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The newly established hyphenated instrumentation of LC/DAD/SPE/NMR and LC/UV/(ESI)MS techniques have been applied for separation and structure verification of the major known constituents present in Greek Hypericum perforatum extracts. The chromatographic separation was performed on a C18 column. Acetonitrile-water was used as a mobile phase. For the on-line NMR detection, the analytes eluted from column were trapped one by one onto separate SPE cartridges, and hereafter transported into the NMR flow-cell. LC/DAD/SPE/NMR and LC/UV/MS allowed the characterization of constituents of Greek H. perforatum, mainly naphtodianthrones (hypericin, pseudohypericin, protohypericin, protopseudohypericin), phloroglucinols (hyperforin, adhyperforin), flavonoids (quercetin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, hyperoside, astilbin, miquelianin, I3,II8-biapigenin) and phenolic acids (chlorogenic acid, 3-O-coumaroylquinic acid). Two phloroglucinols (hyperfirin and adhyperfirin) were detected for the first time, which have been previously reported to be precursors in the biosynthesis of hyperforin and adhyperforin.  相似文献   
Apoptosis represents a physiological form of cell death, the perturbation of which may contribute to the development of several diseases connected with accumulation of unwanted cells or excessive cell loss. We have previously shown that the continuous presence of low concentrations of H2O2 (generated by the action of glucose oxidase) was able to inhibit caspase-mediated apoptosis in Jurkat cells. The main purpose of the present study was to elucidate the exact molecular mechanism(s) underlying this inhibitory action of H2O2. The results presented show that events like outer mitochondrial membrane permeabilization, release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, oligomerization of Apaf-1, and recruitment of procaspase-9 to apoptosomes were taking place normally, but further advancement toward activation of the execution caspases was interrupted when H2O2 was present during the apoptotic process. From the results presented in this work, it emerges that the inhibition of procaspase-9 autoactivation was probably due to the reversible oxidation of sensitive cysteine residues in this molecule. Remarkably, caspase-9 activation and the ensuing caspase cascade proceeded normally in the presence of H2O2 under conditions of iron deprivation, indicating that the inhibition of procaspase-9 activation was an iron-dependent process. Collectively, these results highlighted the potential role of available intracellular iron ions in signaling mechanisms related to apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   
Deficiency of the sulfide metabolizing protein ETHE1 is the cause of ethylmalonic encephalopathy (EE), an inherited and severe metabolic disorder. To study the molecular effects of EE, we performed a proteomics study on mitochondria from cultured patient fibroblast cells. Samples from six patients were analyzed and revealed seven differentially regulated proteins compared with healthy controls. Two proteins involved in pathways of detoxification and oxidative/reductive stress were underrepresented in EE patient samples: mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (SOD2) and aldehyde dehydrogenase X (ALDH1B). Sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQRDL), which takes part in the same sulfide pathway as ETHE1, was also underrepresented in EE patients. The other differentially regulated proteins were apoptosis inducing factor (AIFM1), lactate dehydrogenase (LDHB), chloride intracellular channel (CLIC4) and dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 (DDAH1). These proteins have been reported to be involved in encephalopathy, energy metabolism, ion transport, and nitric oxide regulation, respectively. Interestingly, oxidoreductase activity was overrepresented among the regulated proteins indicating that redox perturbation plays an important role in the molecular mechanism of EE. This observation may explain the wide range of symptoms associated with the disease, and highlights the potency of the novel gaseous mediator sulfide.  相似文献   
5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-4-ribofuranoside (AICAR), an analog of AMP is widely used as an activator of AMP-kinase (AMPK), a protein that regulates the responses of the cell to energy change. Recently, we showed that AICAR-induced AMPK activation inhibits the growth of retinoblastoma cells in vitro by decreasing cyclins and by inducing apoptosis and S-phase arrest. In this study, we investigated the effects of AMPK activator AICAR on the growth of retinoblastoma in vivo. Intraperitoneal injection of AICAR resulted in 48% growth inhibition of Y79 retinoblastoma cell tumors in mice. Tumors isolated from mice treated with AICAR had decreased expression of Ki67 and increased apoptotic cells (TUNEL positive) compared with the control. In addition, AICAR treatment suppressed significantly tumor vessel density and macrophage infiltration. We also showed that AICAR administration resulted in AMPK activation and mTOR pathway inhibition. Paradoxically observed down-regulation of p21, which indicates that p21 may have a novel function of an oncogene in retinoblastoma tumor. Our results indicate that AICAR treatment inhibited the growth of retinoblastoma tumor in vivo via AMPK/mTORC1 pathway and by apoptogenic, anti-proliferative, anti-angiogenesis mechanism. AICAR is a promising novel non-chemotherapeutic drug that may be effective as an adjuvant in treating Retinoblastoma.  相似文献   
The active sites of feruloyl esterases from mesophilic and thermophilic sources were probed using methyl esters of phenylalkanoic acids. Only 13 out of 26 substrates tested were significant substrates for all the enzymes. Lengthening or shortening the aliphatic side chain while maintaining the same aromatic substitutions completely abolished activity for both enzymes, which demonstrates the importance of the correct distance between the aromatic group and the ester bond. Maintaining the phenylpropanoate structure but altering the substitutions of the aromatic ring demonstrated that the type-A esterase from the mesophilic fungus Fusarium oxysporum (FoFaeA) showed a preference for methoxylated substrates, in contrast to the type-B esterase from the same source (FoFaeB) and the thermophilic type-B (StFaeB) and type-C (StFaeC) from Sporotrichum thermophile, which preferred hydroxylated substrates. All four esterases hydrolyzed short chain aliphatic acid (C2-C4) esters of p-nitrophenol, but not the C12 ester of laurate. All the feruloyl esterases were able to release ferulic acid from the plant cell wall material in conjunction with a xylanase, but only the type-A esterase FoFaeA was effective in releasing the 5,5' form of diferulic acid. The thermophilic type-B esterase had a lower catalytic efficiency than its mesophilic counterpart, but released more ferulic acid from plant cell walls.  相似文献   
Immunonutrition with diets enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are becoming mandatory for multiple trauma patients. Solutions containing single n-6 PUFAs were administered intravenously in an experimental model of trauma. Thirty-five rabbits were studied; 13 controls; 10 administered gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) 30 min after fracture of the right femor; and 12 arachidonic acid (AA). Systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressures and heart rate were recorded; serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha), malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitrate were estimated before and after therapy. Mean survival of controls, of animals treated with GLA and of animals treated with AA was 0.80, 1.41 and 3.60 days, respectively. Administration of PUFAs induced higher levels of blood pressure; that of AA decreased serum TNFalpha and tissue bacterial load compared to controls. Intravenous administration of n-6 PUFAs conferred hemodynamic stability and increased survival in a model of trauma rendering further research mandatory.  相似文献   
Experimental models for studying transplantation have up to now been unable to isolate reperfusion injury with minimal surgical manipulation and without the interference of graft rejection. Six pigs were subjected to left hilum preparation only (control group), and eight pigs were subjected to left hilum preparation plus in situ cooling ischemia and reperfusion of the lung (experimental group). The hilum was dissected free from other tissues in both groups. Lung preservation was achieved by antegrade flush perfusion via the left pulmonary artery. Pulmonary veins were clamped at the left atrium and a vent was created. The left main bronchus was clamped. Lung temperature was maintained at 4 degrees -8 degrees C, while core temperature was kept at 38 degrees C. After 3 hrs of cold ischemia the clamps were removed and the lung was reperfused. Elevated pulmonary vascular resistance and local and systemic aspects of ischemia-reperfusion syndrome were consistently reproduced. This large-animal model of in situ unilateral lung cold ischemia with warm reperfusion proved to be very reliable in reproducing all aspects of ischemia-reperfusion injury. It excludes the interference of rejection and extensive surgical manipulation. We therefore propose its use in experimental studies investigating pharmaceutical or cooling modifications affecting lung ischemia-reperfusion outcomes.  相似文献   
Diel C export from source leaves of two Flaveria linearis lines [85-1: high cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (cytFBPase) and 84-9: low cytFBPase] were estimated using three methods, including leaf steady-state (14)CO(2) labelling, leaf metabolite analysis, and leaf dry mass analysis in conjunction with leaf CO(2) exchange measurements. Synthesis and accumulation of starch during the daytime were much higher in 84-9. Relative (14)C-export (export as a % of photosynthesis) in the light was 36% higher in 85-1. The diel export patterns from (14)C-analyses correlated with those based on metabolite or dry weight/gas exchange analyses during the daytime, but not during the night. Night-time export estimated from (14)C-disappearance was 3.6 times lower than those estimated using the other methods. Even though the starch degradation at night was greater for 84-9, night-time export in 84-9 was similar to 85-1, since 84-9 showed both higher respiration and accumulation of soluble sugars (i.e. glucose) at night. Patterns of (14)C allocation to sink organs were also different in the two lines. Main stem growth was less in 84-9, being reduced most in the light when leaf export was lower relative to 85-1. Supplementation with sucrose for 1 h daily via the roots at a time when leaf export in 84-9 was low relative to 85-1 increased the stem growth rate of 84-9 to a level similar with that of 85-1. This study provides evidence that diel C availability predicted by source strength (e.g. C-export rate) influences main stem extension growth and the pattern of sink development in F. linearis.  相似文献   
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