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OBJECTIVE--To identify the types of human papillomaviruses found in anogenital warts in children and to relate these to clinical and social information. DESIGN--In situ hybridisation using biotin labelled DNA probes to 11 types of human papillomavirus was performed on biopsy specimens from 17 children with anogenital warts. SETTING--Nuffield department of pathology and the department of dermatology, Oxford. PATIENTS--Children in one group were referred by general practitioners or paediatricians to the dermatology department, where biopsies were performed. The other children were seen in four different hospitals, and biopsy specimens were submitted to the laboratory at the physician''s or pathologist''s request. RESULTS--Of the 17 biopsy specimens, 10 contained cells positive with a probe to a genital human papillomavirus type (types 6 or 11), while six were positive with a skin virus type (types 2 or 3). One was negative. The virus type present bore no relation to the site or appearance of the warts. The virus type did, however, appear to correlate with groups of children. Skin types were commoner in older children (over 4 years), in those with a relative who had skin warts, and in children with warts elsewhere; there was no relation with the child''s sex and no suspicion of sexual abuse in these children. These circumstances suggested non-sexual transmission, such as autoinoculation. In contrast, genital types were commoner in girls, in children under 3 years, in children with relatives with genital warts, and in those with no warts elsewhere. Nevertheless, there was suspicion or evidence of sexual abuse in only half these children, suggesting that other routes of transmission--for example, perinatal--might have been implicated. CONCLUSION--Anogenital warts in children may contain either skin or genital wart virus type. Although the type of human papillomavirus present may give some indication of the likely mode of transmission, this can be interpreted only in conjunction with all available clinical and social information. The type of virus does not provide proof of the presence or absence of sexual transmission.  相似文献   
Mycorrhizal incidence was studied at two forested locations in south-central Virgina. At each location, one site with soil naturally enriched in copper, lead and zinc was designated as mineralized, and an adjacent site, with significantly lower levels of these metals, was used as a control. A total of 223 soil samples were collected during the summer of 1984 and assayed for active mycorrhizal tips. A reduced active mycorrhizal root tip count was found in those samples collected from the mineralized sites at both locations (P≤0.001).  相似文献   
Eleven oligosaccharides were purified form the urine of sheep with swainsonine toxicosis induced by the feeding of Astragalus lentiginosus. Oligosaccharides were extracted by charcoal adsorption, chromatographed on Bio-Gel P-2, and partially fractionated by preparative-layer chromatography. Separation into individual compounds was completed by semi-preparative high pressure liquid chromatography. Structures were determined by a combination of high pressure liquid chromatography and exo- and endo- glycosidase action, methanolysis followed by gas-liquid chromatography, methylation analysis, and high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Two homologous series of oligosaccharides were identified: (a) alpha-D-Manp-(1----6)-beta-D-Manp-(1----4)-D-GlcpNAc, alpha-D-Manp(1----3)-[alpha-D-Manp-(1----6)]-beta-D-Manp+ ++-(1----4)-D-GlcpNAc, alpha-D-Manp-(1----2)-alpha-D-Manp(1----3)-[alpha-D-Manp+ ++-(1----6)]-beta-D-Manp-(1----4)-D-GlcpNAc, and alpha-D-Manp-(1----2)-alpha-D-Manp-(1----2)-alpha-D-Manp+ ++-(1----3)-[alpha- D-Manp-(1----6)]-beta-D-Manp-(1----4)-D-GlcpNAc (minor series); (b) alpha-D-Manp-(1----6)-beta-D-Manp-(1----4)-beta-D-GlcpNAc- (1----4)-D-GlcpNAc, alpha-D-Manp-(1----3)-[alpha-D-Manp-(1----6)]-beta-D-Manp -(1----4)-beta-D-GlcpNAc-(1----4)-D-GlcpNAc, alpha-D-Manp(1----3)-alpha-D-Manp-(1----6)-beta-D-Manp -(1----4)-beta-D-GlcpNAc- (1----4)-D-GlcpNAc, alpha-D-Manp-(1----6)-alpha-D-Manp-(1----6)-beta-D-Manp++ +-(1----4)-beta-D-GlcpNAc - (1----4)-D-GlcpNAc, alpha-D-Manp-(1----3)-alpha-D-Manp-(1----6)-[alpha-D-Manp -(1----3)]-beta-D- Manp-(1----4)-beta-D-GlcpNAc-(1----4)-D-GlcpNAc, alpha-D-Manp-(1----3)-[alpha-D-Manp-(1----6)]-alpha-D-Man p-(1----6)-beta-D- Manp-(1----4)-beta-D-GlcpNAc-(1----4)-D-GlcpNAc, and alpha-D-Manp-(1----3)-[alpha-D-Manp-(1----6)]-alpha-D-Man p-(1----6)- [alpha-D-Manp-(1----3)]-beta-D-Manp-(1----4)-beta-D-GlcpNAc- (1----4)-D- GlcpNAc (major series).  相似文献   
Using 19F NMR we have measured the intracellular pH of the vascular smooth muscle cells of hog carotid arteries at rest and during contractions induced with norepinephrine. Experiments were performed on single, intact arteries closed at both ends, superfused from the lumen and loaded with the 19F NMR pH indicator alpha-difluoromethylalanine. At rest, luminal pressure was maintained at 100 +/- 2 mm Hg and intracellular pH was 7.12 +/- 0.04. Contractions elicited with 10(-5) M norepinephrine were associated with a pressure increase of 18 +/- 6 mm Hg and a decrease in pH of 0.04 +/- 0.02 units.  相似文献   
Summary Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is characterized by neoplasia of the parathyroids, the pancreas, and the pituitary. Tumorigenesis involves unmasking of a recessive mutation at the MEN1 locus, which has been mapped to the centromeric part of chromosomal region 11q. In order to localize the MEN1 gene further and to make its isolation possible, a number of new markers were isolated. Two radiation-reduced somatic cell hybrids were identified that only contained markers close to and flanking the MEN1 region. DNA from these hybrids was used for the construction of a cosmid library, and clones containing human inserts were isolated. In addition, cosmid clones were isolated for locus expansion of 7 other markers that were mapped to the 11q12–13.2 region. The 33 newly isolated clones together with 25 previously published markers from this region were analyzed in a panel of radiation-reduced somatic cell hybrids. From the hybridization pattern, the region was divided into 11 parts. New restriction fragment length polymorphisms were identified in 7 of the newly isolated cosmid clones and in one plasmid. These were then used to sublocalize meiotic cross-overs more precisely in two MEN1 families, thus refining the mapping of the disease gene.  相似文献   
We performed energy minimization of 25 protein structures, which vary significantly in their size, secondary structural content and crystallographic R factor, in the AMBER force field. We used an unconstrained path and the conjugate gradients algorithm. To determine the reliability of the united-atom approximation, we minimized all the proteins using both the all-atom and united-atom models. The RMS deviations of the minimized structures were plotted as a function of the crystallographic R factors of the initial structures. For the all-atom models, we found a strong linear relationship between the RMS deviations and the R factors (correlation coefficient of 0.78). The RMS deviations of protein structures minimized using united-atom models showed a wider range of distribution and had a correlation coefficient with the R factors of only 0.52. The RMS deviations decrease with an increase in the size of the protein, probably due to the decreased ratio of surface area to volume with increasing size of the protein. The surface atoms and residues showed higher RMS deviations than those in the interior of the protein. Even in these plots the united-atom models show a wide range of distribution of data points. From these results, we recommend the use of all-atom models for energy minimization of proteins in the AMBER force field.  相似文献   
"Chimeric" yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) are clones containing two or more noncontiguous segments of DNA and represent the most common artifact found in total genomic YAC libraries currently used for large-scale genome mapping. These YACs create spurious mapping information that complicates the construction of YAC contigs and leads to erroneous maps during chromosome walks. The presence of these artifactual clones necessitates laborious and time-consuming characterization of each isolated YAC clone, either by comparison of the physical map of the YAC with the corresponding source genomic DNA, or by demonstrating discrepant chromosomal origins for the two ends of the YAC by hybridization or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Here, we describe a rapid and sensitive method for the assessment of YAC colinearity by fluorescence in situ suppression hybridization (FISSH) by utilizing fluorescein-12-dUTP for labeling YAC clones. We have analyzed 51 YACs and found that 43% (22 out of 51) are chimeric and significantly larger (302 kb) than colinear ones (228 kb). One of the 51 YAC clones (2%) examined contains portions of three chromosomes and 2 (4%) seem to map to a chromosome different than that of the identifying STS. FISSH analysis offers a straightforward visualization of the entire YAC insert on the chromosomes and can be used to examine many YACs simultaneously in few days.  相似文献   
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