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The cotyledons of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) act as absorption organs for amino acids, which are supplied to the medium. The analysis of the sieve-tube sap, which exudes from the cut hypocotyl, demonstrated the ability of the cotyledons to load particular amino acids into the phloem and to reject the loading of others. The sieve-tube sap of cotyledons, which were embedded in the endosperm, contained 150 mM amino acids, with 50 mM glutamine as the major amino acid, and 10–15 mM each of valine, isoleucine, lysine and arginine. Removal of the endosperm led to a drastic decline in the amino-acid content of sieve-tube sap down to 16 mM. Addition of single amino acid species to the medium increased the amino acid concentration in the sieve-tube sap in specific manner: glutamine caused the largest increase (up to 140 mM in exudate), glutamate and alanine smaller increases (up to 60 mM), and arginine the smallest. In addition, the amino acid composition of the sieve-tube sap changed, for instance, glutamine or alanine readily appeared in the sieve-tube sap upon incubation in glutamine or alanine, respectively, whereas glutamate was hardly discernible even in the case of incubation with glutamate; arginine was loaded into the sieve tubes only reluctantly. In general, glutamine and alanine accumulated four- to tenfold in the sieve tubes. The uptake of amino acids and of sucrose into the sieve tubes was interdependent: the loading of sucrose strongly reduced the amino acid concentration in the sieve-tube exudate and loading of amino acids decreased the sucrose concentration. Comparison of the concentrations of various amino acids on their way from the endosperm via the cotyledon-endosperm interface, through the cotyledons and into the sieve tubes showed that glutamine, valine, isoleucine and lysine are accumulated on this pathway, whereas glutamate and arginine are more concentrated in the cotyledons than in the sieve tubes. Obviously the phloem-loading system has a transport specificity different from that of the amino acid uptake system of the cotyledon in general and it strongly discriminates between amino acids within the cotyledons.  相似文献   
Polyamine content and enzyme activities in the biosynthetic and degradative pathways of polyamine metabolism were investigated in sieve-tube sap, xylem sap and tissues of seedlings and adult plants of Ricinus communis L. Polyamines were present in tissues and translocation fluids of both seedlings and adult plants in relatively high amounts. Only free polyamines were translocated through the plant, as indicated by the finding that only the free form was detected in the phloem and the xylem sap. Removal of the endosperm increased the polyamine content in the sieve-tube exudate of seedlings. The level and pattern of polyamines in tissue of adult leaves changed during leaf age, but not, however, in the sieve-tube sap. Xylem sap was relatively poor in polyamines. Polyamine loading in the phloem was demonstrated by incubating cotyledons with [14O]putrescine and several unlabelled polyamines. Feeding cotyledons with cadaverine and spermidine led to a decrease in the level of putrescine in sieve-tube sap, indicating a competitive effect. Comparison of polyamine content in the tissue and export rate showed that the export would deplete the leaves of polyamines within 1–3 d, if they were not replenished by biosynthesis. Polyamine biosynthesis in Ricinus proceeds mostly via arginine decarboxylase, which in vitro is 100-fold more active than ornithine decarboxylase. The highest arginine decarboxylase, ornithine decarboxylase and diamine oxidase activities were detected in cotyledons, while in sieve-tube sap only a slight arginine decarboxylase activity was found. Received: 18 March 1997 / Accepted: 20 August 1997  相似文献   
Effects of nutrients (compounds of macro- and micro-elements) supply without sulfur (T1) and with sulfur (T2) on the competition between Stipa grandis L. (C3) and Cleistogenes squarrosa L. (C4) were examined using a replacement series design in a greenhouse experiment over a period of 80 d. Blank treatment (nothing applied) (T0) was conducted simultaneously. It seems to be no inter-competition between S. grandis and C. squarrosa in all treatments. There was also no intra-competition for S. grandis in all treatments, and for C. squarrosa under T0 treatment because of low productivity. However, the intra-competition of aboveground of C. squarrosa was significant when nutrients were supplied regardless of sulfur (S) application. The interaction on dry weight of C. squarrosa per pot between S supply and proportion of C. squarrosa was observed. Under the treatments of T1 and T2 the shoot growth of S. grandis increased significantly compared with T0 treatment, but there was no significant difference between T1 and T2 treatments, indicating S had no effect on it. Root morphologies of S. grandis was not sensitive to nutrients added. Nutrients supply (T1 and T2 treatments) not only increased significantly the shoot growth of C. squarrosa, but also increased significantly its root growth. Sulfur increased significantly growth of the shoot and root of C. squarrosa. Nutrients supply decreased significantly ratio of root to shoot dry matter (RRS) of C. squarrosa regardless of S application, but the RRS of S. grandis was not affected by nutrients applied. Sulfur also decreased significantly the RRS of C. squarrosa in 100% and 75% proportions of C. squarrosa. The RRS of C. squarrosa was greater significantly in the 100% proportion than that in the 25% proportion of C. squarrosa for all treatments. Therefore, photosynthesis is more allocated to root in infertility soils than in fertility soils and the competition for nutrient resources stimulates root production. The degree of leaf greenness of C. squarrosa in T1 treatment was less significantly than that in T0 and T2 treatments, and it was greater significantly in the 25% proportion than in the 100% proportion of C. squarrosa under T1 and T2 treatments, indicating that nutrients supply increase chlorophyll content in plant and may accentuate S deficiency or low plant productivity alleviate S deficiency.  相似文献   
Ultrastructural biomarkers in gill, liver, andkidney of brown trout (Salmo truttaf. fario) and stone loach (Barbatulabarbatula) were investigated over afive year period. The cellular damage of theorgans was assessed semi-quantitatively basedon a three-step classification ofultrastructural responses. Data obtained forfish exposed under semi-field conditions in twodifferently polluted test streams and in thelaboratory demonstrated that the ultrastructureof the organs can be correlated with differentpollutant exposure conditions. Cellular damagewas generally more severe in fish exposed to acomplexly polluted stream than in those exposedto a moderately polluted stream or to tap waterin the laboratory. Histopathological effects inliver and gill of trout were more pronounced inferal fish than in transplanted fish, whereasresponses in the kidney in both species, and inliver and gill of loach, were similar forintroduced and feral fish. In a laboratoryexperiment where trout were exposed todifferent mixtures of pollutants includingpesticides, PAH, and ammonia, only theultrastructure of kidney and liver showedsignificant differences between the threeexperimental set-ups. In a recovery experiment,where trout were transferred from thesemi-field condition back to the laboratory,ultrastructural investigations showed adifferential capacity of the respective organsto recover from stress under field conditions.Kidney and liver fully recovered after threemonths under control condition whereas gillsdemonstrated only partial recovery.  相似文献   
The phloem translocation stream of the angiosperms contains a special population of proteins and RNA molecules which appear to be produced in the companion cells prior to being transported into the sieve tube system through the interconnecting plasmodesmata. During this process, these non-cell-autonomous proteins are thought to undergo partial unfolding. Recent mass spectroscopy studies identified peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIases) as potential molecular chaperones functioning in the phloem translocation stream (Giavalisco et al. 2006). In the present study, we describe the cloning and characterisation of a castor bean phloem cyclophilin, RcCYP1 that has high peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity. Equivalent enzymatic activity was detected with phloem sap or purified recombinant (His)(6)-tagged RcCYP1. Mass spectrometry analysis of proteolytic peptides, derived from a 22 kDa band in HPLC-fractionated phloem sap, immunolocalisation studies and Western analysis of proteins extracted from castor bean tissues/organs indicated that RcCYP1 is an abundant protein in the companion cell-sieve element complex. Microinjection experiments established that purified recombinant (His)(6)-RcCYP1 can interact with plasmodesmata to both induce an increase in size exclusion limit and mediate its own cell-to-cell trafficking. Collectively, these findings support the hypothesis that RcCYP1 plays a role in the refolding of non-cell-autonomous proteins after their entry into the phloem translocation stream.  相似文献   
Geographical and taxonomic biases in invasion ecology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Invasive alien species come from most taxonomic groups, and invasion biology is searching for robust cross-taxon generalizations and principles. An analysis of 2,670 papers dealing with 892 invasive species showed that all major groups of invaders are well studied, but that most information on the mechanisms of invasion has emerged from work on a limited number of the most harmful invaders. A strong geographical bias, with Africa and Asia understudied, inhibits a balanced understanding of invasion, because we might be lacking knowledge of specific invasion mechanisms from poorly studied, regionally specific habitats. International cooperation is required to achieve a more geographically balanced picture of biological invasions. Invasive species with the greatest impact are best studied, but more studies of species that are naturalized but not (yet) invasive are needed to improve understanding of the mechanisms acting during the naturalization phase of invasions and leading to successful invasion.  相似文献   
Females of the wandering spider Cupiennius salei attach a sex pheromone to their dragline. Males encountering the female dragline examine the silk thread with their pedipalps and then typically initiate reciprocal vibratory courtship with the sexual partner. The female pheromone was identified as (S)-1,1'-dimethyl citrate. The male pheromone receptive sensory cells are located in tip pore sensilla and respond to touching the sensillum tip with female silk or pieces of filter paper containing the synthetic pheromone.  相似文献   
The enormous capacity of the male silkmoth Bombyx mori in recognizing and discriminating bombykol and bombykal is based on distinct sensory neurons in the antennal sensilla hairs. The hydrophobic pheromonal compounds are supposed to be ferried by soluble pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) through the sensillum lymph toward the receptors in the dendritic membrane. We have generated stable cell lines expressing the candidate pheromone receptors of B. mori, BmOR-1 or BmOR-3, and assessed their responses to hydrophobic pheromone compounds dissolved by means of dimethyl sulfoxide. BmOR-1-expressing cells were activated by bombykol but also responded to bombykal, whereas cells expressing BmOR-3 responded to bombykal only. In experiments employing the B. mori PBP, no organic solvent was necessary to mediate an activation of BmOR-1 by bombykol, indicating that the PBP solubilizes the hydrophobic compound. Furthermore, the employed PBP selectively mediated a response to bombykol but not to bombykal, supporting a ligand specificity of PBPs. This study provides evidence that both distinct pheromone receptors and PBPs play an important role in insect pheromone recognition.  相似文献   
Heike Nowak  Ewald Komor 《Oecologia》2010,163(4):973-984
Leaf-chewing herbivores select food with a protein/carbohydrate ratio of 0.8–1.5, whereas phloem sap, which aphids feed on, has a ratio of ~0.1. Enhanced N fertilization increases the amino acid concentration in phloem sap and elevates the N/C ratio. The study examines: (1) whether aphids select between plants of different N nutrition, (2) whether feeding time correlates with the amino acid composition of phloem sap, and (3) at which stage of probing aphids identify the quality of the plant. Uroleucon tanaceti (Mordvilko) and Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria (Kaltenbach), specialist aphids feeding on tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.), were reared on this host plant grown essentially hydroponically (in Vermiculite) in the greenhouse on 1, 3, 6, or 12 mM NH4NO3. One and 3 mM NH4NO3 corresponds to the situation found in natural tansy stands. Aphid stylet penetration was monitored by electrical penetration graphs whilst phloem sap was sampled by stylectomy. Both aphid species settled 2–3 times more frequently on plants fertilized with 6 or 12 mM NH4NO3. The phloem sap of these plants contained up to threefold higher amino acid concentrations, without a change in the proportion of essential amino acids. No time differences were observed before stylet penetration of plant tissue. After the first symplast contact, most aphids penetrated further, except M. tanacetaria on low-N plants, where 50% withdrew the stylet after the first probing. The duration of phloem feeding was 2–3 times longer in N-rich plants and the time spent in individual sieve tubes was up to tenfold longer. Aphids identified the nutritional quality of the host plant mainly by the amino acid concentration of phloem sap, not by leaf surface cues nor the proportion of essential amino acids. However, U. tanaceti infestation increased the percentage of methionine plus tryptophan in phloem tenfold, thus manipulating the plants nutritional quality, and causing premature leaf senescence.  相似文献   
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