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The site of yolk protein synthesis in crustaceans has long been a subject of controversy. A portion of the vitellogenin gene structure was reported recently in a freshwater giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodori), in which the hepatopancreas was confirmed to be the extraovarian site of vitellogenin synthesis. The ovary is also frequently reported to be the site of yolk protein synthesis in penaeid shrimp. The same PCR product was obtained using cDNA from the hepatopancreas or the ovary as a template. The deduced amino acid sequence of Vg in P. vannamei showed high identities of 57% and 78% with those from M. rosenbergii and P. monodon, respectively. The same location of the intron in the sequenced region of genomic DNA was also found between these three species. We therefore concluded that the hepatopancreas and ovary are sites of vitellogenin synthesis in P. vannamei. The partial structure of the vitellogenin gene is further presented.  相似文献   
Models of vegetation function are widely used to predict the effects of climate change on carbon, water and nutrient cycles of terrestrial ecosystems, and their feedbacks to climate. Stomatal conductance, the process that governs plant water use and carbon uptake, is fundamental to such models. In this paper, we reconcile two long‐standing theories of stomatal conductance. The empirical approach, which is most commonly used in vegetation models, is phenomenological, based on experimental observations of stomatal behaviour in response to environmental conditions. The optimal approach is based on the theoretical argument that stomata should act to minimize the amount of water used per unit carbon gained. We reconcile these two approaches by showing that the theory of optimal stomatal conductance can be used to derive a model of stomatal conductance that is closely analogous to the empirical models. Consequently, we obtain a unified stomatal model which has a similar form to existing empirical models, but which now provides a theoretical interpretation for model parameter values. The key model parameter, g1, is predicted to increase with growth temperature and with the marginal water cost of carbon gain. The new model is fitted to a range of datasets ranging from tropical to boreal trees. The parameter g1 is shown to vary with growth temperature, as predicted, and also with plant functional type. The model is shown to correctly capture responses of stomatal conductance to changing atmospheric CO2, and thus can be used to test for stomatal acclimation to elevated CO2. The reconciliation of the optimal and empirical approaches to modelling stomatal conductance is important for global change biology because it provides a simple theoretical framework for analyzing, and simulating, the coupling between carbon and water cycles under environmental change.  相似文献   
In growing leaves, lack of isoprene synthase (IspS) is considered responsible for delayed isoprene emission, but competition for dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMADP), the substrate for both isoprene synthesis and prenyltransferase reactions in photosynthetic pigment and phytohormone synthesis, can also play a role. We used a kinetic approach based on post‐illumination isoprene decay and modelling DMADP consumption to estimate in vivo kinetic characteristics of IspS and prenyltransferase reactions, and to determine the share of DMADP use by different processes through leaf development in Populus tremula. Pigment synthesis rate was also estimated from pigment accumulation data and distribution of DMADP use from isoprene emission changes due to alendronate, a selective inhibitor of prenyltransferases. Development of photosynthetic activity and pigment synthesis occurred with the greatest rate in 1‐ to 5‐day‐old leaves when isoprene emission was absent. Isoprene emission commenced on days 5 and 6 and increased simultaneously with slowing down of pigment synthesis. In vivo Michaelis–Menten constant (Km) values obtained were 265 nmol m?2 (20 μm ) for DMADP‐consuming prenyltransferase reactions and 2560 nmol m?2 (190 μm ) for IspS. Thus, despite decelerating pigment synthesis reactions in maturing leaves, isoprene emission in young leaves was limited by both IspS activity and competition for DMADP by prenyltransferase reactions.  相似文献   
FREEMAN  P. R. 《Biometrika》1972,59(1):9-17
Although the advent and widespread use of ataractic drugs has more or less eclipsed lobotomy as a method of dealing with severe psychotic states, variations and adaptations of the operation still can be used with benefit in certain pretty well defined circumstances."Chemical lobotomy" and regressive electroshock bring about alterations in behavior superficially resembling those of lobotomy, but without the changes in personality that are the object of lobotomy. These desirable changes consist in increased extraversion, decreased preoccupation with self and decreased sensitivity to the opinions of others. With restricted operations, undesirable changes-the "frontal lobe syndrome"-do not occur. OPERATIVE FAILURES ARE DUE TO THREE MAIN CAUSES: (a) Preoperative emotional deterioration; (b) progress of the underlying disease; (c) relapse, possibly due to inadequate operation. Lobotomy is advisable if the patient does not show sustained improvement after a year of active treatment by other indicated means. The operation often represents the turning point in effective treatment. After the first year of ineffective treatment valuable time is being lost, with danger of fixation and deterioration. Then it is safer to operate than to wait. The future of psychosurgery lies in prompt application, in favorable patients, of selective operations that will reverse the trend of illness. There is particular need for further exploration of the temporal lobes in the hope of finding some procedure that will suppress hallucinations. Some 90 per cent of patients remaining in hospitals after psychosurgery are experiencing hallucinations. If these phenomena can be eliminated without producing serious personality defects, another large field for the application of psychosurgery will be opened.  相似文献   
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