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In the study of chemical modification of enzymes and other biologically active proteins, plots of fractional residual activity as a function of number of groups modified per enzyme molecule are often used to establish a correlation between the chemical modification and enzyme inactivation reactions and to determine the stoichiometry of the modification reaction. This paper presents a critical examination of the underlying theoretical framework of such graphs. Whereas these plots are usually presented as linear functions, it is shown here that the general equation describing the relationship between inactivation and modification contains an exponential term; therefore, in the general case, the plot is actually a curve. It is suggested that caution be exercised in the interpretation of such plots and that equations such as those derived in the text be used to fit theoretical curves to the data, in order to maximize the information gained from chemical modification experiments.  相似文献   
Cytophotometric Evidence of Non-S-Phase Extra-Dna In Human Neuronal Nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After Feulgen staining with acriflavine-Schiff, the DNA content of glial and neuronal nuclei from various sites of the human CNS (pre- and post-central gyrus, cerebellar cortex and spinal cord) were determined by fluorescence cytophotometry. the specimens were obtained from twelve adult human autopsy cases. Glial cell nuclei always revealed a biomodal DNA distribution pattern with a large 2c and a smaller 4c peak. the 4c peak was most prominent in the cerebellum. A few 8c glial nuclei were found. Neuronal cell nuclei disclosed unimodal DNA histograms with hyperdiploid means in the range 2.2–2.5c (1.8–2.9c for the individual populations). Tetraploid 4c DNA values were not observed, neither in Purkinje cells, nor in pyramidal cells. In eleven out of a total of forty-four slides the higher DNA means of neuronal nuclei were found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05) when compared with a population of 2c hepatocytes on the same slide. The results indicate the existence of some ‘extra DNA’ in human neuronal cell nuclei, the biological significance of which has still to be elucidated. It is however, suggested that it may play an important role in the functional activity of the CNS.  相似文献   
Summary Two strains (NCIB 11412 and NCIB 10814) of the thermophilic organism Bacillus stearothermophilus were found to produce complex carbohydrase systems. The enzyme activities in each system include -amylase as the major component, maltase, pullulanase, a minor amylase and cyclodextrinase. The latter three activities are produced in low yield in both strains. A crude enzyme preparation from each strain possessed maltogenic properties on hydrolysis of soluble starch. Following rigorous purification procedures, the purified major -amylase from either strain did not produce maltose as a major end-product of starch hydrolysis. However, a partially purified mixture of pullulanase, minor amylase and cyclodextrinase activities from NCIB 11412 and NCIB 10814 produced 56.4% and 62.0% maltose, respectively, from soluble starch.  相似文献   
Soybean cell suspension cultures (Glycine max L. cv. Kanrich) grown on high-nitrogen medium produce 50 mU/g fresh wt of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase [EC] 7–9 days after inoculation. Nitrate was not limiting when the peak of enzyme activity was reached. Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase was purified 53-fold to essentially electrophoretic homogeneity from cell extracts with 10% recovery. The enzyme was stable in crude extracts and through most stages of purification. No activity could be detected with tyrosine as substrate in either crude extracts or purified enzyme. The electrophoretic mobility was somewhat less than that of the enzyme from maize but both eluted from an agarose column at the same position and the molecular weight of the subunit was similar for both enzymes. Thus the soybean enzyme is composed of four subunits and the native enzyme is ~330,000 Mr. The variation in structure and/or size and availability of hydrophobic regions among phenylalanine ammonia-lyases from four sources (potato, maize, Rhodotorula glutinis, and soybean) was shown by the different elution patterns they exhibited on columns of ω-aminoalkyl agarose (agarose-Cn-NH2, n = 0 to 8). The order of increasing hydrophobicity is soybean, potato, maize, R. glutinis. The soybean enzyme exhibited negative cooperativity before hydroxylapatite chromatography and positive cooperativity afterward. This is the first example of positive cooperativity observed for phenylalanine ammonia-lyase.  相似文献   
Karyotypically XY individuals of the C57BL/6J-YPOS mouse stock develop as females or hermaphrodites, but never as normal males. The aberrant sexual development results from the interaction of the C57BL/6J genetic background with the M. poschiavinus-derived Y chromosome. XY females from this stock were assayed for H-Y antigen. By the criteria of skin-grafting, the cell-mediated lympholysis test, and the popliteal lymph node assay, these XY females are antigenically indistinguishable from normal C57BL/6 males. Implications for the hypothesis that H-Y antigen induces formation of the mammalian testis are discussed.  相似文献   
Impurities in 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein can affect phospholipid vesicle stability and apparent rates of carboxyfluorescein transfer into cells. Thorough purification and characterization of the dye are thus important to many applications with vesicles and/or cells. The dye can be purified by adsorption chromatography on a hydrophobic gel, following treatment with activated charcoal and precipitation from ethanol-water. The 5- and 6-carboxy-isomers can be separated from each other (though for most purposes it is not necessary to do so) by synthesis, crystallization, and hydrolysis of the diacetate derivatives. Purification is monitored by thin-layer and high pressure chromatography.  相似文献   
The metabolic rates of laboratory mice were compared in three conditions: isolated mice, mice paired together over six days (stable groups), and mice paired with strange partners daily (unstable groups). Stable pairs had 15% lower metabolic rates than either isolated or unstable pairs. In other experiments when two mice were placed in separate metabolic chambers and connected together via an air flow, the metabolic rate of the recipient in the series was 35% lower than the donor. The data suggest that a ‘factor’ produced by the donor mouse was passed via the air supply into the recipient's chamber.  相似文献   
Imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster undergo transdetermination when cultured in vivo in the abdominal cavity of adult female hosts. We report here that leg discs cultured in vitro, in a recently developed system, also undergo transdetermination. Whether cultured in vivo or in vitro, leg discs produce a similar range of specific transdetermined structures. Moreover, in comparison to discs cultured in vivo, the discs cultured in vitro exhibit a similar correlation between the amount of growth and the total frequency of transdetermination.  相似文献   
After fertilization, the development of a zygote depends upon both gene products synthesized by its maternal parent and gene products synthesized by the zygote itself. To analyze genetically the relative contributions of these two sources of gene products, several laboratories have been isolating two classes of mutants of Drosophila melanogaster: maternal-effect lethals and zygotic lethals. This report concerns the analysis of two temperature-sensitive mutants, OX736hs and PC025hs, which were isolated as alleles of a small-disc mutant, l(3)1902. These alleles are not only zygotic lethals, but also maternal-effect lethals. They have temperature-sensitive periods during larval life and during oogenesis. Mutant larvae exposed continuously to restrictive temperature have small discs. One-or two-day exposures to the restrictive temperature administered during the third larval instar lead to a homeotic transformation of the midlegs and hindlegs to the pattern characteristic of the forelegs. Mutant females exposed to the restrictive temperature during oogenesis produce eggs that can develop until gastrulation, but do not hatch.--The existence of these mutants, and one that was recently described by another group, implies that there may be a class of genes, heretofore unrecognized, whose products are synthesized during oogenesis, are essential for embryogenesis and are also synthesized during larval stages within imaginal disc cells.  相似文献   
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