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The Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) early protein EB2 (also called BMLF1, Mta, or SM) promotes the nuclear export of a subset of early and late viral mRNAs and is essential for the production of infectious virions. We show here that in vitro, protein kinase CK2alpha and -beta subunits bind both individually and, more efficiently, as a complex to the EB2 N terminus and that the CK2beta regulatory subunit also interacts with the EB2 C terminus. Immunoprecipitated EB2 has CK2 activity that phosphorylates several sites within the 80 N-terminal amino acids of EB2, including Ser-55, -56, and -57, which are localized next to the nuclear export signal. EB2S3E, the phosphorylation-mimicking mutant of EB2 at these three serines, but not the phosphorylation ablation mutant EB2S3A, efficiently rescued the production of infectious EBV particles by HEK293(BMLF1-KO) cells harboring an EB2-defective EBV genome. The defect of EB2S3A in transcomplementing 293(BMLF1-KO) cells was not due to impaired nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of the mutated protein but was associated with a decrease in the cytoplasmic accumulation of several late viral mRNAs. Thus, EB2-mediated production of infectious EBV virions is regulated by CK2 phosphorylation at one or more of the serine residues Ser-55, -56, and -57.  相似文献   
The type strains of 32 species of 13 genera of the family Microbacteriaceae were analysed with respect to gene-coding phylogeny for DNA gyrase subunit B (gyrB), RNA-polymerase subunit B (rpoB), recombinase A (recA), and polyphosphate kinase (ppk). The resulting gene trees were compared with the 16S rRNA gene phylogeny of the same strains. The topology of neighbour-joining and maximum parsimony phylogenetic trees, based on nucleic-acid sequences and protein sequences of housekeeping genes, differed from one another, and no gene tree was identical to that of the 16S rRNA gene tree. Most genera analysed containing >1 strain formed phylogenetically coherent taxa. The three pathovars of Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens clustered together to the exclusion of the type strains of other Curtobacterium species in all DNA - and protein-based analyses. In no tree did the distribution of a major taxonomic marker, i.e., diaminobutyric acid versus lysine and/or ornithine in the peptidoglycan, or acyl type of peptidoglycan, correlate with the phylogenetic position of the organisms. The changing phylogenetic position of Agrococcus jenensis was unexpected: This strain defined individual lineages in the trees based on 16S rRNA and gyrB and showed identity with Microbacterium saperdae in the other three gene trees.  相似文献   
Models for the development of species distribution in Europe typically invoke restriction in three temperate Mediterranean refugia during glaciations, from where recolonization of central and northern Europe occurred. The brown bear, Ursus arctos, is one of the taxa from which this model is derived. Sequence data generated from brown bear fossils show a complex phylogeographical history for western European populations. Long-term isolation in separate refugia is not required to explain our data when considering the palaeontological distribution of brown bears. We propose continuous gene flow across southern Europe, from which brown bear populations expanded after the last glaciation.  相似文献   
AIM: To examine the effect of concentrate and yeast additive on the number of cellulolytic bacteria in the rumen of sheep. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fibrobacter succinogenes, Ruminococcus albus and Ruminococcus flavefaciens were quantified using real-time PCR (targeting 16S rDNA) in parallel to cellulolytic flora enumeration with cultural techniques. Whatever the conditions tested, R. flavefaciens was slightly more abundant than F. succinogenes, with both species outnumbering R. albus. Before feeding, the shift from hay to hay plus concentrate diet had no effect on rumen pH and on the number of the three specie; while after feeding, the concentrate-supplemented diet induced a decrease (-1 log) of the number of the three species concomitant with the rumen acidification. Overall, the presence of the live yeast resulted in a significant increase (two- to fourfold) of the Ruminococci. CONCLUSION: The use of real-time PCR allowed us to show changes in the number of cellulolytic bacterial species in vivo in response to diet shift and additives that could not be as easily evidenced by classical microbial methods. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study contributes to the understanding of the negative impact of readily fermentable carbohydrates on rumen cellulolysis and the beneficial effect of yeast on rumen fermentation.  相似文献   
The hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus nautilus carries a plasmid, pTN1, which encodes a rolling-circle (RC) replication initiator protein of 74 kDa (Rep74) and an orphan protein of 24 kDa (p24). The Rep74 protein is homologous to the Rep75 protein encoded by the RC plasmid pGT5 from Pyrococcus abyssi. Comparative analysis of Rep74 and Rep75 sequences shows that these proteins correspond to a new family of RC initiators formed by the fusion of a Rep domain with an N-terminal domain of unknown function. Surprisingly, the Rep domain of Rep74/75 is more closely related to transposases encoded by IS elements than to Rep proteins of other RC plasmids. The p24 protein contains a hydrophobic segment, a highly charged region and a zinc finger motif. A recombinant p24 protein lacking the hydrophobic segment binds and condenses both single- and double-stranded DNA, and forms DNA aggregates with extreme compaction at high protein to DNA ratio. In addition to encoding proteins of significant interest, pTN1 is remarkable by being the only characterized plasmid isolated from a Thermococcus strain, thus being useful to develop genetic tools in Thermococcus kodakaraensis for which gene disruption methods became recently available.  相似文献   
The human inducible heat shock protein 70 (hHsp70), which is involved in several major pathologies, including neurodegenerative disorders and cancer, is a key molecular chaperone and contributes to the proper protein folding and maintenance of a large number of protein structures. Despite its role in disease, the current structural knowledge of hHsp70 is almost exclusively based on its Escherichia coli homolog, DnaK, even though these two proteins only share ~50 % amino acid identity. For the first time, we describe a complete heterologous production and purification strategy that allowed us to obtain a large amount of soluble, full-length, and non-tagged hHsp70. The protein displayed both an ATPase and a refolding activity when combined to the human Hsp40. Multi-angle light scattering and bio-layer interferometry analyses demonstrated the ability of hHsp70 to homodimerize. The role of the C-terminal part of hHsp70 was identified and confirmed by a study of a truncated version of hHsp70 that could neither dimerize nor present refolding activity.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12192-014-0526-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Peroxisome biogenesis relies on two known peroxisome matrix protein import pathways that are mediated by the receptors PEX5 and PEX7. These pathways converge at the importomer, a peroxisome‐membrane complex that is required for protein translocation into peroxisomes and consists of docking and RING–finger subcomplexes. In the fungus Podospora anserina, the RING–finger peroxins are crucial for meiocyte formation, while PEX5, PEX7 or the docking peroxin PEX14 are not. Here we show that PEX14 and the PEX14‐related protein PEX14/17 are differentially involved in peroxisome import during development. PEX14/17 activity does not compensate for loss of PEX14 function, and elimination of both proteins has no effect on meiocyte differentiation. In contrast, the docking peroxin PEX13, and the peroxins implicated in peroxisome membrane biogenesis PEX3 and PEX19, are required for meiocyte formation. Remarkably, the PTS2 coreceptor PEX20 is also essential for meiocyte differentiation and this function does not require PEX5 or PEX7. This finding suggests that PEX20 can mediate the import receptor activity of specific peroxisome matrix proteins. Our results suggest a new pathway for peroxisome import, which relies on PEX20 as import receptor and which seems critically required for specific developmental processes, like meiocyte differentiation in P. anserina.  相似文献   
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