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The genome of Arabidopsis thaliana contains six putative cell-wall type invertase genes (AtcwINV1-6). Heterologous expression of AtcwINV1, 3 and 6 cDNAs in Pichia pastoris revealed that the enzymes encoded by AtcwINV3 and 6 did not show invertase activity. Instead, AtcwINV3 is a 6-FEH and AtcwINV6 is a fructan exohydrolase (FEH) that can degrade both inulin and levan-type fructans. For AtcwINV6 it is proposed to use the term (6&1) FEH. In contrast, AtcwINV1 is a typical invertase. FEH activity was also detected in crude extracts of different parts of Arabidopsis. To verify that the FEH activity of AtcwINV3 and 6 were not artefacts of the heterologous expression system, the protein corresponding to AtcwINV3 was isolated from whole Arabidopsis plants and indeed showed only 6-FEH activity and no invertase activity. Although no fructans can be detected in Arabidopsis plants, it is shown that kestoses (trimers) can be synthesized in crude leaf extracts. The putative physiological significance of FEH in so-called non-fructan plants is discussed.  相似文献   
Optimality models predict that, under a time constraint, organisms should accelerate development, and preferably so by increasing growth rate, to keep size at emergence constant. Unfortunately, most tests did neglect genetic constraints and interchanged mass with body size which may explain mixed support for some of the models' predictions. We imposed time constraints on full sibling larvae of the damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum by manipulating day length regimes. Under a time constraint, larval development and growth rate based on size indeed were faster. This made it possible to keep size at emergence constant, despite the shorter development time. Interestingly, under a time constraint, growth rate based on mass was not increased and larvae had a lower mass at emergence. We see two reasons for this difference between body mass and size. First, size is fixed at emergence, while mass can still increase in many insects. Secondly, genetic constraints may have contributed to different responses for size and mass. In general, our results strongly suggest discriminating between size and mass when testing life history responses.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 187–196.  相似文献   
Basidiocarps of Pisolithus associated with indigenous ( Afzelia quanzensis Welw.) and introduced ( Pinus caribaea Mor. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.) hosts in the lowland forests of the Coast Province of Kenya are morphologically distinct. Genetic variability among 52 Pisolithus basidiocarps, collected beneath the various host plants, was examined based on sequence polymorphism within the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and intergenic spacer (IGS1) of ribosomal DNA genes. Variability in ITS and IGS1 sequences indicated that the three host-associated morphotypes were genetically different. Consensus trees generated by bootstrap analysis of sequence data of Pisolithus isolates from Australia and Kenya are polyphyletic and strongly suggest that the three different morphotypes/genotypes present in Kenya represent separate biological species. In addition, our data indicate that little genetic exchange occurs in silva between these species.  相似文献   
Abstract. Red spruce ( Picea rubens Sarg.) seedlings were overwintered in two controlled environment chambers designed to simulate sub-zero winter conditions. One of the chambers was fumigated throughout the 5-month period with low concentrations of SO2+ NO2. Extracts of extracellular fluid from trees in this treatment revealed accumulations of sulphite and nitrite, but not of sulphate or nitrate. Analysis of the chloroplast membrane lipid monogalactosyl diglyceride (MGDG) indicated a large increase in fatty acid saturation in both treatments during mid-winter, with a subsequent recovery to earlier levels. Although at the end of the experiment the MGDG of polluted trees contained significantly less linolenic acid, there was no overall treatment effect on fatty, acid content. In the following spring, there was some indication that flushing of leader buds began earlier and proceeded at a slower rate in polluted trees compared to controls, but no other growth parameters were affected by the winter treatment. The absorption of SO2 and NO2 and the accumulation of their products during dormancy is discussed as a potential mechanism for metabolic disruption, resulting in changes to seasonal responses which could be critical to the survival of the plant.  相似文献   
The growth history of a phylloid algal biohermal complex of Late Carboniferous (Westphalian) age, outcropping within the La Pasada Formation in northeastern New Mexico, U.S.A., is described in relationship to paleogeography, biostratigraphy, and microfacies associations. This phylloid algal biohermal complex occurs within typical Late Paleozoic cyclical sediments, in a paleogeographic setting along a narrow shelf margin bordering a deep geosynclinal trough to the northwest. Fusulinid foraminifers suggest that the bioherm is of Middle Pennsylvanian (lower Des Moines) age, whereas the overlying sediments are of middle Des Moines age. Both field and petrographic evidence suggest that the bioherm grew upward from relatively shallow water depths, into extremely shallow water where it probably was subaerially exposed. Biohermal growth appears to have been initiated on a 'hard-ground' surface on which lithified clasts and abundant clusters of robust linoproductid brachiopods served as a foundation. Four major microfacies have been identified from the biohermal complex. These are: (I) phylloid algal wackestones-packstones (mound proper), (2) marly limestones (sediments laterally adjacent to and overlying mound), (3) pelletal-foraminiferal wackestone (partially capping the mound), and (4) crinoidal packstones-grainstones (post-mound). Comparison is made with other surface and subsurface occurrences of phylloid algal complexes of similar age in the southwestern United States.  相似文献   
Zinc-induced Vacuolation in Root Meristematic Cells of Cereals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the absence of Zn, vacuolar volume fractions of root meristematiccells of Secale cereale L. cv. K2, Triticum aestivum L. cv.Chinese Spring and Oryza sativa L. cv. IR34 were 5.64 x 10–2,2.17 x 10–2 and 1.63 x 10–2 µm3 vacuole µm–3tissue, respectively. A 4-d exposure to a subtoxic concentrationof zine (0.2 µg Zn cm–3) induced a 2.93-fold anda 6.78-fold increase in the total vacuolar volume fraction inOryza and Triticum, respectively, whereas no significant increasewas observed for Secale. It is proposed that this Zn-inducedvacuolation represents a compartmentalization mechanism. Theinitial total vacuolar volume fraction in Secale was greaterthan that for Oryza and Triticum and this may enable compartmentalizationof the metal soon after the onset of treatment so reducing itscytotoxic effects. These findings are similar to those observedin contrasting cultivars of Festuca rubra L. Triticum aestivum L, Secale cereale L, Oryza sativa L, zinc, root meristem, vacuolation  相似文献   
Nuclear or cell number, and the mitotic index, were recordedin endosperms of Triticum aestivum cv. Mardler to test if aparticular stage of endosperm development was critical in determiningthe final grain weight. The basal four florets of emasculatedspikelets (controls), and the third and fourth florets of spikeletswhere the two basal ovaries were removed (ovary-removed), weresampled at various times up to 360 h after hand-pollination.The coenocytic phase in endosperms ended about 84 h after pollinationregardless of both grain position and the treatment. The onsetof the cellular stage was characterized by the final large fluctuationsin the mitotic index reflecting the culmination of the synchronousnuclear division of the coenocytic stage. Thereafter, the mitoticindex fluctuated with smaller amplitudes and, by 216 h afterpollination, was < 1%. Neither floret position in the spikeletnor the treatment affected the pattern of alteration to themitotic index. However, ovary removal from first and secondflorets resulted in significantly heavier grains and higherendosperm cell number in the 3rd and 4th florets compared withthe controls. In all florets, mean endosperm cell number peakedat 280 h but decreased by 360 h after pollination. At this time,the mean cell numbers in endosperms of the 3rd and 4th floretsof ovary-removed spikelets were significantly higher than inthe corresponding endosperms in the controls. Thus, a key contributoryfactor in determining the final endosperm cell number may bethe number of cells which are lost during the late period ofthe cellular stage of endosperm development. Key words: Endosperm cell number, florets, grain weight, mitotic index, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   
FRANCIS  D.; MACLEOD  R. D. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(6):1149-1162
The changes that took place in mitotic index (MI), labellingindex (LI) and the relative proportions of interphase nucleiwith different amounts of DNA have been investigated duringthe regeneration of meristematic activity at the apex of rootsof Vicia faba over the 144 h period following removal of thecap and apical mm of the meristem. Measurements were also madeof the corresponding changes that took place as cells were displacedbasally along the root from the apex over the experimental period.In both parts of the root, MI and the relative proportions ofnuclei with different DNA contents changed from levels similarto those at the apex of the controls at the start and end ofthe experiment to levels resembling those found in more matureparts of the root at 24 and 48 h. In contrast to these results,LI declined over the experimental period. These cytologicalchanges were aresult of the development of lateral root primordiain both the apical 2 mm of the decapitated roots and as cellswere displaced out of the meristem into more basal parts ofthe root. It was concluded that the events leading to the regenerationof meristematic activity at the apex of roots from which thecap and apical mm of the meristem were removed, are no differentfrom those which result in lateral formation as cells are displacedbasally along the primary root from the apex, and they takeplace over the same time interval in both systems.  相似文献   
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