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Karyotypic and light and electron microscopical analyses were made of spontaneous preimplantation mouse parthenotes from the LT/Sv inbred strain. It was found that the activated oocyte and developing embryos were diploid. We believe that diploidization is achieved by the oogonium undergoing a premeiotic mitosis without cytokinesis followed by two meiotic divisions, thus producing diploid parthenotes. The developmental events with respect to membrane specialization, such as junctional complexes, were similar to those observed in fertilized embryos. A unique feature of the developing parthenote was the failure of the mitochondria to change during the morula stage. The mitochondria retained a few irregularly oriented cristae rather than many transversely oriented ones observed in morulae developing from fertilized eggs. The significance of this observation is discussed.  相似文献   
A polyacid-dependent dichrome has been devised which will differentiate epithelial from mesenchymal cells in young dividing primary cultures. Epithelial cells and colonies and nuclei are stained with metanil yellow, the stain is fixed and differentiated with phosphotungstic acid, and the mesenchymal elements are stained with toluidine blue. Several other dyes are tested for substitution in this method. Biebrich scarlet and aniline blue could be substituted for the metanil yellow; Bismarck brown T, Janus green B, crystal violet, and neutral red could be substituted for the basic dye.  相似文献   
The variable-temperature proton nmr spectra of the oligoribonucleotides in the series CpApX and the series ApGpX, X = A, G, C, U, together with the parent dimers CpA and ApG have been measured. A complete analysis of all the nonexchangeable base proton resonances and ribose H-1′ proton resonances was made. The presence of trends in the shielding abilities of the various bases at both the nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor positions were identified. The observed shieldings could be used to predict the chemical shifts of protons in related systems. Based on the empirical results from ribodinucleoside monophosphates, the temperature-dependent behavior of the J1′2′ coupling constants of the triribonucleotides suggested that the compounds in the CpApX series stacked from the 5′-end to the 3′-end, while those in the ApGpX series stacked from the 3′-end to the 5′-end.  相似文献   
By 30min continuous infusion of [3H]leucine into rats, the specific radioactivities of plasma leucine and tissue-free and tRNA-bound leucine in heart were equal. The specific radioactivity of leucyl-tRNA in heart therefore follows a time course identical with that of plasma leucine soon after the start of infusion. The half-life of cardiac myosin heavy chain (5.5 days) was the same as that reported by other investigators who used the pulse-labelling protocol.  相似文献   
In July, 1975, the Departments of Internal Medicine at the Yale University School of Medicine and eight community hospitals in southern and western Connecticut formed the Yale Affiliated Hospital Program (YAHP) in Internal Medicine. The YAHP provides a planned and focused program of continuing education for medical staff and housestaff at the affiliated hospitals. Six formats for the over 1,000 rounds, lectures, and conferences given annually are used. The members of the YAHP also cooperate in housestaff and faculty recruiting, evaluation of quality of care and evaluation of the process of continuing medical education itself. This report summarizes the organization, goals and future plans of the YAHP.  相似文献   
Three myosin heavy chain isoforms with unique peptide maps appear sequentially in the development of the chicken pectoralis major muscle. An embryonic isoform is expressed early and throughout development in the embryo. A second isoform appears just after hatching and predominates by 10 days ex ovo. A third isoform, indistinguishable from adult myosin heavy chain, predominates by 8 weeks after hatching. This sequence of myosin isoform change does not, however, appear during myogenesis in vitro. In cultures prepared from embryonic myoblasts only embryonic myosin heavy chain is expressed. This is true even in cultures maintained for 30 days. Myosin light chain expression also changes in vivo with a progressive increase in fast light chain 3 accumulation. In vitro, however, this shift to increasing fast light chain 3 accumulation does not occur. The results indicate that the myosin heavy chain and light chain pattern observed in vitro is identical to that of the embryonic muscle and that the conditions necessary for the shift in expression to a more mature myosin phenotype are not present in myogenic cultures. These cultures are therefore potentially of great value in probing further the neural and humoral determinants of muscle fiber maturation and growth.  相似文献   
This study examined the roles of seasonal blooms of green algae, Ulva expansa (Setchell) Setchell et Gardner, and biotic disturbance by burrowing ghost shrimp, Callianassa gigas Dana, and foraging rays, on the intertidal distributions of a phoronid, Phoronopsis viridis Hilton, and a tellinid bivalve, Macoma nasuta (Conrad). Algal removal experiments in 1984 and 1986 demonstrated that heavy seasonal algal cover in the lower zone significantly reduced the abundances of both Phoronopsis and Macoma. Growth of Macoma transplanted into the algal zone was significantly lower in plots with algal cover than in plots regularly cleared of algae. Algal cover did not significantly affect early recruitment of either Phoronopsis or Macoma. Neither ghost shrimp nor rays appeared to reduce the abundances of phoronids or clams, although ray disturbance did result in a significant increase in the proportion of phoronids regenerating dorsal body parts. These results indicate that seasonal algal blooms are capable of producing discrete patterns of infaunal distribution in intertidal sedimentary habitats.  相似文献   
The envelopes of elementary bodies of Chlamydia spp. consist largely of disulfide-cross-linked major outer membrane protein (MOMP) and two cysteine-rich proteins (CRPs). The MOMP gene of Chlamydia psittaci 6BC has been sequenced previously, and the genes encoding the small and large CRPs from this strain were cloned and sequenced in this study. The CRP genes were found to be tandemly arranged on the chlamydial chromosome but could be independently expressed in Escherichia coli. The deduced 87-amino-acid sequence of the small-CRP gene (envA) contains 15 cysteine residues, a potential signal peptide, and a potential signal peptidase II-lipid modification site. Hydropathy plot and conformation analysis of the small-CRP amino acid sequence indicated that the protein was unlikely to be associated with a membrane. However, the small CRP was specifically labeled in host cells incubated with [3H]palmitic acid and may therefore be associated with a membrane through a covalently attached lipid portion of the molecule. The deduced 557-amino-acid sequence of the large-CRP gene (envB) contains 37 cysteine residues and a single putative signal peptidase I cleavage site. In one recombinant clone the large CRP appeared to be posttranslationally cleaved at two sites, forming a doublet in a manner similar to the large-CRP doublet made in native C. psittaci 6BC. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of the CRPs from chlamydial strains indicated that the small CRP is moderately conserved, with 54% identity between C. psittaci 6BC and Chlamydia trachomatis, and the large CRP is highly conserved, with 71% identity between C. psittaci and C. trachomatis and 85% identity between C. psittaci 6BC and Chlamydia pneumoniae. The positions of the cysteine residues in both CRPs are highly conserved in Chlamydia spp. From the number of cysteine residues in the MOMP and the CRPs and the relative incorporation of [35S]cysteine into these proteins, it was calculated that the molar ratio of C. psittaci 6BC elementary body envelope proteins is about one large-CRP molecule to two small-CRP molecules to five MOMP molecules.  相似文献   
We have examined the somitic cell contribution to the vertebral column of the chick by genetic labeling of sclerotomal cells in early development. Single somites of embryonic Day 2 embryos were filled with retroviral particles containing the lacZ transducing vector BAG. After a further 14 or 17 days of incubation the embryos were fixed and the vertebral column was sectioned and stained histochemically for the lacZ gene product beta-galactosidase. Cells staining for the enzyme were found exclusively on the injected side of two vertebral segments; the staining was largely restricted, however, to the caudal half of the more rostral segment and the rostral half of the next more caudal segment. No embryos were observed with labeling in less than two vertebral segments. Moreover, labeled cells were not uniformly distributed within the labeled region of each vertebra; the neural arch, for example, usually contained a higher proportion of labeled cells than did the centrum. These observations support the concept of resegmentation, whereby a vertebra forms from sclerotomal cells derived from two consecutive somites resulting in a vertebral column shifted by one half segment with respect to the segmented boundaries of the somites. The quantitative distribution of labeled cells in the vertebrae also suggests that sclerotomal cells populate the region of a future vertebral segment in an orderly fashion dependent on when the cells migrate from the somite.  相似文献   
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