaginal OP delivery, from August 2006 to September 2007. Occiput anterior deliveries following successful instrumental rotation were included as well. We compared maternal and neonatal immediate outcomes between spontaneous deliveries, rotational and non rotational assisted deliveries, using χ2 and Anova tests.


157 patients were enrolled, comprising 46 OP spontaneous deliveries, 58 assisted OP deliveries and 53 deliveries after rotational procedure. Instrumental rotation failed in 9 cases. Mean age and parity were significantly higher in the spontaneous delivery group, while labor duration was shorter. There were no significant differences in the rate of severe perineal tears and neonatal adverse outcomes between the 3 groups.


Instrumental rotation using Thierry’s spatulas was not associated with a reduced risk of maternal and neonatal morbidity for persistent OP deliveries. Further studies are required to define the true interest of such procedure in modern obstetrics.  相似文献   
The subfamily Rhizomyinae is known from the Late Oligocene up to the present. Today this group comprises six species, which live in southern Asia and eastern Africa. Despite the current moderate diversity of the rhizomyines, they had a greater diversification and wider distribution in the past: from Asia, their land of origin, to Africa, which they entered during the Early Miocene. So far 33 fossil species can be referred to this group. A cladistic analysis involving fossil and living species has been carried out. Prokanisamys spp. turned out to be the most basal taxa of the ingroup. This analysis calls into question the monophyly of several genera, and allows the proposal of a phylogenetic definition of the tribes Tachyoryctini and Rhizomyini. It also provides information about the origin of the African rhizomyines and allows inferring multiple dispersal phenomena from Asia to Africa in Early and Late Miocene times.  相似文献   
While the induction of teratology by cadmium (Cd) on diatoms is already known, reversal kinetics are not well documented. This study aims to understand the viability of diatoms exhibiting teratological frustules and their reproduction capacities within a Cd‐impacted population to predict their return to normal diatom forms. We worked on a frequently encountered species in French hydrosystems: Planothidium frequentissimum (Lange‐Bertalot) Round & L. Bukhtiyarova. First, a 21‐d contamination phase highlighted increasing inductionof different teratological types in response to two levels of Cd contamination: 20 and 100 μg · L?1. The deformity counting indicated that Cd firstly generated striae and mixed teratologies, then affected the central area and the valves. Second, a 28‐d decontamination phase demonstrated the Cd depuration capacity of Planothidium frequentissimum. Cd half‐lives appeared relatively low, ~6 d for the 100 μg · L?1 condition. Moreover, the decontamination phase showed a decrease in teratology abundances, but a still incomplete recovery after 28 d. Deformations of the striae appeared to be the most sustainable phenotype since they were still significantly higher than in reference cultures at the end of the decontamination phase for both Cd cultures.  相似文献   

Key message

By comparing 195 varieties in eight trials, this study assesses nitrogen use efficiency improvement in high and low nitrogen conditions in European winter wheat over the last 25 years.


In a context where European agriculture practices have to deal with environmental concerns and nitrogen (N) fertiliser cost, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) has to be improved. This study assessed genetic progress in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) NUE. Two hundred and twenty-five European elite varieties were tested in four environments under two levels of N. Global genetic progress was assessed on additive genetic values and on genotype × N interaction, covering 25 years of European breeding. To avoid sampling bias, quality, precocity and plant height were added as covariates in the analyses when needed. Genotype × environment interactions were highly significant for all the traits studied to such an extent that no additive genetic effect was detected on N uptake. Genotype × N interactions were significant for yield, grain protein content (GPC), N concentration in straw, N utilisation, and NUE. Grain yield improvement (+0.45 % year?1) was independent of the N treatment. GPC was stable, thus grain nitrogen yield was improved (+0.39 % year?1). Genetic progress on N harvest index (+0.12 % year?1) and on N concentration in straw (?0.52 % year?1) possibly revealed improvement in N remobilisation. There has been an improvement of NUE additive genetic value (+0.33 % year?1) linked to better N utilisation (+0.20 % year?1). Improved yield stability was detected as a significant improvement of NUE in low compared to high N conditions. The application of these results to breeding programs is discussed.  相似文献   
Coffee is one of the world’s most important agricultural commodities. Coffee belongs to the Rubiaceae family in the euasterid I clade of dicotyledonous plants, to which the Solanaceae family also belongs. Two bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries of a homozygous doubled haploid plant of Coffea canephora were constructed using two enzymes, HindIII and BstYI. A total of 134,827 high quality BAC-end sequences (BESs) were generated from the 73,728 clones of the two libraries, and 131,412 BESs were conserved for further analysis after elimination of chloroplast and mitochondrial sequences. This corresponded to almost 13 % of the estimated size of the C. canephora genome. 6.7 % of BESs contained simple sequence repeats, the most abundant (47.8 %) being mononucleotide motifs. These sequences allow the development of numerous useful marker sites. Potential transposable elements (TEs) represented 11.9 % of the full length BESs. A difference was observed between the BstYI and HindIII libraries (14.9 vs. 8.8 %). Analysis of BESs against known coding sequences of TEs indicated that 11.9 % of the genome corresponded to known repeat sequences, like for other flowering plants. The number of genes in the coffee genome was estimated at 41,973 which is probably overestimated. Comparative genome mapping revealed that microsynteny was higher between coffee and grapevine than between coffee and tomato or Arabidopsis. BESs constitute valuable resources for the first genome wide survey of coffee and provide new insights into the composition and evolution of the coffee genome.  相似文献   
Bemisia tabaci is a complex of putative species that exhibit a strong geographical pattern. Crossing experiments have revealed various degrees of reproductive isolation between these nascent species, ranging between fertile first‐generation hybrids (F1) and no F1 at all. However, the relevance of these results under natural conditions is generally not known. The worldwide invasion of the putative species Middle East‐Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) has caused secondary contacts between allopatric species, which in turn provide an opportunity to detect potential hybrids in nature. A total of 346 female B. tabaci were collected in 2003 and 2005 in the North East of Morocco and assigned to MEAM1 (119), Mediterranean (Med) (225) and a new putative species (2) using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (mtCOI) gene sequences. MEAM1 and Med individuals were characterized at seven microsatellite loci. MEAM1 and Med were found to be sympatric in 11 of 12 samples (6 fields/year). As previously reported from Spain, MEAM1 frequency decreased over time. The genetic data are consistent with a recent introduction of MEAM1. A Bayesian clustering analysis (Structure ) distinguished two groups, which were 100% consistent with the mtCOI groups. From several lines of evidence, two individuals were identified as hybrids. Assignment profiles using NewHybrids and allele composition indicated that they were not F1 hybrids. The results are discussed in relation to the secondary endosymbiont infection status determined on a sample of individuals, and the contrasting outcomes of the reported crossing experiments between MEAM1 and Med.  相似文献   


Attacks of hereditary angioedema (HAE) are unpredictable and, if affecting the upper airway, can be lethal. Icatibant is used for physician- or patient self-administered symptomatic treatment of HAE attacks in adults. Its mode of action includes disruption of the bradykinin pathway via blockade of the bradykinin B2 receptor. Early treatment is believed to shorten attack duration and prevent severe outcomes; however, evidence to support these benefits is lacking.


To examine the impact of timing of icatibant administration on the duration and resolution of HAE type I and II attacks.


The Icatibant Outcome Survey is an international, prospective, observational study for patients treated with icatibant. Data on timings and outcomes of icatibant treatment for HAE attacks were collected between July 2009–February 2012. A mixed-model of repeated measures was performed for 426 attacks in 136 HAE type I and II patients.


Attack duration was significantly shorter in patients treated <1 hour of attack onset compared with those treated ≥1 hour (6.1 hours versus 16.8 hours [p<0.001]). Similar significant effects were observed for <2 hours versus ≥2 hours (7.2 hours versus 20.2 hours [p<0.001]) and <5 hours versus ≥5 hours (8.0 hours versus 23.5 hours [p<0.001]). Treatment within 1 hour of attack onset also significantly reduced time to attack resolution (5.8 hours versus 8.8 hours [p<0.05]). Self-administrators were more likely to treat early and experience shorter attacks than those treated by a healthcare professional.


Early blockade of the bradykinin B2 receptor with icatibant, particularly within the first hour of attack onset, significantly reduced attack duration and time to attack resolution.  相似文献   
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