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Trends in fish passage studies are increasingly moving towards a holistic approach in considering the movements of a wide range of fish species and other aquatic fauna. In this context, it is important to consider not only salmonids and other game species, but also coarse species such as cyprinids. Moreover, knowledge of their behaviour when confronted with fishways is limited, particularly their upstream movements with regard to different hydraulic configurations. To address this deficit, research was conducted in an indoor full-scale pool-type fishway to assess the cyprinid Iberian barbel Barbus bocagei (Steindachner, 1864) response to the simultaneous presence of submerged orifices and surface notches with adjustable dimensions in association with two different flow regimes over the notches, i.e. plunging and streaming. Overall, orifices (76%) were the clear choice to negotiate the fishway. When the flow was in the plunging mode, a significantly higher proportion of fish selected the orifices to move upstream, but the proportions were equal during the streaming mode. The time taken to enter the fishway differed significantly according to the chosen discharge device and was lower for submerged orifices (52 s to 35 min.). The present study identified key factors in Iberian barbel upstream movements, which provide direct applications to future fishway designs for this species.  相似文献   
In a study of the causes of abortion and stillbirth in a Holstein-Friesian herd, the most probable cause detected was a lethal gene transmitted through the pedigree line. Findings of this nature have already been reported both in the United States and Canada for the same line.Replacing the sires with others solved the problem, thus demonstrating a genetic etiology for abortion and stillbirth in this lineage. The differences noted in the time of fetal mortality may indicate the action of more than one gene or variable expressivity of the mutant gene.The importance of the data is discussed in terms of the elimination of genetic factors that cause fetal mortality.  相似文献   
This study compares photosynthetic and structural features of Dichaea cogniauxiana and Epidendrum secundum leaves and roots. The diurnal titratable acidity fluctuations indicated crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in E. secundum leaves, associated with anatomical features like thick cuticle, large and vacuolated cells, and reduced stomata size and frequency. Roots of both species had chloroplasts in their cortical parenchyma. However, neither the roots nor D. cogniauxiana leaves did show tissue sap acidity fluctuations. This indicates C3 metabolism in these organs. This lack of oscillation of organic acids in Epidendrum roots was at odds with a CAM-like 13C ratio, suggesting that in spite of active CO2 fixation in roots during the day, the bulk of carbon is imported from the leaves. Roots of both species showed Fv/Fm, ΔF/Fm′, ETR values similar to reports from other non-foliar photosynthetic organs. Besides reducing root carbon cost, root photosynthesis may also be important by alleviating potential hypoxia, since water-saturated velamen severely impedes the gas exchange between radicular cortex.  相似文献   
B-1 cells can be differentiated from B-2 cells because they are predominantly located in the peritoneal and pleural cavities and have distinct phenotypic patterns and activation properties. A mononuclear phagocyte derived from B-1 cells (B-1CDP) has been described. As the B-1CDP cells migrate to inflammatory/infectious sites and exhibit phagocytic capacity, the microbicidal ability of these cells was investigated using the Leishmania major infection model in vitro. The data obtained in this study demonstrate that B-1CDP cells are more susceptible to infection than peritoneal macrophages, since B-1CDP cells have a higher number of intracellular amastigotes forms and consequently release a larger number of promastigotes. Exacerbated infection by L. major required lipid bodies/PGE2 and IL-10 by B-1CDP cells. Both infection and the production of IL-10 were decreased when PGE2 production was blocked by NSAIDs. The involvement of IL-10 in this mechanism was confirmed, since B-1CDP cells from IL-10 KO mice are more competent to control L. major infection than cells from wild type mice. These findings further characterize the B-1CDP cells as an important mononuclear phagocyte that plays a previously unrecognized role in host responses to L. major infection, most likely via PGE2-driven production of IL-10.  相似文献   
The skin accommodates multiple dendritic cell (DC) subsets with remarkable functional diversity. Immune reactions are initiated and modulated by the triggering of DC by pathogen-associated or endogenous danger signals. In contrast to these processes, the influence of intrinsic features of protein antigens on the strength and type of immune responses is much less understood. Therefore, we investigated the involvement of distinct DC subsets in immune reactions against two structurally different model antigens, E. coli beta-galactosidase (betaGal) and chicken ovalbumin (OVA) under otherwise identical conditions. After epicutaneous administration of the respective DNA vaccines with a gene gun, wild type mice induced robust immune responses against both antigens. However, ablation of langerin+ DC almost abolished IgG1 and cytotoxic T lymphocytes against betaGal but enhanced T cell and antibody responses against OVA. We identified epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) as the subset responsible for the suppression of anti-OVA reactions and found regulatory T cells critically involved in this process. In contrast, reactions against betaGal were not affected by the selective elimination of LC, indicating that this antigen required a different langerin+ DC subset. The opposing findings obtained with OVA and betaGal vaccines were not due to immune-modulating activities of either the plasmid DNA or the antigen gene products, nor did the differential cellular localization, size or dose of the two proteins account for the opposite effects. Thus, skin-borne protein antigens may be differentially handled by distinct DC subsets, and, in this way, intrinsic features of the antigen can participate in immune modulation.  相似文献   
During tumor invasion, benign myoepithelial cells of carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma (CXPA) surround malignant epithelial cells and disappear. The mechanisms involved in the death and disappearance of these myoepithelial cells were investigated via analysis of the expression of regulatory proteins for apoptosis, autophagy and cellular senescence in an in situ in vitro model. Protein expression relating to apoptosis (Bax, Bcl-2, Survivin), autophagy (Beclin-1, LC3B) and cellular senescence (p21, p16) was evaluated using indirect immunofluorescence. β-galactosidase expression was assessed via histochemistry. Biopsies of CXPA (ex vivo) allowed immunhistochemical evaluation of p21 and p16, whilst LC3B, p21 and p16 protein expression was analyzed by western blotting. In the in vitro model, the myoepithelial cells were positive for LC3B (cytoplasm) and p21 (nucleus), whilst in vivo positivity for p21 and p16 was observed. In vitro, β-galactosidase activity increased in the myoepithelial cells over time. Western blotting analysis revealed an increased LC3B, p16 and p21 expression in the myoepithelial cells with previous contact with the malignant cells when compared with those without contact. The investigation of behavior of benign myoepithelial cells in ductal areas of CXAP revealed that the myoepithelial cells are involved in the autophagy-senescence phenotype that subsequently leads to their disappearance.  相似文献   
Cashew apple is a tropical pseudofruit consumed as juice due to its excellent nutritional and sensory properties. In spite of being well known for its important antioxidant properties, the cashew apple has not been thoroughly investigated for its therapeutic potential. Thereby, this study evaluated the antioxidant capacity, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing activities of cashew apple juice. Juices from ripe and immature cashew apples were analyzed for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties. Those were evaluated in murine models of xylene-induced ear edema and wound excision. Swiss mice were treated with cashew juice by gavage. Edema thickness was measured and skin lesions were analyzed by planimetry and histology. Both antioxidant content and total antioxidant activity were higher in ripe cashew apple juice (RCAJ) than in unripe cashew apple juice (UNCAJ). The UNCAJ presented the main anti-inflammatory activity by a significant inhibition of ear edema (66.5%) when compared to RCAJ (10%). Moreover, UNCAJ also showed the best result for wound contraction (86.31%) compared to RCAJ (67.54%). Despite of higher antioxidant capacity, RCAJ did not promote better anti-inflammatory, and healing responses, which may be explained by the fact that treatment increased antioxidants level leading to a redox “imbalance” turning down the inflammatory response modulation exerted by reactive oxygen species (ROS). The results suggest that UNCAJ presents a greater therapeutic activity due to a synergistic effect of its phytochemical components, which improve the immunological mechanisms as well as an optimal balance between ROS and antioxidants leading to a better wound healing process.  相似文献   
Chemical investigation of the CH2Cl2 crude extract from the brown alga Canistrocarpus cervicornis (Dictyotaceae) led to isolation of one new ( 1 ) and four previously reported dolastane diterpenes ( 2 – 5 ). Their structures were characterized by 1D‐ and 2D‐NMR spectroscopic techniques, including a full single crystal X‐ray diffraction analysis for 1, 2 , and 4 . In addition, the new structure 1 was assayed as chemical defense inhibiting the feeding by the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus. This study constitutes an additional report broadening the known spectrum of action and defensive roles of secondary metabolites of the C. cervicornis and Dictyotales species.  相似文献   
Despite a strong increase in research on seamounts and oceanic islands ecology and biogeography, many basic aspects of their biodiversity are still unknown. In the southwestern Atlantic, the Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain (VTC) extends ca. 1,200 km offshore the Brazilian continental shelf, from the Vitória seamount to the oceanic islands of Trindade and Martin Vaz. For a long time, most of the biological information available regarded its islands. Our study presents and analyzes an extensive database on the VTC fish biodiversity, built on data compiled from literature and recent scientific expeditions that assessed both shallow to mesophotic environments. A total of 273 species were recorded, 211 of which occur on seamounts and 173 at the islands. New records for seamounts or islands include 191 reef fish species and 64 depth range extensions. The structure of fish assemblages was similar between islands and seamounts, not differing in species geographic distribution, trophic composition, or spawning strategies. Main differences were related to endemism, higher at the islands, and to the number of endangered species, higher at the seamounts. Since unregulated fishing activities are common in the region, and mining activities are expected to drastically increase in the near future (carbonates on seamount summits and metals on slopes), this unique biodiversity needs urgent attention and management.  相似文献   


Gunshot wounds require surgeons to decide whether to remove or leave bullet fragments in the body. Surgeons also decide how to follow up with patients who have lead fragments retained in their body. Current literature recommends to remove only intra-articular fragments without the need for a follow-up for patients with the metal retained. Therefore, this study investigates chronic lead toxicity for gunshot wounds.


The study was performed in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, between 2013 and 2015. It was a case-control study that included 45 victims of gunshot lesions with metallic fragments retained for more than 6 months. The 45 controls were matched for gender, age, and race. We compared the lead blood levels and frequency of symptoms.


The control group had average blood lead levels of 2.17 μg/dL (95% Confidence Interval [CI]; 1.71–2.63) and median 2.1 μg/dL. The case group had average values of 9.01 μg/dL (CI; 6.07–11.96) and median values of 6.5 μg/dL with p-values < = 0.001. The case group reported the following more frequently: irritancy, bad mood, headache, memory losses, daylight drowsiness, myalgia, weakness, abdominal pain, joint pain, trembling, tingling limbs. There was statistical significance for the differences of symptoms frequencies and for odds ratio between groups.


Although the mean lead levels found were lower than the current laboratory references, low levels have been associated with both rising morbidity and mortality. The WHO stated: “There is no known level of lead exposure that is considered safe”. In conclusion, this work showed that bullets retained in the body are not innocuous. There are impacts in the blood lead levels and symptoms related to it, even with few fragments, extra-articular located or existing with low blood lead levels.  相似文献   
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