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Burkholderia pseudomallei is a Gram-negative soil bacillus that is the etiological agent of melioidosis and a biothreat agent. Little is known about the biogeography of this bacterium in Australia, despite its hyperendemicity in the northern region of this continent. The population structure of 953 Australian B. pseudomallei strains representing 779 and 174 isolates of clinical and environmental origins, respectively, was analyzed using multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Bayesian population structure and network SplitsTree analyses were performed on concatenated MLST loci, and sequence type (ST) diversity and evenness were examined using Simpson''s and Pielou''s indices and a multivariate dissimilarity matrix. Bayesian analysis found two B. pseudomallei populations in Australia that were geographically distinct; isolates from the Northern Territory were grouped mainly into the first population, whereas the majority of isolates from Queensland were grouped in a second population. Differences in ST evenness were observed between sampling areas, confirming that B. pseudomallei is widespread and established across northern Australia, with a large number of fragmented habitats. ST analysis showed that B. pseudomallei populations diversified as the sampling area increased. This observation was in contrast to smaller sampling areas where a few STs predominated, suggesting that B. pseudomallei populations are ecologically established and not frequently dispersed. Interestingly, there was no identifiable ST bias between clinical and environmental isolates, suggesting the potential for all culturable B. pseudomallei isolates to cause disease. Our findings have important implications for understanding the ecology of B. pseudomallei in Australia and for potential source attribution of this bacterium in the event of unexpected cases of melioidosis.  相似文献   
One of the major hurdles of Ni‐rich cathode materials Li1+x(NixCozMnz)wO2, y > 0.5 for lithium‐ion batteries is their low cycling stability especially for compositions with Ni ≥ 60%, which suffer from severe capacity fading and impedance increase during cycling at elevated temperatures (e.g., 45 °C). Two promising surface and structural modifications of these materials to alleviate the above drawback are (1) coatings by electrochemically inert inorganic compounds (e.g., ZrO2) or (2) lattice doping by cations like Zr4+, Al3+, Mg2+, etc. This paper demonstrates the enhanced electrochemical behavior of Ni‐rich material LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 (NCM811) coated with a thin ZrO2 layer. The coating is produced by an easy and scalable wet chemical approach followed by annealing the material at ≥700 °C under oxygen that results in Zr doping. It is established that some ZrO2 remains even after annealing at ≥800 °C as a surface layer on NCM811. The main finding of this work is the enhanced cycling stability and lower impedance of the coated/doped NCM811 that can be attributed to a synergetic effect of the ZrO2 coating in combination with a zirconium doping.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) evade containment by CD8(+) T lymphocytes through focused epitope mutations. However, because of limitations in the numbers of viral sequences that can be sampled, traditional sequencing technologies have not provided a true representation of the plasticity of these viruses or the intensity of CD8(+) T lymphocyte-mediated selection pressure. Moreover, the strategy by which CD8(+) T lymphocytes contain evolving viral quasispecies has not been characterized fully. In the present study we have employed ultradeep 454 pyrosequencing of virus and simultaneous staining of CD8(+) T lymphocytes with multiple tetramers in the SIV/rhesus monkey model to explore the coevolution of virus and the cellular immune response during primary infection. We demonstrated that cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)-mediated selection pressure on the infecting virus was manifested by epitope mutations as early as 21 days following infection. We also showed that CD8(+) T lymphocytes cross-recognized wild-type and mutant epitopes and that these cross-reactive cell populations were present at a time when mutant forms of virus were present at frequencies of as low as 1 in 22,000 sequenced clones. Surprisingly, these cross-reactive cells became enriched in the epitope-specific CD8(+) T lymphocyte population as viruses with mutant epitope sequences largely replaced those with epitope sequences of the transmitted virus. These studies demonstrate that mutant epitope-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes that are present at a time when viral mutant epitope sequences are detected at extremely low frequencies fail to contain the later accumulation and fixation of the mutant epitope sequences in the viral quasispecies.  相似文献   
We have developed a new method for identifying specific single- or double-stranded DNA sequences called nicking endonuclease signal amplification (NESA). A probe and target DNA anneal to create a restriction site that is recognized by a strand-specific endonuclease that cleaves the probe into two pieces leaving the target DNA intact. The target DNA can then act as a template for fresh probe and the process of hybridization, cleavage and dissociation repeats. Laser-induced fluorescence coupled with capillary electrophoresis was used to measure the probe cleavage products. The reaction is rapid; full cleavage of probe occurs within one minute under ideal conditions. The reaction is specific since it requires complete complementarity between the oligonucleotide and the template at the restriction site and sufficient complementarity overall to allow hybridization. We show that both Bacillus subtilis and B. anthracis genomic DNA can be detected and specifically differentiated from DNA of other Bacillus species. When combined with multiple displacement amplification, detection of a single copy target from less than 30 cfu is possible. This method should be applicable whenever there is a requirement to detect a specific DNA sequence. Other applications include SNP analysis and genotyping. The reaction is inherently simple to multiplex and is amenable to automation.  相似文献   
Here, we present a study of the conformational changes of the quaternary structure of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase, as monitored by time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering, upon combining with substrates, substrate analogs, and nucleotide effectors at temperatures between 5 and 22 °C, obviating the need for ethylene glycol. Time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering time courses tracking the T → R structural change after mixing with substrates or substrate analogs appeared to be a single phase under some conditions and biphasic under other conditions, which we ascribe to multiple ligation states producing a time course composed of multiple rates. Increasing the concentration of substrates up to a certain point increased the T → R transition rate, with no further increase in rate beyond that point. Most strikingly, after addition of N-phosphonacetyl-l-aspartate to the enzyme, the transition rate was more than 1 order of magnitude slower than with the natural substrates. These results on the homotropic mechanism are consistent with a concerted transition between structural and functional states of either low affinity, low activity or high affinity, high activity for aspartate. Addition of ATP along with the substrates increased the rate of the transition from the T to the R state and also decreased the duration of the R-state steady-state phase. Addition of CTP or the combination of CTP/UTP to the substrates significantly decreased the rate of the T → R transition and caused a shift in the enzyme population towards the T state even at saturating substrate concentrations. These results on the heterotropic mechanism suggest a destabilization of the T state by ATP and a destabilization of the R state by CTP and CTP/UTP, consistent with the T and R state crystallographic structures of aspartate transcarbamoylase in the presence of the heterotropic effectors.  相似文献   
Recent reductions in thickness and extent have increased drift rates of Arctic sea ice. Increased ice drift could significantly affect the movements and the energy balance of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) which forage, nearly exclusively, on this substrate. We used radio‐tracking and ice drift data to quantify the influence of increased drift on bear movements, and we modeled the consequences for energy demands of adult females in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas during two periods with different sea ice characteristics. Westward and northward drift of the sea ice used by polar bears in both regions increased between 1987–1998 and 1999–2013. To remain within their home ranges, polar bears responded to the higher westward ice drift with greater eastward movements, while their movements north in the spring and south in fall were frequently aided by ice motion. To compensate for more rapid westward ice drift in recent years, polar bears covered greater daily distances either by increasing their time spent active (7.6%–9.6%) or by increasing their travel speed (8.5%–8.9%). This increased their calculated annual energy expenditure by 1.8%–3.6% (depending on region and reproductive status), a cost that could be met by capturing an additional 1–3 seals/year. Polar bears selected similar habitats in both periods, indicating that faster drift did not alter habitat preferences. Compounding reduced foraging opportunities that result from habitat loss; changes in ice drift, and associated activity increases, likely exacerbate the physiological stress experienced by polar bears in a warming Arctic.  相似文献   
Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase I (Tdp1) is a member of the phospholipase D superfamily that hydrolyzes 3'-phospho-DNA adducts via two conserved catalytic histidines-one acting as the lead nucleophile and the second acting as a general acid/base. Substitution of the second histidine specifically to arginine contributes to the neurodegenerative disease spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy (SCAN1). We investigated the catalytic role of this histidine in the yeast protein (His432) using a combination of X-ray crystallography, biochemistry, yeast genetics, and theoretical chemistry. The structures of wild-type Tdp1 and His432Arg both show a phosphorylated form of the nucleophilic histidine that is not observed in the structure of His432Asn. The phosphohistidine is stabilized in the His432Arg structure by the guanidinium group that also restricts the access of nucleophilic water molecule to the Tdp1-DNA intermediate. Biochemical analyses confirm that His432Arg forms an observable and unique Tdp1-DNA adduct during catalysis. Substitution of His432 by Lys does not affect catalytic activity or yeast phenotype, but substitutions with Asn, Gln, Leu, Ala, Ser, and Thr all result in severely compromised enzymes and DNA topoisomerase I-camptothecin dependent lethality. Surprisingly, His432Asn did not show a stable covalent Tdp1-DNA intermediate that suggests another catalytic defect. Theoretical calculations revealed that the defect resides in the nucleophilic histidine and that the pK(a) of this histidine is crucially dependent on the second histidine and on the incoming phosphate of the substrate. This represents a unique example of substrate-activated catalysis that applies to the entire phospholipase D superfamily.  相似文献   
T cell development, originally thought to be completed in the thymus, has recently been shown to continue for several weeks in the lymphoid periphery. The forces that drive this peripheral maturation are unclear. The use of mice transgenic for GFP driven by the RAG2 promoter has enabled the ready identification and analysis of recent thymic emigrants. Here, we show that recent thymic emigrant maturation is a progressive process and is promoted by T cell exit from the thymus. Further, we show that this maturation occurs within secondary lymphoid organs and does not require extensive lymphocyte recirculation.  相似文献   
Abstract: The psychotherapeutic action of Li+ in brain has been proposed to result from the depletion of cellular inositol secondary to its block of inositol monophosphatase. This action is thought to slow phosphoinositide resynthesis, thereby attenuating stimulated phosphoinositidase-mediated signal transduction in affected cells. In the present study, the effect of Li+ on muscarinic receptor–stimulated formation of the immediate precursor of phosphatidylinositol, CDP-diacylglycerol (CDP-DAG), has been examined in human SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cells that have been cultured under conditions that alter the cellular content of myo-inositol. Resting neuroblastoma cells, like brain cells in vivo, were found to concentrate inositol from the culture medium, achieving an intracellular level of 60.0 ± 4 nmol/mg of protein. The addition of carbachol to [3H]cytidine-prelabeled cells elicited a four- to fivefold increase in the accumulation of labeled CDP-DAG. This stimulated formation of [3H]CDP-DAG was completely blocked by the addition of 10 μM atropine, was not dependent on the presence of Li+, nor was it affected by co-incubation with myo-inositol. This result was in sharp contrast to findings in rat brain slices, in which carbachol-stimulated formation of [3H]CDP-DAG was potentiated ~ 10-fold by Li+ and substantially reduced by coincubation with inositol. The formation of [3H]CDP-DAG in labeled SK-N-SH cells by carbachol was both concentration and time dependent. The order of efficacy of muscarinic ligands in stimulating [3H]-CDP-DAG accumulation paralleled that established in these cells for inositol phosphate accumulation, i.e., carbachol ≥ oxotremorine-M > bethanecol ≥ arecoline > oxotremorine > pilocarpine. Extended culture of the SK-N-SH cells in an inositol-free chemically defined growth medium progressively reduced the intracellular inositol content to <5 nmol/mg of protein, a level comparable with that seen in cortical slices. In these inositol-depleted cells, Li+ potentiated carbachol-stimulated [3H]CDP-DAG formation, and this effect was completely reversed by coincubation with inositol (EC50 0.2 mM). The present study thus demonstrates, in the same cultured cell line, the effects of normal and reduced intracellular inositol levels on the ability of Li+ to attenuate phosphoinositide resynthesis, as inferred from [3H]CDP-DAG accumulation. The results indicate that Li+ can lead to a slowing of stimulated phosphoinositide turnover in neuroblastoma cells, provided that the intracellular inositol content has been significantly reduced.  相似文献   
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