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Intraspecific acoustic communication during pair formation incrickets provides excellent material for neuroethological research.It permits analysis of a distinct behavior at its neuronal level.This top-down approach considers first the behavior in quantitativeterms, then searches for its computational rules (algorithms),and finally for neuronal implementations. The research described involves high resolution behavioral measurements,extra- and intracellular recordings, and marking and photoinactivationof single nerve cells. The research focuses on sound productionin male and phonotactic behavior in female crickets and itsunderlying neuronal basis. Segmental and plurisegmental organizationwithin the nervous system are examined as well as the validityof the single identified neuron approach. Neuroethological conceptssuch as central pattern generation, feedback control, commandneuron, and in particular, cellular correlates for sign stimuliused in conspecific song recognition and sound source localizationare discussed. Crickets are ideal insects for analyzing behavioralplasticity and the contributing nerve cells. This research continuesand extends the pioneering studies of the late Kenneth DavidRoeder on nerve cells and insect behavior by developing newtechniques in behavioral and single cell analysis.  相似文献   
The expected upward shift of trees due to climate warming is supposed to be a major threat to range‐restricted high‐altitude species by shrinking the area of their suitable habitats. Our projections show that areas of endemism of five taxonomic groups (vascular plants, snails, spiders, butterflies, and beetles) in the Austrian Alps will, on average, experience a 77% habitat loss even under the weakest climate change scenario (+1.8 °C by 2100). The amount of habitat loss is positively related with the pooled endemic species richness (species from all five taxonomic groups) and with the richness of endemic vascular plants, snails, and beetles. Owing to limited postglacial migration, hotspots of high‐altitude endemics are situated in rather low peripheral mountain chains of the Alps, which have not been glaciated during the Pleistocene. There, tree line expansion disproportionally reduces habitats of high‐altitude species. Such legacies of climate history, which may aggravate extinction risks under future climate change have to be expected for many temperate mountain ranges.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. In female Gryllus campestris L., three functional types of ascending auditory intemeurones have been studied by recording from them extracellularly in the split cervical connectives using suction electrodes. Type 1 neurones are characterized by an optimal sensitivity to the carrier frequency of the species calling song (4–5 kHz). They copy the syllable and pause structure of the call at all intensities. The patterned spike discharge is observable at least 8 dB above absolute threshold. With suprathreshold stimulation, the neurones exhibit maximal responses (number of spikes/chirp) around the carrier frequency. The intensity response curves are approximately linear in the range of 40–90 dB SPL. The envelope of each syllable is reflected by a corresponding change in the firing rate, and syllable periods of 24ms and longer are resolved. This type can be considered as a neural correlate for phonotactic behaviour of the female where the syllable period has been found to be the most important temporal parameter. Type 2 neurones are most sensitive in the range of 4–6 and 11–13 kHz. They copy the syllable and pause structure of the species calling song at low and moderate intensities. However, the spikes invade the intersyllable pauses, when stimulated with the calling song at higher intensities (above 85 dB). This is particularly apparent at the onset of a chirp series. The slope of the intensity—response curve mimics that of type 1 units. The neurones cannot follow syllable periods shorter than 32 ms. Type 3 neurones differ from types 1 and 2 by a rather broad-band sensitivity in the range of 3–16 kHz, and in copying the chirp as a whole. Even at low stimulus intensities, the intersyllable pauses are filled with spikes, and information about the syllable—pause structure is lost. Stimulation with suprathreshold intensities gives rise to a rather uniform, broad-band response without distinctive peaks. The intensity—response curve is characterized by a higher absolute threshold, and by the reduction in the response magnitude starting above 70–80 dB. These units are not suitable for copying the calling song temporal structure in detail, but would indicate the chirping rhythm. Their strong response in the range of the species courtship song carrier frequency make them suitable to copy the courtship song.  相似文献   
Grasslands cover about 40% of the ice‐free global terrestrial surface, but their quantitative importance in global carbon exchange with the atmosphere is still highly uncertain, and thus their potential for carbon sequestration remains speculative. Here, we report on CO2 exchange of an extensively used mountain hay meadow and pasture in the Swiss pre‐Alps on high‐organic soils (7–45% C by mass) over a 3‐year period (18 May 2002–20 September 2005), including the European summer 2003 heat‐wave period. During all 3 years, the ecosystem was a net source of CO2 (116–256 g C m?2 yr?1). Harvests and grazing cows (mostly via C export in milk) further increased these C losses, which were estimated at 355 g C m?2 yr?1 during 2003 (95% confidence interval 257–454 g C m?2 yr?1). Although annual carbon losses varied considerably among years, the CO2 budget during summer 2003 was not very different from the other two summers. However, and much more importantly, the winter that followed the warm summer of 2003 observed a significantly higher carbon loss when there was snow (133±6 g C m?2) than under comparable conditions during the other two winters (73±5 and 70±4 g C m?2, respectively). The continued annual C losses can most likely be attributed to the long‐term effects of drainage and peat exploitation that began 119 years ago, with the last significant drainage activities during the Second World War around 1940. The most realistic estimate based on depth profiles of ash content after combustion suggests that there is an 500–910 g C m?2 yr?1 loss associated with the decomposition of organic matter. Our results clearly suggest that putting efforts into preserving still existing carbon stocks may be more successful than attempts to increase sequestration rates in such high‐organic mountain grassland soils.  相似文献   
Roots produce cytokinins, which could be generated from the catabolism of transfer RNA. To prove such a hypothesis, the half-life of sRNA from primary roots of corn was measured. The shortest half-life was estimated to be 3 days. Depending on growth, cells at the root tips are “moving” out of the growing region and become differentiated cells. Therefore the highest label at the root tip during the pulse incubation is moving backwards during the chase incubation. Prolonged chase increases the half-life of sRNA successively, possibly due to decreasing metabolic activities of the originally labeled cells.  相似文献   
Fauna-substrate relationships in the Corallian of England and Normandy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The macroinvertebrate fauna of the Corallian (Middle and Upper Oxfordian) often exhibits a clear relationship to ten types of substrates ranging from clays to oolites. Whereas diversity and abundance of infauna decreases with increasing grain size, abundance of epifauna increases. Suspension-feeders dominate the ecological spectrum in all types of substrates, except for silts, where deposit-feeders abound. These results have been compared to data from other horizons in the Jurassic and to observations in the Recent.  相似文献   
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