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Anther culture medium was prepared with different types and concentrations of cytokinins to gain greater insight into the control of embryo formation during Brassica oleracea L. var. italica (broccoli) anther culture. The independent addition of the four cytokinins tested had widely divergent effects dependent upon cytokinin concentration and the genetic background of the test plants. All cytokinins were generally inhibitory at high concentrations, however, individual plants showed significant stimulation of embyro formation at typical physiological levels. The influence of cytokinins was highly cultivar-specific, some lines were stimulated, others inhibited and still other test lines were largely unaffected. Although the addition of cytokinins was needed for embryo formation for some plants, in no instance were cytokinins able to replace the inductive effect of high-temperature treatments.  相似文献   
Embryo formation by cultured broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) anthers was best in the pH range of 5.5 to 5.8. Manipulation of the initial medium pH showed, however, that embryos could be recovered throughout the entire pH range tested. Experiments designed to test the influence of anther density on embryo production exhibited an apparent population effect. Comparison of anthers cultured with and without filaments showed a significantly lower level of embryo formation with filaments attached. The importance of anther orientation with the adaxial surface up was also demonstrated. Detailed studies of the effect of temperature on anther response showed the importance of 35°C treatments. Other temperatures and a variety of temperature manipulations were either comparatively ineffective or inhibitory. The duration of 35°C exposure required for optimal response varied widely between 18 and 48 h. Wide variation in plant to plant response was observed despite attempts to optimize the manipulation of physical parameters. Individual plants were identified that reliably formed many thousands of embryos, whereas other plants failed to form embryos under all tested conditions.  相似文献   
Variation in queen phenotype and reproductive role in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta has been shown to have a simple genetic basis in a single introduced population in the United States. The evidence consists of an association between this variation and queen genotype at Pgm-3, a phosphoglucomutase-encoding gene. In the present study, we surveyed Pgm-3 allele and genotype frequencies in diverse populations from the native and introduced ranges of this ant to learn whether this simple genetic basis for reproductive traits is a general feature of the species or a genetic anomaly in introduced ants stemming from a recent bottleneck or the invasion of novel habitats. No egg-laying queens living in polygyne (multiple-queen) nests possessed the homozygous genotype Pgm-3a/a in any of the study populations, yet nonreproductive females from such nests (workers as well as queens that had not yet initiated oogenesis) possessed this genotype at moderate frequencies. Remarkably, Pgm-3a/a was the most common genotype among all classes of females, including egg-laying queens, in monogyne (single-queen) nests from all populations studied. Genotype proportions at Pgm-3 in polygyne populations typically departed strongly from the proportions expected under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, whereas those in monogyne populations did not. These patterns establish that a single mendelian gene influences queen reproductive role in S. invicta and that this gene uniformly is under strong directional selection in the polygyne social form only. Moreover, the perfect association of Pgm-3 genotype and reproductive role in all populations, combined with the known function of phosphoglucomutase in insect metabolism, suggest that this gene may directly influence queen phenotypes rather than merely serving as a marker for a linked gene that causes the effects.  相似文献   
Egg size variation often has large effects on the fitness of progeny in insects. However, many studies have been unable to detect an advantage of developing from large eggs, suggesting that egg size variation has implications for offspring performance only under adverse conditions, such as during larval competition, periods of starvation, desiccation, or when larvae feed on low-quality resources. We test this hypothesis by examining the consequences of egg size variation for survivorship and development of a seed-feeding insect, Stator limbatus, on both a low-quality (Cercidium floridum) and a high-quality (Acacia greggii) host plant. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis. S. limbatus larval performance was affected by egg size only when developing on the poor-quality host (C. floridum); larvae from large eggs survived better on C. floridum than those from small eggs, while there was no evidence of an effect of egg size on progeny development time, body weight, or survivorship when larvae developed on A. greggii. These results indicate intense selection for large eggs within C. floridum-associated populations, but not in A. greggii-associated populations, so that egg size is predicted to vary among populations associated with different hosts. Our results also support this hypothesis; females from a C. floridum-associated population (Scottsdale) laid larger eggs than females from an A. greggii-associated population (Black Canyon City).  相似文献   
Summary— We have developed a new method for immunogold detection on deep-etch replicas of isolated Xenopus egg cortices in order to examine the interactions of different cortical elements in three dimensions at high resolution. We have applied this technique to vegetal cortices isolated during the second half of the first cell cycle. The vegetal cortical region at this time is the site of cellular machinery responsible for the ‘cortical rotation’. The entire cortex translocates with respect to the inner cytoplasm, relocating dorsalising determinants to the future dorsal side of the egg. The aligned microtubules in the shear zone between cytoplasm and cortex, implicated in the cortical rotation, were found to be organised as interweaving loose bundles. Interleaved amongst these aligned microtubules were extensive sheets of ER lying in layers parallel to the egg surface. Cytokeratin filaments were found to associate closely with the microtubules over short stretches. Putative actin filaments were present in the shear zone and in the cortex. Eg5, an abundant kinesin-related microtubule motor protein, and candidate for a role in generating cortical rotation movement, showed an almost exclusive localisation to microtubules. Immunofluorescence studies of cortices treated with detergent to disrupt ER or cold to depolymerise microtubules confirmed that Eg5 associates primarily with microtubules. We propose revised models for the mechanism of cortical rotation based on these observations and conclude that Eg5 is unlikely to move ER relative to microtubules during the cortical rotation.  相似文献   
Acceleration of cheese ripening   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The characteristic aroma, flavour and texture of cheese develop during ripening of the cheese curd through the action of numerous enzymes derived from the cheese milk, the coagulant, starter and non-starter bacteria. Ripening is a slow and consequently an expensive process that is not fully predictable or controllable. Consequently, there are economic and possibly technological incentives to accelerate ripening. The principal methods by which this may be achieved are: an elevated ripening temperature, modified starters, exogenous enzymes and cheese slurries. The advantages, limitations, technical feasibility and commercial potential of these methods are discussed and compared.  相似文献   
The synthesis of large numbers of peptides can be very labor intensive and, if a conventional peptide synthesizer is used, only small numbers of peptides can be produced within a reasonable time. The techniques described below can make large numbers of different peptides simultaneously with varying degrees of mechanization, ranging from the wholly manual methods, to those involving complete mechanization of the whole synthesis process. Most of the multiple synthesis methods are primarily intended for small scale production ranging from microgram amounts up to a few tens of milligrams. All of the systems are economical in use of solvents and reagents, enabling cost-effective synthesis. The techniques described can also be used to prepare peptide libraries, containing several millions of peptide sequences, to enable the rapid screening of all possible permutations of amino acids within short peptides. However, it is considered that multiple synthesis methods are not particularly suited where extreme high purity or very long peptides are required.  相似文献   
A key feature differentiating cooperative animal societies Is the apportionment of reproduction among individuals. Only recently have studies started to focus on intraspecific variability in the distribution of reproduction within animal societies, and the available data suggest that this variability might be greater than previously suspected. How can one account for intra-and interspecific variability in partitioning of reproduction? This Is one of the most intriguing problems in the study of social behaviour, and understanding the factors underlying this variability is one of the keys to understanding the properties of complex animal societies.  相似文献   
Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) is a product of activated T-lymphocytes, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) is a product of both lymphocytes and macrophages. These cell types are often present at sites of tissue damage secondary to chronic infection or autoimmune disease. The purpose of this study was to characterize the effects of TNF-α and IFN-γ on a human submandibular gland epithelial cell line (HSG). IFN-γ caused a concentration-dependent decrease in HSG cell growth (~70% in 6 days). Conversely, TNF-α alone had little effect on the growth of these cells. When these cytokines were added in combination (20 units/ml TNF-α and 1,000 units/ml of IFN-γ), there was a synergistic antiproliferative effect; no apparent cell growth was observed. The cytokine-induced antiproliferative effect was reversible. After the apparent cessation of cell growth for 3–6 days, removal of the cytokines permitted complete growth recovery. Further, cells that recovered and exhibited growth patterns that were similar to control cells remained susceptible to the antiproliferative effects of the cytokines. Flow cytometry revealed that the percentage of cells in G0/G1 with the combination of cytokines was significantly increased by 24 h. The antiproliferative effect of IFN-γ alone and that of IFN-γ and TNF-α in combination were blocked completely using an antibody to the IFN-γ receptor. A hypothesized mechanism of tissue damage in autoimmune inflammatory disorders is via up-regulation of cell surface markers such as intercellular adhesion molecule type I (ICAM-1) and histocompatibility antigen HLA-DR which can exacerbate the inflammatory process. Treatment of HSG cells with IFN-γ, with or without TNF-α, resulted in increased levels of ICAM-1 and the acquisition of HLA-DR expression. These aggregate data suggest that IFN-γ alone can regulate the expression of cell surface markers involved in the inflammatory process as well as cause a potent yet reversible inhibition of HSG cell growth that is modulated by the presence of TNF-α. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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