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以四氧化三铁为代表的医用磁性纳米材料具有独特的磁学性能、表面易功能化、良好的生物学相容性等特点,在纳米医学相关领域展现出巨大的应用前景,特别是近年来它作为可介导外场的智能材料,在材料设计和生物医学应用方面均取得了突破性的进展.鉴于此,本文围绕磁性氧化铁纳米材料的生物医学应用,着重介绍近年来其在磁共振影像探针、磁热和磁力效应的生物医学应用、诊疗一体化以及纳米酶催化等领域的研究进展,并对磁性纳米材料在生物医学领域未来的发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   
Successful embryo transfer in Tianzhu white yak using standard protocol   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present study was carried out to investigate the efficiency of superovulation, oestrus synchroni-zation, and embryo recovery in Tianzhu white yaks and also to confirm the pregnancy rate of black yaks, to which embryos collected from white yaks were transplanted. Forty-seven yaks were selected from different experiment groups, including 10 Tianzhu white female yaks (donor, group A) and 37 black female yaks (recipient, groups B and C). Superovulation of the donor was induced by the application procedure of CIDR-B FSH PG. Oestrus synchronization of recipients was induced using two meth-ods: group B was given the same treatment as group A, except that the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) injection was not administered, whereas group C was injected with cloprostenol only once when corpus luteum (corpora lutea) was (were) palpated. The results showed that the oestrous rates in group A were higher (80%) than those in group B (60%) and group C (44.5%). As for the efficiency of su-perovulation, it was indicated that the mean numbers (±SD) of total corpora lutea, follicles, viable (transferable), and degenerated embryos were 4.75 ± 2.19, 1.13 ± 0.83, 2.50 ± 1.31, and 1.38 ± 0.92, re-spectively. The mean embryo recovery rates were 55.6%. All together, 18 viable embryos of Tianzhu white yak were obtained and 12 of them were transplanted to 10 recipients. The pregnancy rate was 50% and the delivery rate was 40%.  相似文献   
Reptiles are the most morphologically and physiologically diverse tetrapods, with the squamates having the most diverse habitats. Lizard is an important model system for understanding the role of visual ecology,phylogeny and behavior on the structure of visual systems.In this study, we compared three opsin genes(RH2, LWS and SWS1) among 49 reptile species to detect positively selected genes as well as amino acid sites. Our results indicated that visual opsin genes have undergone divergent selection pressures in all lizards and RH2 and LWS suffered stronger positive selection than SWS1. Twelve positively selected sites were picked out for RH2 and LWS. Moreover,many diagnostic sites were found between geckos and non-gecko lizards, most of which were located near the positively selected sites and some of them have already been reported to be responsible for significant shifts of the wavelength of maximum absorption(λ_(max)). The results indicated that the gecko lineage accelerated the evolution of these genes to adapt to the dim-light environment or nocturnality as well as the switch between nocturnality and diurnality.  相似文献   
多球壳菌素是前期鉴定出的一种抗衰老活性小分子,为了较全面理解多球壳菌素的抗衰机制,本研究利用模式生物芽殖酵母为材料,借助DNA Microarray技术、生物信息学手段并结合相关功能实验分析了多球壳菌素对对数期芽殖酵母细胞基因表达谱、基因本体聚类及相关信号通路的影响。结果显示,多球壳菌素对细胞转录组产生了显著影响,共导致1 648个基因的差异表达(FDR0.05,Fold Change1.5),其中843个基因显著上调,805个基因显著下调。进一步对基因本体聚类、信号通路分析及功能实验验证显示,线粒体相关功能和信号通路是多球壳菌素作用的一个主要靶点,本研究对多球壳菌素的进一步开发利用奠定了重要的理论基础。  相似文献   
草地螟第三个暴发周期的发生特点、成因及防治对策   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
分析了1949年以来草地螟3次周期性大暴发的原因。通过对1979-2001年康保县23年草地螟系统监测资料的分析,重点剖析了草地螟第3个暴发周期发生特点、成因,认为种群数量、气候和耕作制度是导致草地螟暴发的重要原因,并提出防治对策。  相似文献   
松褐天牛天敌微生物的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
系统总结了国内外在松褐天牛MonochamusalternatusHope天敌微生物方面的研究进展。概述了松褐天牛天敌微生物的种类组成、致病力、应用技术、控制作用和应用前景 ,并简要分析了松褐天牛的危害性和防治现状。天敌微生物特别是病原真菌在松褐天牛的综合治理中有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
目的 :观察枯草芽胞杆菌喷雾剂对家兔皮肤创伤愈合的影响。方法 :采用家兔皮肤创伤为模型 ,连续给药 6 d,第 11天测定创面面积 ,并于第 17天记录创面愈合数。结果 :枯草芽胞杆菌喷雾剂高剂量组和磺胺嘧啶银组创面面积显著小于空白对照组 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ;枯草杆菌喷雾剂的愈合率显著高于空白对照组( P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :枯草芽胞杆菌喷雾剂能够缩小家兔创面愈合 ,增加创面愈合率  相似文献   
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