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BACKGROUND: Semliki Forest virus (SFV) vectors have a great potential for the induction of protective immunity in a large number of clinical conditions including cancer. Such a potential accounts for the huge efforts made to improve the in vivo expression from SFV vectors. It is noteworthy that efficient in vivo expression strongly relies on the ability to deliver high-titre vectors. To achieve this, the generation of recombinant SFV particles, using independent expression systems for structural SFV genes, has been proposed. However, despite several modifications in the production process, a risk of contamination with replication-competent, or partially recombined, virus has remained. METHODS: Here, we exploit the ability of the vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSV-G), expressed in trans, to hijack full-length genomic SFV RNA into secreted virus-like particles (VLPs). To allow SFV vector mobilisation, we designed a CMV driven SFV vector in which the internal 26S promoter has been extensively mutated. With this vector, mobilisation events were monitored using the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). The production procedure involves a sequential transfection protocol, of plasmids expressing the VSV-G and the SFV vector respectively. RESULTS: We show that the VLPs are effective for cellular delivery of SFV vectors in a broad range of human and non-human cellular targets. Furthermore, production of VLPs is easy and allows, through concentration, the harvest of high-titre vector. CONCLUSIONS: The present paper describes a convenient process aimed at mobilising full length SFV vectors. A major issue to consider, while developing clinically relevant gene transfer vectors, is the risk of undesirable generation of replication competent by-products. Importantly, as the VSV-G gene shares no homology with the SFV genome, our VLPs offer a strong guarantee of biosafety.  相似文献   
Although new detection screening methods must still be developed, the actual main limitation in combinatorial chemistry seems to be the diversity of ligands that can be generated in terms of real structural and chemical diversity. Thus, there is a strong interest for the development of different strategies for the parallel or combinatorial synthesis of ligands. We report here a selection of recent attempts proposing 'open' approaches able to increase the diversity of molecular architecture truly accessible via parallel or combinatorial processes.  相似文献   
The 90 kDa ribosomal S6 serine/threonine kinase 2 gene (RSK2, U08316) has been recently identified as a disease-causing gene in an X-linked disorder, the Coffin-Lowry Syndrome (MIM 303600) characterized by severe mental retardation, facial dysmorphisms and progressive skeletal malformations. To investigate its possible role in cerebral cortex development, we performed RNA in situ hybridization at three stages of human development: day 32 (Carnegie 15), 9 weeks (Carnegie 23) and 13 weeks. RSK2 expression is detected in the embryonic anterior and posterior telencephalon (hippocampus anlagen), mesencephalon, rhombencephalon and cerebellum. RSK2 gene expression is also observed in dorsal root ganglia, cranial nerve ganglia, and sensory epithelium of the inner ear, liver, lung and jaw anlagen. This pattern of expression may be involved in cognitive impairment and facial dysmorphisms found in Coffin-Lowry Syndrome.  相似文献   
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with infliximab (Remicade) has been associated with the induction of antinuclear autoantibodies (ANA) and anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) autoantibodies. In the present study we investigated the humoral immune response induced by infliximab against organ-specific or non-organ-specific antigens not only in RA patients but also in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) during a two-year followup. The association between the presence of autoantibodies and clinical manifestations was then examined. The occurrence of the various autoantibodies was analyzed in 24 RA and 15 AS patients all treated with infliximab and in 30 RA patients receiving methotrexate but not infliximab, using the appropriate methods of detection. Infliximab led to a significant induction of ANA and anti-dsDNA autoantibodies in 86.7% and 57% of RA patients and in 85% and 31% of AS patients, respectively. The incidence of antiphospholipid (aPL) autoantibodies was significantly higher in both RA patients (21%) and AS patients (27%) than in the control group. Most anti-dsDNA and aPL autoantibodies were of IgM isotype and were not associated with infusion side effects, lupus-like manifestations or infectious disease. No other autoantibodies were shown to be induced by the treatment. Our results confirmed the occurrence of ANA and anti-dsDNA autoantibodies and demonstrated that the induction of ANA, anti-dsDNA and aPL autoantibodies is related to infliximab treatment in both RA and AS, with no significant relationship to clinical manifestations.  相似文献   
Plant-parasitic nematodes Meloidogyne spp induce an elaborate permanent feeding site characterized by the redifferentiation of root cells into multinucleate and hypertrophied giant cells. We have isolated by a promoter trap strategy an Arabidopsis thaliana formin gene, AtFH6, which is upregulated during giant cell formation. Formins are actin-nucleating proteins that stimulate de novo polymerization of actin filaments. We show here that three type-I formins were upregulated in giant cells and that the AtFH6 protein was anchored to the plasma membrane and uniformly distributed. Suppression of the budding defect of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae bni1Delta bnr1Delta mutant showed that AtFH6 regulates polarized growth by controlling the assembly of actin cables. Our results suggest that AtFH6 might be involved in the isotropic growth of hypertrophied feeding cells via the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. The actin cables would serve as tracks for vesicle trafficking needed for extensive plasma membrane and cell wall biogenesis. Therefore, determining how plant parasitic nematodes modify root cells into giant cells represents an attractive system to identify genes that regulate cell growth and morphogenesis.  相似文献   
The GPCRDB is a molecular class-specific information system that collects, combines, validates and disseminates heterogeneous data on G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The database stores data on sequences, ligand binding constants and mutations. The system also provides computationally derived data such as sequence alignments, homology models, and a series of query and visualization tools. The GPCRDB is updated automatically once every 4-5 months and is freely accessible at http://www.gpcr.org/7tm/.  相似文献   
The synthesis of carbocyclic and phosphonocarbocyclic analogues of ribavirin, an anti-HCV inhibitor, are described. Those compounds were evaluated against HCV but also against other important viruses in order to determine their spectrum of antiviral activity. Compounds 6 and 13 displayed a moderate IC(50) against HIV-1 of 43.8 and 37 microM, respectively.  相似文献   
In Escherichia coli, the MiaB protein catalyzes the methylthiolation of N-6-isopentenyl adenosine in tRNAs, the last reaction step during biosynthesis of 2-methylthio-N-6-isopentenyl adenosine (ms2i6A-37). For the first time the thermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima is shown here to contain such a MiaB tRNA-modifying enzyme, named MiaBTm, and to synthesize ms2i6A-37 as demonstrated by an analysis of modified nucleosides from tRNA hydrolysates. The corresponding gene (TM0653) was identified by sequence similarity to the miaB gene cloned and expressed in E. coli. MiaBTm was purified to homogeneity and thoroughly characterized by biochemical and spectroscopic methods. It is a monomer of 443 residues with a molecular mass of 50,710 kilodaltons. Its amino acid sequence shares the CysXXX-CysXXCys sequence with MiaB from E. coli as well as with biotin synthase and lipoate synthase. This sequence was shown to be essential for chelation of an iron-sulfur center and for activity in these enzymes. As isolated, MiaBTm contains both iron and sulfide and an apoprotein form can coordinate up to 4 iron and 4 sulfur atoms per polypeptide chain. UV-visible absorption, resonance Raman, variable temperature magnetic circular dichroism, and EPR spectroscopy of MiaBTm indicate the presence of a [4Fe-4S]+2/+1 cluster under reducing and anaerobic conditions, whereas [3Fe-4S]+1 and [2Fe-2S]+2 forms are generated under aerobic conditions. The redox potential of the [4Fe-4S]+2/+1 transition is -495 +/- 10 mV (versus the normal hydrogen electrode). Finally, the expression of MiaBTm from T. maritima in an E. coli mutant strain lacking functional miaB gene allowed production of ms2i6A-37. These results provide further information on the enzymes involved in methylthiolation of tRNAs.  相似文献   
Kawai M, Hussain M, and Orchard CH. Am J Heart Circ Physiol 277: H603-H609, 1999 developed a technique to detubulate rat ventricular myocytes using formamide and showed that detubulation results in a decrease in cell capacitance, Ca(2+) current density, and Ca(2+) transient amplitude. We have investigated the mechanism of this detubulation and possible direct effects of formamide. Staining ventricular cells with di-8-ANEPPS showed that the t tubule membranes remain inside the cell after detubulation; trapping of FITC-labeled dextran within the t tubules showed that detubulation occurs during formamide washout and that the t tubules appear to reseal within the cell. Detubulation had no effect on the microtubule network but resulted in loss of synchronous Ca(2+) release on electrical stimulation. In contrast, formamide treatment of atrial cells did not significantly change cell capacitance, Ca(2+) current amplitude, action potential configuration, the Ca(2+) transient or the response of the Ca(2+) transient to isoprenaline. We conclude that formamide washout induces detubulation of single rat ventricular myocytes, leaving the t tubules within the cell, but without direct effects on cell proteins that might alter cell function.  相似文献   
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