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HSP 70.1 is one of the first genes to be expressed in the mouse embryo at the time of zygotic genome activation. We studied the regulation of this gene, using a transgene associating HSP 70.1 promoter and the firefly luciferase reporter gene, which allows the precise quantification of HSP 70.1 level of expression on individual embryos. In the present work, we show first that the level of HSP 70.1 expression at the two-cell stage is significantly higher (around two-fold) in embryos whose maternal cytoplasm is from C3H strain than with BALB/c strain. We verified that this difference is not an artefact of the use of transgenic embryos, of the time of first cleavage, or of in vitro culture. This regulation of HSP 70.1 level of expression is controlled by strain-specific maternal modifiers and is independent of replication, syngamy, and mitosis. Following nuclear transfer, reactivation of HSP 70.1 is also subjected to the same epigenetic influence. Only the strain-of-origin of the recipient cytoplast modulates the level of HSP 70.1 reprogrammation; the origin of donor nucleus is not significant, demonstrating the reversibility of this strain effect. These results point out the importance of the quality of recipient cytoplast in the intensity of gene reprogrammation, which may be of importance for nuclear transfer efficiency. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The Drosophila behaviour/human splicing (DBHS) proteins are a family of RNA/DNA binding cofactors liable for a range of cellular processes. DBHS proteins include the non-POU domain-containing octamer-binding protein (NONO) and paraspeckle protein component 1 (PSPC1), proteins capable of forming combinatorial dimers. Here, we describe the crystal structures of the human NONO and PSPC1 homodimers, representing uncharacterized DBHS dimerization states. The structures reveal a set of conserved contacts and structural plasticity within the dimerization interface that provide a rationale for dimer selectivity between DBHS paralogues. In addition, solution X-ray scattering and accompanying biochemical experiments describe a mechanism of cooperative RNA recognition by the NONO homodimer. Nucleic acid binding is reliant on RRM1, and appears to be affected by the orientation of RRM1, influenced by a newly identified ‘β-clasp’ structure. Our structures shed light on the molecular determinants for DBHS homo- and heterodimerization and provide a basis for understanding how DBHS proteins cooperatively recognize a broad spectrum of RNA targets.  相似文献   
Operons coding for the enzyme arsenite oxidase have been detected in the genomes from Archaea and Bacteria by Blast searches using the amino acid sequences of the respective enzyme characterized in two different beta-proteobacteria as templates. Sequence analyses show that in all these species, arsenite oxidase is transported over the cytoplasmic membrane via the tat system and most probably remains membrane attached by an N-terminal transmembrane helix of the Rieske subunit. The biochemical and biophysical data obtained for arsenite oxidase in the green filamentous bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus allow a structural model of the enzyme's membrane association to be proposed. Phylogenies for the two constituent subunits (i.e., the molybdopterin-containing and the Rieske subunit) of the heterodimeric enzyme and their respective homologs in DMSO-reductase, formate dehydrogenase, nitrate reductase, and the Rieske/cytb complexes were calculated from multiple sequence alignments. The obtained phylogenetic trees indicate an early origin of arsenite oxidase before the divergence of Archaea and Bacteria. Evolutionary implications of these phylogenies are discussed.  相似文献   
Penaeidins are a family of antimicrobial peptides of 47-63 residues isolated from several species of shrimp. These peptides display a proline-rich domain (N-terminal part) and a cysteine-rich domain (C-terminal part) stabilized by three conserved disulfide bonds whose arrangement has not yet been characterized. The recombinant penaeidin-3a of Litopenaeus vannamei (63 residues) and its [T8A]-Pen-3a analogue were produced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and showed similar antimicrobial activity. The solution structure of the [T8A]-Pen-3a analogue was determined by using two-dimensional 1H NMR and simulated annealing calculations. The proline-rich domain, spanning residues 1-28 was found to be unconstrained. In contrast, the cysteine-rich domain, spanning residues 29-58, displays a well defined structure, which consists of an amphipathic helix (41-50) linked to the upstream and the downstream coils by two disulfide bonds (Cys32-Cys47 and Cys48-Cys55). These two coils are in turn linked together by the third disulfide bond (Cys36-Cys54). Such a disulfide bond packing, which is in agreement with the analysis of trypsin digests by ESI-MS, contributes to the highly hydrophobic core. Side chains of Arg45 and Arg50, which belong to the helix, and side chains of Arg37 and Arg53, which belong to the upstream and the downstream coils, are located in two opposite parts of this globular and compact structure. The environment of these positively charged residues, either by hydrophobic clusters at the surface of the cysteine-rich domain or by sequential hydrophobic residues in the unconstrained proline-rich domain, gives rise to the amphipathic character required for antimicrobial peptides. We hypothesize that the antimicrobial activity of penaeidins can be explained by a cooperative effect between the proline-rich and cysteine-rich features simultaneously present in their sequences.  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated previously that field pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Express) grown in hydroponic culture on a complete nutrient solution with low NH4+ concentrations (<0.5 mM) will produce a larger than normal proliferation of nodules. Peas grown in the absence of mineral N in hydroponic culture have been shown to rapidly autoregulate nodulation, forming a static nodule number by 14 to 21 days after planting. The present study further characterizes the effect of NH4+ concentration in hydroponic culture on nodulation and nodule growth. Peas were grown continually for 4 weeks at NH4+ concentrations that were autoregulatory (0.0 mM), stimulatory (0.2 mM) or inhibitory (1.0 mM), or peas were transferred between autoregulatory or NH4+ inhibited and stimulatory solutions after 2 weeks. The peas nodulated as expected when grown under constant autoregulatory, stimulatory or inhibitory concentrations of NH4+. When peas were transferred from the inhibitory (1.0 mM) to the stimulatory solution (0.2 mM) a massive proliferation of nodule primordia over the entire root system was observed within 3 days of the transfer. When they were transferred from the autoregulatory (0.0 mM) to the stimulatory (0.2 mM) solution a 10-day delay occurred before a proliferation in nodule primordia occurred at distal regions of the root system. These findings support our hypothesis that low concentrations (<1.0 mM) of NH4+ in hydroponic culture cause a suppression of autoregulation in pea. In addition, the temporal and spatial differences in nodule proliferation between transfer treatments demonstrate at a whole plant level that autoregulation and NH4+ inhibition suppress early nodule development via different mechanisms.  相似文献   
The prokaryotic diversity of aerobic and anaerobic bacterial isolates and of bacterial and archaeal 16S rDNA clones was determined for a microbial mat sample from the moated region of Lake Fryxell, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Among the anaerobic bacteria, members of Clostridium estertheticum and some other psychrotolerant strains dominated whereas methanogens and other Archaea were lacking. Isolates highly related to Flavobacterium hibernum, Janthiniobacterium lividum, and Arthrobacter flavus were among the aerobic bacteria most frequently isolated. Assessment of more than 350 partial 16S rDNA clone sequences of libraries generated by Bacteria- and Archaea-specific PCR primers revealed a rich spectrum of bacterial diversity but only two different archaeal clone sequences. Among the Bacteria, representative sequences belonged to the class Proteobacteria, order Verrucomicrobiales, class Actinobacteria, Clostridium/Bacillus subphylum of Gram-positives, and the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides phylum. The clones formed about 70 higher taxonomy groups (<98% sequence similarity) and 133 potential species, i.e., groups of clones sharing greater than 98% similarity. Only rarely were clone sequences found to be highly related to Lake Fryxell isolates and to strains of described species. Subsequent analysis of ten sequencing batches of 36 individual clones indicated that the diversity might be still higher than had been assessed.  相似文献   
Sunlight causes lesions in DNA that if unrepaired and inaccurately replicated by DNA polymerases yield mutations that result in skin cancer in humans. Two enzymes involved in translesion synthesis (TLS) of UV-induced photolesions are DNA polymerase η (Polη) and polymerase ζ (Polζ), encoded by the RAD30A and REV3 genes, respectively. Previous studies have investigated the TLS roles of these polymerases in human and yeast cells irradiated with monochromatic, short wavelength UVC radiation (254 nm). However, less is known about cellular responses to solar radiation, which is of higher and mixed wavelengths (310–1100 nm) and produces a different spectrum of DNA lesions, including Dewar photoproducts and oxidative lesions. Here we report on the comparative cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of simulated sunlight (SSL) and UVC radiation on yeast wild-type, rad30Δ, rev3Δ and rev3Δ rad30Δ strains. The results with SSL support several previous interpretations on the roles of these two polymerases in TLS of photodimers and (6–4) photoproducts derived from studies with UVC. They further suggest that Polη participates in the non-mutagenic bypass of SSL-dependent cytosine-containing Dewar photoproducts and 8-oxoguanine, while Polζ is mainly responsible for the mutagenic bypass of all types of Dewar photoproducts. They also suggest that in the absence of Polζ, Polη contributes to UVC- and SSL-induced mutagenesis, possibly by the bypass of photodimers containing deaminated cytosine.  相似文献   
Biotin synthase, a member of the "radical SAM" family, catalyzes the final step of the biotin biosynthetic pathway, namely, the insertion of a sulfur atom into dethiobiotin (DTB). The active form of the enzyme contains two iron-sulfur clusters, a [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster liganded by Cys-53, Cys-57, and Cys-60 and the S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet or SAM) cosubstrate and a [2Fe-2S](2+) cluster liganded by Cys-97, Cys-128, Cys-188, and Arg-260. Single-point mutation of each of these six conserved cysteines produced inactive variants. In this work, mutants of other highly conserved residues from the Y(150)NHNLD motif are described. They have properties similar to those of the wild-type enzyme with respect to their cluster content and characteristics. For all of them, the as-isolated form, which contains an air-stable [2Fe-2S](2+) center, can additionally accommodate an air-sensitive [4Fe-4S](2+) center which is generated by incubation under anaerobic conditions with Fe(2+) and S(2-). Their spectroscopic properties are similar to those of the wild type. However, they are inactive, except the mutant H152A that exhibits a weak activity. We show that the mutants, inactive in producing biotin, are also unable to cleave AdoMet and to produce the deoxyadenosyl radical (AdoCH(2)(*)). In the case of H152A, a value of 5.5 +/- 0.4 is found for the 5'-deoxyadenosine (AdoCH(3)):biotin ratio, much higher than the value of 2.8 +/- 0.3 usually observed with the wild type. This reveals a greater contribution of the abortive process in which the AdoCH(2)(*) radical is quenched by hydrogen atoms from the protein or from some components of the system. Thus, in this case, the coupling between the production of AdoCH(2)(*) and its reaction with the hydrogen at C-6 and C-9 of DTB is less efficient than that in the wild type, probably because of geometry's perturbation within the active site.  相似文献   
This paper present the content of the Musée de l'Homme exhibition “Us and them: from prejudice to racism” and provides a detailed explanation of how this content has been presented to the public. In a second section of this paper we explain some of the analysis and concepts, from a biological anthropology perspective, that were the foundation of the exhibition and provides some information about the current situation in France.  相似文献   
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