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The variation in the number of resin canals in the secondary xylem of Keteleeria fortunei (A. Murray bis) Carrière is determined. At all levels from base to top of a tree, resin canals are absent rearer the pith, but they (sporadically) appear after a certain cambial age. In addition, the occurrence of resin canals in seven named species of Keteleeria was surveyed. It was confirmed that normal vertical resin canals do occur in the mature parts of secondary xylem, but that they may be absent in the juvenile parts of secondary xylem of stems, as well as in branches and in seedlings or saplings. Earlier investigations reporting the absence of resin canals altogether in this genus may have been misled by the use of younger (immature) specimens instead of mature stems of trees. The distribution pattern of resin canals found in Keteleeria is systematically significant because it supports a new system of classification of Pinaceae, in which Keteleeria is believed to have a close relationship with Nothotsuga.  相似文献   
For the single species of Austmbaileya (Austrobaileyaceae), quantitative and qualitative data are offered on the basis of a mature stem and a root of moderate diameter. Data available hitherto have been based on stems of small to moderate diameter, and roots have not previously been studied. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photographs are utilized for roots, and show compound starch grains. Roots lack sclerenchyma but have relatively narrow vessels and abundant ray tissue. Recent phylogenies group Austrobaileyaceae with the woody families Illiciaceae, Schisandraceae, and Trimeniaceae (these four may be considered Illiciales), and somewhat less closely with the vesselless families Amborellaceae and Winteraceae and the aquatic families Cambombaceae and Nymphaeaceae. The vessel-bearing woody families above share vessels with scalariform perforation plates; bordered bars on plates; pit membrane remnants present in perforations; lateral wall pitting of vessels mostly alternate and opposite; tracheids and/or septate fibre-tracheids present; axial parenchyma vasicentric (sometimes abaxial); rays Heterogeneous Type I; ethereal oil cells present; stomata paracytic or variants of paracytic. Although comparisons between vessel-bearing and vesselless families must depend on fewer features, Amborellaceae and Winteraceae have no features incompatible with their inclusion in an expanded Illiciales.  相似文献   
Neotropical electric knifefishes of the family Sternopygidae previously considered to represent a single relatively geographically widespread and morphologically variable species, Archolaemus blax, were analysed and found to represent a complex of five species, four of which are new to science. A fifth undescribed species from the Rio São Francisco basin outside the previous known range of the genus was identified. Recognized species of Archolaemus are: A. blax, previously thought to occur in the Rio Araguari, Rio Branco, Rio Tapajós, Rio Tocantins, and Rio Xingu, but which instead proved to be endemic to the Rio Tocantins; Archolaemus ferreirai sp. nov. from the Rio Mucajaí and Rio Uraricoera in the north‐eastern portions of the Amazon basin; Archolaemus janeae sp. nov. of the Rio Xingu and the upper Rio Tapajós, both southern tributaries of the mainstream Amazon; Archolaemus luciae sp. nov. of the Rio Trombetas, Rio Jari, and Rio Tapajós basins of the eastern Amazon, and the independent Rio Araguari draining into the Atlantic Ocean north of the mouth of the Amazon; Archolaemus orientalis sp. nov. of the São Francisco basin in eastern Brazil; and Archolaemus santosi sp. nov. of the Rio Jamari in the south‐western portion of the Amazon basin. The phylogenetic placements of Archolaemus and the recently described genus Japigny relative to the other members of the Eigenmanninae are discussed. A series of synapomorphies for Archolaemus are proposed and a hypothesis of the relationships within that genus is advanced. Rheophily of all members of Archolaemus is discussed, with the genus found to be the most specious clade within the Gymnotiformes living primarily in high‐energy settings. The reported anterior projection of the dentary teeth in A. blax was found to be a consequence of postmortem displacement.  相似文献   
Several leaf anatomical features are potentially systematically informative within both the family Vochysiaceae and the order Myrtales, notably tracheoidal idioblasts, mucilage cells and secretory canals. Tracheoids with spiral wall thickenings are present in the mesophyll of most species of Vochysia , and also occur in several other families of Myrtales. Mucilage cells are common in the leaf epidermis in some Vochysiaceae. Secretory ducts are present in the midrib in Salvertia and Vochysia , which are apparently closely related, although Salvertia also shares some leaf anatomical characters with Qualea and Callisthene . Anatomical data do not support the segregation of Ruizterania from Qualea ; leaves of R. albiflora leaves are very similar to those of Q. paraensis in venation pattern, and leaf and stem anatomy. Different venation patterns are characteristic of sections within the genus Qualea , but within the large genus Vochysia , leaf anatomy is variable even within a subsection. Amongst other Myrtales, leaf anatomy of Vochysiaceae most closely resembles that of Combretaceae and Onagraceae. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 339–364.  相似文献   
We analysed pappus characters in 31 of the c. 34 accepted Leontopodium spp. (edelweiss). Micromorphological pappus character states were useful for discriminating between individual species and intrageneric groups. The pappus differs in number, length, breadth, surface structure, colour and the tips of the bristles. Several features characterize single species, for example a unique fan‐like tip that is only found in L. franchetii. Leontopodium section Nobilia is supported by unusual pappus characters. Experimental evidence shows that the pappus of Leontopodium, previously thought to be caducous, is well suited for wind dispersal of the fruit. One clear trend is that species growing in sparsely vegetated, high‐altitude regions often have more numerous and longer pappus bristles, particularly on the female flowers.  相似文献   
Most angiosperms have gynoecia with two to five carpels. However, more than five carpels (here termed ‘multicarpellate condition’) are present in some representatives of all larger subclades of angiosperms. In such multicarpellate gynoecia, the carpels are in either one or more than one whorl (or series). I focus especially on gynoecia in which the carpels are in a single whorl (or series). In such multicarpellate syncarpous gynoecia, the closure in the centre of the gynoecium is imprecise as a result of slightly irregular development of the carpel flanks. Irregular bumps appear to stuff the remaining holes. In multicarpellate gynoecia, the centre of the remaining floral apex is not involved in carpel morphogenesis, so that this unspent part of the floral apex remains morphologically undifferentiated. It usually becomes enclosed within the gynoecium, but, in some cases, remains exposed and may or may not form simple excrescences. The area within the remaining floral apex is histologically characterized by a parenchyma of simple longitudinal cell rows. In highly multicarpellate gynoecia with the carpels in a whorl, the whorl tends to be deformed into an H‐shaped or star‐shaped structure by differential growth of the floral sectors, so that carpels become aligned in parallel rows, in which they face each other with the ventral sides. In this way, a fractionated compitum may still be functional. Multicarpellate gynoecia (with the carpels in one whorl or series) occur in at least one species in 37 of the 63 angiosperm orders. In contrast, non‐multicarpellate gynoecia are present in at least one species of all 63 orders. The basal condition in angiosperms is more likely non‐multicarpellate. Multicarpellate gynoecia are restricted to flowers that are not highly synorganized. In groups with synorganized androecium and gynoecium and in groups with elaborate monosymmetric flowers, multicarpellate gynoecia are lacking. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 174 , 1–43.  相似文献   
In Franklinia alatamaha (Theaceae) an extended period of dormancy, associated with winter, separates pollination in the late summer and autumn from observable fruit growth, which occurs during the subsequent summer season. Here, ovule and early seed development were examined to decipher the timing of reproductive events that underlie this unusual phenological pattern. Female gametophytes were found to be mature before pollination. Evidence for double fertilization was observed soon after pollination. Early endosperm development progresses for up to 3 months after fertilization but comes to a standstill at the onset of winter. The zygote becomes dormant shortly after fertilization and does not divide during the autumn or winter. At the start of the following growing season, endosperm development is reinitiated and the first events associated with the formation of an embryo occur. Seed development is completed roughly at the same time as new flowers are opening, a full year after pollination and fertilization. Dehiscence of fruits does not occur until later in autumn. The prolonged zygotic dormancy in Franklinia is exceedingly rare among angiosperms and differs markedly from patterns of delayed fertilization that typically underlie extended periods between pollination and seed maturation in other temperate, perennial species.  相似文献   
Both sexes of a new species of Taurocletodes Kunz, 1975 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Canthocamptidae incertae sedis ) are described from sandy beaches along the Black Sea coast of Turkey. The genus Taurocletodes is removed from its synonymy with Parepactophanes Kunz, 1935 and re-instated as a valid genus, accommodating the type species T. dubius (Noodt, 1958) comb. nov. and T. tumenae sp. nov. Both genera can be differentiated by major differences in the segmentation of P1–P3 endopods, the absence/presence of penicillate setae on P1 endopod, the number of outer spines on P2–P4 exp-3, the armature of P2–P4 endopods and the sexual dimorphism of P2 endopod and P3 exopod. T. tumenae sp. nov. and T. dubius are morphologically very similar, differing in morphometric characters related to the endopodal segmentation of P1 and P4, and armature of the male P5. The controversial taxonomic status of Parepactophanes and Taurocletodes within the family Canthocamptidae is discussed.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 469−486.  相似文献   
Skeletal ultrastructure and phylogeny of cyclostome bryozoans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research on the ultrastructure of the calcareous skeleton in the bryozoan order Cyclostomata is summarized and updated, based on field emission SEM studies of 87 species. Six fundamental ultrastructural fabrics are recognized which differ in the crystallographic orientations, shapes and prevailing growth directions of the constituent crystallites. During the growth of individual walls a succession of fabrics is secreted, defining a fabric suite. Five fabric suites are described in interior walls and four in exterior walls. Nine ultrastructural characters were combined with 37 other skeletal characters in a PAUP analysis of the relationships between 28 post-Palaeozoic cyclostomes chosen to include representatives of all suborders. A single tree of length 142 steps was found. Comparison of tree statistics for three categories of characters showed ultrastructural characters to be more homoplastic than zooidal characters, and the latter more homoplastic than colonial characters. Rooting the tree on the paleotubuliporine Cuffeyella gave four transitions from fixed- to free-walled organization and no reversals. With respect to the five extant suborders of cyclostomes, this first, preliminary analysis implies that Rectangulata and Cancellata are monophyletic groups, whereas Articulata are diphyletic, and both Tubuliporina and Cerioporina paraphyletic.  相似文献   
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