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SYNOPSIS. The glucose transport system in Leishmania tropica promastigotes was characterized by the use of labeled 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DOG), a nonmetabolizable glucose analog. The uptake system has a Q10 of 2 and a heat of activation of 10.2 kcal/mole. The glucose transport system is subject to competitive inhibition by 2-DOG, glucosamine, N-acetyl glucosamine, mannose, galactose, and fructose which suggests that substitutions in the hexose chain at carbons 2 and 4 do not affect carrier specificity. In contrast, changes at carbon 1 (α-methyl-D-glucoside, 1,5-anhydroglucitol) and carbon 3 (3–0-methyl glucose) lead to loss of carrier affinity since these sugars do not compete for the glucose carrier. Sugars that compete with the glucose carrier have one common feature—they all exist in the pyranose form in solution. The carrier for D-glucose does not interact with L-glucose or any of the pentose sugars tested. Uptake of 2-DOG is inhibited by glycerol. This inhibition, however, is noncompetitive; it is evident, therefore, that glucose and glycerol do not compete for the same carrier. Glycerol does not repress the glucose carrier since cells grown in presence of glycerol transport the sugar normally.  相似文献   
The decapitated primary root of 3-day-old Alaska pea seedlings has been used as a test system to determine the activities on lateral root formation of six auxins, six cytokinins and several other naturally-occurring compounds. Their effects were assessed on (1) the initiation of lateral root primordia, (2) the emergence of visible lateral roots, and (3) the elongation of these laterals. All the auxins, at the optimum concentration of 10-4M, promoted the initiation of lateral root primordia, and all except 3-indolylpropionic acid inhibited the elongation of the resulting lateral roots. Their effects on the emergence of laterals were small and varied. All the cytokinins, at 10-6M and above, inhibited both the initiation and the emergence of lateral roots, zeatin being the most powerful inhibitor. The emergence process was about twice as sensitive as the initiation of primordia to the presence of cytokinins. The cytokinin ribosides were generally less active than the free bases. Abscisic acid and xanthoxin inhibited both emergence and elongation, the concentration for 50% decrease of emergence being about 10-4M. Gibberellic acid had little clear effect on any of the three criteria. Nicotinic acid and thiamine at 10-3M promoted both the initiation of primordia and their emergence: pyridoxal phosphate stimulated both emergence and elongation but did not influence the initiation of primordia. Adenine and guanine had little effect but decreased root elongation some 25%. The strong inhibiting effect of the cytokinins may well be the basis for the marked inhibition exerted by the root-tip on lateral root formation, while the promoting effects of auxins may explain the previously observed promotion of lateral root formation by the young shoot and cotyledons.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. A species of Labyrinthula closely resembling L. algeriensis was isolated from marsh grass, Spartina alterniflora. Zoosporulation was obtained in ~50% of the cultures, which were grown on a modified Vishniac medium, when yeasts were used as food organisms; when the temperature was ~22 C; when thiamine (0.2 mg/l, biotin (1 μg/l, Ba (1 μg/l, and cholesterol (5 mg/l) were present; and when the cells were grown on a semisolid medium (0.6% agar) rather than higher concentrations of agar. The motile cells were similar to biflagellated fungal zoospores in that they were pyriform and laterally biflagellated. The anterior flagellum (13-15 μ long) possessed what appeared to be 2 rows of mastigonemes and was uniform in diameter while the posterior flagellum (6-10 μ) lacked mastigonemes and was tapered distally into a whiplash. The planonts are apparently not isogametes since planogametic copulation could not be induced and since synaptinemal complexes were not observed in sectioned presporangia.  相似文献   
1. Fish community structure and habitat distribution of the abundant species roach, perch and ruffe were studied in Lake Nordborg (Denmark) before (August 2006) and after (August 2007) aluminium treatment to reduce internal phosphorus loading. 2. Rapid changes in fish community structure, abundance and habitat distribution occurred following a decline in in‐lake phosphorus concentrations from 280 to 37 μg P L?1 and an increase in Secchi depth transparency from 1.1 to 1.9 m (August). The proportion of perch in overnight gill net catches increased, whilst roach decreased, and the average weight of all key species increased. 3. The habitat distribution of perch and roach changed from a high proportion in the upper pelagic and littoral zones in 2006, towards enhanced proportions in the deeper pelagic and profundal zone in 2007. The abundance of large‐bodied zooplankton increased and the abundance of benthic invertebrates decreased in the same period, suggesting that the habitat shift was not induced by food limitation. 4. Ruffe shifted from the littoral and upper profundal zones towards the deep profundal zone, likely reflecting an increased predation risk in the littoral zone and better oxygen conditions in the deep profundal. 5. Our results indicate that enhanced risk of predation in the upper pelagic and the littoral zones and perhaps improved oxygen concentrations in the deeper profundal zone at decreasing turbidity are responsible for the observed habitat shift. The results indicate that fish respond rapidly to changes in nutrient state, both in terms of community structure and habitat use.  相似文献   
High resolution palynological and geochemical data of sediment core GeoB 3910‐2 (located offshore Northeast Brazil) spanning the period between 19 600 and 14 500 calibrated year bp (19.6–14.5 ka) show a land‐cover change in the catchment area of local rivers in two steps related to changes in precipitation associated with Heinrich Event 1 (H1 stadial). At the end of the last glacial maximum, the landscape in semi‐arid Northeast Brazil was dominated by a very dry type of caatinga vegetation, mainly composed of grasslands with some herbs and shrubs. After 18 ka, considerably more humid conditions are suggested by changes in the vegetation and by Corg and C/N data indicative of fluvial erosion. The caatinga became wetter and along lakes and rivers, sedges and gallery forest expanded. The most humid period was recorded between 16.5 and 15 ka, when humid gallery (and floodplain) forest and even small patches of mountainous Atlantic rain forest occurred together with dry forest, the latter being considered as a rather lush type of caatinga vegetation. During this humid phase erosion decreased as less lithogenic material and more organic terrestrial material were deposited on the continental slope of northern Brazil. After 15 ka arid conditions returned. During the humid second phase of the H1 stadial, a rich variety of landscapes existed in Northeast Brazil and during the drier periods small pockets of forest could probably survive in favorable spots, which would have increased the resilience of the forest to climate change.  相似文献   
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