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1. The effect of various patterns of flower removal on pod settingwas investigated in Lupinus luteus L. Four-fifths, three-fifths,or two-fifths of the flowers of the main inflorescence wereremoved according to ten different patterns. 2. All flowers could produce pods but later ones were less efficientin doing so. Developing pods had an abscission-inducing effecton later flowers, which became increasingly effective towardsthe apical part of the inflorescence. More pods were retained when flowers on each consecutive whorlwere arranged in a spiral than when the same number was arrangedvertically. Pod setting was incomplete when the number of flowers per inflorescencewas reduced well below the total number of pods normally present. 3. The number of ovules in consecutive flowers gradually decreasedfrom an average of 5.7 at the base to 4.3 at the top of theinflorescence. The ratio of seeds to ovules fluctuated irregularlybetween 65 and 94 per cent, and did not indicate a general trendin embryo abortion. 4. The growth-rate of pods at the top of the inflorescence wasmuch slower than at the bottom. Vascular differentiation wasalmost absent at the top of the inflorescence when the flowerswere fertilized, and further vascular tissue was produced onlywhen flowers produced pods.  相似文献   
The effects of carbon dioxide and the induction of morbidity on aversion learning in larvae of the Pacific Coast wireworm Limonius canus LeConte (Coleoptera: Elateridae) are discussed. Wireworms preconditioned by exposing them one or four times to odour of Tefluthrin 20SC and Dividend XLRTA [Syngenta Crop Protection (Canada), Inc., Canada] during the induction of temporary morbidity subsequently contact tefluthrin‐treated wheat seeds in soil bioassays for as long as naïve (i.e. not preconditioned) larvae but are repelled four to five‐fold more frequently by Dividend‐treated seeds in soil bioassays than naïve wireworms, suggesting that wireworms are capable of associating a novel odour (i.e. Dividend) with morbidity but require a minimum of 10–15 min subsequent contact time with treated seeds before being repelled. Wireworms preconditioned by exposure to peppermint odour during the induction of morbidity are not subsequently repelled by peppermint odour in soil bioassays, suggesting that wireworms are either not capable of aversion learning or that the presence of a CO2 source and/or a suitable host plant may override a negative cue (i.e. peppermint odour). In studies conducted in the absence of soil, a host plant and CO2 production, wireworms are repelled slightly by droplets of 1.0% but not 0.1% peppermint oil. Previous exposure to peppermint odour or contact with peppermint oil‐treated filter paper during one induction of morbidity does not increase the repellency of wireworms to 1.0% peppermint oil significantly. Repellency to 1.0% peppermint oil is almost eliminated when morbidity is induced five times in the absence of peppermint odour but is restored when peppermint odour is present during preconditioning. These findings suggest that wireworm sensitivity to repellent compounds decreases when repeatedly made moribund, although the results are not sufficient to conclude that wireworms are capable of associative learning.  相似文献   
We isolated and characterized six novel microsatellite markers for paternity analysis in the golden whistler Pachycephala pectoralis, by screening an enriched genomic library using nonradioactive PCR techniques. The six loci exhibited little or no evidence of null alleles and showed high levels of polymorphism (mean HE = 0.85, mean number of alleles = 15.2), making them suitable for paternity assessment in this species (exclusion probability of six unlinked loci = 0.9997).  相似文献   
Abstract: We quantified the repeatability of >900 individual measures of hind foot length from 2 French populations of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) monitored by capture-recapture. We found a high repeatability (i.e., high intra-class correlation, 0.76, 95% CI = 0.72–0.83 and 0.92, 95% CI = 0.91–0.95) in both populations. We also found that inexperienced observers reached a high level of intra- (1.00, 95% CI = 0.96–1.00) and inter-observer repeatability (0.99, 95% CI = 0.98–1.00) when measuring hind foot length of harvested animals with a tool specifically designed for this task. Managers should pay particular attention to limit measurement errors because unreliable measurements require an increased sample size to assess individual variation and can mask biological patterns.  相似文献   
Optimal Control of Gas Exchange during Drought: Empirical Evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The optimal regulation model by Mäkelä, Berningerand Hari (Annals of Botany 77: 461–467, 1996) was appliedto data for photosynthesis and transpiration of Scots pine duringa 22-d drought period. There was a clear decrease in photosynthesisand transpiration during that period. The agreement betweenmodel and photosynthesis data was good. The residuals of photosynthesiswere not systematic with respect to temperature, irradianceor water vapour deficit. However, the model initially overestimatedtranspiration by 50%, although there was a clear linear relationshipbetween measured and estimated values. The results suggest thatthere was no decrease in photosynthetic capacity during theperiod, but a decrease in stomatal conductance was responsiblefor the changes in photosynthesis and transpiration. The observationsare similar to results in the literature. Transpiration; photosynthesis; stomatal conductance; drought; Pinus sylvestris  相似文献   
The survival of overwintering boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis (Boheman), adults on non-cotton hosts in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) of Texas was examined from 2001 to 2006. The success of the Boll Weevil Eradication Program, which was reintroduced into the LRGV in 2005, depends on controlling overwintering boll weevil populations. Laboratory studies were conducted using boll weevil adults that were captured in pheromone traps from September through March. The number of adults captured per trap declined significantly in the field from fall to the beginning of spring (3.5-7.0-fold). The proportion of trapped males and females did not differ significantly. The mean weight of boll weevil adults captured in September was 13.3 mg, while those of captured adults from November to February were significantly lower and ranged from 6.7 to 7.8 mg. Our results show that boll weevil adults can feed on different plant pollens. The highest longevity occurred when adults were fed almond pollen or mixed pollens (72.6 days and 69.2 days, respectively) and the lowest when they fed on citrus pollen or a non-food source (9.7 days or 7.4 days, respectively). The highest adult survival occurred on almond and mixed pollens [88.0%-97. 6% after 1st feeding period (10 days), 78.0%-90.8% after 3rd feeding period (10 days), 55. 0%-83.6% after 5th feeding period (10 days), and 15.2%-32.4% after lOth feeding period (10 days)]. The lowest adult survival occurred on citrus pollen [52.0%-56.0% after 1st feeding period (10 days), 13.3% after 3rd and 5th feeding periods (10 days), and 0 after 6th feeding period (10 days)]. Pollen feeding is not a behavior restricted to adult boll weevils of a specific sex or physiological state. Understanding how boll weevil adults survive in the absence of cotton is important to ensure ultimate success of eradicating this pest in the subtropics.  相似文献   
Non-selected and Na2SO-, K2SO4- or KCl-selected callus culturesof Vaccinium corymbosum L. cv. Blue Crop were grown on mediasupplemented with 0, 25 and 50 mM Na2SO4 (non-selected and Na2SO(-selectedonly), 0, 25 and 50mMK2SO4 (non-selected and K2SO4-selectedonly) or 0, 50 and 100 mM KCl (non-selected and KCl-selectedonly). On all media, growth of selected callus (on a fresh-weightor dry-weight basis) was greater than that of non-selected callus,and selected callus grew optimally on the level and type ofsalt on which it was selected. Selected callus was friable andmaintained a higher f. wt:d. wt ratio. Tissue water potentialin selected callus was more negative than in non-selected callus. Flame photometry and chloridometry showed Na+, K+ and Claccumulated in callus to concentrations equal to or greaterthan the initial concentration in the medium. Turbidometry showedthat tissue SO42- concentration was lower than the concentrationin the medium. In most cases selected callus accumulated moreNa+, Ksup, SO42– or Cl than non-selected callus.Vacuolar ion concentration was measured by electronprobe X-raymicroanalysis, and on most media selected callus had highervacuolar ion concentrations than non-selected callus. SO42–and Cl were accumulated in the vacuoles at concentrationshigher than the external medium, but vacuolar Na+ concentrationdid not reach external concentration on Na2SO4 and on potassiumsalts was maintained between 12 and 17 mM. Vacuolar K+ concentration(approx. 142–191 mM on no salt) decreased on Na2SO4 andincreased on K2SO4 and KCl. There was no precise correlation between total or specific ionaccumulation (Na+, K+, SO42– and Cl and fresh-weightyield. Results suggest that selection results in adaptationin response to decreased water potential of the medium. Vaccinium corymbosum, blueberry, electronprobe X-ray microanalysis, callus, in vitro selection, salt tolerance, KCl, K2SO4, Na2SO4  相似文献   
The ongoing climatic changes potentially affect plant growth and the functioning of temperature‐limited high‐altitude and high‐latitude ecosystems; the rate and magnitude of these biotic changes are, however, uncertain. The aim of this study was to reconstruct stand structure and growth forms of Larix sibirica (Ledeb.) in undisturbed forest–tundra ecotones of the remote Polar Urals on a centennial time scale. Comparisons of the current ecotone with historic photographs from the 1960s clearly document that forests have significantly expanded since then. Similarly, the analysis of forest age structure based on more than 300 trees sampled along three altitudinal gradients reaching from forests in the valleys to the tundra indicate that more than 70% of the currently upright‐growing trees are <80 years old. Because thousands of more than 500‐year‐old subfossil trees occur in the same area but tree remnants of the 15–19th century are lacking almost entirely, we conclude that the forest has been expanding upwards into the formerly tree‐free tundra during the last century by about 20–60 m in altitude. This upward shift of forests was accompanied by significant changes in tree growth forms: while 36% of the few trees that are more than 100 years old were multi‐stem tree clusters, 90% of the trees emerging after 1950 were single‐stemmed. Tree‐ring analysis of horizontal and vertical stems of multi‐stemmed larch trees showed that these trees had been growing in a creeping form since the 15th century. In the early 20th century, they started to grow upright with 5–20 stems per tree individual. The incipient vertical growth led to an abrupt tripling in radial growth and thus, in biomass production. Based on above‐ and belowground biomass measurements of 33 trees that were dug out and the mapping of tree height and diameter, we estimated that forest expansion led to a biomass increase by 40–75 t ha?1 and a carbon accumulation of approximately 20–40 g C m?2 yr?1 during the last century. The forest expansion and change in growth forms coincided with significant summer warming by 0.9 °C and a doubling of winter precipitation during the 20th century. In summary, our results indicate that the ongoing climatic changes are already leaving a fingerprint on the appearance, structure, and productivity of the treeline ecotone in the Polar Urals.  相似文献   
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