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SYNOPSIS. Paramecium aurelia exposed to antisera prepared against cells of a different surface antigenic type are often induced to transform to a new serotype. One possible explanation is that paramecia that are so affected have antigens related to the ciliary antigens, but not accessible to immobilizing antibodies. It is these secondary antigens that are bound by the antibodies, thereby forcing the cells to alter their pattern of antigen synthesis. Examination of affected paramecia has disclosed that secondary antigens are often present but the specificity of these antigens cannot account for the activity of the antisera. It is therefore proposed that antibodies directed against substances other than the immobilization antigens may induce transformation. Two kinds of antiserum, neither of which contains immobilizing antibodies of any sort, are able to markedly alter the expression of the serotypes. One was obtained by immunizing rabbits with culture fluid in which paramecia had been growing. The 2nd was made by injecting rabbits with normal sera from other rabbits.  相似文献   
Procedures for fractionation and purification of sea urchin sperm subunits were studied. Fragmentation of cells was observed rather than fractionation of cell subunits when classic sonication or homogenization techniques were used. Calcium shock in alcohol solution which successfully removes Protozoa cilia was not effective in removing sperm flagella. Alcohol was found to induce cohesion among whole sperm rendering separation of isolated subunits by centrifugation impossible. Calcium shock without alcohol in the medium was not effective in achieving dissociation of sperm subunits.
Successful fractionation of sperm subunits was achieved by application of a stepwise vortex-shearing action in a 0.22 micron filtered calcium-free medium. Analysis by Nomarski optics indicated little or no cellular fragmentation. Centrifugation with various discontinuous sucrose-sea water solutions proved to be a successful technique to purify the fractionated heads, midpieces, and tails.
The procedures reported here can be used to obtain fractionated and purified sperm cell heads, midpieces, and tails. These procedures do not require enzyme, homogenization, or sonication treatment of the material.  相似文献   
Climate warming is expected to shift bioclimatic zones and plant species distribution. Yet, few studies have explored whether seedling establishment is a possible bottleneck for future migration and population resilience. We test how warming affects the early stages of seedling establishment in 10 plant species in subarctic tundra. To zoom into the life phases where the effects of warming actually take place, we used a novel approach of breaking down the whole‐season warming effect into full factorial combination of early‐, mid‐, and late‐season warming periods. Seeds were sown in containers placed under field conditions in subarctic heath and were exposed to 3 °C elevation of surface temperature and 30% addition of summer precipitation relative to ambient. Heating was achieved with Free Air Temperature Increase systems. Whole‐season heating reduced germination and establishment, significantly in four out of 10 species. The whole‐season warming effect originated from additive effects of individual periods, although some of the periods had disproportionally stronger influence. Early‐germinating species were susceptible to warming; the critical phases were early summer for germination and mid summer for seedling survival. Graminoids, which emerged later, were less susceptible although some negative effects during late summer were observed. Some species with intermediate germination time were affected by all periods of warming. Addition of water generally could not mitigate the negative effects of whole‐season heating, but at individual species level both strengthening and amelioration of these negative effects were observed. We conclude that summer warming is likely to constrain seedling recruitment in open micro sites, which is a common seed regeneration niche in tundra ecosystem. Importantly, we described both significant temporal and species‐specific variation in the sensitivity of seedling establishment to warming which needs to be taken into consideration when modelling population dynamics and vegetation transitions in a warmer climate.  相似文献   
Sucrose and Nitrogen Supplies Regulate Growth of Maize Kernels   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The growth of maize (Zea mays L.) kernels depends on the availabilityof carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) assimilates supplied by the motherplant and the capacity of the kernel to use them. Our objectiveswere to study the effects of N and sucrose supply levels ongrowth and metabolism of maize kernels. Kernel explants of Pioneer34RO6 were culturedin vitro with varying combinations of N (5to 30 m M) and sucrose (117 to 467 m M). Maximum kernel growthwas obtained with 10 m M N and 292 m M sucrose in the medium,and a deficiency of one assimilate could not be overcome bya sufficiency of the other. Increasing the N supply led to increasesin the kernel sink capacity (number of cells and starch granulesin the endosperm), activity of certain enzymes (soluble andbound invertases, sucrose synthase, and aspartate aminotransaminase),starch, and the levels of N compounds (total-N, soluble protein,and free amino acids), and decreased the levels of C metabolites(sucrose and reducing sugars). Conversely, increasing the sucrosesupply increased the level of endosperm C metabolites, freeamino acids, and ADPG-PPase and alanine transaminase activities,but decreased the activity of soluble invertase and concentrationsof soluble protein and total-N. Thus, while C and N are interdependentand essential for accumulation of maximum kernel weight, theyappear to regulate growth by different means. Nitrogen supplyaids the establishment of kernel sink capacity, and promotesactivity of enzymes relating to sucrose and nitrogen uptake,while sucrose regulates the activities of invertase and ADPG-PPase.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Zea mays, maize,, invertase, ADPG-PPase, media composition, sucrose, nitrogen, C/N.  相似文献   
Although autism is a disorder of very early onset, knowledge on how it is first expressed in infancy has, until recently, remained limited. In recent years new strategies of research, including prospective studies, have substantially increased our knowledge regarding autism in infants. Research findings have suggested the very early emergence of significant differences in social information processes. In addition to having important implications for research, these findings also offer new opportunities for screening and early identification and, hopefully, for improved outcome.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Anthropogenic structures associated with energy development and other activities are a growing concern in wildlife conservation because of habitat loss and fragmentation. We conducted a retrospective analysis of effects of barbed-wire fences, oil-extraction structures, aboveground power lines, resurfaced roads, and artificial water sites on space use by northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus)in western Oklahoma, USA. Nest location data accrued during 1991–2002 and radiolocation data during 1997–2002. Data suggested fences had a weak repellent effect at distances <300 m, oil structures had neutral effects at distances <800 m, aboveground power lines had neutral effects at distances <250 m, resurfaced roads attracted at distances <350 m, and water sites had neutral effects at distances <250 m. Generally, anthropogenic structures seemed compatible with bobwhite populations on our study area, given density and dispersion of the structures that existed.  相似文献   
The structure and late development of the flowers of the South‐East Asian bee‐pollinated palm Licuala peltata are described with special focus on the architecture of the unusual labyrinthine nectaries. The nectaries are derived from septal nectaries by extensive convolution of the carpel flank surfaces below the ovary throughout the inner floral base, thus also encompassing the inner surface of the corolla–androecium tube. A comparison with septal nectaries elsewhere in Arecaceae and with labyrinthine nectaries in other monocots shows that labyrinthine nectaries situated below the ovary, as described here, are not known from any other palms, but are similar to those of a few Bromeliaceae and, less strongly convoluted, some Haemodoraceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae. In addition, the substantial participation of parts other than the gynoecium in the nectary architecture of Licuala appears unique at the level of monocots. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 66–77.  相似文献   
Seed Lipids of the Grain Amaranths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lipid and fatty acid composition of six members of two closelyrelated genera of the Amaranthaceae have been studied usinga combination of chromatographic procedures. The total lipidsvaried between 16.95 and 9.75% dry weight. Of these amounts,the non-polar lipids (mainly triglycerides) represented approximately90%, while polar lipids (glycolipids and phospholipids) accountedfor the remaining percentage. A relatively high degree of unsaturation was found for all lipidsdue to the dominance of linoleic acid (about 50%). The storage,metabolic, structural, and nutritional functions of the differentacyllipids are discussed.  相似文献   
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