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The strategies developed by plants to avoid the toxicity of cadmium (Cd) and other heavy metals involve active sequestration of metals into the apoplast and vacuoles. The protein systems excluding heavy metals from the cell cytosol localize to the plasma membrane and tonoplast and are energized either by ATP or by the electrochemical gradient generated by H(+)-ATPase or by V-ATPase and pyrophosphatase (PPase), respectively. In this work, a comparative study on the contribution of both the plasma membrane and tonoplast in the active detoxification of plant cells after treatment with Cd was performed. The studies using plants treated and untreated with Cd reveal that both, H(+)-coupled and MgATP-driven efflux of Cd across plasma membranes and tonoplast is markedly stimulated in the presence of Cd in the environment. Previous studies on plasma-membrane localized H(+)-coupled Cd efflux together with the present data demonstrating tonoplast H(+)/Cd(2+) antiport activity suggest that H(+)-coupled secondary transport of Cd displays a lower affinity for Cd when compared with Cd primary pumps driven by MgATP. In addition, it is shown that MgATP-energized Cd efflux across both membranes is significantly enhanced by cysteine, dithiothreitol, and glutathione. These results suggest that Cd is excluded from the cytosol through an energy-dependent system as a free ion as well as a complexed form. Although both membranes contribute in the active exclusion of ionized and complexed Cd from the cytosol, the overall calculation of Cd accumulation in the everted plasma membranes and vacuolar vesicles suggests that the tonoplast and vacuole have a major function in Cd efflux from the cytosol in the roots of cucumber subjected to Cd stress.  相似文献   
The introduction of sonographic imaging has revolutionized the diagnostics of thyroid pathologies. Nowadays, thyroid ultrasound examination has become an essential part of routine thyroid gland evaluation. Although one of the greatest advantages of this examination lies in its simplicity, it requires a solid theoretical background, as well as a lot of experience for the examiner to become fluent in adequate interpretation of its results. The aim of this summary is to present a review of the most important aspects of both the technique and interpretation of thyroid ultrasound pictures with regard to the most common difficulties a thyroid sonographer may come across in everyday practice.  相似文献   
Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch., a valuable medicinal plant, was successfully propagated in vitro using shoot tip explants. Shoot multiplication was performed in glass tubes and in a nutrient sprinkle bioreactor. A mixture of 0.1 mg L?1 indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 1.0 mg L?1 of 6-benzylaminopurine in Murashige and Skoog (MS) agar-solidified medium proved the best combination for multiple shoot induction, yielding 8.2 shoots per explant after 4 weeks of culture in glass tubes. The number of shoots increased to 21 per explant when the same combination of growth regulators was used in a nutrient sprinkle bioreactor. The shoots rooted with a frequency of 93 % after 6 weeks of culture on MS agar medium supplemented with IAA (0.1 mg L?1) before being acclimatized in the greenhouse. The antioxidant activities of methanolic extracts from the leaves and roots of the in vitro-regenerated plants of R. glutinosa cultivated in the greenhouse were evaluated using four in vitro assays: scavenging of free radicals (DPPH and ABTS), transition metal reduction and total antioxidant activity phosphomolybdenum test. In all cases, the methanolic extract from leaves demonstrated better antioxidant activity than those taken from roots. A strong correlation was found between total phenolic and flavonoid content, and the antioxidant capacity of the studied extracts.  相似文献   
Seeds of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) that have been subjected to dormancy breaking consisting of 10 weeks of prechilling at 3 °C and 34 % water content (WC) and then desiccation to 10 % WC, are non-dormant (ND). ND seeds are characterised by greater sensitivity to storage conditions, than no prechilled, dormant (D) seeds. The aim of the present work was to investigate factors affecting the loss of seed viability during storage of D and ND beech seeds at different temperatures (4 and 20 °C) and humidity levels (45 and 75 % RH) for 3 weeks. In general, both D and ND seeds maintained a high germination capacity after storage at 4 °C. At 20 °C and 45 and 75 % RH the germination capacity of D seeds diminished to 80 and 28 %, respectively. Under the same conditions, ND seeds lost germination capacity to a greater degree, with only 62 and 7 % germinated seeds, respectively. At 20 °C, an increase in production of reactive oxygen species was observed, and the increase was significantly higher in ND seeds. The loss of germination capacity was coincident with an increase in electrolyte leakage and accumulation of free fatty acids, which suggests that membrane deterioration was the cause of the decline in germinability. ND seeds stored at 20 °C and 45 and 75 % RH showed a greater decrease than D seeds in contents of the primary phospholipids phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) as well as in polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:2 and 18:3). ND seeds possessed more unsaturated fatty acids, especially 18:3, than D seeds in the phospholipid fraction before storage. D seeds were characterised by a significantly higher level of α-tocopherol and UV-absorbing phenols. The level of ascorbate was similar in D and ND seeds. D seeds contained glutathione in both reduced (GSH) and oxidised (GSSG) forms, and GSSG dominated GSH. ND seeds contained more GSSG form than D seeds. We concluded that the membranes of ND seeds are exposed to greater oxidative stress during storage due to higher levels of unsaturation and lower levels of α-tocopherol, the main antioxidant that protects membranes against free radical attack.  相似文献   


Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) leads to significant immune system dysfunction. The predominant clinical presentation in 50% of patients involves recurrent, often severe, infections. Infections are also the most common (60–80%) cause of deaths in CLL patients. The scope of infections varies with the clinical stage of the disease. Treatment-naive patients typically present with respiratory tract infections caused by encapsulated bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae. Since 2012, the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) has been recommended in the United States and some EU countries for pneumococcal infection prevention in patients with CLL (besides the long-standing standard, 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, PPV23). The aim of this study was to compare the immune response to PCV13 in 24 previously untreated CLL patients and healthy subjects.


Both groups were evaluated for: the levels of specific pneumococcal antibodies, the levels of IgG and IgG subclasses and selected peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations including the frequency of plasmablasts before and after immunization.


Adequate response to vaccination, defined as an at least two-fold increase in specific pneumococcal antibody titers versus pre-vaccination baseline titers, was found in 58.3% of CLL patients and 100% of healthy subjects. Both the CLL group and the control group demonstrated a statistically significant increase in the IgG2 subclass levels following vaccination (P = 0.0301). After vaccination, the frequency of plasmablasts was significantly lower (P<0.0001) in CLL patients in comparison to that in controls. Patients who responded to vaccination had lower clinical stage of CLL as well as higher total IgG, and IgG2 subclass levels. No significant vaccine-related side effects were observed.


PCV13 vaccination in CLL patients is safe and induces an effective immune response in a considerable proportion of patients. To achieve an optimal vaccination response, the administration of PCV13 is recommended as soon as possible following CLL diagnosis.  相似文献   


The BAG6 complex resides in the cytosol and acts as a sorting point to target diverse hydrophobic protein substrates along their appropriate paths, including proteasomal degradation and ER membrane insertion. Composed of a trimeric complex of BAG6, TRC35 and UBL4A, the BAG6 complex is closely associated with SGTA, a co-chaperone from which it can obtain hydrophobic substrates.

Methodology and Principal Findings

SGTA consists of an N-terminal dimerisation domain (SGTA_NT), a central tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain, and a glutamine rich region towards the C-terminus. Here we solve a solution structure of the SGTA dimerisation domain and use biophysical techniques to investigate its interaction with two different UBL domains from the BAG6 complex. The SGTA_NT structure is a dimer with a tight hydrophobic interface connecting two sets of four alpha helices. Using a combination of NMR chemical shift perturbation, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and microscale thermophoresis (MST) experiments we have biochemically characterised the interactions of SGTA with components of the BAG6 complex, the ubiquitin-like domain (UBL) containing proteins UBL4A and BAG6. We demonstrate that the UBL domains from UBL4A and BAG6 directly compete for binding to SGTA at the same site. Using a combination of structural and interaction data we have implemented the HADDOCK protein-protein interaction docking tool to generate models of the SGTA-UBL complexes.


This atomic level information contributes to our understanding of the way in which hydrophobic proteins have their fate decided by the collaboration between SGTA and the BAG6 complex.  相似文献   
Microginins are linear oligopeptides synthesized by cyanobacteria. The literature data on their characteristics are scant. This study examined the influence of abiotic factors including pH, temperature, visible and ultraviolet radiation on the stability of the microginins FR3 (MG‐FR3), FR4 (MG‐FR4) and 757 (MG‐757) synthesized by Woronichinia naegeliana. In alkaline conditions (pH 9) only the concentration of MG‐757 was reduced significantly, by 14.3%. The tested microginins were stable at room temperature (half‐life 7–17 weeks). Boiling for one hour caused 26.1% decomposition of MG‐FR4 and 26.8% decomposition of MG‐757; MG‐FR3 was not significantly affected. Under visible radiation the initial content of MG‐FR4 declined 23.0%, but MG‐FR3 and MG‐757 proved insensitive to it. Treatment with a high dose of UV radiation (36 μmol m?2 s?1) caused the tested microginins to degrade by 13.8% to 21.4%. The study showed these microginins to be oligopeptides of high stability, the most stable of them being MG‐FR3.  相似文献   
Sodium in gramicidin: an example of a permion.   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
The reaction path and free energy profile of Na+ were computed in the interior of the channel protein gramicidin, with the program MOIL. Gramicidin was represented in atomic detail, but surrounding water and lipid molecules were not included. Thus, only short range interactions were investigated. The permeation path of the ion was an irregular spiral, far from a straight line. Permeation cannot be described by motions of a single Na+ ion. The minimal energy path includes significant motion of water and channel atoms as well as motion of the permeating ion. We think of permeation as motion of a permion, a quasi-particle that includes the many body character of the permeation process, comparable with quasi-particles like holes, phonons, and electrons of solid-state physics. Na+ is accompanied by a plug of water molecules, and motions of water, Na+, and the atoms of gramicidin are highly correlated. The permion moves like a linear polymer made of waters and ion linked and moving coherently along a zigzag line, following the reptation mechanism of polymer transport. The effective mass, free energy, and memory kernel (of the integral describing time-dependent friction) of short range interactions were calculated. The effective mass of the permion (properly normalized) is much less than Na+. Friction varies substantially along the path. The free energy profile has two deep minima and several maxima. In certain regions, the dominant motions along the reaction path are those of the channel protein, not the permeating ion: there, ion waits while the other atoms move. At these waiting sites, the permion's motion along the reaction path is a displacement of the atoms of gramicidin that prepare the way for the Na+ ion.  相似文献   
Thyroid hemiagenesis (TH) is characterized by the congenital absence of one thyroid lobe. The aim of this study was to evaluate the calcium-phosphate balance in TH. Twenty patients with TH and 20 controls with a bilobed thyroid were studied. Serum concentrations of total calcium, parathormon and calcitonin were measured. Additionally, the immunohistochemical expression of calcitonin, chromogranin A (chA), neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) was evaluated in surgical specimens from patients with TH and controls. There were no significant differences in biochemical parameters between TH and controls. Positive staining for calcitonin was demonstrated in 3/8 thyroid sections from three patients with TH, but only in 2/33 sections from four controls (p < 0.005). All sections from patients with TH positive for calcitonin also expressed chA, NSE and CGRP. Two sections from controls positive for calcitonin presented an additionally positive reaction for chA, and one of them also for NSE. None presented positive staining for CGRP. Of three TH sections, in one, hyperplasia of C cells of medium grade, and in another hyperplasia of C cells of high grade, could be detected. In the controls, hyperplasia of C cells of low and medium grade was observed. TH was associated with slightly enhanced C cells hyperplasia compared to controls, which might indicate compensatory proliferation. However, the calcium-phosphate balance does not seem to be significantly affected.  相似文献   
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