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The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is a zinc-dependent metalloproteinase widely occurring in the organism; it metabolizes many peptides and plays a key role in blood pressure regulation and vascular remodeling. This enzyme is expressed as a type-1 membrane glycoprotein on the surface of endothelial and epithelial cells, but is also found in a soluble form in biological fluids. In this study, we used purified ACE from lungs, which is mainly produced by endothelial cells of lung capillaries; ACE from heart, produced by endothelial heart cells and, probably, by myofibroblasts; and ACE from seminal fluid, produced by the epithelial cells of the prostate and epididymis. The pattern of binding of a set of 17 mAbs to different conformational epitopes on the surface of two domains of the human ACE significantly differed for ACEs from different organs. This pattern (the conformational “fingerprint” of ACE) reflects the local conformation of the surface of a particular ACE. The differences in the conformational fingerprints of ACEs expressed by different cell types, or even by similar cells but in different organs, can be explained by the posttranslational modification of ACE protein in these organs and, primarily, different glycosylation of N-glycosylation sites Asn25, Asn117, Asn289, Asn666, Asn685, and Asn731. The mass spectrometry of tryptic hydrolyzates of ACEs isolated from different human organs made it possible to reveal, in the composition of different ACEs, N-glycosylation sites that are really occupied by glycans, namely, Asn in positions 82, 117, 416, 648, 666, 685, and 731 in ACE from seminal fluid; Asn in positions 117, 648, 666, and 685 in ACE from lungs; and Asn in positions 117, 480, 666, and 685 in ACE from heart. Differences in the plausible structures of glycans in ACE, in particular, at the Asn666 N-glycosylation site were demonstrated, which can explain the differences in the efficiency of binding of mAbs to ACE from different organs.  相似文献   
Kinetic analysis of methyl group transfer from S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) to the GATC recognition site catalyzed by the phage T4 DNA-[N6-adenine]-methyltransferase (MTase) [EC] showed that the reverse reaction is at least 500 times slower than the direct one. The overall pattern of product inhibition corresponds to an ordered steady-state mechanism following the sequence SAM decreases DNA decreases metDNA increases SAH increases (S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine). Pronounced inhibition was observed at high concentrations of the 20-meric substrate duplex, which may be attributed to formation of a dead-end complex MTase-SAH-DNA. In contrast, high SAM concentrations proportionally accelerated the reaction. Thus, the reaction may include a stage whereby the binding of SAM and the release of SAH are united into one concerted event. Computer fitting of alternative kinetic schemes to the aggregate of experimental data revealed that the most plausible mechanism involves isomerization of the enzyme.  相似文献   
The response of the mouse male germ cells exposed to gold nanoparticles (??2.5 nm) was studied. Our investigation demonstrates that treatment with Au nanoparticles for four days does not impair the architecture of the spermatogenic epithelium. Cytogenetic evaluation using micronucleus assay showed that gold nanoparticles can affect the chromosomes of early primary spermatocytes. However, gold nanoparticles did not induce chromosome abnormalities in spermatogonial stem cells. Further, the cauda epididymal sperm was isolated on the 14th day after treatment and was incubated in SDS solution (Na dodecyl sulphate) and then in a solution containing DTT (dithiothreitol) to induce nuclear chromatin decondensation. Observations showed that after four days of treatment of spermiogenic (postmeiotic) cells with gold nanoparticles the decondensation process had no differences from the control. On the contrary, in the experiment with the same cells and period of fixation but with a single exposure to gold nanoparticles, the number of mature gametes with totally decondensed nuclei reached 100% as opposed to 44% in the controls.  相似文献   
We carried out a steady state kinetic analysis of the bacteriophage T4 DNA-[N6-adenine]methyltransferase (T4 Dam) mediated methyl group transfer reaction from S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) to Ade in the palindromic recognition sequence, GATC, of a 20-mer oligonucleotide duplex. Product inhibition patterns were consistent with a steady state-ordered bi-bi mechanism in which the order of substrate binding and product (methylated DNA, DNA(Me) and S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine, AdoHcy) release was AdoMet downward arrow DNA downward arrow DNA(Me) upward arrow AdoHcy upward arrow. A strong reduction in the rate of methylation was observed at high concentrations of the substrate 20-mer DNA duplex. In contrast, increasing substrate AdoMet concentration led to stimulation in the reaction rate with no evidence of saturation. We propose the following model. Free T4 Dam (initially in conformational form E) randomly interacts with substrates AdoMet and DNA to form a ternary T4 Dam-AdoMet-DNA complex in which T4 Dam has isomerized to conformational state F, which is specifically adapted for catalysis. After the chemical step of methyl group transfer from AdoMet to DNA, product DNA(Me) dissociates relatively rapidly (k(off) = 1.7 x s(-1)) from the complex. In contrast, dissociation of product AdoHcy proceeds relatively slowly (k(off) = 0.018 x s(-1)), indicating that its release is the rate-limiting step, consistent with kcat = 0.015 x s(-1). After AdoHcy release, the enzyme remains in the F conformational form and is able to preferentially bind AdoMet (unlike form E, which randomly binds AdoMet and DNA), and the AdoMet-F binary complex then binds DNA to start another methylation cycle. We also propose an alternative pathway in which the release of AdoHcy is coordinated with the binding of AdoMet in a single concerted event, while T4 Dam remains in the isomerized form F. The resulting AdoMet-F binary complex then binds DNA, and another methylation reaction ensues. This route is preferred at high AdoMet concentrations.  相似文献   
The double-stranded, linear DNA molecules form the liquid-crystalline dispersions (LCD) in water-salt solutions containing positively charged polyconidin molecules. It was established from the analysis of the absorption spectra of the LCDs formed from (DNA-polyconidin) complexes, that the mean size of the particles of these dispersions is equal to -6000 angstroms. The small-angle X-ray data show, that in the LCD particles different density of packing of the (DNA-polycation) complexes is realized. The comparison of the X-ray data of the liquid-crystalline phases of (DNA-polyconidin) complexes formed under various conditions with the phase diagram, that reflects the polymorphism of the linear double-stranded DNA liquid crystals, demonstrates that the hexagonal mode of the LCD packing is existing in 0.15-0.4 M NaCl solutions, whereas in 0.4-0.55 M NaCl solutions-- the cholesteric one. As a result of specific spatial organization the cholesteric LCD possesses of an abnormal optical activity in the CD spectrum. The similar situation takes place in the case of another synthetic polycation--poly(2,5-ionen), whose chemical structure differs from that of polyconidin. Thus, the structural polymorphism of the (DNA-polyconidine) LCDs was evidenced. It means that change of NaCl concentration opens a gate to control the spatial packing of the molecules of (DNA-polycation) complexes in the particles of LCDs. The supposition about mechanism of formation of the DNA cholesteric liquid-crystalline state in the narrow interval of NaCl concentrations was suggested.  相似文献   
Метод для количественного определения от gibberellic кислоты в процессе брожения средства массовой информации, с использованием бумаги по убыванию хроматографии в butylacetate воды описана. Образца корректируется, чтобы рН 2.5-3.0, добыто с н-бутанола, и 0,05 мл. органического слоя пятнами на Хроматографический бумагу. После equilibration от Атмосфера в банке, chromatogram Разработана в butylacetate насыщенных с водой, за 7 часов, и растворитель разрешено покинуть капельного нижней части листа. Обнаружение осуществляется путем опрыскивания с 3% раствор серной кислоты в метаноле и после сушки бумаги, пятна с синий u.v. флуоресценции наблюдается. Определенный артикль площадь пятна оценивается с помощью калибровочной кривой, заговор с ценностей, стандартов, соответствующих 20, 60 и 120 μ g. gibberellic кислоты. Погрешность оценки составляет ± 10-15% когда оценки выполняются тщательно. Низкий предел чувствительности 5 μg.  相似文献   
Peroxiredoxins are a novel family of antioxidant proteins that specifically prevent enzymes from metal-catalyzed oxidation. The localization of a member of the mono-cystein subfamily of peroxiredoxins, the 28-kDa protein, in different rat tissues and its antioxidant properties were investigated. By immunoblotting, the 28-kDa peroxiredoxin was found to be most highly concentrated in olfactory epithelium and present in all tissues tested (skin, lung, trachea, kidney, womb, and brain). Immunostaining with rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against the 28-kDa peroxiredoxin revealed the particularly high level of the 28-kDa peroxiredoxin immunoreactivity in air-contacting areas (apical regions and mucus of the olfactory and respiratory epithelium and skin epidermis), which are continually exposed to numerous air-borne reactive oxygen species. In the apical regions of the olfactory and respiratory epithelium, the 28-kDa-peroxiredoxin immunogold labeling outlined microvilli and cilia and was mainly located in sustentacular cells and in respiratory and goblet cells, as electron-microscopic analysis revealed. In skin epidermis, the 28-kDa peroxiredoxin immunoreactivity was confined to the granular layer and specifically concentrated in sebaceous glands of hair follicle. In situ hybridization with 33P-labeled antisense RNA probe revealed the expression of the 28-kDa peroxiredoxin mRNA in tissues with a high level of the 28-kDa peroxiredoxin immunoreactivity. Immunodepletion of the 28-kDa peroxiredoxin profoundly decreased the antioxidant activity of the olfactory tissue extract.  相似文献   
Baseline EEGs in the frequency range of 3–13 Hz in children with mental disorders of perinatal origin during wakefulness with the eyes open were analyzed using independent component analysis. In cases of severe mental retardation, a significant increase in the power density spectra of the θ band was revealed in the left-sided frontotemporal and right-sided temporal cortices, which allows us to consider these regions to be putative sources of slow activity and markers for a lesion or immaturity in the fronto-thalamic system, as well as for the temporal areas responsible for the auditory analysis and synthesis of speech signals and the integration of audio-visual information.  相似文献   
The following aspects were studied during the annual cycle in young men (aged 19.0 ± 0.9 years) living in northern European Russia (62°N): the peak and instantaneous volumetric flow rates (PVFR and IVFR, respectively) at the moments of expiration of 25, 50, and 75% of the forced vital capacity of the lungs (FVC); the average volumetric expiratory flow rate in the process of expiration from 25 to 75% of FVC; the respiratory rate; and the time of attainment of PVFR and FVC. The pulmonary function parameters were determined using an SPM-01-R-D microprocessor spirograph. It was found that only the velocity characteristics of the external respiratory function significantly (the F test) changed in young men during the annual cycle; the time functions were not significantly different. A greater variation in the velocity parameters of the external respiratory function was found during the annual cycle compared to those for the inhabitants of temperate latitudes, which is indicative of adaptive reactions of the external respiratory function and a slightly restricted bronchial patency at the level of mediumand, especially, small-caliber bronchi. The PVFR and IVFR at the moments of expiration of 25, 50, and 75% of FVC and the average volumetric expiratory flow rate in the 25–75% range of the FVC in the male residents of the North are higher during the cold season and lower in the warm season.  相似文献   
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