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Mass increases in raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs, α 1,6-galactosyl extensions of sucrose) are well documented in the generative tissues of many plants upon cold acclimation, and they (i.e. mainly the two shortest RFO members, raffinose and stachyose) have been suggested as frost stress protectants. Our focus here was on the longer RFO members as they commonly occur in the frost-hardy evergreen labiate Ajuga reptans in its natural habitat, and accumulate to their highest concentrations in winter when the plant is faced with sub-zero temperatures. We examined the effects of RFO concentration and chain length on frost tolerance using excised leaves which accumulate long-chain RFOs under both cold and warm conditions, thereby uncoupling the acclimation temperature from RFO production. We demonstrated that frost tolerance in excised A. reptans leaves correlates positively with long-chain RFO accumulation under both acclimation temperatures. After 24 d post-excision in the warm, the leaves had increased their RFO concentrations (mainly long-chain RFOs) 22-fold to 78 mg g−1 fresh weight, and decreased their EL50 values (temperature at which 50% leakage occurred) from −10.5 to −24.5 °C, suggesting a protective role for these oligosaccharides in the natural frost tolerance of A. reptans .  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Purine nucleotide biosynthesis was studied in culture forms of Trypanosoma cruzi strain Y, Crithidia deanei (a reduviid trypanosomatid with an endosymbiote) and an aposymbiotic strain of C. deanei (obtained by curing C. deanei with chloramphenicol). Trypanosoma cruzi was found to synthesize purine nucleotides only from the preformed bases adenine and guanine (“salvage” pathway), adenine being incorporated into both adenine and guanine nucleotides. Similar results were obtained with guanine, indicating that this flagellate has a system for the interconversion of purine nucleotides. Crithidia deanei was able to synthesize purine and pyrimidine nucleotides from glycine (“de novo” pathway) and purine nucleotides from adenine and guanine (“salvage” pathway). Adenine was incorporated into both adenine and guanine nucleotides, while guanine was incorporated into guanine nucleotides only, indicating the presence of a metabolic block at the level of GMP reducaase. The aposymbiotic C. deanei strain was unable to utilize glycine for the synthesis of purine nucleotides, although glycine was utilized for synthesizing pyrimidine nucleotides. These results suggest that the endosymbiote is implicated in the de novo purine nucleotide pathway of the C. deanei-endosymbiote complex. The incorporation of adenine and guanine by aposymbiotic C. deanei strain followed a pattern similar to that observed for C. deanei.  相似文献   
Abstract. We investigate the diversity of the North American tiger moth genus Grammia Rambur (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by comparing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ‘barcode’ fragments of cytochrome oxidase I with non‐molecular characters such as morphology, ecology, behaviour and distribution. Mitochondrial DNA genealogy is strikingly at odds with morpho‐species taxonomy for most of the 28 sampled species, as haplotypic polyphyly not only is taxonomically widespread, but involves multiple shared haplotypes among two to four species. Morpho‐ecological traits show that those species sharing haplotypes are often not closely related. Furthermore, high mtDNA divergences occur within species. Haplotypic variation is highly discordant with species taxonomy, but variation at a continental scale reveals significant geographic structuring of haplogroups, transcending morpho‐species boundaries. A nested clade analysis and comparison of non‐molecular with mtDNA data indicate that most discordance between mtDNA and taxonomy in Grammia is explained best by taxonomically and geographically widespread ongoing hybridization events resulting in mtDNA introgression. We hypothesize that broad areas of sympatry, interspecifically compatible genitalic structure, and species overlap in pheromone components facilitate hybridization, with disparate interspecies abundances promoting mitochondrial introgression. The molecular evolution of Grammia challenges the view that interspecific gene exchange occurs rarely and is restricted to recently diverged species. These results show the value of mtDNA in detecting cryptic hybridization, while highlighting the inherent dangers of drawing taxonomic conclusions based solely on mtDNA.  相似文献   
1. In the study of the evolution of insect–host plant interactions, important information is provided by host ranking correspondences among female preference, offspring preference, and offspring performance. Here, we contrast such patterns in two polyphagous sister species in the butterfly family Nymphalidae, the Nearctic Polygonia faunus, and the Palearctic P. c‐album. 2. These two species have similar host ranges, but according to the literature P. faunus does not use the ancestral host plant clade – the ‘urticalean rosids’. Comparisons of the species can thus test the effects of a change in insect–plant associations over a long time scale. Cage experiments confirmed that P. faunus females avoid laying eggs on Urtica dioica (the preferred host of P. c‐album), instead preferring Salix, Betula, and Ribes. 3. However, newly hatched larvae of both species readily accept and grow well on U. dioica, supporting the general theory that evolutionary changes in host range are initiated through shifts in female host preferences, whereas larvae are more conservative and also can retain the capacity to perform well on ancestral hosts over long time spans. 4. Similar rankings of host plants among female preference, offspring preference, and offspring performance were observed in P. c‐album but not in P. faunus. This is probably a result of vestiges of larval adaptations to the lost ancestral host taxon in the latter species. 5. Female and larval preferences seem to be largely free to evolve independently, and consequently larval preferences warrant more attention.  相似文献   
1. We characterised the fungal communities of eight streams in Portugal, four bordered by native deciduous forest and four bordered by pure stands of Eucalyptus globulus .
2. Aquatic hyphomycete species richness and evenness, but not numbers of water-borne conidia, of aquatic hyphomycetes were significantly lower in eucalypt bordered streams.
3. Multivariate analyses subdivided the fungal communities into two distinct groups corresponding to riparian vegetation.
4. Despite these differences in the dominant decomposer community, decay rates of eucalypt leaves (accounting for ≥98% of naturally occurring leaves in eucalypt bordered streams, absent in native forest) and chestnut leaves (occurring naturally in native forests) did not differ between the two groups of streams.  相似文献   
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