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Aeromonas virulence is thought to depend on multigenic functions. The gene for an extracellular protease from Aeromonas hydrophila SO2/2 was cloned in Escherichia coli C600-1 by using pIJ860, bifunctional plasmid, as a vector. The gene encodes for a temperature-labile serine protease (P2) with a molecular mass of approx. 68 kDa which is highly inhibited by PMSF. The gene was expressed in Streptomyces lividans 1326 by transforming protoplasts with the original clone pPA2. We were also able to transfer and express the prt P2 gene in Pseudomonas putida by mating experiments. The protein P2 was secreted into the periplasms of both P. putida and E. coli C600-1 being identical in properties to one of the proteases secreted into the culture supernatant by A. hydrophila SO2/2.  相似文献   
The induction of the hydroosmotic response in the toad urinary bladder is considered to be associated with membrane addition mediated by exocytosis at the affected luminal membrane and reversed by endocytic retrieval at that surface. The permeability, exocytosis and endocytosis are initiated by antidiuretic hormone (ADH) receptor interaction on the basolateral membrane. In other hormone responsive systems, phorbol ester (phorbol myristate acetate, PMA), a tumor promoter, has been implicated in the regulation of various transport processes through the activation of protein kinase C and cytoskeletal protein phosphorylation. We found that addition of 10(-6) M PMA to the mucosa induces an hydroosmotic response which is gradual and which reaches a maximum within 60 min, equal to about 1/3 the maximal ADH response. Morphologically, PMA causes rapid exocytosis of the granules, endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase from the mucosal medium into tubules and multivesicular bodies and elongation of apical microvilli. Controls treated with mucosal 0.1% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or an inactive PMA isomer on the mucosal surface, or PMA on the serosal surface lack the hydroosmotic, exocytic, endocytic and cytoskeletal changes. Addition of serosal ADH to PMA-treated bladders results in a precocious hydroosmotic and exocytic ADH response, but a lowering of the maximal response. Also pretreatment of bladders with PMA prevented the ADH-induced increase in transepithelial potential difference. Thus, apical events mediating the PMA hydroosmotic response are correlated with exo- and endocytosis and elongation of apical microvilli.  相似文献   
The distribution of the two glutamate-synthase (GOGAT) activities known to exist in higher plants (NADH dependent, EC; and ferredoxin dependent, EC was studied in non-chlorophyllous and chlorophyllous cultured tissue as well as in young leaves of Bouvardia ternifolia. The NADH-GOGAT was present in all three tissues. Using a sucrose gradient we found it in both the soluble and the plastid fraction of non-chlorophyllous and chlorophyllous tissue, but exclusively in the chloroplast fraction of the leaves. Ferredoxin-GOGAT was found only in green tissues and was confined to the chloroplasts. Ferredoxin-GOGAT activity increased in parallel with the chlorophyll content of the callus during the greening process in Murashige-Skoog medium (nitrate and ammonium as the nitrogen sources), while NADH-GOGAT was not affected by the greening process in this medium. Furthermore, both activities were differentially affected by either nitrate or ammonium as the sole nitrogen source in the medium during this process. It is suggested that each GOGAT activity is a different entity or is differently regulated.Abbreviations GOGAT glutamate synthase - MS Murashige-Skoog (1962) medium - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   
Previous studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that OVCA 433 human ovarian carcinoma cells are glucocorticoid responsive by several criteria and contain high affinity, saturable, steroid-specific glucocorticoid receptors. These cells secrete both mammalian plasminogen activators (PAs), urokinase (uPA) and tissue-type PA (tPA). Treatment of OVCA 433 cells with 1 x 10(-7) M dexamethasone (Dex) for 4 days led to 77% and 83% reductions in the extracellular activities of uPA and tPA, respectively, released into serum-free conditioned medium during a 1-h period. Dex treatment led to a 71% decrease in the rate of extracellular uPA antigen accumulation, as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, as well as a 73% reduction in steady state uPA mRNA levels. In contrast, Dex treatment led to only a 42% decrease in the rate of extracellular tPA antigen accumulation and a 48% decrease in tPA mRNA levels; such decreases were insufficient to account for the 83% reduction in tPA activity. Thus, while Dex-induced decreases in uPA antigen and mRNA levels accounted for all but 6% of the decrease in uPA activity, a large discrepancy existed between the magnitudes of decreased tPA activity and decreased tPA antigen and mRNA levels. OVCA 433 cells produce both PAI-1 and PAI-2, two specific PA inhibitors. Treatment of cells with 1 x 10(-7) M Dex for 4 days led to a 3.3-fold increase in the rate of extracellular PAI-1 accumulation, with little or no effect on PAI-2 accumulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The DNA region essential for replication and stability of a native plasmid (pTM5) from Rhizobium sp. (Hedysarum) has been identified and isolated within a 5.4-kb PstI restriction fragment. The isolation of this region was accomplished by cloning endonuclease-restricted pTM5 DNA into a ColE1-type replicon and selecting the recombinant plasmids containing the pTM5 replicator (pTM5 derivative plasmids) by their ability to replicate in Rhizobium. DNA homology studies revealed that pTM5-like replicons are present in cryptic plasmids from some Rhizobium sp. (Hedysarum) strains but not in plasmids from strains of other Rhizobium species or Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The pTM5 derivative plasmids were able to replicate in Escherichia coli and A. tumefaciens and in a wide range of Rhizobium species. On the basis of stability assays in the absence of antibiotic selective pressure, the pTM5 derivative plasmids were shown to be highly stable in both free-living and symbiotic cells of Rhizobium sp. (Hedysarum). The stability of these plasmids in other species of Rhizobium and in A. tumefaciens varied depending on the host and on the plasmid. Most pTM5 derivative plasmids tested showed significantly higher symbiotic stability than RK2 derivative plasmids pRK290 and pAL618 in Rhizobium sp. (Hedysarum), R. meliloti, and R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli. Consequently, we consider that the constructed pTM5 derivative plasmids are potentially useful as cloning vectors for Rhizobiaceae.  相似文献   
Rationale and objective Interferon alpha (IFN-) has anti-retroviral activity and is a possible HIV infection-limiting factor. The aim of this work is to prevent or delay disease progression in asymptomatic Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) carriers.Design and interventions Recombinant IFN alpha-2b (3×106 IU 3 times weekly) was compared. to no treatment (control) in a randomized trial. Endpoints were: (i) appearance of any CDC group IV symptoms and (ii) disease progression (which excluded shifts to group IVC2 or reversible IVA, or IVB). The trial lasted from October 1987 to February 1992.Setting The trial was performed at the Santiago de las Vegas sanatorium, a specialized institution for the care of HIV-infected and AIDS patients.Population Subjects were anti-HIV-1 seropositive, Western blot-confirmed, asymptomatic (CDC group II), or with generalized lymphadenopathies (CDC group III). The groups had 79 (control) and 71 (IFN) patients.Main results Long-term IFN- treatments significantly reduced the proportion of patients who shifted to any group IV (control: 46/79; IFN: 14/71;p<0.001) or developed AIDS (control: 27/79; IFN: 12/71;p<0.05). IFN also delayed progression to AIDS (95% confidence interval for 0.5 probability of progression) from 67–83 to 116–180 months after infection. The IFN group had significantly less opportunistic infections and non-infectious complications. CD4 cell count and hemoglobin decreased in the control but not in the IFN group. Fewer IFN-treated patients developed positive serum HIV antigen detection.Conclusion IFN alpha treatment during the early stages of infection seems to be beneficial to the patients.Abbreviations CI confidence interval - AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome - HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus - IFN Interferon - CDC Center for Disease Control (USA) - SD standard deviation  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence (6138 bp) of a microaerobically inducible region (hupV/VI) from the Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae hydrogenase gene cluster has been determined. Six genes, arranged as a single operon, were identified, and designated hypA, B, F, C, D and E based on the sequence similarities of all of them, except hypF, to genes from the hydrogenase pleiotropic operon (hyp) from Escherichia coli. The gene products from hypBFCDE were identified by in vivo expression analysis in E. coli, and their molecular sizes were consistent with those predicted from the nucleotide sequence. Transposon Tn5 insertions into hypB, hypF, hypD and hypE resulted in R. leguminosarum mutants that lacked any hydrogenase activity in symbiosis with peas, but still were able to synthesize the polypeptide for the hydrogenase large subunit. The gene products HypA, HypB, HypF and HypD contained CX2C motifs characteristic of metal-binding proteins. In addition, HypB bore a long histidine-rich stretch of amino acids near the N-terminus, suggesting a possible role in nickel binding for this protein. The gene product HypF, which was translationally coupled to HypB, presented two cysteine motifs (CX2CX81CX2C) with a capacity to form zinc finger-like structures in the N-terminal third of the protein. A role in nickel metabolism in relation to hydrogenase synthesis is postulated for proteins HypB and HypF.  相似文献   
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) have been relatively overlooked in cancer research despite their contribution to virtually every cancer hallmark. Here, we use RNA interactome capture (RIC) to characterize the melanoma RBPome and uncover novel RBPs involved in melanoma progression. Comparison of RIC profiles of a non-tumoral versus a metastatic cell line revealed prevalent changes in RNA-binding capacities that were not associated with changes in RBP levels. Extensive functional validation of a selected group of 24 RBPs using five different in vitro assays unveiled unanticipated roles of RBPs in melanoma malignancy. As proof-of-principle we focused on PDIA6, an ER-lumen chaperone that displayed a novel RNA-binding activity. We show that PDIA6 is involved in metastatic progression, map its RNA-binding domain, and find that RNA binding is required for PDIA6 tumorigenic properties. These results exemplify how RIC technologies can be harnessed to uncover novel vulnerabilities of cancer cells.  相似文献   
Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) trigger multiple metabolic disorders in the vessel wall that may in turn lead to endothelial dysfunction. The molecular mechanisms by which AGEs generate these effects are not completely understood. Oxidative stress plays a key role in the development of deleterious effects that occur in endothelium during diabetes. Our main objectives were to further understand how AGEs contribute to reactive oxygen species (ROS) overproduction in endothelial cells and to evaluate the protective effect of an antioxidant plant extract. The human endothelial cell line EA.hy926 was treated with native or modified bovine serum albumin (respectively BSA and BSA-AGEs). To monitor free radicals formation, we used H2DCF-DA, dihydroethidium (DHE), DAF-FM-DA and MitoSOX Red dyes. To investigate potential sources of ROS, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase and mitochondrial inhibitors were used. The regulation of different types of ROS by the polyphenol-rich extract from the medicinal plant Doratoxylon apetalum was also studied for a therapeutic perspective. BSA-AGEs exhibited not only less antioxidant properties than BSA, but also pro-oxidant effects. The degree of albumin glycoxidation directly influenced oxidative stress through a possible communication between NADPH oxidase and mitochondria. D. apetalum significantly decreased intracellular hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anions mainly detected by H2DCF-DA and DHE respectively. Our results suggest that BSA-AGEs promote a marked oxidative stress mediated at least by NADPH oxidase and mitochondria. D. apetalum plant extract appeared to be an effective antioxidant compound to protect endothelial cells.  相似文献   
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