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Three abstract models of divergent cell differentiation to multiple cell types are presented. These differ primarily in the proportion of developmental events common to the pathways leading to each cell type. Two experimental approaches are outlined to determine which type best describes divergent differentiation occurring in a particular organism. The first technique is to describe and compare changes in labeling of specific polypeptides which characterize development to the several cell types. The second is to observe the ability of mutants which are blocked in one pathway to develop along alternate pathways. These approaches are applied to the case of Polysphondylium pallidum , where amebae develop into stalk cells, spores, or microcysts. It is concluded that cell differentiation in P. pallidum is of the truly divergent type, in which developing cells show identical sequences of events until a branch point, and thereafter very different sequences of events.  相似文献   
About one hundred papers and studies have been utilized for a synthesis of ostracode palaeobiogeography during the Frasnian and Famennian. The pelagic entomozoid species have worldwide distributions: they are not used for distinguishing the palaeobiogeographic areas. Five provinces probably existed during the Frasnian and five during the Famennian. The palaeobiogeographic area of the Palaeotethys is constant during this time. There are important faunistic relations between the Western Canadian Platform and the Russian Platform, that is to say, along the Northern margin of the North-Atlantic Continent, during Late Devonian time. The province of Southeastern Asia remains isolated. The number and limits of the palaeobiogeographic areas have been controlled by climate and some geographical barriers.  相似文献   
1. Spatial subsidies, defined as the flow of energy, nutrients, organisms or pollutants from one habitat to another, have been shown to affect the food–web dynamics in a wide range of ecosystems. An important subsidy to riparian communities is the contribution of adult stream insects to terrestrial predators such as birds, bats and lizards, but also invertebrates including ground and web‐building spiders. 2. We surveyed 37 first‐ and second‐order forest streams across differing environmental gradients in the Central South Island, New Zealand, to investigate the relationship between potential aquatic prey subsidies and predatory riparian arachnids. We anticipated that stream‐insect biomass would be positively associated with riparian arachnids, as a result of emergent adult aquatic insect subsidies to the adjacent habitat. 3. We confirmed positive associations between stream‐insect biomass as a predictor variable and riparian arachnid biomass (R2 = 0.42, F1,34 = 25.2, P < 0.001) and web densities (R2 = 0.45, F1,14 = 11.5, P < 0.01) respectively as dependent variables after adjusting for the confounding effects of environmental variables. Hierarchical partitioning confirmed the importance of stream insect biomass as a statistically significant contributor to the total explained variance in analyses calculated for arachnid biomass, abundance and web density. 4. A concurrent survey of spider‐web density along 20‐m transects from the stream edge into the forest indicated a strong decline in web‐building spider density moving away from the stream (R2 = 0.41, F1,158 = 109, P < 0.001), with stream‐insect biomass as a significant covariate (F1,149 = 17.7, P < 0.001). 5. Our results suggest that productivity gradients present in the donor system affect the magnitude of the interaction between adjacent habitats. Productivity gradients may lead to increased reciprocal subsidies through a positive feedback loop involving the predation of spiders and other predatory terrestrial invertebrates by aquatic predators. However, terrestrial insectivores such as birds, bats and lizards that are not readily used as prey by aquatic predators may circumvent the feedback cycle by consuming a large proportion of emergent aquatic‐insect biomass. This may lead to asymmetry in the strength of food–web linkages between aquatic and terrestrial habitats.  相似文献   
The pathogenicity and growth rate in vivo were assessed on 27 isolates of Pythium spp. recovered from cavity spot lesions on carrots grown in various parts of northwest France. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isoesterases was used to identify the Pythium spp. involved. Slow-growing isolates were more aggressive than fast-growing ones when inoculated on carrot tap roots. Isoesterase patterns identified the slow-growing isolates as P. violae and P. sulcatum; P. ultimum and P. intermedium were identified among the less aggressive fast-growing isolate group, in which some isolates were also classed as P. sylvaticum or P. irregulare, which have similar electrophoretic profiles. The incidence of Pythium spp. associated with the disease in France is discussed in regard to cavity spot in other countries.  相似文献   
TAYLOR  M.; FRANCIS  D. 《Annals of botany》1989,64(6):625-633
The cell cycle in Silene coeli-rosa shoot apices was measuredto test whether or not early components of the floral stimulus,produced during the 2nd and 3rd long days (LD) of an inductiveLD treatment, resulted in an increase in the duration of G2phase in constant 20–24 h cell cycles. Plants were grownat 20°C in short days (SD) of 8 h light and 16 h darknessfor 28 d (day 0). Starting on day 0, plants were given SD or3 LD each comprising an identical 8 h day and 16 h photo-extension,or 3 dark-interrupted (d.i.) non-inductive LD, interrupted at1700 h of each day with 1 h of darkness. The cell cycle (percentagelabelled mitoses method) and changes in cell number were determinedin the shoot apical meristem. During days 1–2 of the SDtreatment, the cell cycle and mean cell generation time (MCGT)was 18 and 32 h, respectively, giving a growth fraction of 56%.During days 2–3, the cell cycle and MCGT shortened to15 and 23 h, respectively (growth fraction = 65%). During days1–2 of the LD and d.i. LD treatments, cell cycles andMCGTs were 9–10 and 27–29 h, respectively, resultingin smaller growth fractions (about 33%). Thus, shortened cellcycles and altered growth fractions occurred regardless of whetheror not the treatment was inductive. The LD treatment resultedin a marked shortening of G1 and, to a lesser extent, S-phase,whilst G2 remained constant. These changes were consistent withincreases in the proportion of cells in G2 during the photoextensionof each LD which were suppressed during the comparable periodsof the d.i. LD treatment. The latter treatment resulted in eachphase occupying virtually identical proportions of the cellcycle as in the SD treatment. Thus, the unique cell cycle responsesto the initial part of the inductive LD treatment were increasesin the proportion of cells in G2 coupled with G1 and G2 beingof similar duration. Cell cycle, mean cell generation time, shoot apex, Silene coeli-rosa  相似文献   
Twenty-eight-day-old plants of Silene coeli-rosa L. were maintainedin short days (SD) for 9 d (0–8) or exposed to 7 longdays (LD), or 7 SD with a 5 min exposure at 1700 h of each dayto far-red (FR), red (R) or 5 min FR/5 min R, or 7 dark-interrupted(di = 1700–1720 h) LD. Treatments were followed by twofurther SD. The mitotic index and G1 and G2 proportions weremeasured in the shoot apices of plants sampled at 2000 h ofeach day of each replicated treatment. Exposure to 7 LD (= 100per cent flowering) resulted in significant increases, relativeto the SD controls, in both the G2 proportion and the mitoticindex on d 0 to 3, 7 and 8. Five minute FR (= 0 per cent flowering)resulted in cell cycle responses similar to those in LD onlyfrom d 0 to 2. R and FR/R (both = 0 per cent flowering) didnot result in any increases in the G2 proportion in the apexapart from d 3 of FR/R. However 5 min FR/5 min R, and to a lesserextent 5 min R, did result in significant increases in the mitoticindex on d 0, 1, 7, and 8. diLD (= 8–10 per cent flowering)also prevented any significant increases in the G2 proportionon d 0 to 3, and 5 to 8 but the mitotic index was again higheron these days compared with control data. Thus the transitionto floral growth for 90 per cent of the plants is associatedwith changes in the cell cycle in the shoot apex measured asincreases in the G2 proportion at 2000 h of LD 0 to 3 and 7to 8. Silene coeli-rosa L., cell cycle, flowering, phytochrome, shoot apex  相似文献   
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