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Nonsynaptic clusters of postsynaptic proteins have been documented; however, their role remains elusive. We monitored the trafficking of several candidate proteins implicated in synaptogenesis, when nonsynaptic clusters of scaffold proteins are most abundant. We find a protein complex consisting of two populations that differ in their content, mobility, and involvement in synapse formation. One subpopulation is mobile and relies on actin transport for delivery to nascent and existing synapses. These mobile clusters contain the scaffolding proteins PSD-95, GKAP, and Shank. A proportion of mobile clusters that exhibits slow movement and travels short distances contains neuroligin-1. The second group consists of stationary nonsynaptic scaffold complexes that mainly contain neuroligin-1, can recruit synaptophysin-containing axonal transport vesicles, and are readily transformed to functional presynaptic contacts that recycle the vital dye FM 4-64. These results postulate a mechanism whereby preformed scaffold protein complexes serve as predetermined postsynaptic hotspots for establishment of new functional excitatory synapses.  相似文献   
Saxifraga callosa Sm. is an evergreen perennial species distributed from Eastern Spain, through the Western Alps and the Apennines, to southern Italy. The existence of high morphological variation within different subspecies indicates that phenotypic characters are useful but not sufficient taxonomic tools. Indeed, available morphological data already suggested that S. callosa subentity lantoscana may be an outcross between S. callosa and S. cochlearis. In this work, by analyzing ITS (Internal Transcribed Sequences), AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms), and cpDNA (chloroplast DNA) markers, a comprehensive study of the genomic relationships among S. callosa and related species has been carried out. The sequence of the ITS region of S. callosa subentity lantoscana gave no conclusive results on the taxonomy status of S. callosa subentity lantoscana. On the other hand, the use of the "NewHybrids" software to analyze an AFLP data-set (208 polymorphic amplified fragments) supported a significant posterior probability that S. callosa subentity lantoscana individuals are natural hybrids between S. callosa and S. cochlearis. The level of introgression of genes from alien genomes was confirmed by a simpler and quick methodology that analyze length variation in cpDNA sequences.  相似文献   
Cao Q  Lu BR  Xia H  Rong J  Sala F  Spada A  Grassi F 《Annals of botany》2006,98(6):1241-1252
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) is one of the most notorious weeds occurring in rice-planting areas worldwide. The objectives of this study are to determine the genetic diversity and differentiation of weedy rice populations from Liaoning Province in North-eastern China and to explore the possible origin of these weedy populations by comparing their genetic relationships with rice varieties (O. sativa) and wild rice (O. rufipogon) from different sources. METHODS: Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to estimate the genetic diversity of 30 weedy rice populations from Liaoning, each containing about 30 individuals, selected rice varieties and wild O. rufipogon. Genetic differentiation and the relationships of weedy rice populations were analysed using cluster analysis (UPGMA) and principle component analysis (PCA). KEY RESULTS: The overall genetic diversity of weedy rice populations from Liaoning was relatively high (H(e) = 0.313, I = 0.572), with about 35 % of the genetic variation found among regions. The Liaoning weedy rice populations were closely related to rice varieties from Liaoning and japonica varieties from other regions but distantly related to indica rice varieties and wild O. rufipogon. CONCLUSIONS: Weedy rice populations from Liaoning are considerably variable genetically and most probably originated from Liaoning rice varieties by mutation and intervarietal hybrids. Recent changes in farming practices and cultivation methods along with less weed management may have promoted the re-emergence and divergence of weedy rice in North-eastern China.  相似文献   
Hybrids with low grain moisture (GM) at harvest are specially required in mid- to short-season environments. One of the most important factors determining this trait is field grain drying rate (FDR). To produce hybrids with low GM at harvest, inbred lines can be obtained through selection for either GM or FDR. Thus, a single-cross population (181 F 2:3-generation plants) of two divergent inbred lines was evaluated to locate QTL affecting GM at harvest and FDR as a starting point for marker assisted selection (MAS). Moisture measurements were made with a hand-held moisture meter. Detection of QTL was facilitated with interval mapping in one and two dimensions including an interaction term, and a genetic linkage map of 122 SSR loci covering 1,557.8 cM. The markers were arranged in ten linkage groups. QTL mapping was made for the mean trait performance of the F 2:3 population across years. Ten QTL and an interaction were associated with GM. These QTL accounted for 54.8 and 65.2% of the phenotypic and genotypic variation, respectively. Eight QTL and two interactions were associated with FDR accounting for 35.7 and 45.2% of the phenotypic and genotypic variation, respectively. Two regions were in common between traits. The interaction between QTL for GM at harvest had practical implications for MAS. We conclude that MAS per se will not be an efficient method for reducing GM at harvest and/or increasing FDR. A selection index including both molecular marker information and phenotypic values, each appropriately weighted, would be the best selection strategy.  相似文献   
Acetylcholine-evoked currents of the receptor chimera alpha7-5HT3A V201 expressed in Xenopus oocytes are strikingly small when compared to the amount of alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites detected at the oocyte membrane. Since the chimeric receptor is made of the extracellular N-terminal region of the rat alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and the C-terminal region of the mouse 5-HT3A receptor, which includes the ion channel, we hypothesized that communication between these two regions was not optimal. Here, we show that mutating to aspartate several adjacent positions in the M2-M3 extracellular linker increases current amplitudes to different extents, thus confirming the important role of this region on receptor gating.  相似文献   
Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) signaling directs both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. However, the role of VEGF-A ligand signaling in the regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during early mouse lung morphogenesis remains incompletely characterized. Fetal liver kinase-1 (Flk-1) is a VEGF cognate receptor (VEGF-R2) expressed in the embryonic lung mesenchyme. VEGF-A, expressed in the epithelium, is a high affinity ligand for Flk-1. We have used both gain and loss of function approaches to investigate the role of this VEGF-A signaling pathway during lung morphogenesis. Herein, we demonstrate that exogenous VEGF 164, one of the 3 isoforms generated by alternative splicing of the Vegf-A gene, stimulates mouse embryonic lung branching morphogenesis in culture and increases the index of proliferation in both epithelium and mesenchyme. In addition, it induces differential gene and protein expression among several key lung morphogenetic genes, including up-regulation of BMP-4 and Sp-c expression as well as an increase in Flk-1-positive mesenchymal cells. Conversely, embryonic lung culture with an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) to the Flk-1 receptor led to reduced epithelial branching, decreased epithelial and mesenchymal proliferation index as well as downregulating BMP-4 expression. These results demonstrate that the VEGF pathway is involved in driving epithelial to endothelial crosstalk in embryonic mouse lung morphogenesis.  相似文献   
dsRNA-binding domains (dsRBDs) characterize an expanding family of proteins involved in different cellular processes, ranging from RNA editing and processing to translational control. Here we present evidence that Ebp1, a cell growth regulating protein that is part of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes, contains a dsRBD and that this domain mediates its interaction with dsRNA. Deletion of Ebp1's dsRBD impairs its localization to the nucleolus and its ability to form RNP complexes. We show that in the cytoplasm, Ebp1 is associated with mature ribosomes and that it is able to inhibit the phosphorylation of serine 51 in the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2alpha). In response to various cellular stress, eIF2alpha is phosphorylated by distinct protein kinases (PKR, PERK, GCN2, and HRI), and this event results in protein translation shut-down. Ebp1 overexpression in HeLa cells is able to protect eIF2alpha from phosphorylation at steady state and also in response to various treatments. We demonstrate that Ebp1 interacts with and is phosphorylated by the PKR protein kinase. Our results demonstrate that Ebp1 is a new dsRNA-binding protein that acts as a cellular inhibitor of eIF2alpha phosphorylation suggesting that it could be involved in protein translation control.  相似文献   
Although α7 nicotinic receptors are predominantly homopentamers, previous reports have indicated that α7 and β2 subunits are able to form heteromers. We have studied whether other nicotinic receptor subunits can also assemble with α7 subunits and the effect of this potential association. Coexpression of α7 with α2, α3, or β4 subunits reduced to about half, surface α‐bungarotoxin binding sites and acetylcholine‐gated currents. This is probably because of inhibition of membrane trafficking, as the total amount of α7 subunits was similar in all cases and a significant proportion of mature α7 receptors was present inside the cell. Only β4 subunits appeared to directly associate with α7 receptors at the membrane and these heteromeric receptors showed some kinetic and pharmacological differences when compared with homomeric α7 receptors. Finally, we emulated the situation of bovine chromaffin cells in Xenopus laevis oocytes by using the same proportion of α3, β4, α5, and α7 mRNAs, finding that α‐bungarotoxin binding was similarly reduced in spite of increased currents, apparently mediated by α3β4(α5) receptors.  相似文献   
Increases in woody vegetation and declines in grasses in arid and semi-arid ecosystems have occurred globally since the 1800s, but the mechanisms driving this major land-cover change remain uncertain and controversial. Working in a shrub-encroached grassland in the northern Chihuahuan Desert where grasses and shrubs typically differ in leaf-level nitrogen allocation, photosynthetic pathway, and root distribution, we asked if differences in leaf-level ecophysiology could help explain shrub proliferation. We predicted that the relative performance of grasses and shrubs would vary with soil moisture due to the different morphological and physiological characteristics of the two life-forms. In a 2-year experiment with ambient, reduced, and enhanced precipitation during the monsoon season, respectively, the encroaching C(3) shrub (honey mesquite Prosopis glandulosa) consistently and substantially outperformed the historically dominant C(4) grass (black grama Bouteloua eriopoda) in terms of photosynthetic rates while also maintaining a more favorable leaf water status. These differences persisted across a wide range of soil moisture conditions, across which mesquite photosynthesis was decoupled from leaf water status and moisture in the upper 50 cm of the soil profile. Mesquite's ability to maintain physiologically active leaves for a greater fraction of the growing season than black grama potentially amplifies and extends the importance of physiological differences. These physiological and phenological differences may help account for grass displacement by shrubs in drylands. Furthermore, the greater sensitivity of the grass to low soil moisture suggests that grasslands may be increasingly susceptible to shrub encroachment in the face of the predicted increases in drought intensity and frequency in the desert of the southwestern USA.  相似文献   
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