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The current breeding ranges of Buzzards Buteo buteo and Ravens Corvus corax in Britain are restricted to the west, and both are relics of former widespread but not necessarily even distributions. Moore (1957) attributed the Buzzard's contraction in range to persecution by gamekeepers, his evidence being the complementary nature of the Buzzard's distribution with those of gamekeepers in the lowlands and grouse moors in the uplands; others have attributed the Raven's decline to the same cause. Is Moore correct and, if so, are these species' ranges still limited by persecution? Here we adopt an approach similar to Moore's, whereby we compare the current geographical patterns of abundance of Buzzards and Ravens in the British uplands with that of an index of grouse moor density. Unlike Moore, however, we take into account climate, land cover, topography and sheep stocking density, as well as grouse moor distribution, using multiple logistic regression modelling. We show that in the uplands the distribution of grouse moors strongly limits that of Buzzards and Ravens but are unable to conclude that this is a result of persecution because there are several competing hypotheses (moor management, food and nest-site availability) between which we are unable to distinguish.  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence that changes in habitat structure in the form of reduced understorey and loss of open habitats, both probably a result of increases in shading and deer browsing, may be responsible for causing recent changes in the composition of breeding bird communities in many lowland British woods and forests. In contrast, management of upland coniferous forests may prevent the attainment of mature and old-growth structures which would benefit community development in these new ecosystems. We suggest that the key challenge for woodland conservation policy is to create larger areas of both young-growth and old-growth habitat. These objectives need not necessarily conflict with each other, or with other multipurpose forestry objectives, provided that they inform strategic plans and are targeted at appropriate locations and scales. In the lowlands, the current large stock of middle-aged, often unmanaged and species-poor woodland provides an opportunity to restore or create new woodland habitats of high biodiversity value. The development of woodfuel markets may effectively increase the amount of young-growth but it is unclear exactly what habitat structures might be created. In the uplands, allowing more natural development of native woodland in mosaics with other habitats may provide opportunities for both old- and young-growth species. For the foreseeable future, deer impacts will continue to be widespread and probably increasingly severe in many areas. In view of the uncertainty about the implications of climate change for woodland ecosystems, a strong case can be made for attempting to buffer valued wildlife communities against damaging effects by creating and maintaining high structural diversity at a range of scales and increasing the area of woodland.  相似文献   
Rare male mating advantage (a form of negative frequency dependence) is frequently proposed as a mechanism for the maintenance of genetic variation within populations. This hypothesis is attractive for systems with pronounced male colour polymorphism because it can maintain particularly high levels of variation. We tested for negative frequency-dependent mating success between yellow and red male colour patterns in bluefin killifish, Lucania goodei . Lucania goodei populations harbour substantial colour pattern polymorphism, and a large proportion of this variation has a genetic basis. We established outdoor mesocosms with red and yellow males in three different ratios: yellow rare (one yellow ♂ : five red ♂), even (three yellow ♂ : three red ♂), and red rare (five yellow ♂ : one red ♂). We obtained eggs and used microsatellites to determine paternity. By contrast to expectations, we found no support for a rare male mating advantage. Red males had slightly higher spawning success than yellow males, particularly in replicates with large clutches and when red males were rare. However, yellow males did not have higher mating success when rare. We discuss alternative mechanisms for the maintenance of the polymorphism as well as the potential reasons for the lack of a rare male mating advantage.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 489–500.  相似文献   
Eurasian Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria and Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus winter in large numbers on Britain's farmland. Previous studies in mixed farming areas showed pronounced preferences for permanent pasture, but increasing numbers of plovers winter in eastern Britain where arable farmland dominates. We show that an area of intensive arable farmland supported significant numbers of both species from October to February in the absence of large areas of pasture. Habitat use varied seasonally as the habitats present changed. Throughout winter, use of cereal crops matched their availability: plovers selected harrow in early winter, sugar beet stubbles in midwinter and other crops in late winter. Pastures were rarely used at any time of the year. Flocks occupied only a fraction of the available fields, concentrating most in large fields with open boundaries and where manure had been applied. Daytime feeding was more likely during cold days after nights with a new moon, short duration of moonlight or low-intensity moonlight. These results show that plovers are currently able to utilize intensive arable farmland but future changes in management, such as cessation of manure applications and reductions in sugar beet cropping, could have detrimental effects.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Our objective was to determine whether there were subpopulations within the eastern population of tundra swans (Cygnus columbianus columbianus) wintering along the mid-Atlantic coast. Movement rates between regions were substantial enough to result in continual mixing of wintering birds. Thus, we were unable to identify distinct subpopulations based on exclusive use of specific wintering areas. These birds should therefore be monitored, and their harvest managed, as if they were one population.  相似文献   
The outer tissues of Cox's Orange Pippin apples from samples with initially high and low calcium content were examined in the electron microscope following 53, 81 or 99 days in air storage at 3 oC. Cell ultrastructure within tissues of both high and low calcium apples was comparatively normal in fruit stored for the shorter period but low calcium fruit showed symptoms of membrane breakdown after 81 days. The greatest structural differences were observed after storage for 99 days when low calcium fruits contained more cells exhibiting breakdown of membranes and organelles than high calcium apples and also showed more severe symptoms of cell wall breakdown.  相似文献   
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