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Age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal vein occlusions are complicated by neovascularization and macular edema. Multi-targeted kinase inhibitors that inhibit select growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases and/or components of their down-stream signaling cascades (such as Src kinases) are rationale treatment strategies for these disease processes. We describe the discovery and characterization of two such agents. TG100572, which inhibits Src kinases and selected receptor tyrosine kinases, induced apoptosis of proliferating endothelial cells in vitro. Systemic delivery of TG100572 in a murine model of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (CNV) caused significant suppression of CNV, but with an associated weight loss suggestive of systemic toxicity. To minimize systemic exposure, topical delivery of TG100572 to the cornea was explored, and while substantial levels of TG100572 were achieved in the retina and choroid, superior exposure levels were achieved using TG100801, an inactive prodrug that generates TG100572 by de-esterification. Neither TG100801 nor TG100572 were detectable in plasma following topical delivery of TG100801, and adverse safety signals (such as weight loss) were not observed even with prolonged dosing schedules. Topical TG100801 significantly suppressed laser-induced CNV in mice, and reduced fluorescein leakage from the vasculature and retinal thickening measured by optical coherence tomography in a rat model of retinal vein occlusion. These data suggest that TG100801 may provide a new topically applied treatment approach for ocular neovascularization and retinal edema.  相似文献   
The effects of proctolin (RYLPT) on neurally evoked contractions of locust oviduct muscle were studied to examine the role of proctolin as a cotransmitter. Increasing the number of stimuli in a burst (from one to 30 stimuli) resulted in an increase in amplitude of contraction of locust oviduct muscle. Proctolin was capable of increasing the amplitude of neurally evoked contractions at lower-stimulus regimes (one- and two-stimulus bursts) but did not do so at higher-stimulus regimes (five- and 10-stimulus bursts). The effects of proctolin were dose dependent within the one- and two-stimulus regimes, with thresholds at 10−9 M and maxima at 2.5 × 10−8 M. Addition of proctolin increased the basal tonus and size of a postcontraction relaxation of the oviduct muscle in a dose-dependent manner during all stimulus regimes. However, the effect of proctolin on basal tonus and the postcontraction relaxation was much less at the higher stimulus regimes. Previously, several proctolin analogues have been tested for their ability to antagonize proctolin-induced contractions of the oviduct muscle. Since proctolin is proposed to be a cotransmitter at this neuromuscular junction, one of these analogues, cycloproctolin, was used to antagonize proctolin's effects on neurally evoked contractions. In the presence of the antagonist, the maximum amplitude induced by application of proctolin was decreased by 22.7%, while the proctolin-induced increase in basal tonus was decreased by 45.8%. Finally, the maximum increase in the size of the postcontraction relaxation caused by proctolin was lowered by 32.0%. The results of the present study show that exogenously applied proctolin is an excitant of the oviduct muscle at lower, rather than higher, stimulus regimes, and this latter inaction may be due to the corelease of endogenous proctolin during increased neural stimulation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 139–150, 1997  相似文献   
Retroviruses must gain access to the host cell nucleus for subsequent replication and viral propagation. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and other primate lentiviruses are distinguished from the gammaretroviruses by their ability to infect nondividing cells such as macrophages, an important viral reservoir in vivo. Rather than requiring nuclear membrane breakdown during cell division, the HIV-1 preintegration complex (PIC) enters the nucleus by traversing the central aqueous channel of the limiting nuclear pore complex. The HIV-1 PIC contains three nucleophilic proteins, matrix, integrase, and Vpr, all of which have been implicated in nuclear targeting. The mechanism by which Vpr can display such nucleophilic properties and yet also be available for incorporation into virions assembling at the plasma membrane is unresolved. We recently characterized Vpr as a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein that contains two novel nuclear import signals and an exportin-1-dependent nuclear export signal (NES). We now demonstrate that mutation of this NES impairs the incorporation of Vpr into newly formed virions. Furthermore, we find that the Vpr NES is required for efficient HIV replication in tissue macrophages present in human spleens and tonsils. These findings underscore how the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of Vpr not only contributes to nuclear import of the HIV-1 PIC but also enables Vpr to be present in the cytoplasm for incorporation into virions, leading to enhancement of viral spread within nondividing tissue macrophages.  相似文献   
Rational design is an important tool for sculpting functional and stability properties of proteins and its potential can be much magnified when combined with in vitro and natural evolutionary diversity. Herein, we report the structure-guided design of a xylose-releasing exo-β-1,4-xylanase from an inactive member of glycoside hydrolase family 43 (GH43). Structural analysis revealed a nonconserved substitution (Lys247) that results in the disruption of the hydrogen bond network that supports catalysis. The mutation of this residue to a conserved serine restored the catalytic activity and crystal structure elucidation of the mutant confirmed the recovery of the proper orientation of the catalytically relevant histidine. Interestingly, the tailored enzyme can cleave both xylooligosaccharides and xylan, releasing xylose as the main product, being the first xylose-releasing exo-β-1,4-xylanase reported in the GH43 family. This enzyme presents a unique active-site topology when compared with closely related β-xylosidases, which is the absence of a hydrophobic barrier at the positive-subsite region, allowing the accommodation of long substrates. Therefore, the combination of rational design for catalytic activation along with naturally occurring differences in the substrate binding interface led to the discovery of a novel activity within the GH43 family. In addition, these results demonstrate the importance of solvation of the β-propeller hollow for GH43 catalytic function and expand our mechanistic understanding about the diverse modes of action of GH43 members, a key and polyspecific carbohydrate-active enzyme family abundant in most plant cell-wall-degrading microorganisms.  相似文献   
The recently conducted ADAURA trial concludes daily dosing of adjuvant osimertinib, a third-generation EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), improves disease-free survival with stage IB/II/IIIA EGFR -mutated non-small cell lung cancer patients in comparison to placebo. We have developed a preclinical orthotopic mouse model, using luciferase tagged lung adenocarcinoma cells harboring EGFR TKI sensitive exon 19 deletion to model and extend trial implications comparing a weekly vs daily dosing outcome of osimertinib to a first-generation TKI- erlotinib. We find that 100% of mice in both the groups receiving osimertinib daily or weekly before injection of cells show a complete absence of homing of cells in mice''s lungs from day three until day 18 post-injection of cells. On the other hand, 25% and 75% of mice receiving erlotinib daily and weekly before injecting cells show homing of cells to the lungs. The tumors observed in the lungs, when dissected at day 30, confirmed the colonization of the injected cells homing to the organ. Thus, our study establishes the efficacy of pretreatment with osimertinib in reducing tumor cells'' homing to mouse lungs in an in vivo mouse model.  相似文献   
Ecto-5′-nucleotidase (eNT/CD73, E.C. is a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked cell-surface protein with several functions, including the local generation of adenosine from AMP, with the consequent activation of adenosine receptors and the salvaging of extracellular nucleotides. It also apparently functions independently of this activity, e.g., in the mediation of cell-cell adhesion. Liver fibrosis can be considered as a dynamic and integrated cellular response to chronic liver injury and the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) plays a role in the fibrogenic process. eNT/CD73 and adenosine are reported to play an important role in hepatic fibrosis in murine models. Knockdown of eNT/CD73 leads to an increase in mRNA expression of tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase (TNALP), another AMP-degrading enzyme and thus no alteration is seen in the total ecto-AMPase activity of the cell. eNT/CD73 knockdown also leads to changes in the expression of collagen I and a clear alteration of cell migration. We suggest that eNT/CD73 protein expression controls cell migration and collagen expression in a mechanism independent of changes in nucleotide metabolism.  相似文献   
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