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排序方式: 共有10000条查询结果,搜索用时 0 毫秒
Wang  Zunxin  Wang  Xianyu  Liu  Siqin  Yang  Ying  Li  Yang  Chen  Siyuan  Wang  Guangpeng  Zhang  Xincheng  Ye  Yuxiu  Hu  Laibao  Zhou  Qing  Wang  Feibing  Chen  Xinhong 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2023,42(1):294-303
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Zinc is an important micronutrient for the growth and development of human body and plants. Proper use of nitrogen fertilizer and foliar application of Zn have...  相似文献   
羊角椒辣味物质成份分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用紫外光谱法、红外光谱法和高效液相色谱法分析羊角椒中辣味物质纯度与组成,表明辣味物质由辣椒素、二氢辣椒素和降二氢辣椒素组成。  相似文献   
The cellular receptors that mediate binding and internalization of retroviruses have recently been identified. The concentration and accessibility of these receptors are critical determinants in accomplishing successful gene transfer with retrovirus-based vectors. Murine retroviruses containing ecotropic glycoproteins do not infect human cells since human cells do not express the receptor that binds the ecotropic glycoproteins. To enable human cells to become permissive for ecotropic retrovirus-mediated gene transfer, we have developed a recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) vector containing ecotropic retroviral receptor (ecoR) cDNA under the control of the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter (vRSVp-ecoR). Established human cell lines, such as HeLa and KB, known to be nonpermissive for murine ecotropic retroviruses, became permissive for infection by a retroviral vector containing a bacterial gene for resistance to neomycin (RV-Neo(r)), with a transduction efficiency of up to 47%, following transduction with vRSVp-ecoR, as determined by the development of colonies that were resistant to the drug G418, a neomycin analog. No G418-resistant colonies were present in cultures infected with either vRSVp-ecoR or RV-Neo(r) alone. Southern and Northern blot analyses revealed stable integration and long-term expression, respectively, of the transduced murine ecoR gene in clonal isolates of HeLa and KB cells. Similarly, ecotropic retrovirus-mediated Neo(r) transduction of primary human CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells from normal bone marrow was also documented, but only following infection with vRSVp-ecoR. The retroviral transduction efficiency was approximately 7% without prestimulation and approximately 14% with prestimulation of CD34+ cells with cytokines, as determined by hematopoietic clonogenic assays. No G418-resistant progenitor cell colonies were present in cultures infected with either vRSVp-ecoR or RV-Neo(r) alone. These results suggest that sequential transduction of primary human cells with two different viral vectors may overcome limitations encountered with a single vector. Thus, the combined use of AAV- and retrovirus-based vectors may have important clinical implications for ex vivo and in vivo human gene therapy.  相似文献   
Silver staining techniques developed to demonstrate argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) have been widely applied in a variety of cell kinetic studies, using the mean number of AgNORs in tumour cells as a marker for malignancy of certain types of neoplasms. However, the AgNOR techniques currently available are not entirely satisfactory, as unspecific silver precipitates readily form in the sections. On the other hand, the contrast staining, may be so weak as to render identification of the AgNORs difficult. In the present study, some of the key factors influencing the outcome of AgNOR staining were evaluated in a more systematic way. A modified AgNOR staining procedure is now proposed, giving highly contrasting AgNORs with minimal unspecific silver precipitation, thus facilitating both manual and computerized counting. The new technique involves the use of microwave irradiation in order to shorten the processing time, the use of gelatin as a protective colloid, and a Farmer's solution to optimize the specificity of the technique.  相似文献   
小黑螨科一新属新种(蜱螨亚纲:辐螨亚目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了小黑螨科一新属:华颚螨属Sinognathus gen.nov.;描述了模式种:王氏华颚螨S.wangae sp.nov.,并列出了该科分属检索表。  相似文献   
据我们在北京和内蒙古等地多年研究表明,黄芪的植食性种子小蜂包括广肩小蜂科Bruchophagus属5种和金小蜂科Habrocytus属1种,为多种混合群体。我们通过大量标本的形态比较以及交配行为的观察,结合其生物学特性研究以及应用扫描电镜对其并胸腹节花纹的超微结构观察,鉴定出黄芪种子里有5种广肩种子小蜂,即黄芪种子小蜂Bruchophagus huonchi Liao et Fan及本文的4新种。  相似文献   
吴得卿  魏建华  樊辉 《生态学报》2021,41(16):6476-6485
土地利用变化对亚洲象生境影响显著,明晰其影响机制是有效保护亚洲象的前提。为探明土地利用变化对亚洲象生境影响的时空过程及机制,以亚洲象残存的中-缅跨境流域-南滚河流域为例,在1988和2018年两期Landsat土地利用/土地覆被遥感分类图的基础上,采用LandTrendr算法检测30年间流域土地利用变化引起的天然林扰动,结合生态位因子分析(ENFA)模型评定的亚洲象生境适宜性分布,探究以天然林扰动为主的土地利用变化对亚洲象生境的影响。结果表明:(1)1988-2018年间,南滚河流域土地利用变化主要为天然林转化为其他地类,且天然林扰动强度在中、缅境内差异明显;(2)以橡胶种植扩张导致毁林为主的土地利用变化造成南滚河流域亚洲象生境萎缩,生境斑块间连通性降低,破碎化程度较高;(3)该流域亚洲象生境丧失过程表现为由边缘向内部逐渐被蚕食,适宜生境最终被分割为上、下游两个相互孤立的子区域。因此,抑制以橡胶林为主的热作种植扩张,恢复上、下游生境连通性,建立流域尺度的跨境保护区,是实现南滚河流域亚洲象种群保护和缓解人象冲突的重要途径。  相似文献   
【背景】在高浓度葡萄糖引起的碳代谢抑制效应下,产β-葡聚糖苷酶(β-glucosidase)功能微生物群落为适应碳代谢压力的变化,会差异化表达糖耐受和非糖耐受的功能基因。在堆肥中添加生物炭可以改变微生物生存的环境,进而影响微生物群落的组成与功能。【目的】分析在不同碳代谢压力下添加生物炭对产β-葡聚糖苷酶功能微生物群落的结构组成与功能的影响。【方法】在生物炭牛粪-稻草堆肥中添加葡萄糖、纤维二糖及β-葡聚糖苷酶抑制剂,构建不同的碳代谢压力。以细菌来源GH1家族的β-葡聚糖苷酶基因为分子标记基因构建基因克隆文库。同时测定羧甲基纤维素酶酶活和β-葡聚糖苷酶酶活。【结果】放线菌、变形菌和拟杆菌是功能微生物群落中的优势菌群。其中,CL处理组变形菌数量有所下降,在添加了抑制剂的处理组中,拟杆菌的数量明显上升。高浓度葡萄糖显著抑制了羧甲基纤维素酶酶活,但对β-葡聚糖苷酶酶活影响不大,其中低浓度纤维二糖的处理可以显著诱导β-葡聚糖苷酶活性。GHCH处理组中β-葡聚糖苷酶表现出高浓度葡萄糖激活特性。【结论】添加生物炭未明显影响参与纤维素降解的功能微生物群落对碳代谢抑制效应的应答。与自然堆肥相比,在添加了生...  相似文献   
污水处理厂是抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)和抗生素抗性细菌(antibiotic resistant bacteria,ARB)重要的源和汇,生物气溶胶是ARGs和ARB自污水处理厂向周边环境释放的关键载体。目前缺乏对污水处理厂生物气溶胶抗生素抗性污染特征、来源及潜在风险的系统性总结。本文从采样方法、检测方法、逸散特征、来源、潜在危害和风险评估等方面对污水处理厂抗生素抗性污染研究现状进行综述。惯性采样法和过滤法是常用的污水处理厂抗生素抗性生物气溶胶主要采集方法,而宏基因组测序、组装和分箱为其ARGs组成、可移动性和宿主提供了有效的检测方法,抗多药类、抗杆菌肽类、抗氨基糖苷类、抗四环素类、抗β-内酰胺类、抗磺胺类、抗大环内酯类和抗糖肽类等抗性基因在污水处理厂PM10、PM2.5和PM1.0颗粒物中广泛检出。格栅间、生化反应池和污泥处理单元是污水处理厂PM10、PM2.5和PM1.0负载ARGs和ARB的主要释放单元。污水处理厂不同粒径生物气溶胶中致病性ARB的存在增加了抗生素治疗的难度,而污水和污泥对ARGs和ARB的释放起到了重要的源的贡献。本文在研究内容、研究技术和控制策略等方面也提出了相关展望,以期为污水厂生物气溶胶抗生素抗性污染的监测和防护提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
喀斯特地区具有特殊的地质结构,生态环境脆弱性较高,辨识和量化人为、自然多重干扰是减少人类干扰影响及制定喀斯特景观管理政策的重要依据。基于漓江流域喀斯特发育地貌特征,旨在建立包括地貌、水文、气候、生物、社会5类因素以及15个具体干扰指标的喀斯特综合干扰指数,并通过空间相关分析探究地理因子对综合干扰解释力以及因子与指标间交互作用力的特征。结果显示:(1)漓江流域中游综合干扰指数高于上下游,自然地形地貌本底以及不同类型喀斯特景观分布的地带性是分异的主要原因;(2)干扰等级为显著干扰,综合干扰指数为0.336,空间上呈现出东部与北部低、西部与南部高的分布特征,具有明显的空间异质性;(3)地理环境和社会经济因素对综合干扰具有较强解释力,采石采矿、各类灾害、生产活动等多项干扰指标以及海拔高度具有较强空间关联关系。评估了漓江流域喀斯特综合干扰并分析其空间特征,研究结果对喀斯特生态环境保护及景观资源可持续发展政策制定具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
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