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Mitochondria fragment prior to caspase activation during many pathways of apoptosis. Inhibition of the machinery that normally regulates mitochondrial morphology in healthy cells inhibits the fission that occurs during apoptosis and actually delays the process of cell death. Interestingly, there are certain parallels between mitochondrial fission and bacterial sporulation. As bacterial sporulation can be considered a stress response we suggest that a primordial stress response of endosymbiont mitochondrial progenitors may have been adopted for the stress response of early eukaryotes. Thus, the mitochondrial fission process may represent an early stress response of primitive mitochondria that could have integrated the stress signals and acted as an initial sensor for the eukaryotic response system. The fact that mitochondria fragment during apoptosis using the machinery descended from or that superceded the bacterial stress response of sporulation is consistent with this hypothesis. This hypothesis would explain why what is generally considered the "power house" of the cell came to integrate the cell death response and regulate apoptosis.  相似文献   
The disaccharide Gal(alpha)1-3Gal is found on more than 45 different molecules on the endothelium of porcine cells and has recently attracted considerable interest, being the major target recognized by xenoreactive antibodies. In this study, the distribution and topology of Gal(alpha)1-3Gal on porcine endothelial cells was examined to access whether some Gal(alpha)1-3Gal-containing molecules might be preferentially recognized by antibodies binding to Gal(alpha)1-3Gal. Thirteen percent of the Gal(alpha)1-3Gal was found on glycolipid and 87% on glycoproteins. Of all the glycoproteins and glycolipids containing Gal(alpha)1-3Gal, two molecules, fibronectin and the integrin beta1 subunit, were most intensely labeled by galactose oxidase, suggesting that these molecules may be preferentially exposed on the apical surface of the endothelium. Binding of anti-Gal(alpha)1-3Gal antibodies to endothelial cell surfaces significantly diminished labeling of fibronectin and the integrin beta1 subunit by galactose oxidase, indicating that these glycoproteins are targets for the antibodies when binding to intact porcine cells.  相似文献   
Children who fail to develop language normally-in the absence of explanatory factors such as neurological disorders, hearing impairment, or lack of adequate opportunity-are clinically described as having specific language impairment (SLI). SLI has a prevalence of approximately 7% in children entering school and is associated with later difficulties in learning to read. Research indicates that genetic factors are important in the etiology of SLI. Studies have consistently demonstrated that SLI aggregates in families. Increased monozygotic versus dizygotic twin concordance rates indicate that heredity, not just shared environment, is the cause of the familial clustering. We have collected five pedigrees of Celtic ancestry that segregate SLI, and we have conducted genomewide categorical linkage analysis, using model-based LOD score techniques. Analysis was conducted under both dominant and recessive models by use of three phenotypic classifications: clinical diagnosis, language impairment (spoken language quotient <85) and reading discrepancy (nonverbal IQ minus non-word reading >15). Chromosome 13 yielded a maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.92 under the recessive reading discrepancy model. Simulation to correct for multiple models and multiple phenotypes indicated that the genomewide empirical P value is <.01. As an alternative measure, we also computed the posterior probability of linkage (PPL), obtaining a PPL of 53% in the same region. One other genomic region yielded suggestive results on chromosome 2 (multipoint LOD score 2.86, genomic P value <.06 under the recessive language impairment model). Our findings underscore the utility of traditional LOD-score-based methods in finding genes for complex diseases, specifically, SLI.  相似文献   
Asthma is caused by T-helper cell 2 (Th2)-driven immune responses, but the immunological mechanisms that protect against asthma development are poorly understood. T-cell tolerance, induced by respiratory exposure to allergen, can inhibit the development of airway hyperreactivity (AHR), a cardinal feature of asthma, and we show here that regulatory T (T(R)) cells can mediate this protective effect. Mature pulmonary dendritic cells in the bronchial lymph nodes of mice exposed to respiratory allergen induced the development of T(R) cells, in a process that required T-cell costimulation via the inducible costimulator (ICOS-ICOS-ligand pathway. The T(R) cells produced IL-10, and had potent inhibitory activity; when adoptively transferred into sensitized mice, T(R) cells blocked the development of AHR. Both the development and the inhibitory function of regulatory cells were dependent on the presence of IL-10 and on ICOS-ICOS-ligand interactions. These studies demonstrate that T(R) cells and the ICOS-ICOS-ligand signaling pathway are critically involved in respiratory tolerance and in downregulating pulmonary inflammation in asthma.  相似文献   
To determine the physiological roles of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta (PPARbeta), null mice were constructed by targeted disruption of the ligand binding domain of the murine PPARbeta gene. Homozygous PPARbeta-null term fetuses were smaller than controls, and this phenotype persisted postnatally. Gonadal adipose stores were smaller, and constitutive mRNA levels of CD36 were higher, in PPARbeta-null mice than in controls. In the brain, myelination of the corpus callosum was altered in PPARbeta-null mice. PPARbeta was not required for induction of mRNAs involved in epidermal differentiation induced by O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). The hyperplastic response observed in the epidermis after TPA application was significantly greater in the PPARbeta-null mice than in controls. Inflammation induced by TPA in the skin was lower in wild-type mice fed sulindac than in similarly treated PPARbeta-null mice. These results are the first to provide in vivo evidence of significant roles for PPARbeta in development, myelination of the corpus callosum, lipid metabolism, and epidermal cell proliferation.  相似文献   
In vivo DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A number of risk factors have been linked epidemiologically with gastric cancer, but studies of DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells are limited. The comet assay is a simple technique for determining levels of DNA damage in individual cells. In this study, we have validated the comet assay for use in epithelial cells derived directly from human gastric biopsies, determined optimal conditions for biopsy digestion and investigated the effects of oxidative stress and digestion time on DNA damage. Biopsies taken at endoscopy were digested using combinations of pronase and collagenase, ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA) and vigorous shaking. The resultant cell suspension was assessed for cell concentration and epithelial cell and leukocyte content. A score for DNA damage, the comet %, was derived from the cell suspension, and the effect of various digestion conditions was studied. Cells were incubated with H(2)O(2) and DNA damage was assessed. Pronase and collagenase provided optimum digestion conditions, releasing 1. 12x10(5) cells per biopsy, predominantly epithelial. Of the 23 suspensions examined, all but three had leukocyte concentrations of less than 20%. The comet assay had high inter-observer (6.1%) and inter-assay (4.5%) reproducibility. Overnight storage of the biopsy at 4 degrees C had no significant effect on DNA migration. Comet % increased from a median of 46% in untreated cells to 88% in cells incubated for 45 min in H(2)O(2) (p=0.005). Serial 25-min digestions were performed on biopsies from 13 patients to release cells from successively deeper levels in the crypt. Levels of DNA migration were significantly lower with each digestion (r=-0.94, p<0.001), suggesting that DNA damage is lower in younger cells released from low in the gastric crypt. The comet assay is a reproducible measure of DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells. Damage accumulates in older, more superficial cells, and can be induced by oxidative stress.  相似文献   
St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) is a re-emerging arbovirus in South America. In 2005, an encephalitis outbreak caused by SLEV was reported in Argentina. The reason for the outbreak remains unknown, but may have been related to virological factors, changes in vectors populations, avian amplifying hosts, and/or environmental conditions. The main goal of this study was to characterize the complete genome of epidemic and non-epidemic SLEV strains from Argentina. Seventeen amino acid changes were detected; ten were non-conservative and located in proteins E, NS1, NS3 and NS5. Phylogenetic analysis showed two major clades based on geography: the North America and northern Central America (NAnCA) clade and the South America and southern Central America (SAsCA) clade. Interestingly, the presence of SAsCA genotype V SLEV strains in the NAnCA clade was reported in California, Florida and Texas, overlapping with known bird migration flyways. This work represents the first step in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying virulence and biological variation among SLEV strains.  相似文献   
An optical encoder is a device that uses an interrupted light source-sensor pair to map linear or rotational motion onto a periodic signal. Simple, inexpensive optical encoders are used for precise positioning in machines such as desktop printers, disk drives, and astronomical telescopes. A strand of DNA labeled with a series of Fo?rster resonance energy transfer acceptor dyes can perform the same function at the nanometer scale, producing a periodic fluorescence signal that encodes the movement of a single donor-labeled molecular motor with high spatial and temporal resolution. Previous measurements of this type have employed encoders limited to five acceptor dyes, and hence five signal periods, restricting the range of motion that could be followed. Here we describe two methods for synthesizing double-stranded DNA containing several to hundreds of regularly spaced dyes on one strand. Distinct functional groups incorporated at the encoder ends enable tethering for single-molecule measurements.  相似文献   
We introduce a near-real-time optical imaging method that works via the detection of the intrinsic fluorescence of life forms upon excitation by deep-UV (DUV) illumination. A DUV (<250-nm) source enables the detection of microbes in their native state on natural materials, avoiding background autofluorescence and without the need for fluorescent dyes or tags. We demonstrate that DUV-laser-induced native fluorescence can detect bacteria on opaque surfaces at spatial scales ranging from tens of centimeters to micrometers and from communities to single cells. Given exposure times of 100 μs and low excitation intensities, this technique enables rapid imaging of bacterial communities and cells without irreversible sample alteration or destruction. We also demonstrate the first noninvasive detection of bacteria on in situ-incubated environmental experimental samples from the deep ocean (Lo''ihi Seamount), showing the use of DUV native fluorescence for in situ detection in the deep biosphere and other nutrient-limited environments.Bacteria are widely recognized for living in extreme environments and as integral players in processes as varied as weathering, corrosion, environmental remediation, pathogenesis, and symbiosis (3, 4, 26). In most of these cases, surface-bound bacteria play key roles (1, 7, 19) and pose a particular challenge for researchers: the detection and imaging of life on reflective and/or fluorescent surfaces at the microbial (μm) scale (5, 12, 18). In environments ranging from the deep subsurface biosphere, dry deserts, and deep ice cores to hospitals and clean rooms, concentrations of bacteria, either as spores or active cells, can range from 109 to less than 1,000 cells/gram (14, 22, 24, 25, 29, 34). Finding and quantifying these microbes when they are on surfaces usually involves epifluorescence techniques, using dyes that bind to DNA or proteins, and examining the fluorescence of those dyes under UV or visible illumination (6, 8, 9, 16, 23, 31).Current tagging methods offer a number of significant disadvantages. First, the mineral surfaces on which the microbes are found are often themselves highly fluorescent, making the microbes difficult or impossible to differentiate; second, the act of adding the fluorescent probe can alter the physical and chemical nature of the system; additionally, nonspecific binding can lead to overestimation of cell abundance (2, 18). Because of the problems associated with the fluorescence of minerals and staining to detect microbial cells, researchers typically resort to physically removing cells from surfaces and staining/counting them separately from their matrix (12). This is an inefficient process that involves both cell loss and the loss of information about the mineralogical context that may have an influence on the microbial ecology. More recently, cell staining of active cells with SYBR green 1 and a computer-assisted analysis method has demonstrated an ability to separate fluorescent cells from nonspecific binding (17). However, a label-free method to search for and quantify the distribution and abundance of bacteria on natural samples over multiple spatial scales has not been available.Label-free optical approaches using Raman scattering methods have been offered as a nondestructive imaging solution (13, 27). However, these systems utilize laser energies greater than 1 × 109 joules/cm2, exceeding the energies necessary for chemical damage to the cell (33), require relatively flat surfaces for optimal collection efficiency, and can suffer from background fluorescence of the target and the substrate it may reside on.In response to these challenges, we have developed an optical method that enables detection and imaging of single bacterial cells on natural and opaque surfaces and assessment of bacterial density and distribution of single cells to biofilms over spatial scales ranging from microns to centimeters. The method utilizes deep-UV (DUV) (<250-nm)-laser-induced native fluorescence of organic components intrinsic to the cell or spore while avoiding autofluorescence interference from the substrate. Here we show DUV native fluorescence as a near-real-time optical imaging method and demonstrate the first noninvasive detection of bacteria on in situ-incubated environmental experimental samples from the deep ocean (Lo''ihi Seamount) for which we correlate the bacterial biomass to distributions of the iron-oxide precipitates.  相似文献   
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