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Pan, Y., Sha, J., Fürsich, F.T., Wang, Y., Zhang, X. & Yao, X. 2011: Dynamics of the lacustrine fauna from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, China: implications of volcanic and climatic factors. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 299–314. The taphonomy and palaeoecology of the famous Lower Cretaceous Jehol biota of northeastern China are two of its least resolved aspects. The biota occurs in lacustrine sediments characterized by abundant volcanic ash layers. The general view is that these tuff layers correlate strongly with vertebrate mass mortality events. However, though aquatic invertebrates also suffered mass mortality, in the majority of cases individuals tend to occur on bedding planes of finely laminated sediments, suggesting that each mass mortality event is not related to volcanic activity. Based on data collected in the course of two excavations at Zhangjiagou and Erdaougou, the role of volcanic activity and other factors that could have controlled the dynamics of the fauna were investigated. Cluster analyses of fossil assemblages from both localities show similar results, and eight fossil communities are recognized. In the lacustrine Yixian Formation, frequent and often severe volcanic activity represented by the abundant tuff layers influenced the water quality, causing repeated collapse of the aquatic ecosystem. Bedding planes with remains of the eight different communities were analysed, each recording the community dynamics of a shallow eutrophic lake system that was most probably controlled by fluctuations of oxygen level related to climate. A mortality model, in which oxygen‐level fluctuations play the decisive role, is proposed to explain the existence and distribution of the fossil communities, as well as the unfossiliferous layers. □China, Jehol biota, lacustrine community, mass mortality, palaeoclimate, volcanic activity.  相似文献   
Friend erythroleukemia cells, a widely used in vitro model of murine erythropoiesis, express prior to induction, a state of erythroid differentiation similar to that of the early erythroblast in vivo. To investigate whether this uniform and stable epigenetic state was the result of a selection in long-term culture for the corresponding cell type, 29 new cell lines were isolated from the hemopoietic organs of DBA/2 mice infected with Friend virus and were analyzed without delay for the expression of several erythroid traits. All the lines examined displayed levels of expression of the markers indistinguishable from those displayed by established Friend cell clones. Thus, newly isolated Friend cell lines appear to be blocked at essentially the same stage of erythroid differentiation as established clones. This indicates that the expression of several characteristic erythroid markers is remarkably stable in vitro and does not result from long-term selection. In contrast, the capacity of these cells to respond to chemical inducers varies considerably from clone to clone and with, time in culture.  相似文献   
The bright yellow wall lichen, Xanthoria parietina , is usually inhabited by oribatid mites (Acari) which do not only find shelter, but also graze on selected areas of the thallus. As X. parietina does not produce symbiotic vegetative propagules and its compatible photobiont, unicellular green algae of the genus Trebouxia , are rare outside lichen thalli, we tested the hypothesis of dispersal of viable Trebouxia cells via acarine faeces. The lichenivorous mites, Trhypochtonius tectorum and Trichoribates trimaculatus , were isolated from thalli of X. parietina and cultured in the laboratory on a lichen diet. Light microscopic investigations of faecal pellets from mites that had been feeding on X. parietina indicated gut passage of intact ascospores and photobiont cells. In a series of experiments, viable algal and fungal cells contained in such faecal pellets were cultured. The taxonomic affiliation of these isolates was identified using molecular techniques, i.e. comparative investigations of nuclear ribosomal gene data (ITS 1 and 2, 5.8S rDNA) in the algal and fungal partners, and of the species-specific hydrophobin gene sequence in the fungal partner. Our culturing experiments demonstrated that the faecal pellets of both lichenivorous mites, upon feeding on X. parietina , contain viable ascospores and photobiont cells ( Trebouxia arboricola ) and thus might be a common and successful mode of vegetative short- and long-distance dispersal of this and numerous other lichen-forming ascomycetes and their photobionts. Future studies will have to elucidate the evolutionary significance of invertebrate interactions with lichens. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 259–268.  相似文献   
The Upper Kimmeridgian—basal Tithonian clastic sequence at Santa Cruz, Estremadura, represents environments ranging from river channels and flood plains to lagoons and protected bays showing a deltaic influence. Within the marginal marine environments, five benthic macroinvertebrate associations are recognized and analysed in terms of diversity and species composition. All five are thought to be controlled largely by salinity and to represent lowered and/or fluctuating salinity regimes. They can be grouped along a salinity gradient in which the Mesosaccella dammariensis—Corbulomima suprajurensis association, occurring in prodelta silts and marls, represents the closest approach to fully marine conditions and in which the Eomiodon securiformis association, typical of delta front sands, extends into the oligohaline regime. Banks of the Isognomon lusitanicum association and patch reefs of the Praeexogyra pustulosa—Nanogyra nana association are thought to be typical of brachy-to mesohaline conditions occurring in brackish bays and lagoons. Characteristic of the latter salinity regimes is also the Jurassicorbula edwardi association. The integrated approach, using benthic faunas, trace fossils and sedimentological data, leads to a detailed interpretation of the sedimentary sequences and the construction of a biofacies model which can also be used for other parts of the Lusitanian Basin.  相似文献   
Amount, composition, and rate of turnover of soil organic carbon (SOC) in mountainous cold regions is largely unknown, making predictions of future responses of this carbon (C) to changing environmental conditions uncertain. We hypothesized increasing amounts and declining turnover times of soil organic matter (SOM) under permanent grassland with increasing elevation and decreasing temperature. Samples from an irrigated transect in the Swiss Alps (880 to 2200 m elevation, mean annual temperatures +8.9 to +0.9 °C) were analyzed. Soil C stocks ranged from 49 to 96 t C ha−1 (0–20 cm) and were not related to elevation, though the highest site stored least C. Particulate organic carbon (POC) increased significantly with elevation and accounted for > 80% of the total soil C at 2200 m (0–5 cm). Mean residence times (MRTs) of POC computed by means of radiocarbon dating were in the order of years to decades and were positively related to elevation in the topsoil. At higher elevations, the estimated total C flux through the soil profile mainly depended on this fraction. MRT of mineral-associated matter ranged from decades to centuries and was not systematically related to elevation, but positively related to the soil mineral surface area and it increased with soil depth. Turnover rates from simulations with the soil C model RothC exceeded those from 14C measurements by a factor of 1.7–3.3 which suggests that C dynamics at these sites is overestimated by the model. Size of model pools and amount of C in soil fractions were only weakly correlated, thereby challenging previously postulated hypotheses concerning the correspondence of pools and fractions for grasslands at higher elevations.  相似文献   
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