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Seed Lipids of the Grain Amaranths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lipid and fatty acid composition of six members of two closelyrelated genera of the Amaranthaceae have been studied usinga combination of chromatographic procedures. The total lipidsvaried between 16.95 and 9.75% dry weight. Of these amounts,the non-polar lipids (mainly triglycerides) represented approximately90%, while polar lipids (glycolipids and phospholipids) accountedfor the remaining percentage. A relatively high degree of unsaturation was found for all lipidsdue to the dominance of linoleic acid (about 50%). The storage,metabolic, structural, and nutritional functions of the differentacyllipids are discussed.  相似文献   
Although the neurogenic nature of the heartbeat in adult Limulushas been well studied and is undisputed, we contest the reportsthat the embryonic heartbeat is myogenic. This notion, basedon histological, calorimetric, and drug studies, is challengedby evidence from transmission electron microscopy and intracellularrecording. The first, infrequent heartbeats occur at the timeof the third embryonic molt when only the anterior portion ofthe heart tube is formed and functional. Contractions extendfurther caudad concomitant with lumen formation in the rearheart segments. All lumen-containing heart sections that wehave examined, from the earliest on, have revealed neural elementsin a bundle at the dorsal midline of the heart. Axons 1/m orless in diameter are prevalent: vesicle-filled terminal-likeareas adjacent to muscle cells are often present as well, evenin the youngest beating hearts. Myocardial cells show excitatorypostsynaptic potentials as soon as heartbeat has begun, butthey often fail to summate in the earlier stages so that contractionsare few. Resting potentials remain at –65 to –70mV from the onset of heartbeat until well after the larva hashatched, but heartbeat frequency, regularity, depolarizationheight (never overshooting) and duration all increase as embryosget older, probably as innervation of muscle fibers increasesand coordination between pacemaker and follower neurons improves.We have found no evidence that embryonic Limulus heart passesthrough a myogenic phase and believe that it is neurally drivenfrom the beginning.  相似文献   
Abstract The helicopter and net gun is a technique used to capture white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and is useful in a variety of habitat types and at various population densities with the ability to be highly selective. During capture, deer may sustain injuries or even die as a result of capture and handling, and may also be prone to capture myopathy. Therefore, our objectives were to determine 1) type and frequency of injuries sustained during the helicopter and net-gun capture, and 2) the effects of capture on survival of radiocollared deer. We captured 3,350 white-tailed deer from 1998 to 2005 using a net gun fired from a helicopter on 5 southern Texas, USA, ranches. Additionally, we captured 51 yearling males and 49 mature (≥4 yr of age) males and fitted them with radiocollars to monitor their survival. We recorded injuries and mortalities during capture and ranked the seriousness of injuries on a scale from 0 to 4. We recorded 281 injuries (8.4%) and as a result of capture, at least 206 deer had broken antlers (6.1%), 55 were injured (1.6%), and 20 were direct mortalities (0.6%). The most common antler injury was broken antler tines and the most common body injury was broken legs. Postcapture mortality rates were low (1%) for this capture method. Based on capture-related injuries, mortalities, and postcapture survival, we found the helicopter and net gun to be a safe capture technique compared to other capture techniques, particularly when conditions are favorable.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Whole body extractions from larval and adult apterous forms of Megoura viciae , and from adult Aphis fabae , were analysed for the known insect juvenile hormones (JHs) by a gas chromatography-mass spectrometric method. Low levels of JH III were detected in both aphid species, the first identification of a juvenile hormone from an homopteran insect. Although the mean titre in adult M. viciae is higher in long-day than in short-day reared insects (0.12±0.03 v. 0.04±0.01 ng/g), titres were variable and measurements overlapped. The results are discussed in the context of the hormonal control of aphid polymorphism and the question of identity of homopteran and hemipteran JH.  相似文献   
Phytomonas davidi (Trypanosomatidae) possesses typical trypanosomatid organelles: subpellicular microtubules, kinetoplast-mitochondrial complex, K-DNA, and four subflagellar pocket microtubules. A greater concentration of subpellicular microtubules was observed in the latex forms than in those found in the salivary glands of its insect vector. Only in the latex flagellates (the stage with postnuclear torsion) were subpellicular microtubules interconnected by crossbridges observed. Morphology and development of mitochondrial aristae varied according to the source of the flagellates. Organisms taken from culture medium had extensively developed plate-like cristae; sparse tubular cristae were observed in the latex forms; and highly developed tubular cristae were seen in flagellates from the lumen of the vector's salivary glands, though organisms in the salivary gland channels had few or none.  相似文献   

The Department of Wildlife Sciences, New Mexico State University, and the New Mexico Wild Turkey Federation have developed a personal computer system for distinguishing individual male wild turkeys. The system determines census and distribution data for the State endangered subspecies of Gould's wild turkey Meleagris gallopavo mexicana. Since the bird is endangered, more conventional means such as capture, tagging and telemetry are not allowed. Programming provides software for acquisition of data, production of spectrograms and oscillograms, cross correlation and auto correlation and a data management capability. During the spring mating seasons of 1987 and 1988 field recordings were made of gobbling in a limited area of SW New Mexico. The data was processed by the computer and revealed a total of 9 recorded individual gobblers for 1987 and 11 for 1988. It also showed that 4 of the birds recorded in 1987 were also recorded in 1988, and movement data ranged from 1.6 to 11.2 kilometers. The system has proven to be a valuable tool in determining census data and movement information on the male Gould's wild turkey in SW New Mexico. Plans for future use are for the differentiation of subspecies, identification of individual females and the analysis of specific turkey calls.  相似文献   
In migratory birds, the place and time of pair formation are important parameters for population structure and dynamics. Geese are not only migratory but also exhibit long-term monogamy, and therefore the first pairing event in a bird's lifetime is of particular importance. Through behavioural observations of young, known-age, marked birds conducted on the wintering grounds during three winter seasons we investigated two aspects of the timing of first pair formation in the Wrangel Island population of Snow Geese Anser caerulescens : (1) the age at which birds first form pair bonds, and (2) the seasonal pattern of first pair formation. Wrangel Island Snow Geese paired considerably later in life than Snow Geese from a low-Arctic population: almost none of the birds formed pairs in their second winter, and many were still in sibling groups for at least part of that season. The proportion of birds in pairs continued to increase until at least 5 years of age. Most pairing took place during the observation periods, and in general the proportion of birds in pair bonds increased gradually throughout the winter season. The amount of pairing during spring migration or summer varied annually and among cohorts, indicating that even very young birds may be able to form pair bonds quickly if conditions on the breeding grounds are unusually favourable. Pairing later and remaining in family groups longer may be a response to breeding conditions in this high-Arctic colony. Here, productivity is typically low due to harsh weather and predation, whereas Snow Geese breeding in the low Arctic are less restricted and form pairs and start to breed when younger. The fact that most, but not all, pairing takes place on the wintering grounds helps explain why a previous study found a certain amount of gene flow between the two Wrangel Island subpopulations with separate wintering grounds.  相似文献   
Climate and litter quality are primary drivers of terrestrial decomposition and, based on evidence from multisite experiments at regional and global scales, are universally factored into global decomposition models. In contrast, soil animals are considered key regulators of decomposition at local scales but their role at larger scales is unresolved. Soil animals are consequently excluded from global models of organic mineralization processes. Incomplete assessment of the roles of soil animals stems from the difficulties of manipulating invertebrate animals experimentally across large geographic gradients. This is compounded by deficient or inconsistent taxonomy. We report a global decomposition experiment to assess the importance of soil animals in C mineralization, in which a common grass litter substrate was exposed to natural decomposition in either control or reduced animal treatments across 30 sites distributed from 43°S to 68°N on six continents. Animals in the mesofaunal size range were recovered from the litter by Tullgren extraction and identified to common specifications, mostly at the ordinal level. The design of the trials enabled faunal contribution to be evaluated against abiotic parameters between sites. Soil animals increase decomposition rates in temperate and wet tropical climates, but have neutral effects where temperature or moisture constrain biological activity. Our findings highlight that faunal influences on decomposition are dependent on prevailing climatic conditions. We conclude that (1) inclusion of soil animals will improve the predictive capabilities of region‐ or biome‐scale decomposition models, (2) soil animal influences on decomposition are important at the regional scale when attempting to predict global change scenarios, and (3) the statistical relationship between decomposition rates and climate, at the global scale, is robust against changes in soil faunal abundance and diversity.  相似文献   
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